Ryazan: climate, economy, geographical features

The territory of the Ryazan region has been inhabited since ancient times. The founding of the region's capital, Ryazan, dates back to the 11th century, and most of the large cities and towns operating today appeared in the 16th and 17th centuries. Despite such a long history of the formation of the region, it cannot be called large in number. According to information at the beginning of 2022, 1,114,149 people live here, which puts the region only in 46th place in the all-Russian ranking. With an area of ​​39,605 km² - 58th position in Russia, the density is also quite low: 28.13. For comparison, in the neighboring Tula region this figure is 57.59, and in the Lipetsk region - 47.58.

Current data

Considering the most important figures associated with the city of Ryazan, it is worth noting the following facts:

  • Until 1778, this settlement was called Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky.
  • At the beginning of 2022, the number of residents here was 539,290 citizens.
  • The city, like the region, is located only 200 km from Moscow and occupies the central part of the East European Plain.
  • Includes 40 of the largest and most developed cities in the Russian Federation.
  • Today, some areas of industry are intensively developed here.
  • It is also a major scientific center.
  • In addition, the settlement is a military center.
  • The city is located on the high bank of the Oka River.
  • In terms of infrastructure, there are 2 airfields, 2 railway stations, and a bus station. The city has 2 ports, which along the river bed have access to the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, as well as to the Caspian coast.
  • It is the capital of the Ryazan region.

Administrative division

Officially, the population of Ryazan in 2014 lived in four urban districts: Moscow, Zheleznodorozhny, Sovetsky and Oktyabrsky. But in the minds of Ryazan residents themselves, the city is divided into a much larger number of districts. Thus, in the west of the city there are such parts as Diaghilevo and the military town, the settlements of Moskovskoye, Mervino, Kanishchevo. The Sovetsky district is located in the central part of the city, and residents call it that way - the center. In the south are Gorroshcha, the villages of Yuzhny and Dashki. In the west there is the village of Stroitel, this is the most unfavorable place to live in Ryazan.

Statistics by year

If we look at statistical data on residents in Ryazan by year, here are the numbers provided by Rosstat:

  • In 1811, only 7,800 people lived here.
  • By 1856 the number had increased to 21,449 people.
  • By 1913 it reached 49,100.
  • In 1939 there were 95,357 people.
  • In the post-war period, the number of townspeople increased to 136,000. This happened by 1956.
  • Then gradual but continuous growth continued. And by 1992 the population was 529,000 people.
  • But 1993 and 1994 were not the most prosperous years in terms of historical events taking place in the country. Therefore, although slightly, the composition of the townspeople decreased to 526,000.
  • By 2000 it amounted to 529,000 people.
  • In 2005 it became 515.900.
  • In 2010 – 524.927.
  • In 2015 – 532.772.
  • In 2022, the number reached 539,789 people.

As can be seen, in the pre-war and post-war periods the population increased quite rapidly. But, after the collapse of the USSR, the number of citizens living here initially fell. But then, from the moment the economic and political situation stabilized, the number began to recover. True, not as intensely as it happened before.

Ryazan Brief information

Do you people know where the first Russian Nobel Prize laureate, physiologist Ivan Pavlov, was born? Yes, in Ryazan, that’s where!

Now Ryazan is the very heart of Russia. And once upon a time these lands on the Oka were an outskirts that was ravaged by nomads.

Once the residents of Ryazan even had to move their entire city to another place - more reliable!

The fighting spirit here is strong! And today Ryazan trains paratrooper officers for the whole country.

The creator of the main army song and dance ensemble is from these places - composer Alexandrov, the same one who wrote the music for the Russian anthem.

But the poet Sergei Yesenin found the warmest words about his native land. For him, the Ryazan land is “a thoughtful and gentle land...”

Wow! People are different, but the country is one!

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Watch the video “Ryazan Region”

Source: https://www.multirussia.ru/movies/Ryazan_divx.avi

Videos about other regions of Russia

Source: https://www.multirussia.ru/index.php?id=34

About the city

If we consider the specifics of the city, here is what data can be presented for Ryazan:

  • The area of ​​the settlement is 224,163 sq.m.
  • The date of foundation is 1095, and the first mention in 1096.
  • Until 1778 it had the name of Pereyaslavl-Ryazan.
  • Situated on the high bank of the Ob River. Occupies mainly the right bank.
  • Ethnographers and linguists associate the toponym “Ryazan” and “Ryazan” with the old Russian word “cassock,” which translated means “swampy area.” It is also believed that this was the name of an ancient Russian coin and that a variety of apples was named in the same way.
  • The settlement is located in the Moscow time zone.
  • The climate here is temperate continental, which gives a relatively comfortable level of living here in winter and summer.
  • Despite the fact that the real history of the city goes back about 1000 years, in fact, archaeological excavations have confirmed that there were sites of ancient people here, dating back more than 80,000 years.
  • Although, other historical sources claim that in fact the city is only 810 years old.
  • The body that governs the city is the city council. It adopts laws within the scope of its vision and ensures the functioning of social, budgetary and other organizations.
  • There is also a youth parliament here, which puts forward legislative and parliamentary initiatives.
  • From the point of view of administrative division, there are the following district entities - Sovetsky, Oktyabrsky, Zheleznodorozhny, Moskovsky.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Ryazan is presented in the form of a golden French shield. Crowned with the Monomakh's Cap.

