Myshkin Museums. Tourist and educational complex "Mouse Chambers" (Mouse Palace)

An unusual and interesting place is the city of Myshkin, which is located in the Yaroslavl region.

It is curious that a small city with 5,488 inhabitants has such a rich history, many striking facts and attractions that it attracts tourists from all over the world who are looking for an exciting pastime and dream of adding to their knowledge base.

The best attractions of Myshkin: the Mouse Museum, the museum of unique equipment Myshkin Samokhod, the Mouse Palace (Myshkin Chambers), the Myshkin Art Gallery, the Russian Valenki Museum, the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God (Assumption Cathedral).


The climate of Myshkin is in the temperate continental zone. The city's summer season is relatively short and characterized by cool conditions. The average temperature in July is +18.9°C.

Winters are usually long and moderately cold. The average temperature in January is -9.1°C.

As for ecology, the city has both favorable and unfavorable factors. The first include a high degree of landscaping inside the urban settlement of Myshkin. It also plays a role in the fact that Myshkin is located on the banks of the Volga, which provides a constant flow of air, natural ventilation, and the presence of coniferous forest in the northern part of the area. The second includes the Uglich-Volga highway located in the west of Myshkin, a wood processing plant with wood waste, and stagnant river bays.


Despite the modest population figures and the length of the settlement, Myshkin has many interesting places for tourists and a rich history.

Mouse Museum

The Mouse Museum, which is visited by tourists from all over the world, has become a real asset of the city of Myshkin. The building contains samples of mice of different origins. These are German, English, Russian, American animals that have become a symbol of Myshkin. The establishment is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday is considered a day off. The Mouse Museum at 18 Uglichskaya Street offers a huge assortment of souvenirs and toys with the flavor of the city.

Mouse Palace (Mouse Chambers)

Many tourists confuse the palace with the Mouse Museum attraction. Unlike the museum complex, the chambers are an entertainment center. Spending time in the palace will be interesting for children from 3 to 10 years old. In Myshkin, excursions are held for children who want to visit a new place and have a good rest. At the same time, get acquainted with the cultural characteristics of the city. The building is located at

address Nikolskaya str. 4. The activities of the palace are based on the preparation of animation programs for schoolchildren and preschoolers. Therefore, when planning a family trip to Myshkin, a look into the mouse palace is a must.

Myshkin Art Gallery

The Yaroslavl Art Gallery in Myshkin is a sought-after facility among art lovers. In nine halls there are paintings mainly by German Tatarinov, who is listed as a native of this small town.

There are works created by Nikolai Grachov. A separate room is dedicated to compositions. In addition to the above-mentioned persons, exhibitions of sculptures, paintings, photographs, and ceramic products of other people are constantly displayed here. This includes organizing exhibitions by contemporary artists.

You can get acquainted with samples of paintings from the past era at 19 Karl-Libknecht Street. The building in the city is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday and Monday are days off for the gallery in Myshkin.

Museum of Peasant Architecture of Small Forms

The object can be called the pride of the city of Myshkin. Inside the museum, tourists will find exhibits of pre-revolutionary life that existed on the territory of the Russian Federation. These are barns, windmills, bathhouses, fire stations, etc. brought from different parts of the country. The list is far from complete. The phrase “small forms” in this case indicates the relatively small dimensions of the exhibitions.

You can study historical objects left over from ancient times, carrying the energy and atmosphere of those events on Uglichskaya Street, 21. You can visit any day of the week from ten in the morning to seven in the evening.

Museum of the Capital of Pilots

Many travelers in Myshkin choose to get information about the pilot industry and experience history in reality. This will allow the Myshkin Museum to be built on 19 Uglichskaya Street. The fight against the elements and hard times has always been a hot topic for city residents. And the institution will tell about the life of pilots born on this land. The building contains the desk of the famous N. Nekrasov, samples of literature by F. Opochinin. A tourist can see with his own eyes ancient objects that even remember F. Ushakov.

To plunge into the unique atmosphere, just come on the desired day from 10:00 to 17:00 to this place in Myshkin with a rich history.

Museum of unique equipment Myshkinsky Samokhod

Excursions with children to the Museum of Technology are an activity that captivates and takes your breath away. Spending time here leaves behind unforgettable impressions, aesthetic photographs that will remind you of the events even many years later.

The building contains retro equipment and spare parts. You can see old cars for yourself, even locomotives, sausage machines from the nineteenth century, and river boats. Studying such technical samples is interesting for both adults and children. This is a great chance to feel the ancient atmosphere at 17 Uglichskaya Street. The establishment in Myshkin is open from ten to five every day except Monday.

Museum P.A. Smirnova

Museums in Myshkin are rich in historical epic past. There is a building in the city dedicated to Pyotr Smirnov on Uglichskaya Street, house 18. Legends say: this man was born into an ordinary peasant family. Only thanks to his intelligence and ingenuity, P. Smirnov achieved such success that not every noble rich man would achieve. A native of the village of Kayurovo (not far from Myshkin) managed to create a brand of table wine number 21, called “Smirnovskaya vodka”. Even the nobility revered the wine of the Myshkin native. Smirnov was truly a genius in entrepreneurship. This means that the place, popularly called the “vodka museum,” is worthy of the attention of tourists.

