Republic of Sakha: attractions and interesting places

City Mirniy

This city of the Republic can rightfully be considered the capital of diamonds, since it was here in the middle of the last century that work on their search and extraction was constantly carried out.

The city owes its name to a kimberlite pipe called “ Mir ” and subsequently a whole city began to be built around the quarry. Today the quarry has an enormous depth - more than 500 meters , and its width reaches more than one kilometer. The city is a unique attraction where tourists from all over the world come to see this center of Western Yakutia. Here, excursions are organized for all visitors, during which you can visit the observation deck, from where you can see the entire diamond quarry.

Chekurov cheeks

Chekurovsky cheeks are rocks on the Lena coast, formed by spurs of the Verkhoyansk Range. At this point, the width of the river bed drops to 2 km, and rocky ledges up to 400 meters high hang over the water. Chekurovsky cheeks consist of three rocky ledges: the left bank, the right bank and the Ponomarev pad. Chekurovsky cheeks are rightfully considered one of the most dangerous places for ships along the entire length of the river. Therefore, a semaphore mast is installed here, and a signalman regulates the passage of ships in this dangerous place.

Holy Trinity Church

This temple is located in the city of Mirny and is one of the most attractive places for travelers due to its architectural sophistication. Made in the traditional traditions of the Orthodox people, the temple is so striking in its luxury that many excursions in Mirny begin from this place. The columns of the hall were made of precious stones; on them you can see full-length sculptures of saints.

The combination of Russian mosaics and Florentine culture, as well as the clean white stone walls of the temple attract the attention of even local residents, and the golden domes perfectly complement the architectural appearance of the structure.

Location: Leningradsky Prospekt - 17.

Mount Khodar

Mount Khodar is located on the left bank of the Lena River below the village of Macha. Khodar is a unique geological object of the Cenozoic period, which is evidence of the deep tectonic processes that took place at that time and formed the mountain. Sheer rocky cliffs of the mountain more than 80 meters high, giving way to deep crevices, create an image reminiscent of ancient ruined palaces and temples. The unique appearance of the mountain, the variety of shapes and colors of its slopes and peaks made Khodar one of the most impressive natural objects of Yakutia.

Sculptural composition "Circus"

In front of the building of the circus of the Republic of Sakha there is an interesting and attractive sculptural composition dedicated to circus performances, as well as young circus performers who have replaced those who are no longer engaged in this type of activity. The sculpture itself is made in the form of a performance that can be seen in many circus establishments - these are circus performers performing on a large arena.

The laid tiles serve as a pedestal for the performance of artists. The idea of ​​the presentation is very unique: the sculpture represents a mammoth, which rises on a ball, and next to it are acrobats. Who perform the numbers. For young tourists, such a sculpture is very unusual and interesting, which is why you can always see children near it.

Location: Yakutsk, Poyarkova street - 22.


Yakutia alone is larger than many countries in the world, and its inhabitants are approximately 1 million.

For comparison, the square of Yakutia can fit:

  • 2 Mongolia,
  • 3 Egypt,
  • 10 Philippines,
  • 1,200 cities such as Moscow,
  • 10,000 Maldives.

The main nation is the Yakuts, making up half of the republic’s inhabitants; Russians - about 35% of the population. The remaining part is shared by Evenks, Chukchi, Yukaghirs and other nationalities. All these nations, although small in number, are the indigenous peoples of Russia.

Monument to the mammoth

The most interesting attraction for tourists visiting the republic is the monument dedicated to the mammoth. These animals represent the wealth of the Sakha Republic along with diamonds and gold. For a long period, this work of the sculptor was the only one in the country dedicated to the mammoth. But today you can see a second monument in the republic - it is located next to the building of the Institute of Permafrost Science.

The location of the monument was not chosen by chance - it was here that a mammoth was found, which was subsequently removed from a block of ice. The monument is made in full height of the animal, it has huge tusks, and its trunk rises above the head - such a sculpture cannot but attract attention.

Location: Yakutsk, Merzlotnaya street - 36.

Verkhoyansk - the pole of cold

Two Yakut settlements continue to fight for the title of pole of cold - the village of Oymyakon and the city of Verkhoyansk. And yet, the lowest air temperature was recorded in Verkhoyansk and amounted to 67.1 °C below zero. The temperature record was set in 1885. Seven years later, in the northernmost city of Yakutia, an air temperature of -69.8 °C was recorded, but due to an error that crept into the calculations, this record was not officially approved. Nevertheless, even now Verkhoyansk and Verkhoyansk ulus, also called Verkhoyansk, remain the coldest place in the Northern Hemisphere.

Mammoth Museum

The Republic of Sakha is home to the only museum in the world dedicated to amazing animals - mammoths. A variety of paleontological finds are stored here. The museum was opened in 1991 and since then has been a center for the study of mammoth fauna and their habitat in the distant Ice Age.

