Strategy for the socio-economic development of the municipal formation Vyaznikovsky district of the Vladimir region (2016-2027) (page 1)

district/municipal area
Vyaznikovsky district
FlagCoat of arms
56°15′ N. w. 42°11′ E. village HGYAO Country Russia Part of the Vladimir region Includes 7 municipalities Adm. centercity of VyaznikiHead of AdministrationZinin Igor Vladimirovich[1]Head of the municipalityLopukhov Vladimir Vasilievich[1]History and geographyDate of formation 1929Area 2236.34[2] km²
  • (4th place)
Time zoneMSK (UTC+3)PopulationPopulation ↘66,165[3] people. (2021)
  • (5%, 6th place)
Density 29.59 people/km² (10th place) Digital identifiers OKATO 17 210 000 Telephone code 49233 Postal codes 601440 Official website Media files on Wikimedia Commons

Vyaznikovsky district

- administrative-territorial unit (district) and municipal formation (municipal district)[4] in the Vladimir region of Russia.

The administrative center is the city of Vyazniki[5].


Area 2,251.5 km² (4th place among districts). The district borders the Kovrovsky, Selivanovsky, Muromsky and Gorokhovetsky districts of the Vladimir region, as well as the Ivanovo region. Located within the Volga-Oka interfluve, with numerous lakes of glacial and floodplain origin. The largest among them are Kshhara (Kshara), Sankhar (Sankhr), and Velikoye. The predominant types of soils are soddy, weakly, and medium podzolic soils of various mechanical compositions. Almost 50% of the area is covered with forest; the main forest-forming species are pine, spruce, birch, aspen, oak, and alder. Mineral resources are represented by deposits of light-alloy clays, sand, gypsum, and carbonate rocks.

The main rivers are Klyazma, Lukh, Suvoroshch.

Natural resources

The flora of the region includes 874 species of vascular plants[6].

Natural places of interest in Vyazniki

The Klyazma River, picturesque observation platforms, Birch Grove - this is not a complete list of natural attractions of the city of Vyazniki.

Klyazma River

  • Coordinates: 56.254343, 42.172320.

The Klyazma River, on the right bank of which the city of Vyazniki is located, is a tributary of the Oka. Since the Middle Ages it has been the most important transport artery. It originates on the Moscow Upland, flowing in the very heart of Russian lands, through the territory of four regions. Klyazma in the Vyazniki region offers amazingly beautiful views of native Russian nature combined with the spirit of ancient history, which the river banks literally exude.

Observation deck "Venets"

  • Address: Suburban street.

Amazing river views of the Klyazma and the remains of ancient Yaropolch open from a hill on the outskirts of Vyazniki, which is considered the highest point of the city. Here in 2022, on the occasion of the 240th anniversary of Vyazniki’s awarding city status, the “Venets” observation deck was built, equipped with an openwork gazebo. The beautiful place became popular with both citizens and tourists, and quickly became one of the city’s recognizable landmarks.

Birch Grove

  • Coordinates: 56.218009, 42.167052.

Although according to one version, the name of the city was given by elm trees, one of the tree symbols of central Russia, and, in particular, the Vladimir region is the birch. The region is famous for its birch groves.

There is one near Vyazniki, not far from the observation deck. The beauty of the local grove is captured in many photographs. This is a great place for suburban walks and unity with nature.