Museum of the Myshkin Merchants Mahaev Dvor

Merchants in the region were very popular in ancient times. Therefore, in Myshkin there are many buildings that indicate the existence of merchants.

The “Makhaev Dvor” estate is open for inspection every day from ten to seventeen thirty at the coordinates of Ordzhonikidze St., 5. The building has preserved a janitor’s room, a merchant’s store, and a janitor’s apartment. Moreover, the merchant’s apartments are presented most widely and vividly. Tourists can look at the study, the bedchamber, the living room, and the kitchen room. An excursion to Myshkin will especially surprise lovers of ancient architecture.

Opening hours and prices in the Myshkin Chambers in 2022

The Myshkin chambers operate according to a schedule that is published in the group on VKontakte. There are 2–4 sessions per day, lasting 45 minutes. Independent tourists only need to approach the Mouse Palace at the appointed time and pay the entrance fee. Organized groups must submit a preliminary application to the Municipal Unitary Enterprise MMR “Myshkinsky Tourism Center” by calling +7 (48544) 2-27-77, 2-81-35.

Entrance ticket for adults costs 250 rubles, for children - 200 rubles. The price includes photo and video shooting. You can film anywhere except a basement with live mice (rodents are very sensitive to bright light and flashes).

Festive events last from 35 minutes to 1.5 hours, are held in groups of approximately 35 people and cost from 300 rubles per participant. Please check the exact cost and program in advance by calling the numbers listed above.

Living room, © Maxim Ershov

How to get there?

From Moscow or the Moscow region, the route by car to the “Mouse City” lies along the Yaroslavskoye Highway. If you don't have a car, it's more difficult to come. After all, there is no airfield or railway station on the territory. Therefore, getting from Moscow to Myshkin is only possible by ferry, which is open from March to November. Opening hours are every hour from 07:30 am to 19:30 pm. There is a parking lot for motorists in Korovino.

There are buses from Yaroslavl to Myshkin (one in the morning, the second in the evening). In this direction there are railway routes from Ivanovo to St. Petersburg, from Samara to St. Petersburg.

"Mouse Chambers"

06:15 Group gathering pl. Kokuy

06:30 Departure from Ivanovo to Myshkin (~ 250 km / journey about 4 hours)

Arrival in the village of Korovino. Crossing to Myshkin by FERRY (departure at 10.30)

Myshkin is a quiet, charming corner of a cozy merchant province.

This is the only city in Russia whose most recognizable “brand” is a cute mouse. Mice are literally at every turn in this city: in shop windows and on signs of cafes and restaurants, on the walls of houses and even on the city coat of arms. After all, according to legend, the life of the city’s founding father, Prince Fyodor Mstislavsky, was saved long ago by one little mouse...

Sightseeing tour of the city with visits to museums

On a sightseeing tour of Myshkin you will see everything at once. The excursion will be very interesting and informative! Together with your guide, you will take an excursion into the past of Myshkin and see the most popular and beautiful city landscapes!

You will see for yourself that to this day, the city has preserved a significant part of the ancient layout and buildings. You will have time and the opportunity to walk along the ancient, cozy streets of the provincial Russian city, climb the steep Volga bank, from where you can see the departing river ships.

During the excursion you will visit:

  • Mouse Museum
  • Museum of Unique Technology
  • Craft settlement

Interactive excursion to the Myshkin Chambers

You will plunge into the atmosphere of royal life! Please note that the guards will ask you for your password, and the courtyard girls will be happy to blurt out all the palace secrets and lead you along the mouse trails! The hospitable king and queen will tell you how heavy the crown is and teach you how to protect yourself from cat misfortunes!

The Imperial Hall will surprise you with an abundance of gifts, and in the darkness of the royal menagerie you will see the Sami of various living mice.

You can put your hand into the royal bins! Be sure to take a souvenir photo on the “Kissing Bridge” and buy some cute souvenirs!

Free time after the excursion (lunch is not included in the price)

Your children will certainly enjoy a trip to Myshkin, because they will not see so many live, ivy, fur, felted, and wooden mice anywhere else!

16.00 ferry from Myshkin

16:30 Departure (approximately)

19:30 Return to Ivanovo (approximately)

Tour program:

  • Sightseeing tour of Myshkin
  • Visit to the mouse museum, museum of unique technology, craft settlement
  • Interactive excursion to the Myshkin Chambers

Included in cost:

  • Transport services (travel and travel insurance)
  • Accompanying services
  • Tour program (excursions + entrance tickets)

Additionally: food, personal expenses, souvenirs.


  • The brand and number of the bus will be communicated additionally
  • Drunk tourists are prohibited from boarding the bus.
  • The company reserves the right to change the order of excursions
  • When traveling, you must have a passport and birth certificate (for children)
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