Buinsky district: ancient mounds, the birthplace of Mao’s comrade-in-arms, the famous drama theater


07:00, 05/27/2018 13 Subject: Districts of the Republic of Tatarstan

Notes from scientists in the margins about the Buinsky district of Tatarstan

Employees of the Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia and Regional Studies (ITER) of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Larisa Ainutdinova and Bulat Khamidullin continue to introduce our readers to Tatarstan. In today's column, written specifically for Realnoe Vremya, scientists talk about the southwestern border region of Tatarstan.

Description of the area

Buinsky municipal district is located in the southwestern part of the Republic of Tatarstan. The southern border adjoins the Ulyanovsk region, from the southwest it borders with the Drozhzhanovsky district, from the west - with the Chuvash Republic, from the north - with the Apastovsky district, from the east - with the Tetyushsky districts. The city of Buinsk is the administrative center of the Buinsky municipal district. Federal highways and railways pass through Buinsk, connecting the Republic of Tatarstan and the regions in the north and northeast with the southern and western regions of Russia. Natural resource deposits are characterized by small amounts of limestone deposits used for agricultural purposes and construction sand. The soil cover is mainly represented by leached chernozems. The population of the city is 19.8 thousand people.

Population[ | ]

3400↗4200↗5900↘4700↘3500↗5900↗9021↗14 852↗15 610↗16 800
↗17 200↗18 000↗18 500↘18 400→18 400↗19 736↘19 700↘19 600↗19 676↗19 792
↗19 972↗20 000↗20 225↗20 352↗20 433↗20 482↗20 657↗20 718↗20 854↗20 886
↗20 905↘20 848↘20 681↘20 416

In 1761 (3rd revision) in the village of Buinsky there were: 573 males, 700 females; and according to the fourth revision (1781) in the city of Buinsk there were: male - 647, female - 728 souls. All of them are of the Christian faith of the Greek confession[5].

The total number of residents in 2022 was 21 thousand people.

As of January 1, 2022, in terms of population, the city was in 664th place out of 1,116[35]cities of the Russian Federation[36].

Pages of the city's history

History of the city of Buinsk

Historically, Buinsk is the administrative center of the Buinsky district, the only city in the Trans-Volga zone with a population of more than 22 thousand people and is the economic, geographical center of the Trans-Volga zone of the Republic of Tatarstan. The date of the founding of the city is absolutely precise - on September 15, 1780, Catherine II issued a decree on the establishment of the city of Buinsk and the Buinsky district as part of the Simbirsk governorship, which was later transformed into a province. In December 1780, the “designated” city was given a coat of arms: “a silver sheep in a green field,” which was supposed to signify “the abundance of this kind of cattle” in the area. In 1800, a town hall was opened in Buinsk and the guardianship of the Simbirsk magistrate was removed; the magistrate in Buinsk was re-established in 1830. At the beginning of the 20th century, the city had two stone churches and a chapel, two wooden mosques, a women's gymnasium, a 4-grade city school, a men's primary school, a lower vocational school founded in 1889, and two madrasahs. In 1913, in Buinsky district there were 19 volosts, 324 settlements (of which 40 farms), in which more than 250 thousand people lived; The ethnic composition of the population was as follows: 43.6% Chuvash, 36.6% Tatars, 15.8% Russians, 4% Mordovians. There were 38,679 peasant farms in the district. In June 1917, the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies was created in Buinsk, but its activities were carried out mainly within the city. In March 1918, a district executive committee of 32 people was elected and 10 people's commissars of internal affairs, national economy, finance, public education, justice, food, agriculture, trade and industry, labor and charity, and the military were formed. In 1920, most of the county - with a new administrative name - Buinsky Canton was annexed to the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, formed instead of the Kazan province. Today the city of Buinsk is the regional center of the Buinsky district, a city of republican significance since 2002. Located 137 km southwest of Kazan.