  • The district was formed on April 10, 1929 as part of the Vladimir district of the Ivanovo Industrial Region from part of the territories of the Vyaznikovsky district of the Vladimir province.
  • On January 25, 1935, the Nikologorsk district was separated from the district.
  • On January 1, 1940, the district included 16 village councils: Barsko-Tatarovsky, Vyaznikovsky, Denisovsky, Ilevnikovsky, Kozlovsky, Losevsky, Luzhkovsky, Luknovsky, Malo-Udolsky, Mstersky, Osinkovsky, Paustovsky, Perovsky, Peskovsky, Saryevsky, Stankovsky
    [7] .
  • Since August 14, 1944, the Vyaznikovsky district
    is part of the Vladimir region.
  • On April 27, 1947, the village of Luknovo was classified as a workers' settlement.
  • In 1950, the working settlement of Oktyabrsky was formed, and the Losevsky Village Council
  • In 1954, the Vyaznikovsky and Peskovsky village councils
    were merged into
    the Fedurnikovsky village council
    the Luzhkovsky village council
    became part of
    the Malo-Udolsky village council
  • In 1958, Luknovsky and Ilevnikovsky village councils
  • In 1959, after the liquidation of the Fominsky district, the Grishinsky village council
    , and
    the Ramensky village council
  • On February 1, 1963, the Vyaznikovsky rural district
    with a center in the city of Vyazniki, consisting of 26 village councils: 12 village councils of the Vyaznikovsky district (
    Barsko-Tatarovsky, Grishinsky, Denisovsky, Kozlovsky, Kourkovsky, Malo-Udolsky, Osinkovsky, Paustovsky, Perovsky, Saryevsky, Stankovsky, Fedurnikovsky
    ); 7 village councils of the Gorokhovetsky district and 7 village councils of the Nikologorsk district.
  • On January 12, 1965, the Vyaznikovsky rural district was transformed into the Vyaznikovsky district, consisting of the working villages of Nikologory, Mstera, Luknovo, Stepantsevo and 17 village councils ( Barsko-Tatarovsky, Bolshe-Vysokovsky, Butorlinsky, Galkinsky, Ilevnikovsky, Kozlovsky, Kourkovsky, Maludolsky, Oktyabrsky, Osinkovsky, Paustovsky, Saryevsky, Sergievo-Gorsky, Stankovsky, Stepantsevsky, Shatnevsky, Edonsky
    ), 10 village councils became part of the Gorokhovetsky district.
  • In 1967-68, the working villages of Oktyabrsky and Novovyazniki were transferred from the subordination of the Vyazniki city council to the Vyaznikovsky district.
  • In 1983, the Vyazovsky village council
    with its center in the village of Mstera.
  • In 1986, the Kourkovsky village council
    was renamed
    with its center in the village of Chudinovo[8].
  • In accordance with the Laws of the Vladimir Region dated October 10, 2001 No. 81-OZ[9] and dated October 24, 2001 No. 91-OZ[10], the city of Vyazniki and the Vyaznikovsky district were united into one municipal entity - Vyazniki District
  • In accordance with the Law of the Vladimir Region of December 10, 2001 No. 130-OZ, the Vyaznikovsky District retained its status as an administrative-territorial unit of the region[11].
  • Until 2002, the district included 6 urban-type settlements (Luknovo, Mstera, Nikologory, Novovyazniki, Oktyabrsky, Stepantsevo) and 19 rural councils (since 1998 - rural districts): Barsko-Tatarovsky, Bolshevysokovsky, Butorlinsky, Galkinsky, Ilevnikovsky, Kozlovsky , Maloudolsky, Oktyabrsky, Osinkovsky, Paustovsky, Priozerny, Proletarsky, Saryevsky, Sergiev-Gorsky, Stankovsky, Stepantsevsky, Chudinovsky, Shatnevsky, Edonsky
  • In 2002, the working villages of Luknovo, Oktyabrsky, Stepantsevo were transformed into rural settlements. Rural districts were formed: Vyazovsky, Lukovsky, Oktyabrsky Village, Nikologorsky, Novovyaznikovsky, Stepantsevo.
  • In accordance with the Law of the Vladimir Region of November 11, 2004 No. 172-OZ, the municipal formation of Vyazniki District was given the status of a municipal district, within which three urban settlements were formed[12].
  • In accordance with the Law of the Vladimir Region dated May 16, 2005 No. 62-OZ[13], which repealed the previous law, the municipal formation of Vyazniki District
    was secondarily given the status of a municipal district, renamed Vyaznikovsky District and included 7 municipalities (3 urban settlements and 4 rural settlements), the city of Vyazniki became part of the municipal district as an urban settlement, the urban-type settlement of Novovyazniki became part of the city of Vyazniki as a microdistrict.


The city of Vyazniki is the regional center of the Vladimir region with a population of 36,635 people (2017). Located in the lower reaches of the Klyazma River, 93 km east of Vladimir, on the M-7 Volga highway.