The scientific and cultural center is attractive to those tourists who want to see real exhibits brought from expeditions. By the way, expeditions are organized to this day; thanks to such trips and excavations, many finds were discovered that influenced not only the study of the life of mammoths, but also the study of the Ice Age in general.

Location: Yakutsk, Kulakovskogo street - 48.

Mammoth Mountain

Mammoth Mountain is located on the left bank of the Aldan River and is a plateau 80 meters high, stretching 5 km along the river. Open sections of the mountain, reaching an age of 15 million years, helped scientists figure out the geological and paleontological history of the area; remains of vegetation and fauna of the Pleistocene period were found here. In particular, the remains of a woolly rhinoceros, a mammoth, an eastern horse and more than 250 species of fossil plants were discovered here. These finds were able to prove that during the Pleistocene period the flora and fauna of Yakutia were much richer and more diverse than now.

Kimberlite pipe "Mir"

This attraction (diamond deposit) can attract the attention of even the most sophisticated tourists and travelers. It was discovered in 1955 by geologists who were on an expedition. Then they discovered a larch tree, the roots of which were very exposed, and a fox, which had dug a hole in the roots of the tree, scattered earth around the tree, whose composition was unusual - the earth was an unusual blue color, which was similar to kimberlite - a volcanic rock.

Sights of Yakutia

Sights of Yakutia. The most important and interesting sights of Yakutia - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

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The sights of Yakutia, to put it simply, are divided into two categories: national-cultural and natural.
Both of them can be very interesting due to their rare specificity. The nature of Yakutia is harsh, but beautiful, and, once here, one cannot help but pay tribute to its amazing wonders. The Ust-Lena Nature Reserve is unique with the most northern forests in the republic, a population of protected polar bears, whitefish spawning grounds, and waterfowl nesting grounds. Interesting are the tuculan sand deposits and tuculan lakes, where you can have excellent fishing and swim on the clean sandy beach. Also known are the Sinsky pillars, cliffs made of limestone from the Cambrian era - exactly like in British Cumbria.

The Yakut rivers are amazing. For example, Eastern Khandyga, which almost entirely bends along the entire Kolyma federal highway. Or the famous Vilyui, more than 2.5 thousand km long, flowing from north to south, with a number of hydroelectric power stations. And Buotama is remarkable for the sites of primitive people, which are already about 40 thousand years old, and for its amazing nature.

The nature of Yakutia is harsh, but beautiful, and, once here, one cannot help but pay tribute to its amazing wonders.

You can also mention one of the most beautiful rivers of the republic - the Amga, about which there are many songs and legends. Its sources are located in the Aldan Highlands, in Harama-Khaya, recognized as a protected natural area. A worthy competitor to Amga is Aldan, on the banks of which approximately 90 sites of prehistoric people were found. Lake Labynkyr also deserves attention, in which, according to the beliefs of the Yakuts, a prehistoric giant animal lives. It may well be, since this lake at an altitude of more than 1 km above sea level reaches a depth of 60 m. And on the small river Menda, one of the tributaries of the Lena, there is a small but very pretty waterfall cascade Kuruluur.

The mountains, hills and cliffs of Yakutia are also very beautiful and interesting. For example, Marble Mountain (Yurung-Taastakh-Haya) on the border with the Momsky natural park. Or Mammoth Mountain, where many fossilized plants and mammals from the Miocene and Pleistocene eras were discovered. In the upper reaches of the Lena you can see the so-called Lena cheeks: steep rocks of bright orange color, forming a narrow gorge. And 150 km south of Yakutsk there are Lena Pillars, a protected park of a huge area, where you can admire many kilometers of steep cliffs of unusual shapes.

The Mir quarry in the village of Mirny cannot be called a natural attraction, but still it deserves all attention. The quarry is located on a diamond deposit discovered in 1955, and with a diameter of 1200 m, it is one of the largest on the planet.

A very mystical place - Death Valley, Yeluyu-Cherkchekh. Here you can see a rather gloomy picture: a dead forest many kilometers long, where no one else lives except insects. In these places, according to legends, you can find so-called metal cauldrons of incredible size. These anomalous structures, dug into the ground, clearly cannot be a natural creation. Some “cauldrons” form something like caves with halls, inside of which, even in the most severe frosts, warmth is retained, as in a heated room. But you shouldn’t rejoice at this: all the evidence regarding the “cauldrons” claims that after spending one night here, you can get seriously ill, and if you spend more, you can die.

