Primorsko-Akhtarsk. Photos of the city and beach, attractions

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Krasnodar, Krasnodar region, Russia - Primorsk, Kaliningrad region, Russia

This page contains a map of the route from Krasnodar to Primorsk. The route passes through forty-one cities, information about which is presented in the table below the map. The distance between Krasnodar and Primorsk is approximately two thousand six hundred nine kilometers; you can travel it by car in thirty-eight hours and thirty-one minutes.

Characteristics of the city

Until 1774, there was a Turkish fortress on the site of the city. Russian troops captured it, and after 4 years they built fortifications here and dug deep ditches. This is how the Akhtarsky redoubt appeared. It retained its name (the Turkish fortress was called Akhtar-Bakhtar).

Later, the Cossacks built a farm here. From 1854 to 1948, it periodically became a village, then a village, then a city. Only in January 1949 did the settlement finally receive the status of a city called Primorsko-Akhtarsk.

This is a relatively small settlement with a total occupied area of ​​about 18,700 square meters. m. Its population is just over 32,000 people. It has a warm temperate continental-subtropical climate with mild, humid winters and very warm summers. Of the 365 days in a year, 235 are sunny days in the seaside town.

The main activity of the local population is fishing and seafood processing.

In addition, the following operate in Primorsko-Akhtarsk:

  • several small fish processing plants;
  • several construction companies;
  • brewery;
  • hotel complexes and hotels;
  • hostels and holiday homes;
  • kindergartens and schools;
  • libraries;
  • sports complexes and stadiums;
  • many shops and catering establishments (cafes, restaurants, bars);
  • several bank branches;
  • medical and health organizations;
  • houses and palaces of culture;
  • beauty salons and hairdressers;
  • museums;
  • entertainment venues.

Currently, the city continues to develop and become more beautiful.

Wonderful beaches for everyone - reviews from tourists

Who can plan a vacation in Primorskoye? Without exaggeration, everyone! Stunning climate, clean sea and air, peace and quiet, charming sunsets. Vacations without fuss and hassle are mainly preferred by families with children, although there are plenty of young people here too. There are discos and cafes in the village, but they do not interfere with tourists.

Vacationers note that a trip to Primorsky leaves a lot of positive emotions. Wonderful sand, you can always be alone. A special feature is affordable housing even in high season. You can always rent an apartment or a room, and there are plenty of hotels.

Primorsko-Akhtarsk on the map, how to get to the city

Primorsko-Akhtarsk (photos of the city and the beach can be seen below in the text) is a small seaside town in the Krasnodar Territory, located on the northwestern coast of the Sea of ​​Azov.

Despite its small size and distance from other famous resort towns of the fertile region, this city is known and loved by many Russians (and not only) for its originality and the opportunity for a calm, measured holiday on the shores of a warm, gentle sea.

On the geographical map, the settlement is located at 46.0497000° north latitude and 38.1747000° east longitude.

Primorsko-Akhtarsk is located north of the cities of Krasnodar, Anapa, Kerch, Sochi, Novorossiysk. It lies south of the cities of Yeisk, Azov and Rostov-on-Don.

The resort town is located:

  • 151 km from Krasnodar (the journey along the highway by vehicle will take about 2 hours 14 minutes);
  • 149 km from Yeysk (travel time will be 2 hours 40 minutes);
  • 216 km from the city of Azov, Rostov region. (the journey along the highway may take about 3 hours);
  • 237 km from Anapa (the journey by car will take about 3 hours 30 minutes);
  • 239 km from Novorossiysk (travel time - 3 hours 20 minutes);
  • 246 km from Rostov-on-Don (travel time - 3 hours 20 minutes);
  • 274 km from the city of Gelendzhik (travel time will be about 3 hours 50 minutes);
  • 304 km from Kerch (travel time will be about 4 hours 10 minutes);
  • 330 km from Tuapse (travel time - 4 hours 20 minutes);
  • 446 km from Sochi (the journey by car can take about 6 hours);
  • 712 km from Volgograd (the journey by car will take 8 hours 35 minutes);
  • 1,323 km from Moscow (the journey along the highway will take about 15 hours);
  • 2,038 km from St. Petersburg (the road trip will take about 21 hours 50 minutes).

The airports closest to Primorsko-Akhtarsk are located quite far away.