Vyazniki was once a settlement of the ancient city of Yaropolch-Zalessky - a border outpost of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Founded in 1135-1138. the son of Vladimir Monomakh, Yaropolk Vladimirovich, the princely fortress was located on the steep Klyazma bank 7-8 km from modern Vyazniki (now in the area of ​​​​the village of Pirovy Gorodishchi, the ramparts of ancient Yaropolch can be seen from the observation deck “Venets”).

In 1239, Yaropolch was destroyed during the invasion of Rus' by the troops of the Mongol Khan Batu. The city was never able to fully revive as an economic and cultural center, despite a short revival of its life in the 17th century. Gradually, since the 15th century, at the foot of the mountain on which Yaropolch rose, the trade and craft settlement of Vyaznikovskaya emerged and strengthened. By the middle of the 18th century. it not only overtook in its development, but, in fact, absorbed the former palace city. In 1778, the district town of Vyazniki was formed.

The origin of the city's name is interpreted in different ways. The most common, official approach explains the name by the elms that grew en masse in the surrounding area. That is why the coat of arms that Vyazniki received in 1781 depicts an elm. Vyaznikovsky local historian V.R. Tsyplev believes that the name of the city comes from the word “vyaznik” - a small elm forest, according to V. I. Dahl’s dictionary. Then, in the plural, “vyazniki” denotes an area with several elm forests under the mountain, where the Vyaznikovskaya settlement was born.

Some researchers (in particular, A.A. Tits) consider the location of the city under the mountain closer to Klyazma, on a viscous place, to be a likely explanation. Currently, some Vyazniki streets are located on bulk soil. It is characteristic that oral folk tradition also points to the viscosity of the local swampy places. An ancient legend tells that once unloved by the people, the evil and unjust Prince Kiy, returning from a hunt, died in a swamp while people shouted: “Vyazni, Kiy!”

By the beginning of the 18th century. Vyazniki became the center of the flax and linen industry, which was stimulated by the needs of the army and navy created by Peter I. In the 19th century. these crafts developed into large-scale industrial production: in the 1870s, half of the city’s population worked at 8 linen and linen-weaving factories of the Vyaznikovs, Elizarovs, Demidovs and Senkovs. Vyaznikovsky entrepreneurs traded flax products in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Odessa and other cities, and even exported them abroad. But even in their hometown, on the central square, fairs were held annually in July that, as the Vyaznikov old-timers believed, could compete with Nizhny Novgorod itself.


In the 1920s, the Free Proletarian factory was organized (since 1965 - Vyaznikovsky Flax Mill). In 1941, a mechanical plant began operating in Vyazniki, which was later transformed into (today practically inactive). In the summer of 1971, the Automotive Lighting Equipment Plant (OSVAR) produced its first products, which today has grown into a large production association. In modern Vyazniki, different areas of flax production are still developing.

In the village of Mstera, Vyaznikovsky district, enterprises of folk crafts of artistic metal processing (Mstera Jeweler), lacquer miniatures (Center for Traditional Mstera Miniatures), and embroidery (Msterskaya Embroidery) have developed greatly.


Interesting historical and architectural monuments have been preserved in the city of Vyazniki: the Annunciation Monastery of the 17th century, the Trinity Church of the 18th century, the house of the manufacturer E.G. Elizarova XVIII century. (now it houses the Vyaznikovsky Historical and Art Museum), the estate of the manufacturer S.I. Senkova XIX century. etc. Among the attractions of Vyazniki is the Venets observation deck, which offers a beautiful view of the Klyazma River.

The Walk of Fame is a place of special veneration for Vyaznikovites. The small town of Vyazniki gave the country 26 Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Famous people

Many famous people were born and worked in Vyazniki: songwriter A.I. Fatyanov (1919-1959) (the unique Museum of 20th Century Song is dedicated to him); twice Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut V.N. Kubasov (1935-2014) (he has a bronze bust on the Walk of Fame); activist of the revolutionary sailors in October 1917, sailor from the legendary cruiser Aurora N.I. Lukichev (1891-1938); People's Artist of the RSFSR F.A. Modorov (1890-1967); Honored Artist of the RSFSR N.I. Parfenov (1912-1999) and others.

