Map of Novokuibyshevsk in detail with streets, houses and districts

General information about Novokuibyshevsk

The city of Novokuybyshevsk originates from a small settlement on the banks of the river. Volga back in the 18th century. Even then, settlers of various nationalities began to populate the left bank of the river. Thanks to water resources, which were the basis of trade routes and the life of Russian people, various nationalities came here and settled: Russian, Mordovian and Chuvash.

Ave. Pobeda, entrance to Novokuibyshevsk

Villages and settlements began to grow and expand, and in May 1946, construction began on the country's largest oil refining complex and a settlement for oil industry workers.

Already in 1949, the village of Novo-Kuibyshevsky received the title of a workers' village. Initially, the settlement was planned to consist only of workers, exclusively for oil production and its refining. The total number of residents should not exceed 14 thousand people. However, due to the rapid growth of the petrochemical industry in the region, already on February 22, 1952, the workers' settlement was given the status of a city, and it was from that moment that Novokuybyshevsk began to record its history.

Monument “Good Angel of Peace”

A very symbolic monument with an angel protects Novokuibyshevsk from troubles and unforeseen situations, helps the younger generation to work for the good of the country and preserve national traditions. This Angel of Peace is not only here, but also in 23 cities across the country and the world: Moscow, Sochi, Chelyabinsk, Penza, Noginsk, Magadan, Donetsk and others. The sculpture is made differently everywhere, but the Angel for Novokuibyshevsk stands on the globe; it itself is 4.5 m high, cast from bronze and covered with a layer of gold leaf. All this is located on top of a granite column, and the total height of the composition reaches 12 m. It harmonizes well with the architecture of the main entrance to Victory Park, conveying the general meaning of preserving national traditions and historical memory.

The monument was very well received by the residents of the city; for everyone it personifies love and kindness, and it is very valuable that it was created on the initiative and at the expense of the city’s patrons, the head of the Electro enterprise. With their initiative, famous people of the city, participants in the international action “World of Good”, continued the tradition of charitable figures of the past.

Address: Novokuibyshevsk, Pobedy Avenue, 1 E

Climate and ecology of Novokuibyshevsk

Thanks to the construction of a large number of enterprises around the city, the ecology of Novokuybyshevsk is under constant attack. Over the past 2013, more than 150 cases of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere occurred in Novokuibyshevsk. Such values ​​are an indicator that allows us to confidently say that the air in Novokuybyshevsk is very dirty.

As for the serious illnesses of local residents, the main problem is lung diseases and oncological lesions of the body. The rate of such diseases in Novokuybyshevsk is significantly higher than the Russian average. The main reason for these misfortunes in the city and region are petrochemical enterprises, thermal power plants located around the city, and the constant increase in the number of vehicles also plays a significant role.

On the streets of the city. Photo by suhina (

The climate in Novokuybyshevsk is moderate, as in the entire central European part of Russia. However, the proximity of the river has a special influence. Volga, which leads to cold winds in winter and cool breezes in hot summers. The average daily temperature in summer is from +25 to +35 degrees Celsius. Winters are most often snowy, and temperatures vary from −15 to −30 degrees. High humidity adds special severity to the winter cold when it comes to the city with the winter months.

Berezovskoye Lake

The surroundings of Novokuybyshevsk are beautiful nature: forests and lakes, where you can go for a weekend or a short vacation. Local residents are used to organizing the most proper “tent” vacation on the shore of Lake Berezovskoye. You can get here by car; there is no public transport. After a difficult week of work, the calmest and most relaxing holiday is fishing here, on the quiet waters of Berezovsky. The lake is small: 500 m wide and 1 km long, nearby is the village of Berezovy (hence the name). Despite the “telling” name, there are no birches in the vicinity of the reservoir, but there are maples and oaks, under the shade of which it is so convenient to set up tents.