Buin pedigrees

From the palace (crown) peasants: [1]

No. 56 Burundukovskys (Borundukovskys) (merchants from 1808), Kalinins, Nikolai Emelyanov, No. 45 Pimenovs (merchants from 1808) [2], No. 38 Puzankovs (merchants from 1804), Trusenevs, No. 36 Chukalskys (merchants from 1808 .), No. 65 Alexander Dmitriev (Andrey) (merchants since 1804)

From the merchants:

Avksentievs, No. 15 Muratovs No. 9 Fedoseevs (Afonasy, Semyon, Pavel) left the Buinsky philistinism before 1816 No. 19 Karp Ivanov (Fedor, Grigory) entered the Buinsky philistinism until 1816 No. 21 Silanty Savelyev (Semyon, Ivan) entered the Buinsky philistinism 1810 No. 22 Pavel Abramov (Ivan, Ignatius, Grigory, Ivan) came from the Buinsky philistinism 1802 No. 23 The Grigorievs (Nikifor, Yakov, Pavel) came from the Buinsky philistinism 1809 No. 24 Semyon Grigoriev entered from the Buinsky philistinism 1804 No. 25 Mikhail Vlasov entered from the Buinsky philistinism 1803 No. 26 Alekseevs (Kozma, Efim, Osip, Ivan, Semyon) came from the Buinsky philistinism 1803 No. 27 Efremovs (Andrey, Egor) came from the Buinsky philistinism 1803 No. 28 Kornila Andreev came from the Buinsky philistinism 1809 No. 29 Grigory Kharitonov came from the Buinsky philistinism 1804 No. 62 Ivan Vasiliev (Ignate, Andrey, Stepan) came from the Buinsk philistinism 1808 No. 64 The Rubtsovs were recorded from Simbirsk merchants 1809

From the Yasash peasants:

Abramyevichevs, Agafonovs, Aksinskys, Anikins, Artemyevs, Arkhipovs, Afonasyevs, Ashmarinovs, Balagurovs, Balitskys, Barabanshchikovs, Barannikovs, Barkovs, Baskakovs, Bedoevichs, Beloborodovs, Bogatkins, Bogdanovs, Bozdunovs (Bzdunovs), Bubnovs, Burtasovs , Burchenkovs, Bykovs, Bystrovs, Vasilievs, Vasins, Vasyaichevs, Vlasovs, Genzelt, Glazkovs, Gorbunovs, Gorinovs, Gorokhovs, Deomidovs, Dmitrievs, Drozdovs, Dyukovs, Evdokimovs, Evpolovs, Evstifeevs, Egorovs, Emelyanovs, Envovs, Eremeevs , Еркановы, Ермаковы, Ермошины, Ерофеевы, Ефремовы, Жариновы, Жигаровы, Жуковы, Захаровы, Земские, Ивановы, Иванцовы, Иринев?ы, Казанкины, Калашниковы, Калмыковы, Кандрашины, Карасевы, Карпеев?ы, Карпухины, Карташевы, Картолиевы, Карягины , Kiyatskys, Klementyevs, Klepaltsovs, Kozins, Kozlovs, Kozmodemyanskys, Kolpakovs, Kolchikovs, Korneevs, Queens, Korsakovs, Krasilnikovs, Krasnovs, Kuznetsovs, Kuzmins, Kuzmishchevs, Kulagins, Kulikovs, Kurapins, Kutanovs, Lavrovs, Lazarevs, Lantsovs, Lapshins, Legoshins , Leontyevs, Litvinenkos, Litsevs, Lutsenkos, Luminarskys, Lyapchenkovs, Makarovs, Makedonskys, Mamykins, Markovs, Martynovs, Maslovs, Maslovs, Medvedevs, Mednikovs, Merentyaevs, Meshcheryakovs, Mironovs, Mikhailovs, Mokeichevs, Mokrintsevs, Moskovskys, Muravyovs, Mylnikovs, Na Dysevs , Nazarovs, Nakhtarmins, Negazovs, Nesterovs, Nechaevs, Nikitins, Nikishurins, Nikonovs, Novikovs, Nosovs, Obrymskys, Pavlovs, Pantsyrevs, Peskovs, Petrovs, Petrovskys, Piotarevs, Pichuzovs, Plyaskovs, Propopovskys, Prygunovs, Ranzhins, Ratnikovs , Rozovskys, Romanovs, Rubashkins, Rubtsovs, Rybchenkovs, Ryzhkins, Sazovs, Samsonovs, Saushkins, Sakharovs, Sedovs, Semenovs, Semenychevs (Semenochevs), Sergeevs, Sergeichevs, Sergievskys, Sergudaevs, Sidorovs, Sisliskys, Silantievs, Sinchugovs, Smetanins, Sobolevs, Sokolovs, Solomonovs, Sorokovskys, Sosunovs, Stolyarovs, Storozhevs, Syromyatnikovs, Telegins, Terekhovs, Tokarevs, Tolstovs, Torvenkovs, Trifonovs, Troitskys, Ulyanovs, Uteevs, Fedotovs, Finoplevs, Firsovs, Fomins, Khanzhins, Kharitonovs , Kharushkins, Khvostovs, Khokhrevs, Khramushins, Cheboganovs, Cheplakovs, Cherkanovs, Chernobrovenkovs (Chernobrovinkovs), Chelyakovs, Chiyasovs, Chulkovs, Shavins, Shagalins, Shadrovs, Shiryaevskys, Shmelins, Shtyrkins, Ebuldins (Ebuldins), Yarchikhins, Yasarinovs ?y, Yasensky