Author: V. Korolkova


Population dynamics of the region:

YearPopulation, peopleSourceNote
1929108 347[14]1926 Census
195949 418[15]1959 CensusWithout the city of Vyazniki (39,392 people) and Nikologorsk district (36,047 people)
197073 238[16]1970 CensusWithout the city of Vyazniki (42,714 people)
197964 533[17]1979 CensusWithout the city of Vyazniki (45,916 people)
198960 262[18]1989 CensusWithout the city of Vyazniki (45,438 people)
200250 692[19]2002 CensusWithout the city of Vyazniki (40,398 people)
108 347↘89 730↘49 418↗73 238↘64 533↘60 262↘50 692↗81 907↘80 987
↘80 532↘78 932↘77 135↘75 618↘74 071↘72 766↘71 684↘70 245↘68 652
↘67 724↘66 165

63.67% of the district's population live in urban areas (the city of Vyazniki, the towns of Nikologory and Mstera).

Monuments and sculptural compositions in Vyazniki

You can take a memorable photo in the city by going to one of the Vyaznikovsky monuments.

Monument to the cat scientist

  • Address: Nenashevo street.

The motifs of A. S. Pushkin’s poem, which became the preamble to the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” are embodied in sculptures in many cities of Russia. The Vyaznikovsky cat scientist became the design and addition of a natural attraction. There is an oak tree in the city, which can safely be called a witness to the history of the city, because it is already 350 years old.

The site near one of the oldest city trees was developed in 2022 at the initiative of city residents as part of the “Five Steps of Improvement” program. A bespectacled cat reading books sits on a rounded pedestal at the foot of an oak tree, and the tree itself is decorated with a “golden chain.”

Monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

  • Address: Fizkulturnaya st., 12.

The statue of a Soviet partisan, a heroine of the Great Patriotic War, is located in Vyazniki near the Patriot club. Initially, this monument was installed in the village of Yartsevo, the opening took place on May 9, 1965. It was moved to its current location in the 1990s.

Monument to those killed in Afghanistan

  • Address: Bolshaya Moskovskaya street, 9.

In 1990, among the monuments of the Alley of Heroes, a triangular stele appeared, depicting a rock crushed by a military shell. This monument is dedicated to the residents of the city of Vyazniki who participated in one of the most memorable military conflicts for Russians in the second half of the 20th century - the Afghan War.

Monument to Alexey Fatyanov

  • Address: Blagoveshchenskaya st., 153.

In 2022, on the centenary of the birth of the author of his favorite songs, a monument by Igor Chernoglazov was unveiled in his homeland in Vyazniki. The bronze monument became the first sculptural embodiment of the famous poet Alexei Fatyanov in Russia.

Monument to the liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

  • Address: st. Bolshaya Moskovskaya.

The Chernobyl disaster affected the entire Soviet Union. Among those who eliminated the consequences of the tragedy in the Ukrainian city were Vyaznikovites. A memorial sign in the form of a black stele “torn” into two parts with an atom in the middle, installed on the Alley of Heroes, is dedicated to them.

Monument helicopter "Mi-2"

  • Address: Gorky street.

One of the pages of the military glory of the city of Vyazniki is associated with the local aviation school. The landmark, which appeared on the initiative of local flying professionals, refers to it. As a monument to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in 2005, the legendary Mi-2 helicopter was installed in Vyazniki in the Tolmachevo microdistrict.

Monument to V.N. Kubasov

  • Address: Bolshaya Moskovskaya street.

The bust of the fellow countryman who conquered space three times, created by the authors A. Eletsky and G. Postnikov, was installed in 1983.

Monument to front-line soldiers - flax mill workers

  • Address: Institutskaya street.

“Free Proletarian”, “Vyaznikovsky Flax Mill”, LLC “Vyaznikovsky Fabrics and Tarpaulins” - these were the names of the key enterprise for the city in different years, which in pre-war times was considered the largest in its industry. The Great Patriotic War broke out, many workers went to the front and gave their lives for their homeland.

