During the governorship of Bogomaz A.V. The population of the Bryansk region decreased by 50 thousand people. The newspaper "Voice of the Motherland" analyzed Rosstat data

On January 24, Rosstat published preliminary data on the population as of January 1, 2020.

Population of the Bryansk region for the period from 2014 to 2022. (under the governorship of A.V. Bogomaz) decreased by 50 thousand 430 people.

The Bryansk region is one of the leading regions in the Central Federal District and Russia in terms of demographic failure and excess mortality. The population of the Belgorod, Voronezh, Kaluga, Lipetsk regions has not changed, but in Moscow and the Moscow region it has increased.

In 2022, 18,273 people died in the Bryansk region, 11,129 were born (natural decline - 7,144); population migration: 20,114 people left the region, 16,463 people arrived (negative migration - 3,651 people). In 2022, the population of the Bryansk region decreased by 10 thousand 795 people.

The population of the Bryansk region as of January 1, 2020 is 1 million 192 thousand 570 people. Over the 11 months of 2022, 16,142 people died, 9,193 were born (decrease - 6,949); population migration: 33,946 people left the region, 34,186 arrived. In 2022, the population of the Bryansk region decreased by 7 thousand 617 people. In the country as a whole, the population decreased by 35 thousand 622 people.



as of 01.01.2019


as of 01.01. 2020

Reduction (-) of population in 1 year


1200187 1192570 -7617


Brasovsky 19104 18976 -128
Bryansk 61102 62852 1750
Vygonichsky 19850 19740 -110
Gordeevsky 10463 10247 -216
Dubrovsky 16960 16816 -144
Dyatkovsky 58197 57427 -770
Zhiryatinsky 6859 6778 -81
Zhukovsky 33795 33329 -466
Zlynkovsky 12006 12056 50
Karachevsky 32260 31564 -696
Kletnyansky 18039 17858 -181
Klimovsky 25750 25408 -342
Klintsovsky 17251 17013 -238
Komarichsky 16432 16226 -206
Krasnogorsky 11765 11522 -243
Mglinsky 16546 16301 -245
Navlinsky 26231 26154 -77
Pogarsky 23466 23074 -392
Pochepsky 38073 37511 -562
Rognedinsky 6369 6314 -55
Sevsky 14663 14575 -88
Starodubsky 18351 18183 -168
Suzemsky 14876 14909 33
Surazhsky 22239 22103 -136
Tubular 33888 33588 -300
Unechsky 34379 33856 -523
Urban districts
Bryansk 422796 420557 -2239
Klintsy 70089 69831 -258
Novozybkov 50717 50496 -221
Seltso town 16532 16360 -172
Starodub 18321 18180 -141
Fokino 12818 12766 -52

January 15, 2022 President of the Russian Federation V.V. PUTIN in the annual Message to Fr.

The demographic situation in our region was commented on by the head of the Bryansk “RODINA”, a member of the Federal Political Council of the Party Gennady SELEBIN .

— We have repeatedly assessed the demographic situation in the Bryansk region. Despite the policy of the President of our country, Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN , and the key task he set - saving the Russian people, the Bryansk region is not able to cope with this task. Our region, sad as it may be to admit, is the leader in the Central Federal District and Russia in terms of demographic failure and excess mortality. During the period from 2014 to 2022, the population of the Bryansk region decreased by 50 thousand 430 people. The long-term dynamics of the catastrophic decline in the region's able-bodied population is worsening. In addition to extinction, a new problem has taken hold - the “flight of people” from the region. Also, according to statistics, about 50 thousand people work outside the Bryansk region.

The question arises : Why does the record growth of all sectors of the regional economy announced by the regional government lead to excess mortality among the population? This is an unprecedented situation: success on the brink of an abyss. Despite the fact that the President of the Russian Federation V.V. PUTIN declared the solution to the demographic problem “the main task for the state, for society, for political parties and the media ,” in the Bryansk region we do not see the governor, deputies of the Bryansk Regional Duma and regional media concerned about this problem.