Location addressDistance (km)travel time by car
1.Krasnodar International Airport named after EkaterinaKrasnodar,
st. Evdokia Bershanskaya, 355
1662 hours 15 minutes
2.Anapa (Vityazevo) International Airport named after V.K. KokkinakiKrasnodar region,
Anapa-7, Vityazevo village,
2353 hours 20 minutes
3.Gelendzhik AirportKrasnodar region,
Gelendzhik, st. Solntsedarskaya, 10
2713 hours 46 minutes
4.International Airport "Platov"Rostov region,

Aksai district

2883 hours 50 minutes

Primorsko-Akhtarsk is located remotely from all resort towns. However, a quiet family holiday on its beaches (photos demonstrate the beauty of this place) attracts many tourists here every year. And no one is afraid of the journey here, which is several hours long.

The most convenient way to get to Primorsko-Akhtarsk is to use rail or road transport.

The resort town has a railway station "Akhtari", which is not used to receive passenger flows. Only cargo is accepted here. By train you can get to Krasnodar. From there you will have to travel by bus or car (taxi or personal transport).

Buses run from the Krasnodar-2 bus station in the desired direction daily from 06:30 to 19:30. The fare is from 400 rubles. In addition, intercity bus services to the city of Primorsko-Akhtarsk are carried out from some cities of the Krasnodar Territory.

Among them:

  • Gelendzhik;
  • Labinsk;
  • Novorossiysk;
  • Sochi.

Traveling by bus can be more time-consuming due to the lower mobility of the mode of transport. Therefore, you can use taxi services. The cost of travel from Krasnodar can be from 3,000 rubles. depending on the prices of the carrier company.

For personal vehicles, travel should be carried out along the M4-Don highway. Some sections of this highway are toll. In addition, the road has winding sections. Therefore, you should use terrain maps and navigators when moving along the highway, and also be careful.

Sights of Primorsky with photo reports

In addition to the magnificent boundless beach, you can see picturesque lakes - Adzhigol, Kamysovoye and Frontovoye (reservoir).

If you want to take a car ride, be sure to plan a trip to the largest mud volcano, Jau Tepe, located near the village of Vulkanovka. This is a grandiose hill, rising 60 meters from the ground, but you can drive to the top by car. Now the miracle of nature is sleeping, but just a couple of decades ago it was active.

Features of recreation in Primorsko-Akhtarsk

Primorsko-Akhtarsk, photos of the city and the beach of which are presented for reference, is not a fashionable, expensive resort. This is a small quiet town, which many call a fishing village. There are vacationers who come here year after year for many years.

Most people like sandy beaches and the warm Azov Sea, which is not as clean as the Black Sea, but safe for families with children due to shallow water a few meters from the coastline. In the city it is easy to find accommodation for a short stay at the resort. The price of accommodation is on average from 300 rubles. per person per day (more expensive available).

There are no food problems in Primorsko-Akhtarsk. There are many cafes, bars and restaurants where you can have a snack or a tasty meal. Some call visiting catering establishments not budgetary. But you can buy groceries and ready-made food at the market and shops in the city. There is no shortage of them here.

A significant feature of a holiday in a small town on the Azov coast is that there are no huge crowds of people at the height of the beach season. Many people prefer to relax in large resort towns and hotels with a high level of service. There are no such hotel complexes in Primorsko-Akhtarsk.

Primorsko-Akhtarsk, city center

However, the city is very popular for its healing mud, which can be found on the banks of the estuaries in the local area. There are recreation centers, tourist shelters, and hunting farms that offer vacationers an active holiday, fishing with trips on boats to the estuaries, as well as hunting for seasonal species of birds and wild boars.

One of the most memorable boat trips for many vacationers was a trip to a lotus plantation. There are excursion bureaus in the city that organize such trips. You can rent a boat. The rental cost will be 7,000 rubles. Or take part in an excursion. The cost of the walk is from 500 to 700 rubles.

The largest plantation of exotic aquatic plants is located in the Sadki farm. Tourists are most often taken there. Lotuses bloom until mid-August.


The village of Primorsky belongs to the Sennoy rural settlement of the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory. In addition to it, the rural settlement includes the villages of Sennoy (the center of the settlement) and Soleny.