At the initiative of the employees, the memory of their fallen colleagues was immortalized with a monument in the form of a sculptural composition of a soldier with a child and a stele with the inscription “Eternal Memory”; plaques with the names of the dead were installed nearby. In the 90s, the monument was damaged, but the monument was restored.

Monument to the Soldier-Liberator

  • Address: Walk of Fame.

The statue of a soldier, which was dubbed the monument to the liberating warrior, is located at the entrance to the Walk of Fame. The monument appeared in 2000.

Be sure to see the sights of other cities in the Vladimir region:

  • Vladimir, Bogolyubovo, Murom,
  • Suzdal, Kirzhach, Petushkov, Alexandrov,
  • Sudogda, Kidekshi and Yuryev-Polsky

Ancient history, Orthodox religious culture and military monuments - all this is combined in the sights of Vyazniki, a glorious city with its own characteristics, which has something to please the inquisitive tourist.

Municipal-territorial structure

Administrative division of the Vyaznikovsky district
The Vyaznikovsky district as a municipal district includes 7 municipalities, including 3 urban and 4 rural settlements:[13]

MunicipalityAdministrative centerNumber of settlementsPopulation (persons)Area (km²)
1e-06Urban settlements:
1Vyazniki cityVyazniki city63↘38 483[3]801,86[2]
2Nikologory villageNikologory village27↘6613[3]251,70[2]
3Mstera villageMstera village30↘7110[3]248,78[2]
3.000002Rural settlements:
4OktyabrskoeOktyabrsky village31↘5134[3]203,07[2]
5PaustovskoePaustovo village42↘4244[3]309,40[2]
6Saryevskoevillage of Saryevo12↘1450[3]186,83[2]
7Stepantsevskoevillage Stepantsevo26↘3131[3]234,70[2]


There are 231 settlements in the Vyaznikovsky district.