Rosstat has issued a disappointing forecast for the Bryansk region: by 2035, the population of the Bryansk region will decrease by another 200 thousand people. This “death sentence” will occur if urgent measures, including managerial and personnel measures, are not taken.

The MOTHERLAND party has repeatedly stated that Governor Bogomaz A.V. he needs to figure out who is reporting unrealistic growth figures to him. Who does this? Why do the regions need such managers? Our newspaper “Voice of the Motherland. Bryansk" regularly raises this topic: articles by ex-vice-governor, candidate of sciences A.S. were published. SUBBOTINA, materials of the Izborsk Club and the Discussion Club of the Bryansk “MOTHERLAND”. We offered assistance and cooperation for the socio-economic creation of the Bryansk region. But the elections in 2022 showed that instead of constructive cooperation, the current leadership of the region decided to cope without the MOTHERLAND Party. But after the illegitimate elections, it turned out that there was no one to work effectively and no one to hold accountable for what was happening. As they say, “we elected eccentrics, but we ask how smart ones are.”

As an example, to confirm the events that took place during the pre-election period and after the elections, there is a blatant case in the Zlynkovsky district.

The winner of the elections in September 2022, a deputy of the district council elected on the list of the RODINA Party, head of the sports and patriotic club "Strela" Anatoly BUTELYA and his wife, who worked for 20 years in the district department of education, were fired immediately after the elections, and the sports club was closed . The administration’s actions essentially destroyed the sports and patriotic club. Decisions were made in October 2022, when President V.V. PUTIN publicly drew the attention of officials throughout the country to the need to organize and systematically support sports and patriotic clubs, paying special attention to the younger generation. In defense of A.V. A rally was held in the village of Vyshkov. “News of Bryansk” talked in detail about this story in the material Grand scandal: Bryansk officials brought the mother of the deceased hero to the point of losing consciousness.

Together with the regional organizations “Union of Officers of Russia” and “Center for Combating Corruption and Protecting Citizens’ Rights,” we appealed to the governor in defense of the legendary deputy A.V. BUTELI and military-patriotic club. To date, no responses have been received within the established time frame. It all ended with the unused building of the sports and patriotic club being burned down in January.

It turns out that the liquidation of the building as a result of arson freed the administration from the need to finance the education of young people and from “problems” with the deputy from the “RODINA” Party A.V. BOTTLES. This is monstrous! Oddly enough, the local authorities and the region’s media essentially did not react or comment on the incident. From the Bryansk Regional Branch of the RODINA Party, this situation is under the control of Vladimir GURZO , who is also the deputy head of the regional Center for Combating Corruption and Protecting Citizens' Rights. As an experienced lawyer, he believes that this heinous crime is being deliberately hidden. Currently, a corresponding appeal to the President of the country V.V. PUTIN .

The FSB and other law enforcement agencies need to understand this terrible story: on whose initiative and why were decisions made to dismiss A.V. BUTELS and the closure of the sports and patriotic club "Strela". The perpetrators must be thrown into jail, handcuffed, brought to severe criminal liability, and they must fully compensate for the damage caused to the state.

How could it happen that in the Bryansk region, with a catastrophic demographic situation, in the area most affected by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, an exemplary sports and patriotic club was closed , and in relation to the deputy from the RODINA Party A.V. BUTELI and his family, which has always served the state and society, the local authorities committed arbitrariness and made illegal decisions. What happened completely contradicts the state policy of the President of our country.

Who is guilty? So what should I do? There is no one to correct the situation but ourselves. National leader of Russia V.V. PUTIN dismissed the government of Medvedev, the leader of the United Russia party. Changes to the Constitution and elections of a new State Duma of the Russian Federation will lead to a new political and socio-economic situation in the country. Patriots must come to power.

The program of the ALL-RUSSIAN POLITICAL PARTY “MOTHERLAND” includes seven original articles by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir PUTIN , as well as selected fragments from the text “Saving the Nation” by the founder of the Party Dmitry ROGOZIN .