They were transferred to fortresses from the Sinbir provincial office at the request of various landowners who, according to the recommendations of those landowners, were transferred to different districts of villages and villages, namely:


  • for Mr. General Mikhail Afanasyev's son Matyushkin in the Sinbir district in the village of Koshelevka in 1729 (7 people)
  • for the landowner Fyodor Andreev son of Narmonsky in the Kazan district in the village of Narmonka in 1741 (5 people)
  • for the landowner Ivan Romanov's son Lopatin in 1724 (9 people)
  • for Lieutenant Colonel Vasily Timofeev, son of Pilyugin, in the Sinbir district in the village of Pilyugin in 1744 (2 people)
  • for the landowner Pyotr Lukin, son Poroshin, in the Kazan district in the village of Sharmashi in 1723 (2 people)
  • for the landowner Vasily Fedorov, son of Saltykov, in the Penza district in the village of Arkhangelskoye Bezsonovo, also in 1726 (2 people)
  • for the landowner Fyodor Amachkin, Sinbirsky district in the village of Spasskoye Kairevo, also in 1732 (20 people)
  • for the landowner Stepan Andreev in the Penza district in the village of Chepurleika in 1722 (1 person)
  • for the landowner Alexander Petrov, son of Zhabin of Kostroma, to the village of Zhabin in 1723 (1 person)

He transferred his residence in the city of Suzdal and, by decree of the Suzdal Provincial Chancellery, was included in the Suzdal merchant class

(1 person)

After the 6th day of April 1747 from the inspection of the Sinbir province, the decree ordered the Preobrazhensky Guard Regiment to be listed as exported to the Kazan district in the village of Pomryaskino for Sergeant Ivan Domozhirov, who are listed

(9 people)

Second revision tale


  • assigned, at will, newly baptized from the Chuvash of the Simbirsk district of the village of Baideryakova with the Yasash Chuvash of Yalmurza Kolmurzin's son Peter Ivanov
  • In the Penza district of the Mordovian village of Kotyakova, Timofey Vasilyev’s son Ignatei was newly baptized from the Mordovians.

according to the petition of the rescue of the Efimev Monastery, that in Suzdal the builder, Hieromonk Theodosius Subotin, fugitive monastery peasants were brought and given for the above-mentioned monastery to the above-mentioned petition to Hieromonk Theodosius Subotin, as before, into the peasantry

(Telegins, Kroshilovs)[5]


The region is predominantly agricultural.

The main cultivated crops are spring and winter wheat, rye, barley, peas, and sugar beets.

In 2007, Buin residents were among the first to complete the harvesting of grain and leguminous crops with an average yield of 44.1 centners per hectare, the gross harvest exceeded 200 thousand tons, and more than 100 thousand tons of grain were delivered to grain collection points.