List of settlements in the region
1Abrosimovovillage↘8[28]Nikologory village
3Aksyonovovillage↘6[28]Vyazniki city
4Aleshinskayavillage↘9[28]Nikologory village
7Artyomkovovillage↘15[28]Vyazniki city
10Barskoe Rykinovillage→0[28]Mstera village
11Barskoye-Tatarovovillage↘1249[28]Mstera village
13White Ramenvillage↘12[28]Paustovskoe
17Big Lipkivillage↘220[28]Vyazniki city
18Bolshie Udolvillage↘28[28]Vyazniki city
19Bolshoye Filisovovillage↘3[28]Paustovskoe
20Big Hillvillage↗64[28]Oktyabrskoe
21Borzynvillage↘36[28]Vyazniki city
23Braginovillage↗5[28]Vyazniki city
25Burinovillage↘0[28]Vyazniki city
26Burinovillage↘156[28]Vyazniki city
27Burkovovillage↘34[28]Nikologory village
30Bykovkavillage↘152[28]Vyazniki city
31Cornflowersvillage→9[28]Nikologory village
33Voinovovillage↘39[28]Vyazniki city
35Voroninovillage↘232[28]Nikologory village
37Vyaznikicity↘33 769[3]Vyazniki city
38Vyazovkavillage↘62[28]Mstera village
39Galkinovillage↘326[28]Nikologory village
41Glubokovovillage↗11[28]Mstera village
42Golovinovillage↘5[28]Vyazniki city
43Goremykinovillage↘2[28]Vyazniki city
45Gridinskayavillage↘8[28]Nikologory village
46Gulyaikhavillage→0[28]Nikologory village
47Danilkovovillage↘60[28]Vyazniki city
48Doronovovillage→0[28]Mstera village
53Erofeevovillage↘266[28]Nikologory village
55Heatvillage↗17[28]Mstera village
57Zhelninovillage↘23[28]Nikologory village
58Zhelobikhavillage→0[28]Mstera village
60Zaborochyevillage↘39[28]Vyazniki city
61Zavrazhyevillage↘14[28]Vyazniki city
62Zarechnyvillage↗321[28]Mstera village
64Green Pondsvillage↘14[28]Stepantsevskoe
67Golden Manevillage↘2[28]Vyazniki city
68Ivanovkavillage↘7[28]Vyazniki city
69Ivankovovillage↘7[28]Nikologory village
71Ilevnikivillage↘23[28]Vyazniki city
72Ilyina Goravillage↘34[28]Vyazniki city
74Isakovkavillage→5[28]Mstera village
76Kalitavillage↘1[28]Mstera village
82Kozlovkavillage↗67[28]Mstera village
83Kozlovovillage↘153[28]Vyazniki city
84Komlevovillage↘1[28]Vyazniki city
85Koptsevovillage↘56[28]Nikologory village
89Kostenevovillage↗8[28]Mstera village
90Kourkovovillage↘142[28]Vyazniki city
91Koshirinovillage↘0[28]Vyazniki city
92Koshkinovillage→0[28]Nikologory village
93Krutovkavillage↗15[28]Mstera village
95Steep Hillsvillage↘0[28]Oktyabrskoe
96Kudryavtsevovillage↘39[28]Vyazniki city
97Kuzminovillage3[28]Vyazniki city
99Lapinovillage↗65[28]Vyazniki city
101Lipkiplot↗106[28]Vyazniki city
102Lipovskaya Usadbavillage↘5[28]Vyazniki city
103Dashing Reapingvillage↘81[28]Vyazniki city
104Logvillage↘34[28]Vyazniki city
105Meadowsvillage↘0[28]Vyazniki city
107Malovskayavillage↘214[28]Nikologory village
108Maloe Vysokovovillage↗15[28]Oktyabrskoe
109Malye Lipkivillage↘144[28]Vyazniki city
110Malye Udolvillage↘72[28]Vyazniki city
111Small Hillvillage↘8[28]Oktyabrskoe
112Maryinovillage↗27[28]Vyazniki city
113Matyukinovillage↘6[28]Nikologory village
118Mitina Derevenkivillage↘46[28]Vyazniki city
119Mihalishkivillage→0[28]Nikologory village
120Mishurovovillage→0[28]Vyazniki city
122Msteratown↘3834[3]Mstera village
123Msterarailroad station↘1257[28]Mstera village
125Naleskinovillage↗34[28]Mstera village
128Nikologorytown↘4524[3]Nikologory village
129New Ramenvillage↘0[28]Paustovskoe
130Novovillage↘8[28]Vyazniki city
131Novoselkavillage↘97[28]Mstera village
134Okatovovillage↘8[28]Nikologory village
137Oltushevovillage↘65[28]Vyazniki city
140Palkinovillage↘164[28]Vyazniki city
143Pervomaiskyvillage↘413[28]Vyazniki city
144Perovovillage↘252[28]Vyazniki city
146Sandsvillage↘487[28]Vyazniki city
148Pirovy-Gorodishchivillage↗870[28]Vyazniki city
149Ploskovovillage↗4[28]Mstera village
152Porzamkavillage↘0[28]Vyazniki city
154Lakesidevillage↘659[28]Nikologory village
156Proskuryakovovillage→0[28]Nikologory village
157Rameniervillage↘119[28]Mstera village
159Reutovovillage↘0[28]Vyazniki city
162Rudelevovillage↘18[28]Vyazniki city
163Rudilnitsyvillage↗51[28]Vyazniki city
166Sankharvillage→49[28]Vyazniki city
170Secherinovillage→0[28]Vyazniki city
171Selishchevillage↗157[28]Vyazniki city
172Seltsov Villagesvillage↘33[28]Vyazniki city
177Sergiev Gorkivillage↘462[28]Paustovskoe
182Singervillage↘36[28]Mstera village
183Sinyatkinovillage↘51[28]Nikologory village
184Skolepovovillage↗23[28]Mstera village
185Slobodkavillage↘69[28]Mstera village
186Shiftsvillage→0[28]Vyazniki city
189Stavrovovillage↘12[28]Mstera village
190Machine toolsvillage↘518[28]Mstera village
193Stepkovovillage↘17[28]Nikologory village
195Village stepsvillage↘38[28]Vyazniki city
196Suvolokavillage↗2[28]Nikologory village
197Suitinovillage↗1[28]Vyazniki city
198Sysoevovillage↘93[28]Nikologory village
200Timinovillage→0[28]Mstera village
202Topolyovkavillage↘4[28]Vyazniki city
204Troitskoye-Tatarovovillage↘38[28]Mstera village
207Uspensky Pogostvillage↘72[28]Paustovskoe
208Fedorkovovillage↘3[28]Vyazniki city
209Fedoseikhavillage↗13[28]Mstera village
210Fedurnikivillage↗21[28]Vyazniki city
212Fomina Ramenvillage↘19[28]Stepantsevskoe
213Harinovillage↘22[28]Nikologory village
214Khmilnikivillage→0[28]Mstera village
215Khotilovkavillage↘0[28]Vyazniki city
219Black Sea regionvillage↘8[28]Mstera village
220Chudinovovillage↗1310[28]Vyazniki city
221Shatnevovillage↘464[28]Nikologory village
223Shchekinovillage→4[28]Vyazniki city
226Yakushihavillage→0[28]Vyazniki city
227village↘17[28]Nikologory village
229Yandovsvillage↘1[28]Mstera village
230village↘2[28]Vyazniki city
231Yasnye Zorivillage↘3[28]Stepantsevskoe