The MOTHERLAND party traces its history back to 1993 with the patriotic Congress of Russian Communities, founded by Dmitry ROGOZIN . In 2003, during the elections to the State Duma, created with the support of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. PUTIN's people's patriotic bloc "RODINA" received the support of 10% of Russians (5.5 million) - 37 State Duma deputies were elected. BEFORE. ROGOZIN graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Doctor of Philosophy. Speaks English, Spanish, Italian, French, Czech and Ukrainian. Master of Sports in handball, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Handball Federation.

On the eve of the New Year 2022 in Moscow, the leader of the Bryansk "RODINA" Gennady SELEBIN, together with the Chairman of the "RODINA" Party, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexei ZHURAVLEV , met with the founder of the "RODINA" Party, the head of the State Corporation "ROSCOSMOS" Dmitry ROGOZIN.

Population of Bryansk by region

If we analyze the distribution of city residents across all four districts, then according to data for 2022 it looks like this:

  • 111,531 people lived in the Sovetsky district;
  • in the Bezhitsa district 153,498 people;
  • in Volodarsky district 70,589 people;
  • in the Fokinsky district there are 72,429 people.

If we trace the general trend in recent years, we will see that the population has increased slightly only in the Sovetsky district, while in the rest it has decreased.

District division of the city

The central area is the Sovetsky district. From it in the north is the Bezhitsky district, in the southeast - Fokinsky, and in the east - Volodarsky. All of them are presented as separate territories. For example, the Sovetsky district is separated from Volodarsky by the Desna River.

The population of Bryansk is predominantly concentrated in the center. Despite the proven cleanliness of Volodarka (as residents of the Volodarsky district call it), everyone is trying to be closer to the central part of the city.

Residents of the Volodarsky district, as mentioned above, enjoy the fresh air. What can Bezhitsa district boast of? Although the city of Bryansk has existed for a long time, the population of this area still calls themselves living in Bezhitsa. This was the name of the city that once became part of Bryansk.

And the population of the Fokinsky district of Bryansk can boast of the following: this particular area contains an unusual place for recreation - an artificial lake. In addition, this area used to be a leading area in terms of railway traffic.

Unusual data on the history of the city

The name of Bryansk used to be somewhat different. It contained the prefix “de” - D’bryansk. Many people believe that this name implied the location of the city among impassable forests. In reality, everything is somewhat different. Today it is known that in Old Slavonic sources the word “Dybr” meant “mountain slope, gorge.”

The following fact is also interesting: between the celebration of the 838th anniversary of the city’s founding and its thousandth birthday, only one calendar year passed. This curious feature and an amazing coincidence of circumstances are explained by the results of excavations, during which archaeologists were able to establish the real age of the city.

During the Great Patriotic War, Bryansk was simply a center of partisan brigades. About forty thousand people took part in this dangerous task.

Birth rate in Bryansk

The birth rate is still low, which is associated not only with the demographic gap due to the low birth rate in the 90s, but also with the unstable financial and social situation of young married couples, as a result of which many families are limited to only one child.

If finding a job in Bryansk is not so difficult, getting it to be paid well is much more difficult. At the same time, the level of prices in Bryansk is not particularly different from Moscow, with the exception of transport, services and locally produced goods.

History of the emergence and development of the city

The first data about the city dates back to the first millennium. Archaeologists have even found traces of the very first settlement. In addition, in many chronicles, Bryansk acts as a kind of “green shield” for its residents. For example, during the Tatar-Mongol invasion, the city’s residents were not harmed precisely because the enemies were frightened by the impenetrability of the forests surrounding the settlement.

The first ruler of the city was Prince Roman, the son of the appanage Prince Mikhail. Under the rule of this man, Bryansk became significantly richer, because Roman Bryansky had a good grasp of trade affairs. Moreover, the purchase and sale was carried out precisely with the West, where they exported honey, wax, fur, and received silk, soap and a wide variety of jewelry from there. The favorable location allowed Bryansk to feel confident in trade.