Located in the southeast of the Taman Bay (Black Sea coast), 8 km from Sennoy, 55 km from the regional center (Temryuk), 198 km from Krasnodar.

The population of Primorsky is about 1 thousand 800 inhabitants.


The climate of Primorsky is temperate continental. In winter there are rarely severe frosts, and there is no significant precipitation either (the average temperature in January is +2 degrees). In summer, the thermometer shows an average of +26 degrees. During the swimming season (May - October) the water warms up to +20 degrees. This region has approximately 280 sunny days per year.

Beaches and recreation

The beaches of the village are rather narrow strips of sand and pebbles. The sea here is warm, with an abundance of algae, which vacationers have to get used to. But even green water has its advantages: residents of Primorsky claim that underwater vegetation has excellent cosmetic properties that help defeat cellulite and rejuvenate the skin. Therefore, on the beach you can often find people thickly smeared with a green substance.

There is no point in looking for any entertainment or signs of civilization on the beach; it is completely wild here (there are no sun loungers, no changing rooms, or other equipment). Holidays in Primorskoye are a simple holiday without attractions, discos and other tinsel.


Excavations of the ancient settlement of Phanagoria are being carried out between Primorskoe and Senny. Here, archaeologists found the remains of Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of beauty, and Demeter, the goddess of agriculture.

In the village, surrounded by a walnut grove, there is a balneological mud bath.

Infrastructure and economics

Primorsky has an established infrastructure. There are a first aid station, a post office, a kindergarten, a secondary school, and a Sberbank branch. There are shops, hotels, recreation centers, a service station, and a boiler room.

CJSC Primorskoe, an agricultural enterprise specializing in plant growing and agricultural production (including viticulture), operates on the territory of the village. There are also over 700 peasant farms here.

From all of the above it follows that the main sector of the economy of Primorsky is agriculture. Tourism here is at an initial level of development, and, unfortunately or fortunately, no changes in the situation have been observed yet.

The village is connected to a gas pipeline and a central water supply, and there is electricity.

From the village Sennaya and the city of Temryuk Primorsky are connected by regular bus services that run 2 times a day.

Real estate

Land is the largest segment of the Primorsky real estate market. There are especially many proposals about the sale of space for individual housing construction. Agricultural plots are also represented in sufficient quantities. The range includes houses, as well as apartments in 2-story buildings from the 60s to the 80s. the buildings. Offers from owners of commercial real estate are few in number; mainly shops go on sale. The cost of real estate in Primorskoye is low.

Despite the lack of tourist infrastructure in the village, purchasing real estate here is very promising, since Primorsky is located next to the sea. In addition, real estate prices are very reasonable, which cannot be said about popular resorts. If you also think so, please contact us, we will select an excellent option for a house, cottage, apartment, or plot. We will also be happy to carry out the construction or renovation of any residential or commercial property.

Beaches of Primorsko-Akhtarsk

Many of those who prefer a quiet, relaxing holiday come to the small town of Primorsko-Akhtarsk. There are many good beaches here, which are mostly sandy.

Central Beach

This is the most comfortable and largest beach of all that are in the surrounding area. It is located just behind the city embankment, from which you can go down the wide, comfortable steps of a new staircase. You can walk along the entire beach area on special boardwalks without burning your feet on the hot sand.

The infrastructure of this holiday destination, beloved by locals and guests of the city, is well developed.

There is:

  • changing cabins;
  • latrines;
  • sun awnings;
  • children's playgrounds with rides and trampolines;
  • swimming pool for children with aqua mobiles;
  • water rescue service;
  • rental of jet skis and equipment for water activities;
  • sun loungers and sun umbrellas;
  • an amphitheater (stage), where concerts of dance ensembles and performances of children's amateur groups take place;
  • cafeterias, restaurants and boutiques on the embankment;
  • car parking near the embankment.

The central city beach is covered with sand and shell rock. The entrance to the sea is gentle, the bottom is sandy, and shallows along the entire coast allow children to swim in the water without fear.

Beach located north of central

This is a small pebble beach with a rocky bottom. The infrastructure here is not as well developed as on the central beach. There are sunbeds and sun umbrellas.

Beach located south of central

This is not the most popular beach due to the very rocky bottom and not very clear water in the sea. On its very southern outskirts there is a small sandy area where townspeople like to come to sunbathe.