The Berelekh mammoth cemetery was explored in 1970 and about 7.5 thousand bones were found there. The lion's share of the bones belonged to mammoths and were about 12 thousand years old. Those who are more interested in living animals than dead ones should visit the bisonarium: after all, bison lived in Yakutia at the same time as mammoths. True, now they too are under threat. Live bison survive only in the United States and Canada, and in the early 21st century, several bred animals were transferred to Saha by the Canadian government. By 2009, more than 30 animals lived in the bisonarium.

Vilyui River

The longest tributary of the Lena River, which is located in the Republic of Sakha and throughout the Krasnoyarsk Territory, is another attraction, because in addition to the fact that there is a wide variety of fish (sturgeon, pike, taimen, broad whitefish, vendace, nelma and others), the river feeds a huge number of lakes, of which there are more than 67 thousand. In the river basin, searches are being conducted for diamonds, salt, coal, iron ore, and experts also note that there are small gold deposits here.

Ust-Vilyui National Park

Attractive to all travelers, this park is famous for its picturesque views, diversity of its landscape, flora and fauna.

There are a large number of rivers, reservoirs, and islands here. Everyone who comes here is attracted by the fauna, which is represented by more than one and a half hundred birds, as well as a variety of animals: deer, moose, lynx, brown bears, wolves, weasels, foxes, stoats, chipmunks, muskrats, hares and many others.

Mount Kisilyakh

Mount Kisilyakh is a rock complex located in the Verkhoyansk ulus of Yakutia. As a result of the influence of the wind, the rock pillars on the top of the mountain formed into a unique shape, reminiscent of a group of people and animals. Despite the external similarity with Stonehenge, Kisilyakh is of exclusively natural origin. Translated from Yakut, the name of the mountain means “stone people”. This place has long been considered sacred among the Yakuts, and among fans of esoteric beliefs, Kisilyakh received the nickname “northern Shambhala.” Like most other natural sites in Yakutia, Kisilyakh is a difficult place to reach: you can only get here by helicopter or all-terrain vehicle.

Natural Park Lena Pillars

The territory of this park extends over more than a thousand hectares and is divided into two main sections: Sinsky and Stolby. The pillars are much larger in area than the first section, but picturesque scenery can be seen in both parts of the park. The sand dunes and the general landscape of the park create a special atmosphere here.

Many call this place a “miracle of nature”, since a large number of endangered animals are concentrated here, the fauna is unique, and the stories of guides and sites of primitive people attract all history buffs.


One of the most unusual natural attractions of Yakutia is the sand dunes, or in Evenki translation tukulans, located on the coast of the Lena River. A piece of desert in the Yakut taiga is rightfully considered one of the main mysteries of Yakut nature. According to scientists, the dunes are located on the shores of an ancient sea that once splashed in the middle of the current taiga. The largest tukulan in Yakutia is Saamys-Kumaga in the Lena Pillars National Park.

Russian Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin

This is the first theater in the Sakha Republic, which began operating at the end of the 19th century and to this day performs performances for a large number of visitors. Initially created as a circle of art lovers, it has grown to a large and significant cultural institution throughout the republic. Here melodramas, comedies, fairy tales, dramas and other types of art that combine classical and modern works are presented to the audience.

Location: Yakutsk, Lenin Avenue - 21.

Transport problem

Buluus Glacier

According to statistics, there are few tourists in Yakutsk. The reason for this is the expensive road. The Russian capital and the main city of Yakutia are separated by more than 8,000 km. The plane covers this distance in 6.5 hours, and the flight is not cheap.

To other Yakut cities - Oymyakon or Mirny, there are only river routes and winter roads. It turns out that getting to remote corners of the republic is possible only in the cold season and by water. Some travelers use local aviation - planes and helicopters, but the cost of such flights is also quite high.

Literary Museum named after. P.A. Oyunsky

The museum opened its doors to its first visitors in the spring of 1970, where it presented the works of the founder of Yakut literature. Of interest to tourists is the yurt, which is located on the territory of the museum, in which the writer once lived, as well as exhibitions that show the life of other Yakut writers, including those repressed in the republic. Personal files and other classified materials are stored here and attract the attention of tourists.

Location: Yakutsk, Oktyabrskaya street - 10.

Marble Mountain

Mount Yuryung Taastakh Khaya, better known as Marble Mountain, is located in the Chersky ridge system on the territory of the Momsky ulus of Yakutia. Marble Mountain is a whole array of mountains made of the best white marble in the country, superior in quality to the famous Italian marble. The size of Marble Mountain is impressive: more than 500 km long and 10 km wide. Also in the Marble Mountain complex there is a beautiful Momsky waterfall.

Orto Doidu Zoo

The Permafrost Zoo is what the locals call it. Here you can see a variety of fauna and flora. Many geography students come here to observe environmental culture.

The number of animals includes 168 species , including exotic species listed in the Red Book - sika deer, Asian grouse, musk ox, small swan and others. Here you can also see a separate aviary for birds.


