A walk through Krasnoarmeysk: legends and ghosts of the “red city”

Religion in Krasnoarmeysk

The majority of the ethnic population of the city professed reformism, a small part - Lutheranism. At the end of the 18th century, a Protestant parish appeared here, and in 1856 the parish of Baltzer was formed.

In the first years, religious services were held in a residential building, and in 1777 a wooden church appeared here. In 1821, another wooden church was built using donations from local craftsmen.

However, two small churches were not enough for all the believers, so a decision was made to build a new church, which began in 1849.

The church was built from local bricks, and the first service was held in it in 1851, and in 1856 it received parish status. In 1924, the church was reconstructed, the roof was covered with iron, funds for this were sent by people from Belzer who lived in the USA.

Unfortunately, in 1931, by order of the Communist Party, the prayer house was first closed, and in 1935, church services were stopped in the church, and a school was opened in the church itself.

The educational institution did not last long; in 1936 it was recognized as unsuitable for a school and was dismantled into bricks.

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Krasnoarmeysk, near Moscow, next to which my country cottage is located, is a dead-end town: no highway passes through it. The Krasnoarmeyskoye Highway, a branch from Yaroslavka, leads into the city itself and ends there. That is, you can drive along it right through the entire Krasnoarmeysk (this continuation of the highway is called Ispytatelev Avenue) and come across a fire station, above which the banner of the Ministry of Emergency Situations flies. Then the road turns into Dachnaya Street, and in fact, that’s all. All other branches from this Dachnaya Street are local roads leading to several SNT, as well as to a spice factory, some kind of warehouse and a military unit. These roads can be conditionally called roads - they are broken, and you can only drive on them with trucks or SUVs. We somehow manage, knowing all the potholes and ruts by heart, to get to our village by car, swearing every time, according to the old Russian tradition...

I don’t know whether these outskirts of Krasnoarmeysk belong to the city itself or belong to the city of Pushkino (Krasnoarmeysk is part of the Pushkinsky district), but having lived here for 4 years, I see that the situation with the roads is not improving, and the pollution of the forest along these roads and the banks of the Vorya River, the favorite vacation spot of the Red Army soldiers, is taking on more and more menacing proportions every year. That is, on weekends the local population “relaxes” in the forest and on the banks of the river (on a grand scale, of course: with a lot of booze, bonfires, barbecues, chanson, etc.), and all the garbage remains at the resting place - for archaeologists of future generations, probably . There is no need to talk about the culture of the population here - this is not good old Europe, where every square centimeter of wildlife is worth its weight in gold. This is Mother Russia, with all its bells and whistles.

In the city of Krasnoarmeysk there was a mayor - Bulgakov. Of course, I immediately remembered his last name))). This mayor was convicted some time ago and sent to prison - he stole, they say. Now there is a new leadership in the city - I don’t know their names, I don’t know them personally, as they say... But neither this nor this leadership changes anything in the city - only a little commercial housing and an office center were built together with a Moscow company - for themselves and their surroundings, and also for the purpose of making money. The pride of Krasnoarmeysk is a relatively new stadium, built for the local women's football team "Rossiyanka" - the banner of Krasnoarmeysk. Millions of dollars are poured into this team, it travels to competitions all over the world, and, therefore, must host guests in decent conditions...Teams from different countries are brought to this stadium by buses from Moscow to the “Russians” - all sorts of championships are often held here. But these teams are driven strictly along the route “Moscow - Red Army Stadium”, and never set foot outside the stadium)))… Because what can foreigners see outside the stadium fence? Broken houses that have not been repaired for years, some of which are without amenities, the majority of the male population (and partly female) aged from 12-13 to 70 years old (rarely anyone lives past 70), drunkenly in the evenings and on weekends, crowds of young people mothers with strollers aged 15-17 years (in the evenings, young people have nowhere to go in Krasnoarmeysk - so they fuck the children... I’d rather not talk about the local recreation center - almost everything there is rented out) and all that?! By the way, people in Krasnoarmeysk are good. It's just a pity for them.