Beach of the Morozovsky farm

This is a sand and shell beach with a long and narrow coastal strip. The water here is very clean.

Locals love to come here for fishing. There are parking spaces nearby. There are no attractions or entertainment on the beach.

Beach on Yasenskaya Spit

It begins where the beach of the Morozovsky farm ends. This is a long sandy beach that goes far into the sea. There is clean water and long shallow waters. Previously, popular bardic music festivals in the country were held here. Lovers came to Yasenskaya Spit, set up tent camps and lived here for 3 days until the end of the festival.

Admission to all beaches of Primorsko-Akhtarsk is free. To rent a sunbed and sun umbrella you will have to pay from 100 rubles. (for half a day) up to 200 rub. (for a full day on the beach).

History of the city of Primorsk


Primorsk is located just 75 kilometers west of St. Petersburg. And, if you count directly, then the modern border of Finland from here is no more than 50 versts. It is no coincidence that the location of the settlement determined its repeated change of subordination to several countries. And also several of its renamings.

The settlement received city status in 1940. Still part of Finland. And the city began to be called “Primorsk” in 1948. Already located within the borders of the USSR. Before its current name, the settlement was called “Koivisto”. What does it mean (literal translation from Finnish) - Berezovoe, Berezovskoe (Finnish Koivisto , from koivu, birch )

Previously, until 1918, Berezovoye was assigned to the Vyborg province, then, according to the results of the Tartu Peace Treaty of 1920, the settlement seceded from Russia and until the Moscow Peace Treaty of March 12, 1940, was part of Finland, and the settlement of Berezovoye then received the name Koivisto ( Finnish Koivisto ).

Primorsk traces its ancestry back to ancient times.

So, Berezovsky was mentioned back in 1268. The surrounding lands more than once came under the sphere of influence of either Sweden or the Novgorod and Moscow (later) principalities. But even the Stolbovsky Peace Treaty assigned Berezovskoe to Sweden. (The Stolbovo Treaty of 1617 put an end to the Russian-Swedish war (1610-17), but completely decided Russia’s access to the Baltic Sea)

It is no coincidence that for many years the settlement was called in the Swedish manner - Björkö (Swedish: Björkö - birch island )

Only under Peter I, after the victory over the Swedes in the Northern War (1700 -1721) and the Russian-Swedish War of 1744 (under Elizaveta Petrovna), the Vyborg province was formed on the lands conquered from Sweden. Which included Bjorke - Berezovskoye.

After the next Russian-Swedish “Finnish” war, in 1809 the entire territory of present-day Finland was included in the Russian Empire as an “eternal possession”. So, in any case, it was spelled out under the Friedrichsham Peace Treaty. With the signing of this document, Finland for the first time in history acquired the form of statehood, being part of Russia as the Grand Duchy of Finland. And Berezovskoye became part of the administrative entity “Vyborg Province”.

Further, the history of Berezovsky as a Russian settlement continues until 1918. And after Finland left the young Soviet state (Soviet Russia), renamed Koivisto, it became part of Finnish territory.

Primorsk Embankment near the Gulf of Finland. Leningrad region

After the Winter War of 1939-40. – The USSR expanded its northern borders. And Koivisto again returns to Russian jurisdiction. For the short war years of the Great Patriotic War (from 41 to 44), it again became a Finnish settlement.

And only with the end of the Second World War and to this day, Koivisto, renamed Primorsk, finally becomes ours, Russian.

Primorsk in our time

It is worth noting that until recently this city belonged to the so-called “closed” settlements. The proximity to the Finnish border, as well as the location of the Energia testing site here, were the reasons why a “passport regime” was required to visit Primorsk. An outsider could only enter the city by following the necessary procedures.

Since 1987, the “closure” of the city has been lifted and, therefore, anyone can freely visit it in our time.

Do not think that in this small cozy town (about 5.5 thousand inhabitants) of all the “attractions” there is a major port for transshipment of oil and petroleum products in the North-West region of Russia. Here is the very end point of the Baltic Pipeline System. And it is with this oil pumping terminal that the name of the city most often appears in official news.

There is, perhaps, the most famous object in Primorsk, which does not often make it to the headlines of news reports.