The animals of the north have an extraordinary temperament. In these parts there is a special breed of horse - the Yakut, which does not tolerate severe frosts. Unpretentious horses, like cats, walk on their own: graze in the wild, look for food in the snow, and gallop racing with the wind. And the famous deer live only on the very outskirts of Yakutia, in the far North.

But mosquitoes feel at ease throughout the entire territory of Sakha. Local residents escape from them in different ways: some wear mosquito nets, others use special means.

Museum of the History of Education Development

The museum presents not only exhibits from the educational sphere of the republic, but also classes are held on its basis for everyone who wants to improve their knowledge. The expanded library of the museum is represented by a variety of books on any topic, where everyone can learn something new.

The main exhibition here is the history of the development of republican education, and the constant flow of tourists (more than two thousand people a year) suggests that this area is interesting and popular.

Location: Yakutsk, Kirova street - 20.

Cruises on the Lena

View of the Lena Pillars from the Lena River

There are more than a dozen hotels, hostels and mini-hotels in Yakutsk. Almost all of them are designed for business travelers who fly here on business. However, there are always rooms available for tourists.

River travel on motor ships along the Lena River is popular among visitors to Yakutia. They are carried out during the navigation period - from late July to early November.

Tourists travel both north and south from Yakutsk, and always spend the night on board the ship.

A trip of several days allows you to visit different natural areas - from the tundra to the taiga, see many sights, learn about the traditions, faith and life of indigenous peoples. Tourists are shown the sites of the most famous archaeological excavations and interesting natural monuments.

Tuculana Dunes

The small population of Yakutia has a unique culture that dates back many thousands of years. People lived on these lands long before they were discovered by Russian Cossacks. Archaeologists have found human sites on the territory of the republic ranging in age from 300 thousand to 10 thousand years. Especially many prehistoric settlements were discovered in the middle reaches of the Lena River.

The Evenks appeared in Yakutia quite late, in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. Later they mixed with the Paleo-Asian clans who had lived here for a long time, and a new nation was formed - the Yakuts.

A river trip along the Lena lasts from 12 to 14 days. During the summer season there are from 3 to 5 such cruises, so you should book your seats in advance.

Khomus Museum

Khomus is a traditional musical instrument in whose honor the museum was created. Initially, the museum building housed only 20 unique khomuses (harps), which were once played by real musicians, known throughout the republic. Private collections donated their instruments to the museum, making the collection more interesting and unique for all music lovers.

Location: Yakutsk, Kirova street - 31.

Lake Labynkyr

Lake Labynkyr is located in the Oymyakon region of Yakutia. The reservoir became famous throughout the country thanks to a local legend telling about an unknown creature living in its waters. A wide range of readers first learned about the mythical relative of the Loch Ness monster, nicknamed the Labynkyr devil, in 1960. Due to the fact that the nearest settlement is 100 km from the lake, and you can only get to the reservoir in winter, only desperate extreme sportsmen can verify the presence or absence of creatures unknown to science in the waters of Labynkyr.

Shergina mine (Yakutsk)

The depth of this mine exceeds a hundred meters (116), but the main reason for its attractiveness to tourists is that it was created in the permafrost that is familiar to the area.

This mine is the reason for many breakthroughs in scientific and research activities, some discoveries and conclusions of scientists that influenced the development of scientific activity. Unsafe, but so attractive for tourists, the descent into the mine is carried out using a cradle and a rope.

Mount Harama

Mount Harama Hayata, located in the Amginsky ulus, became famous for the unusual image that can be seen on its slope. The naked eye can see the girl’s face, composed of crumbling rocks. It is believed that the Mistress of the Mountain is depicted here. According to legend, in ancient times, a battle took place near the mountainside between a shaman and an udaganka (priestess). The Udaganka won and it was her face that was displayed on the mountainside. Harama is considered a place of exceptional energy power, and therefore is popular among tourists and lovers of esotericism.

Ethnographic center Us-Kut (Yakutsk)

Translation of the name, where a large number of tourists come every year. For those who want to participate in shamanic rituals, this place will be a way to throw out emotions and enjoy ancient customs. Excursions are conducted by the owners of the center, who will happily talk about the traditions of the north, the habits and customs of the local residents.

Pillar Island

Pillar Island is a lonely rock located in the Lena Delta near where the river flows into the sea. The rock has a height of 114 meters, steep banks and a fairly flat top, on which the sanctuary has been located for a long time. According to its geological origin, the island is a remnant mountain, washed away by the waters of the river from a spur of the Kharaulakh ridge. According to legend, the island is the place of residence of the Mistress Lena, so even now travelers who come to the island try to leave something in the altar of the sanctuary in order to appease her spirit.

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