It depicts the prince in a scarlet sleeveless cloak, fastened with a gold clasp on the chest. He is wearing silver pants and a green dress. The hat and boots are also green. In his right hand the prince holds a silver sword, in his left - a scabbard of the same color.

The structure is held on a patterned base by a golden griffin and a silver horse. The artiodactyl is presented with a scarlet tongue, golden mane and tail. The bird is burdened with red lights.

The shield is surrounded by a gold ceremonial chain, which embodies the official badge of the head of the municipality - the city of Ryazan. The motto is inscribed in black letters on a precious metal colored ribbon. It reads: “A glorious history – a worthy future.”

The artistic composition was adopted by decision of the Ryazan City Council dated May 17, 2001 No. 183 (as amended on June 26, 2008). Included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 172.

National composition

According to the latest data from Rosstat, this is the population, in terms of ethnicity, that predominates in Ryazan, taking into account the latest census and available data for 2022:

  • Russians are the overwhelming majority here, almost 96%.
  • Ukrainians are no more than 0.8%.
  • Belarusians and Azerbaijanis – 0.3% each.
  • Armenians 0.5%.
  • Tatars and Mordovians – 0.2% each.
  • Other nationalities – in the total population no more than 1.9%.

Thus, it can be unequivocally stated that Russians predominate here.

Gender and age

From a sociological point of view, not only the size and national composition of the population is important, but also the following parameters:

  • How many residents in the city are of working age?
  • How the general population is distributed by gender.

Here is what Rosstat data is available on these characteristics for 2022:

  • In total, 539,789 people lived in the settlement during this calendar period.
  • Men – 242,345.
  • Women – 297,444.
  • Children from 0 to 4 of both sexes 29,196.
  • From 5 to 9 years – 28.646.
  • From 10 to 14 – 23.690.
  • From 15 to 19 – 25.165.
  • From 20 to 29 – 70.525.
  • From 30 to 34 – 49.698.
  • From 35 to 39 – 43.630.
  • From 40 to 59 – 111.472.
  • From 60 and above – 125.549.


  • The younger working age female population in the city is 41,666.
  • Younger than able-bodied male – term 44.359.
  • Able-bodied female – 149,822.
  • Able-bodied males – 156,346.
  • Women older than working age – 105,956.
  • A man older than working age – 41,640.


Every year, 5 thousand more people die in the city than are born. Migrants provide positive dynamics in overall indicators. It is thanks to them that the population is growing. Ryazan is located in such proximity to the capital region that allows people to commute to work. Therefore, new residents constantly come to the city. The mortality rate and life expectancy here do not differ in general from the national indicators. And like many cities in the country, Ryazan is gradually “aging”; the number of elderly people is increasing.


As for the migration situation, today it looks like this:

  • In 2022, the total population in the region, and not just in the city, increased by 905 people. These figures relate exclusively to external migration, that is, when people come from other countries or leave for other states.
  • As for intra-Russian movement, over the same calendar period, 15,481 people arrived in the region, and 16,733 left.
  • Thus, we can conclude that the region is losing its citizens due to the fact that they are looking for more promising places to live. In addition, the closest accessibility in terms of distance is Moscow and the Moscow region. And the prospects here for the country’s citizens are higher, which most likely causes internal migration outflow within the state.


The total population of (Ryazan) is highly dependent on migrants, for whom this place is a convenient transit point from Central Asia to the capital regions. The city's good supply of its own industrial and manufacturing enterprises and proximity to the Moscow region make it possible to keep unemployment here at a low level, on average 3.5%. The population of Ryazan demonstrates the so-called pendulum migration. Many residents work in the capital region, but still live here.


Despite the fact that the growth in this locality is quite slow, its prospects still exist. They are due to the fact that the infrastructure here is quite well developed and there are certain industries. But the low level of salaries observed today does not provide broad prospects for citizens.

Without government intervention and the introduction of social programs to support different segments of the population, development will proceed too slowly. Thus, key opportunities will be missed and the region may become depressed. Therefore, we should expect innovations from the government and local governments, which can also increase the attractiveness of the region.

Air masses

The greatest influence on the climate of Ryazan is exerted by flows from the Atlantic, i.e., marine moderate air masses. An influx of 90% of the falling moisture is associated with them. Air coming from the north, from the Arctic, is less common. Marine Arctic air quite quickly transforms into continental temperate air, as a result of which the air temperature rises.

The flow of tropical air from the south is observed infrequently. It is associated with hot summer weather, when maximum temperatures can be above 30°. Tropical air masses come from the Mediterranean and Central Asian regions.

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