For those who want to go fishing, we inform you that there are perch, rudd and even pike. The shore of the lake is sandy, the entrance to the water is safe and gentle - good for relaxing with children. In summer, the water warms up to +23, and you get the feeling that you are at sea, especially with the cries of seagulls.

Address: Samara region, Chapaevsk urban district, Berezovy village, Berezovskoye lake

Population of Novokuibyshevsk

With the growth of the city, the population in Novokuibyshevsk changed from year to year. At the very beginning of population registration, back in 1959, 62,755 people lived in the city. This population consisted mainly of workers who came from different parts of the USSR for the purpose of building a new industrial city and production. Having completed construction, people gradually began to settle in it, start families, and by 2010. 110,374 people lived in Novokuybyshevsk. However, if we look at the dynamics of recent years, the population is gradually migrating within the region and rapidly leaving Novokuibyshevsk, moving to Samara. Statistics for 2014 confirm this - 106,023 people live in the industrial city. The majority of residents are mature people over 40, who have been working at local factories for many years.

Maslenitsa. Photo of Kurganochka (

The younger generation mainly seeks to leave Novokuibyshevsk. This dynamic is primarily due to the fact that after graduating from school, young people leave the regional city for the center in order to obtain higher education and often never return.

It is extremely difficult to categorically assess the moral component of the city’s population, because it is heterogeneous (both culturally and religiously). However, we can say with confidence that the city is rich in kind and sympathetic people who sincerely love their Home. This is manifested in the positioning of the settlement by local residents. If, while traveling around Samara, you meet a resident of Novokuybyshevsk and ask where he is from, then with 100% certainty you will receive the answer: “I’m from Ensk! (Novokuibyshevsk)". Moreover, this answer will be filled with pride. The reasons for such pride are most likely the topic of another article.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”

In Novokuybyshevsk, until 1995, they did not think about building a large temple, and it was a “non-religious” time. In October 1995, priest Vladimir (Zagarinsky) consecrated a place in the “Glory to Labor” park for the construction of a temple; it was the best place in Novokuibyshevsk. Realizing that the young settlement did not have ancient Orthodox roots, they spent a lot of time on the work, and this is what happened: they worked on the construction for more than 10 years, but now it is a very beautiful and largest Church of the Most Holy Theotokos “Tenderness” in the Volga region. Architect Anatoly Shoshin recreated the unique interior of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Diveevo. There is such power in him that parishioners immediately feel it. The first service was held here in 2010.

Later, a bell tower and a children's educational school were erected.

The shrines of the Temple are considered to be the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”, the ark with particles of the relics of the Life-Giving Cross, a thread from the veil of the Mother of God and the relics of John the Baptist.

Address: Novokuibyshevsk, st. Ostrovsky, 2 a

Districts and real estate of Novokuibyshevsk

Novokuybyshevsk is a city that stands on a hill, and you have to travel through it either uphill or downhill. There is no administrative division of Novokuibyshevsk into districts due to the small size of the city. However, the local population clearly divides the city into places and areas where it is comfortable to live and spend leisure time, and places where it is better not to appear in the dark.

If we roughly carry out this division, then we should start from the highest point of the city, which can be called the “Stroilki” district (that’s what the locals call it). A dangerous area where drug addicts and rebels live in the evenings. Without a sports rank in boxing or running, it is not advisable to walk around this area late in the day. There are most of the city's hostels and many unlit streets with garages and dark alleys. This fact has an impact on the general crime situation in the area.

Also, in addition to the hot spots, Stroilka also has nine-story buildings, the apartments in which are rich in interesting layouts and corresponding prices (for example, two-room apartments cost from 2,100,000 rubles, this is comparable to prices in Samara).

During daylight hours, young people from all over the city come to this area to spend their leisure time at the second largest and most popular stadium in Novokuibyshevsk - “Trud”. In winter, the skating rink is filled, music and lights are turned on, and young people skate for their own pleasure.

Going down, we find ourselves in the upper part of Dzerzhinsky Street, popularly known as the top of Dzerzhinka.