The best museums in the city of Vyazniki for excursions

Of course, no excursion around Vyazniki is complete without visiting colorful and memorable museums.

Museum of 20th Century Song

  • Address: Pushkinskaya st., 7.

“For three years I dreamed of you, but I met you yesterday,” these lines from the famous song to the music of Nikita Bogoslovsky are known to literally everyone in our country. Their author is Alexey Ivanovich Fatyanov, a famous Soviet songwriter, from whose pen the lyrics of many famous hits came out.

The famous figure was born in the village of Maloye Petrino, which was located within the boundaries of present-day Vyazniki. The songwriter's father was a wealthy and fairly well-known entrepreneur and merchant in this area. Using his own funds, Ivan Fatyanov built a building that housed his trading house and leisure facilities for citizens - a cinema and a library.

Once the center of the cultural life of the city, the building today serves as a museum, the theme of which correlates with the creative heritage of the famous fellow countryman. The exhibition of the “Museum of Song of the 20th Century,” opened in 1999, tells both about the life and work of Alexei Fatyanov, and about other pages in the history of song culture; one of the exhibitions presents samples of sound recording equipment and musical instruments from different years.

In total there are 2000 storage units in the funds. Russian and Soviet famous singers who visited Vyazniki left their autographs as a souvenir on the wall located at the entrance to the museum. Here you can see the autographs of Kobzon, Dolina, Gazmanov, Tolkunova, Zykina and many others.

Museum of the History of Vyaznikovsky Sports

  • Address: Novovyazniki m., st. 1st Shosseynaya, 1.

The museum, which has been operating since 2007, is dedicated to physical culture and sports. It was created as the “Vyaznikovsky Sports Room” and grew to two halls and a fund of 1,300 units. The exposition of this attraction will tell about team sports that are popular in the Vyaznikovsky district; one of the halls is dedicated to hockey.


  1. 1 2
    Vyaznikovsky district
    Archived from the original on September 7, 2014. on the website
  2. 12345678
    Vladimir region. Total land area of ​​the municipality
  3. 123456789101112
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  4. Register of charters of municipalities (undefined)
    (inaccessible link). Access date: February 1, 2011. Archived October 31, 2016.
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  6. Seryogin A.P. Flora of the Vladimir region: abstract and atlas. - Tula: Grif and K, 2012. - 620 p.
  7. Administrative-territorial division on April 1, 1940
  8. History of ATD Vladimir region
  9. Law of the Vladimir Region of October 10, 2001 No. 81-OZ “On the merger of the municipalities of Vyaznikovsky district and the city of Vyazniki”
  10. Law of the Vladimir Region of October 24, 2001 No. 91-OZ “On establishing the name and boundaries of the municipal entity created as a result of the merger of the municipal entities “Vyaznikovsky District” and “Vyazniki City””
  11. Law of the Vladimir Region of December 10, 2001 N 130-OZ “On the administrative-territorial structure of the Vladimir Region”
  12. Law of the Vladimir Region of November 11, 2004 No. 172-OZ “On granting the status of a municipal district to the Vyazniki district and the corresponding status of municipalities within it and establishing their boundaries”
  13. 12
    Law of the Vladimir Region of May 16, 2005 No. 62-OZ “On the renaming of the municipal formation Vyazniki District into the municipal formation Vyaznikovsky District, endowing it and the newly formed municipal formations included in its composition with the corresponding status of municipal formations and establishing their boundaries”
  14. Vladimir district of the Ivanovo industrial region (unspecified)
    . Archived from the original on August 23, 2011.
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  38. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022 (Russian). Date accessed: October 17, 2022. Archived October 17, 2022.