What to see in Primorsk. "Lenin" and glass ("jar")

“Glass” (“can”) in Primorsk
It was no coincidence that I wrote the surname of the leader of the world revolution in quotation marks. Since Ilyich was not directly connected with the history of the city of Primorsk. But over time, his name made one of the city’s objects perhaps the most famous landmark of this settlement. And besides, this attraction is one of the most unusual memorable places associated with our Russian, Soviet history. With the achievements of our science and the development of navigation. But first things first.

I think the reader knows that the very first nuclear icebreaker in the world was designed and built in the Soviet Union. And he was called “Lenin”. By the way, the only country in the world that currently has a nuclear icebreaker fleet is Russia. The legal successor of the USSR in the development of the North and the Northern Sea Route.

The world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker, Lenin, was launched in 1957. From the stocks of the Leningrad Admiralty Shipyards. Former shipyard named after. Andre Marty. And to test the nuclear power plant, the icebreaker was sent to Primorsk. (I’ll tell you about the icebreaker “Lenin” in more detail. In a separate article. I’ve been on board the nuclear-powered icebreaker).

The Gulf of Finland is shallow. It’s not for nothing that it (part of the Neva Bay, and the entire bay) is called the “Marquise Puddle”. However, this name is connected not only with the depths. It would not have been possible here without a real marquis. This nobleman's name was Ivan Ivanovich de Traverse.

Jean-Baptiste Prévost de Sansac, Marquis de Traversé

Jean-Baptiste Prévost de Sansac, Marquis de Traversé
Traverse - Russian naval commander, admiral of the Russian Fleet, Minister of the Navy of Russia in 1811-1828. French by birth. He became famous, among other things, for the fact that under him, long-distance sea voyages almost ceased, and the fleet’s voyages were carried out no further than Kronstadt (in the Baltic). The former commander of the Russian rowing fleet believed that the shallow depths and closed nature of the Neva Bay were necessary conditions for combat training. And besides, under Traverse, government funding for the Russian fleet was reduced. Which also did not contribute to long trips. However, this not very favorable period for the Russian fleet did not last long. But it was enough to give popular rumor a somewhat derogatory name for the Gulf of Finland - “Marquis’s Puddle”.

Pier (pier) "Lenin"

The nuclear-powered icebreaker "Lenin" was sent to Primorsk to test its power engine. In order to experimentally find out how many horsepower the icebreaker engine can develop. And will the design power correspond to the actual power of the ship’s power plant?

To measure a physical quantity, the most reliable and simplest method was chosen. For which it was necessary to securely fasten (moor) the nuclear-powered icebreaker to something and accelerate the power unit to maximum power. Having given full speed, use a giant dynamometer and measure the tractive force of the icebreaker's propulsion system. At the very moment when the ship reaches the peak power of the power plant, trying to break away from the pier.

It was no coincidence that Primorsk was chosen for such a test. Here, off the coast of the city, is one of the few places in the Gulf of Finland where the depths are decent. And, what is very important, the large depth difference begins very close to the coastline.

The glass-bank in Primorsk is that pier near the shore. To which the nuclear-powered icebreaker was moored. The pier is of a peculiar shape. In the form of a giant tube. To ensure reliable mooring of the nuclear-powered ship, its stern was secured to the powerful bollard of the pier with a giant chain. Part of the links, which for a long time caused delight and surprise among everyone who visited this “jar-glass”. Since the entire chain was not dismantled after testing

I found myself in Primorsk and went to inspect this unusual “glass”. Which, as numerous sources testified, is still in good condition. And free to visit. So…

Where is the pier (berth) “glass” in Primorsk. Photo and description of the object

I was able to find the location of this iconic pier without difficulty. The pier of the icebreaker "Lenin" is located on the very outskirts of Primorsk. Where the Manola recreation center is located. Entrance to the sanatorium is free. And I, walking past the new and old buildings of the base (and previously there was a sanatorium of the Admiralty Shipyards) - I went out to the shore of the bay.

Primorsk Lenin berth. Glass - jar

The “glass” was already visible on the descent to the shore. The powerful steel structure with a ladder to the pier itself looked impressive. Rocky shores, harsh cloudy skies and the leaden color of the Baltic water emphasized the power of the man-made structure. And the small figurine of a fisherman on the pier ramp (by the way, as it turned out later, it was a woman) well conveyed the scale of the structure. I would like to note that the surrounding landscapes are beautiful. And they are very reminiscent of the nature of Karelia and the North.