Those who are smarter and quicker, of course, work in Moscow or in Pushkino - they come to their homeland late in the evening and leave early in the morning... And those who work in the military unit or at the local one, where they do not pay wages for months (for me Several Red Army soldiers I know work there - so I’m fully aware) - poverty. It’s good that many of them have 6 acres left over from socialism... These 6 acres feed them. The city gives the impression of having fallen asleep under anesthesia: the saleswomen in the stores are sleepy, lazy - you want to buy something, but they don’t have change, the goods haven’t been counted, they went out to smoke, they’re trending on their cell phones... At the market, as elsewhere in Russia, there are almost no Russian sellers, but life is in full swing: deception, body kit, unsanitary conditions... But! One of the local bars has striptease on Sundays!)))

...Somehow I went crazy today - I rolled out such a canvas! I myself don’t understand where this anger awoke in me? Why, in the midst of the July peace and lazy heat, did I suddenly feel so hurt and offended for this small town near Moscow?!

Because, probably, when I visit other cities near Moscow, which are growing and becoming more beautiful every year, where roads, modern cinemas, hospitals are being built, new jobs are being created, I sometimes think: “Why is everything so bad in OUR Krasnoarmeysk?! »

Sights of Krasnoarmeysk

In Krasnoarmeysk, a small number of pre-revolutionary buildings of German architects made of yellow and red bricks (made from local clay) have been preserved, the main feature of which is that the recipes for the mortars used during brick laying are still not known.

Most of these structures are from the late 19th century - early. 20th century, are located in the city center, they housed educational institutions, administrative offices and mansions of merchants and city nobility.

A local history museum has been operating in the city since 1987, the collection of which includes more than 9 thousand exhibits relating to various historical moments in the life of the city.

Also in Krasnoarmeysk there is a memorial to the fallen heroes of the Great Patriotic War with an Eternal Flame. In addition, the city is open:

  • a monument at the Mass Grave to the fallen soldiers of the Red Army in the fight against the “white” gangs, it was opened in 1965;
  • monument to Vladimir Lenin on Victory Square;
  • monument to revolutionary V.T. Smolyaninov;
  • a monument to fellow countrymen participating in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster;
  • a monument to soldiers who died in local military battles;
  • monument to cadets of the Engels Machine Gun School.

Krasnoarmeysk is not connected by rail; previously, the railway made it possible to get to the city of Karamysh, but in the 1990s. traffic was stopped, the tracks were dismantled, and the city retained a narrow-gauge railway, which is used by a ceramic factory to transport clay from quarries.

The narrow-gauge railway is one of the Red Army landmarks.

Krasnoarmeysk today

The urban district of Krasnoarmeysk was formed on March 12, 1947 and is located 45 km northeast of Moscow and covers an area of ​​15,643 hectares. The city is located on the banks of the picturesque Vorya River (a tributary of the Klyazma River) and is surrounded by protected forests with forest lakes. The hilly terrain creates the uniqueness of the urban landscape, which is closed from the north by Pirozhnaya Mountain, a favorite vacation spot for the townspeople.

Hundreds of enterprises in various industries are registered on its territory, such as the food industry, construction, production of building materials, packaging products and small-scale mechanization equipment.

The city-forming enterprises are scientific and production enterprises of defense significance.

The area of ​​the Krasnoarmeysk urban district is 16,070 hectares. The population of Krasnoarmeysk as of January 1, 2015 is 26,594 people.

Historical reference

In the 16th century, the village of Muromtsevo stood on the territory of the future city of Krasnoarmeysk. In the early 30s of the 19th century, a cotton enterprise was founded here, later called the Voznesenskaya manufactory. In 1927, it became known as the textile factory named after the Red Army and Navy (KRAF), and the settlements that arose around the factory formed the village of Krasnoarmeysky in 1929.

In 1933-1934, in the forest north of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, the Sofrinsky artillery range, now the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute "Geodesy", was put into operation and began to function, on the territory of which thousands of the latest types of artillery and missile weapons, ammunition, military and space technology.

The city of Krasnoarmeysk is part of the Moscow region of the Russian Federation. City status was assigned on March 12, 1947 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

In accordance with Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR No. 3470-1 of September 7, 1992, the city of Krasnoarmeysk was given the status of a city of regional subordination.