Agricultural enterprises:

LLC AF "Niva" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Stroitelnaya str., 6 tel. (84374) 3-11-06

LLC AF "Druzhba" 442442, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Mokraya Savaleevka village tel. (84374) 4-55-25

LLC AF named after Chernov 422455, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Alsheevo village tel. (84374) 4-72-10

LLC AF "Avangard" 422422, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Kazansky tract st., 14 tel. (84374) 3-20-67

Vamin-Bua LLC 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Sovetskaya st., 5 tel. (84374) 3-11-71

Kommuna LLC 422413, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Lenin St., 1 tel. (84374) 4-12-44

LLC "Bola" 422414, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, village Bik-Uteyevo tel. (84374) 5-01-10

LLC "Tinchali" 422422, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, New Tinchali village tel. (84374) 5-14-21

LLC "Runga" 422440, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Runga village tel. (84374) 5-26-10

LLC "Bua" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, R. Luxemburg st., 138a tel. (84374) 3-12-32

LLC "Churakovo" 422431, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Churakovo village tel. (84374) 4-15-12

LLC "Cherken" 422411, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Cherki-Grishino village tel. (84374) 4-32-10

OPH "Kiyatskoye" 422405, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Kiyat village, tel. (84374) 4-62-16


  • 1859 - 509 households, 1460 m.p., 1489 zh.p.[6]
yearaudityardsYasashnykh peasants, m.p.Yasashnykh peasants, zh.p.Total
yearaudityardsmerchants of the 2nd guild, m.p.merchants of the 2nd guild, femalemerchants of the 3rd guild, m.p.merchants of the 3rd guild, femalephilistines, m.p.bourgeois, femaleraznochintsev, m.p.raznochintsev, femaleTotal
  • Ancestors
  • Local government
  • Buin officials
  • Genealogical groves
  • Military units of the Russian Empire in which Buin residents served
  • Bill of quarters during the period of mobilization of reserve ranks and horses dated 12/23/1910
  • Deaths in the First World War 1914-1918
  • Repressed - 1937
  • Those killed in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945
  • Report-reference to the Buinsky RVC from the Ukrainian F.N. from 1976

District enterprises

OJSC "Sugar Plant" 422432, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Stroitelnaya str., 6 tel. (84374) 3-15-61

Branch of Russian Standard Vodka LLC "Buinsky Distillery"

422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Obezdnaya str., 2 tel. (84374) 3-24-90

CJSC Akhmametyevsky Electromechanical Plant 422412, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Loschi station tel. (84374) 3-14-48

LLC "Buinsky Machine-Building Plant" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Kosmovskogo str., 240 tel. (84374) 3-14-61

branch of OJSC "Tatarstan-Sete" Buinsky butter and cheese plant 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Sovetskaya str., 5 tel. (84374) 3-11-71

CJSC "Virage" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Kazansky tract st., 14 tel. (84374) 3-20-41

CJSC "Buinskaya inter-farm construction organization" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Sovetskaya str., 9b tel. (84374) 3-26-40

OJSC Buinskaya PMK-6 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Kosmovskogo str., 110a tel. (84374) 3-17-89

OJSC PMK "Buinskaya" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Gagarin str., 42 tel. (84374) 3-10-92

OJSC Buinskaya PMK-5 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Stroitelnaya str., 8 tel. (84374) 3-16-82

OJSC Buinsk MPP Housing and Communal Services (engineering networks) 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Sovetskaya st., 20 tel. (84374) 33-3-68

OJSC "Buinsk-Vodokanal" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Kosmovskogo str., 111 tel. (84374) 3-57-05

OJSC "Buinsky Heating Networks" 422430, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Oktyabrskaya str., 1 tel. (84374) 3-26-42

EPU "Buinskgaz" 422400, Republic of Tatarstan, Buinsky district, Buinsk, Zelenaya st., 43 tel. (84374) 3-17-86

Education, culture[ | ]

  • 6 secondary schools, school No. 1, lyceum No. 2, gymnasium No. 5, boarding lyceum No. 6 (school for gifted children), school. them. R.Z. Sagdeeva, school with teaching in the Tatar language named after. M. Vakhitova, Buinsky madrasah
  • Buinsky branches of republican universities
  • Medical School, Veterinary College
  • Buinsky Museum of Local Lore
  • Buinsky Drama Theater
  • Youth Center
  • Leisure Center
  • Center for Cultural Development
  • Extracurricular Activities Center
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