Fisherman on the pier

Pier steel structure

Surrounding landscapes:

The Gulf of Finland. Scenery

The Gulf of Finland. Scenery

Townspeople and visiting tourists come here to the pier and to the shore of the bay. Here, away from the city, the places are quiet. Taking a walk along the coast is a pleasure.

As usual, I didn’t try to talk to the locals. I met a city dweller. Who, having learned that I was a visitor, enthusiastically began to tell me about the pier:

Fascinating dialogues

After talking and wishing all the best to my counterpart, I went to the pier. Explore it and the surrounding area. Take a look at that legendary chain. Which the icebreaker "Lenin" was moored to the "glass".

View from the pier and the legendary chain

Climbing onto the metal gangway that leads to the “glass” itself, I saw a clear confirmation of the specifics of the local underwater terrain. The sharp difference in depth is clearly visible. A narrow transparent strip of water - only about two or three meters from the shore. Further, from this boundary, the water surface sharply changes its hue. It becomes lead-colored and there is no talk of any transparency. Here the bottom topography goes sharply into depth.

Rocky bottom of the Gulf of Finland near Primorsk

The berth area is concrete. Three bollards are cast into the concrete. One of which is larger in size. The chain was chained to this bollard. Alas and ah... the chain is no longer here! It's a pity of course. Now photos of its links are in old reports that were here earlier.

The largest bollard. The icebreaker "Lenin" was moored to it with a chain.

Primorsk The largest bollard. "Glass" in Primorsk. There are no chains on it now

The largest bollard. "Glass" in Primorsk

As I learned, a major overhaul of the pier was carried out in 2018. It's been updated. O was dressed in a new protective steel casing. 16 meters in diameter.

The icebreaker Lenin, of course, was not the only ship that was tested at this pier. And not the only icebreaker. So, for example, just after the pier was repaired in 2018, the Andrei Vilkitsky diesel-electric ship tested its power units here.

It is possible that after these tests the chain was dismantled...

While examining the water area near the “glass” I noticed the cages of a fish farm. Which were visible in the distance near the coastline.

Looking ahead, I will say that near these cages I witnessed a funny action. I'll tell you about it below.

Fish farm cage

After examining the legendary “glass” I went for a walk along the shore.

The berth of the icebreaker “O Lenin” (“glass”) is located here:

Berth of the icebreaker LeninAttraction in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

Coastline near the “glass” and fish farm

From the glass pier there is a dirt path along the shore of the Gulf of Finland. The local landscape is almost Karelian - a mixture of coniferous and broad-leaved vegetation. It was not for nothing that Primorsk was once called “Berezovsky”. Among the stone boulders and moss trees there are birch trees.

Coastal landscape near Manola

Path along the coast

Along the path are neat old wooden houses. (More like private resorts than service-owned resorts)

Old wooden houses near the "glass"

The houses are located at a distance from each other. The adjacent areas are not fenced. And the quiet, resort atmosphere that reigns in the area does not bring the feeling of village life. Despite a certain desolation, the local inhabitants still appeared to me. For example, these funny guys:

Kittens. Primorsk

And next to me, at the porch of the house, sitting on a stone, an adult cat was carefully watching me. Apparently, the mother of these funny boys:


However, I also met other inhabitants of these places:

Girl with a scooter

Walking along the shore, I soon saw a group of people. Those gathered together and carefully peered towards the waters of the bay.

Curiosity was stronger than me. And I decided to find out what caused such interest on the part of a group of comrades.

Group of townspeople

As I got closer, I realized what was the matter.

Fish farm

As it turned out, those gathered were watching the release of fish into the fish farm’s cage. And this event was at its very beginning. And it was of some interest to local residents. However, I also became curious to watch this.

Primorsk Fish farm cage

The release of the fish (it looked like it was trout) was carried out simply and unpretentiously. From the special vehicle in which the brought fish was located, the fish were released into the cage through a large-diameter plastic pipe. Fortunately, the height of the shore here is several meters from the water's edge. And the fish, almost “under their own power,” rolled out of the open boxes of the fish carrier. The fish farmers only helped the flexible plastic pipe with the fish rolling along it into the cage not to bend at a sharp bend.