The municipal formation "City of Krasnoarmeysk" of the Moscow Region was given the status of an urban district by the Law of the Moscow Region of February 25, 2005 No. 57/2005-OZ. Since 2006, the name of the municipal entity is the Krasnoarmeysk urban district.

Krasnoarmeysk was formed as a city of science, implementing targeted state programs in the field of national defense. In order to increase the efficiency of advertising and exhibition activities in the field of military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states, to demonstrate the combat and operational capabilities of military products of the Ground Forces in the interests of foreign customers, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2004 No. 747 “On the creation of an open Joint Stock Company "Russian Center for Exhibitions of Military Products".

Outstanding fellow countrymen

Krasnoarmeysk has become a “small homeland” for many prominent people. Among them:

  • Ya.Ya. Weber is an honored artist of the Volga Germans, the most famous paintings are “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”, “Ice Drift”, “Twilight on the Volga”.
  • A.S. Krasnov is a Soviet and Russian surgeon, Honored Traveler of Russia, inventor of the sports fleet.
  • N.M. Skomorokhov is a military ace pilot, twice Hero of the USSR.
  • V.V. Vorobyova is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, theater actress.
  • Victor Glazovsky, Bishop of Glazovsky, was canonized in 2000.
  • Ludwig von Platen was the first German settler; he became the author of the first literary work of German settlers, “Description of the journey of the colonists, as well as the way of life of the Russians, compiled by officer Platen.”

Representatives of more than 50 different nationalities live in the Krasnoarmeysky district

105,612 living in our area . These data are presented in the socio-political passport of the Krasnoarmeysky district. The overwhelming majority of the population are Russians. As of October 1, there are 98,981 people.

Ukrainians second on the list . There are 2,412 of them in the district. The majority are in the village of Poltavskaya - 659 people. In third place, which is not surprising, are the Armenians with an impressive figure of 1977 people. Representatives of this nationality live in almost every settlement of our region, but the largest number of Armenians is in the Trudobelikovsky farmstead - 540 people.

The fourth position is occupied by the Roma . There are 276 of them in the Krasnoarmeysky district. The vast majority of them are located in the Trudobelikovsky rural settlement - 160 people. Belarusians are in fifth place . There are 266 representatives of the Belarusian people in the district, although, according to the socio-political passport of the Krasnoarmeysky district, thirty years ago, in 1989, the number of Belarusians reached 568 people.

The Tatars occupy sixth position. In 2002, 281 of them lived in the district, and as of October 1, 2022, their number reaches 186 people. They are followed by the Germans , who are in seventh place. There are 169 of them in the region.

The Azerbaijanis are in eighth . 127 people represent this nationality. In ninth place are the Uzbeks . There are 93 of them in the region. And our list is completed by the Greeks , who occupy tenth place, three people ahead of the Georgians in number. There are 83 Greeks in our area.

In addition, Abaza , Abkhazians , Avars , Adygeis , , , Bulgarians Dagestanis , Dargins , Jews , Ingush , Kabardians , Kazakhs , Kalmyks , Komi , Komi - Permyaks , Koreans , Kumyks , Kurds , La Tyshi , Lezgins , Lithuanians , Mari , Mari Moldovans , , Ossetians , Poles , Tajiks , Meskhetian Turks , Udmurts , Khakass , Chechens , Chuvash , Estonians and even Swedes .

The rarest ethnic group in our area is the Mansi . One of the representatives of the indigenous people of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug lives on the Trudobelikovsky farm. In Russia, as of 2010, the number of this nationality is 12,269 people.

Shore lives on the Chigrin farm . The Shors are a Turkic-speaking people living in the southeastern part of Western Siberia, in the south of the Kemerovo region, as well as in some adjacent areas of the Republic of Khakassia and the Altai Republic, Krasnoyarsk and Altai territories. The number is about 14 thousand people.

Surprisingly, there are 13 Yazidis . Moreover, 12 of them are in the village of Novomyshastovskaya, and one is in the Prototsky farm. The Yazidis are a people living in northern Iraq.

Three Evenks live on the Trudobelikovsky farm. Evenki are the indigenous people of Eastern Siberia. And in the village of Poltavsky there lives one Gagauz . The Gagauz are a Turkic-speaking people on the Balkan Peninsula.

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