St. Dzerzhinsky (top of the street)

This is one of the two main streets of the city, which stretches from the beginning to the end of Novokuibyshevsk. There is an upper, or in other words, a new market, but most of it is now occupied by the huge Magnit hypermarket. The houses in this part of the city are quite old; five-story buildings predominate - Khrushchev buildings. The contingent is mixed, because Stroiteley Street is nearby, and in parallel there is the cottage village “Yuzhanka”. Old one-story houses or summer cottages predominate there.

St. Shosseynaya, Yuzhanki district

The southern road along Kievskaya Street smoothly turns into Pobeda Avenue.

Pobeda Avenue, central passage

Pobeda is the second main street, which, like Dzerzhinka, stretches throughout the city. The 72nd block is the very bottom of the avenue and, accordingly, the very bottom of the city. Nowadays, this is a fairly calm area, as is the 71st block, located a little higher, and the 68th, which could not be said 30 years ago. Then these neighborhoods, on the contrary, were considered robberies, and quite criminal. Well, now quite balanced people live here and crimes are committed much less frequently than in other areas of the city. In the listed blocks there are various houses with different layouts: Khrushchev, experimental, hotel-type, improved. This is exactly how residents characterize their apartments when answering the question: “What is your layout?” The cost depends on their condition, number of floors, and also on the type of apartment. At the same time, we compare the price range with the prices of the suburbs of Samara (from 1.8 to 2.5 million rubles)

Alley, st. Sverdlova

Moving up Pobeda, you cannot ignore the so-called “Ring” - this is the intersection of Dzerzhinsky Street and Pobeda Avenue.

The intersection of Dzerzhinskaya and Pobeda. (Ring). Photo by xozar (

Victory ends, or rather begins, at the intersection with Bocharikova Street. There is Victory Park nearby (discussed below). And a little higher than City Park is a shopping and entertainment center, which has a bowling alley, a Parallel cinema, and various departments of clothing, toys, etc. and so on. In other words, a standard shopping center where there is almost everything!

Shopping center City Park, ave. Victory

Also nearby is the old, also known as the lower market, where things and food are sold, a maternity hospital and the largest stadium in Novokuybyshevsk, “Neftyanik”. It is difficult to characterize the population of this area unambiguously. There are quite adequate people, but there are also “rednecks”.

There are not many areas left that need to be illuminated. One of them is 39 sq. or popularly “Prostokvashka”.

St. Pirogov / Ave. Victory

Nine-story buildings predominate with fairly large apartments of good layout and comparable cost (two-room apartments from 2,300,000 rubles). However, in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment. Curdled milk is famous for various crimes. More recently, in 2011, a murder was committed near the Monolit nightclub. This incident was even covered on TNT in the program “Psychics Are Investigating.” Therefore 39 sq. a controversial area where many criminals live, and it cannot do without drug addicts and drunks.

St. Bocharikova (Sourdough)

Next in line is the area near Mironov Street.

This is also a fairly long street. It starts from Stroilka and ends at the square. Lenin. A few years ago, it was on Mironov Street, on the peculiar Arbat near the square, that a large school fair took place in August, where schoolchildren could buy anything for the coming school year: from a pencil case to a briefcase. Along the entire length of this street there are only five-story and four-story buildings, mostly Khrushchev and Brezhnev buildings.

St. Mironova / st. Gagarin

At the end of the description of the city districts, we should talk about the central square of Novokuybyshevsk - Lenin Square. It houses the House of Culture named after. Lenin and the White House. Literally a stone's throw away is the bus station, and across the road is the Dubki park and the Rus youth club.

Bus station Novokuibyshevsk

If we describe the architecture of the area, then most of the houses here are five-story buildings of a new type. Living in this area is very interesting, because... Most of all events held in the city are concentrated in the square or in the park, and it is in these places that the youth of Novokuibyshevsk spend most of their free time.