Release of trout into the cage

Release of trout into the cage

Trout farm

So, in general, without any big problems for the trout, it found its new habitat.

Fish farm

After watching the “migration” of red fish, I headed to my car. My plans were to get to know the city of Primorsk itself.

What to see

Primorsko-Akhtarsk, photos of the city and the beach of which can be found in large quantities on the Internet, and its surroundings have many interesting places and attractions.

It’s interesting to just walk along the streets of this small city and admire the blooming rose gardens that are planted in the courtyards of local residents and in city flower beds. During flowering time, the whole air here is filled with the intoxicating aromas of lilacs and a huge number of fruit trees.

In the evenings, when the heat of the day subsides, you can stroll along the city embankment, sit in cozy cafes and on the open verandas of seaside restaurants, taste delicious food and admire the sea views and sunset, listen to the gentle rustling of the waves and breathe in the fresh sea air.

You can take a boat ride to a lotus plantation and admire the magnificent flowers. In addition, you can see popular attractions of the city.

Sights and interesting places of Primorsko-Akhtarsk

Despite the relatively small size of the city, you can find several interesting places in it.


The main attraction of the city is its embankment, which can be reached by passing through the square. Here stands a monument to V.I. Lenin. Monuments of the leader of the revolution today can rarely be seen on the streets of big cities.

The embankment separates the central beach from the city streets. There are many cafes and restaurants, bars and shops. There are several interesting sculptural groups here. One of them is a lantern in the form of a woman holding out a lamp in her palm, symbolizing the gift of light to people.

Armored boat No. 124

At the end of the embankment you can see a monument to a combat armored boat, which during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 traveled a difficult but glorious path from the city of Primorsko-Akhtarsk to Stalingrad and Vienna.

A real ship is placed on the pedestal. This monument is dedicated to the heroes of the Azov flotilla.

Indian Lotus Plantations

Excursions to the Indian Lotus plantation are very popular among vacationers in Primorsko-Akhtarsk. The largest is located next to the Sadki farm. Flowers begin to bloom at the end of July.

The entire plantation is in the flowering stage until the end of August. Each lotus blooms for only 4 days. A boat trip will be a bright, unforgettable event for anyone who has visited this place.

Primorsko-Akhtarsky Museum of History and Local Lore

The museum building was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The exhibitions are located indoors and outdoors. They tell and show various events from the life of the Azov city and the entire region in different years. There are exhibitions here that are dedicated to war heroes, glorious Cossacks and veterans. The museum will be interesting for both adults and children.

Opening hours:

  • Wed.-Sun. — from 1:00 to 19:00;
  • Mon., Tue. - weekend.

Location address: Primorsko-Akhtarsk, st. Lenina, 91.

Entertainment for children

There is entertainment for children of all ages on the central beach, where there are trampoline towns, a swimming pool with water cars, water slides, and a swing in the sea called “Oh, the swing.”

Children will be interested in visiting the city park, where there are exciting rides, carousels and swings. Not far from the embankment in the city center there are several leisure centers for children. You can take your children to nearby cities and towns where there are dolphinariums and aquariums.

Dolphinarium and Oceanarium

The nearest oceanarium “Shark Reef” is located in the city of Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory. It is 149 km from Primorsko-Akhtarsk. The journey by car will take about 2 hours. The aquarium contains various species of fish, turtles, small sharks and dolphins.

The open-air dolphinarium is located on the shore of Taganrog Bay. Here, in addition to dolphins, there are fur seals and a sea lion. All artists have their own names.

The Dolphinarium program includes:

  • exciting water show;
  • swimming with dolphins;
  • dolphin therapy;
  • photo session with animals.

A visit to the establishment will cost from 1,000 rubles. Free admission is available for children under 3 years of age (with documents provided).

Opening hours:

  • Tue.-Sun. — from 10:00 to 18:00;
  • Mon. - day off.

Performances take place in 2 sessions: at 12:00 and at 16:00. Location address: Krasnodar region, Yeisk, st. Schmidta, 16/1.

Not everyone knows the small town of Primorsko-Akhtarsk on the shores of the Azov Sea, but many people love it. Vacationers from different parts of the country come here year after year to sunbathe on sandy beaches, swim in the warm sea and take many interesting photographs as souvenirs.

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