Historical and architectural sights

Architecture is an important component of every city, Vyazniki is no exception in this regard. Here you can find both modern examples of architectural art and more ancient ones.

Senkov Estate

  • Address: st. Kiseleva, 40.

An interesting building located in the city center - a merchant estate of the early 19th century - is recognized as an object of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. The main house, built partly from wood and partly from stone, looks unusual and mysterious, reminiscent of both a medieval castle and a village house.

The building belongs to the Gothic architectural style. The first owner of the estate is considered to be the merchant Vodovozov. Then it belonged to Osip Osipovich Senkov, the owner of a weaving factory. He purchased it with his own money and passed it on to his son Sergei; the landmark went down in history as the Senkov estate.

It is known that the house was rebuilt several times, acquiring its final appearance around 1912. In Soviet times, it was used for medical purposes; a military hospital and hospital were located here. Currently in private hands.

Tatarintsev's dacha

  • Address: st. Shkolnaya no. 15.

A quaint wooden structure, combining in its appearance elements of Art Nouveau and neo-Russian style, an architectural monument of the early 20th century, located on Minina Mountain, which in that era was chosen by aristocrats, wealthy merchants and industrialists for the construction of dachas. It was in this capacity that N.S. Tatarintsev built a house for himself, which became a city landmark.

Demidov Estate

  • Address: Blagoveshchenskaya st., 37/16.

The Demidovs are the famous Vyazniki dynasty of industrialists, with whose names the formation and development of flax spinning production, which brought glory to the city of Vyazniki, is inextricably linked. This family owned an estate in the center of the dialect. Its appearance has been formed over the course of a century. The main house was built at the beginning of the 19th century, and by 1910 it was renovated and decorated in a neoclassical style.

House Obalina

  • Address: st. Blagoveshchenskaya, 31.

The history of the elegantly decorated, elegant one-story building on Blagoveshchenskaya Street is also connected with the names of the manufacturer Vasily Fedorovich Demidov and his grandson Andrei Vasilyevich Demidov. The first owner - merchant Grigory Obalin - went bankrupt, and the house was bought by the Demidovs. Its current appearance, including its remarkable external decoration, is the merit of Vasily Fedorovich.

The house where V. Kubasov was born

  • Address: corner of st. Sergievskaya and lane. Krasnoarmeysky.

The wooden building of original architecture attracts attention. A cone-shaped high roof, elegant decor, unusually shaped window openings - all these are features of the ancestral house of the Kubasov family. The house was built at the beginning of the 20th century on Moshina Street. The future cosmonaut, Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov, was born here, twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Fire station building

  • Address: Sobornaya Square, 2.

A building built in 1892 located on Cathedral Square is recognized as an architectural monument of regional significance. It was built specifically for a fire station, and is still used as such to this day.

Well of Love

  • Address: Shkolnaya street.

Each city has its own places that newlyweds traditionally visit on their wedding day. In Vyazniki there is a belief that for a strong union, newlyweds must drink water from an ancient well located on Shkolnaya Street.

It became the “Well of Love” in the 1970s, as one of the museum’s local historians dubbed it, thereby creating a brand and starting a tradition that is supported by local residents. A legend has formed about the healing properties of water, which affect not only couples, but also singles. Anyone who drinks water will definitely meet his soul mate.

Meanwhile, the well itself is a landmark, a monument to the everyday culture of the city. Historical sources indicate that it was dug back in the 16th century.

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