Peter I also visited this city. Thanks to his decree, the shipbuilding industry was launched. Many places in the city were noted by Peter I, and various legends on this topic are still passed down to subsequent generations.

Since the eighteenth century, industry began to flourish in this city, various plants and factories were built, and a wide variety of objects and things were produced. Today, much has been preserved from those times, but even more buildings and industrial facilities have been rebuilt or restored.

National composition

According to the latest census, among those living in Bryansk and the region there are representatives of the following nationalities:

  • Russians – 1,210,136 people;
  • Ukrainians – 13,769;
  • Belarusians – 5510;
  • Armenians – 4592;
  • gypsies – 3839;
  • Azerbaijanis – 2574;
  • Moldovans – 1450;
  • Jews – 1407;
  • Tatars – 952;
  • other nationalities – 26,825.

From this list it is quite clear what the population is in Bryansk. Multinational, but at the same time quite friendly and peacefully coexisting people - this is what the representatives of the city are like.

Population in municipal, urban areas

It is located on the western edge of the Central Russian Upland, on both banks of the Desna River at the confluence of the Bolva and Snezheti.

The city was first mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle as Debryansk in 1146, and later in the Resurrection, Laurentian, Trinity Chronicles and other sources.

Ancient Bryansk was part of the Chernigov principality. After the destruction of Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky and other cities of the Chernigov principality by the Mongols in 1239, the center of the diocese and the capital of the principality moved to the surviving Bryansk in 1246.

Thus, the Bryansk Principality was formed.

The climate is moderate continental.

Winter is characterized by unstable weather: from severe frosts to prolonged thaws; summers are humid and warm, but extreme heat is rare.

Now we will tell those interested in the climate in the city of Bryansk, what the average temperature was according to research over the past few years, the maximum and minimum values, as well as the average and norms of precipitation:

Climate of Bryansk (weather, precipitation)

Abs. Max. 4,56,020,228,331,831,937,238,428,022,517,19,438,4
Avg. Max. −4,7−2,33,513,321,423,325,624,818,29,53,4−1,311,2
Avg. pace. −7,2−5,2−0,58,115,518,020,318,913,35,71,3−3,47,1
Avg. min. −9,7−7,8−4,13,29,812,715,213,59,02,4−0,7−5,53,2
Abs. min. −26,8−27,4−19,2−5,5−13,36,04,4−0,4−11,7−19,1−26,4−27,4
Norm of siege.483735376171815353494463632

Whether the population of the city of Bryansk is decreasing or increasing, what is its official number according to the census as of January 1, 2022, in its municipalities, urban areas, we will learn about this later, when accurate information appears, for now we will present the currently available figures.

Bryansk founding date: 985

Time zone: MSK, UTS +3

Transport issue

Private cars have already become an integral part of any city. Despite the roads not being of the best quality, more and more private transport appears in Bryansk every year. The authorities promise to improve the situation with the road surface, but this problem still appears on the list of major ones.

There are sometimes traffic jams in the city. As, in principle, in any other large populated area. Peak hours occur mainly in the morning and evening.

Public transport is very developed. Minibus taxis and buses can easily transport any citizen who does not yet have their own car. The frequency of public transport is very high; most people have to wait for the bus during traffic jams.

In addition, Bryansk is a large railway junction. There are three stations in the city, from which you can go to almost any locality. There is also an international airport in Bryansk.

Ratio of Men and Women in Bryansk

The city's population is predominantly female, and this difference is especially noticeable in the older generation. The main reason for this imbalance is the high mortality rate among men, who often do not even live to retirement age. Moreover, if previously the main reason for this situation was alcohol abuse, now cardiovascular diseases and cancer have taken first place.

The population of Bryansk is aging every year. By 2022, the average age of the urban population has reached 40 years, and the number of pensioners is 1.5 times higher than the number of children. The working-age population of Bryansk is only half the number of all city residents, and this ratio continues to decline. It's a sad trend.

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