St. 50 years of refinery

Tourist guide to the Samara region

Take a walk along the streets of Novokuybyshevsk - they will pleasantly surprise you with the presence of well-kept parks where you can always relax and breathe fresh air. Be sure to stop by Victory Park – the Angel of Peace stele was installed here in 2010. And in Dubki Park you will see a sculpture dedicated to a family of bears and a small monument to lovers.

Novokuybyshevsk is a city not only of picturesque parks and unusual sculptures, but also sports, especially volleyball, and theaters. But first things first.

Parks. Not only bears and lovers “live” in “Dubki”. There is also a monument dedicated to the “sun” of Russian poetry, Alexander Pushkin. Wooden sculptures of characters from folk works will help you plunge into a fairy-tale atmosphere.

Sport. In terms of the number of volleyball players (both amateurs and professionals), Novokuybyshevsk is ahead of any other city in the Samara region. The NOVA volleyball team is a permanent participant in the Russian Championship among First League teams.

Far beyond the city limits, the Novokuybyshevsky boxing and taekwondo school is also famous. Local athletes regularly become prize-winners of Russian, European and world championships.

Theaters. In Novokuibyshevsk there are the Youth Theater "Time of Secrets" and the People's Theater "Gran". For several years now, the city has been hosting the festival of provincial theaters “Pomost”.


Novokuybyshevsk is located 20 km southwest of Samara, 5 km from the Novokuybyshevskaya railway station. Year of foundation: 1952. Area: 86 square meters. km. Population: 108,499 people.

Main rivers - Volga

Economy. The main industry is the oil refining industry.

Other attractions

You can get acquainted with the history of the region at the Museum of the History of the City of Novokuibyshevsk. The Museum of the History of the Novokuibyshev Oil Refinery is also interesting.

The city has a cinema "Voskhod", three Christian churches (Temple of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Tenderness", St. Seraphim Temple, Church of St. Nicholas) and a mosque.


The Retro Hotel (formerly the Druzhba Hotel) is located in the historical, business and cultural center of the city of Novokuybyshevsk, on the central square named after Lenin, 5 km from the railway station of the city of Novokuybyshevsk, 35 km from the city of Samara - the capital of the province, which is 20 – 25 minutes by public transport.
The Retro Hotel has 56 rooms of various categories, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. A conference room and a wide range of additional services will be at your disposal.

Hotel “Vesta” was built in 1994 and has 49 rooms.

The hotel is located in the center of Novokuibyshevsk on Pobedy Avenue 1B. Travel from the center of Samara - Revolution Square - will take less than half an hour. Near the hotel there is the Oktan sports complex, the Dolphin swimming pool, the largest department stores, two Sberbank branches, the City Park shopping and entertainment complex, the Neftyanik stadium, the city market, and Victory Park.

Useful city websites:

City administration website –

State of the city's infrastructure

Considering the fact that the entire city is relatively young, there are very few old and completely dilapidated houses, and if there are any, they are mainly located near the city bus station and are already being prepared for demolition.

Anyone who was last in the city 2-3 years ago will be pleasantly surprised by the ongoing construction of new housing in different parts of Novokuibyshevsk. Another advantage, according to the majority of city residents, is the construction of a McDonald's restaurant at the intersection of Pobeda and Sverdlov streets.

Crossing the street Sverdlova/ Ave. Victory

If you evaluate the condition of city streets and the entire infrastructure as a whole, then only one thing comes to mind: “Everything is like in Russia.” The roads are equally poor in all directions, not counting the main highway that runs through the entire city - Pobeda Avenue and the exit from the city in an adjacent direction. Backyard streets, adjacent roads, roundabouts and junctions are broken, driving around the city is a rally with a test drive of the car's suspension.

There are practically no traffic jams in Novokuibyshevsk, not counting small congestions during prime time on weekdays. This is due, first of all, to the fact that there are not so many residents and cars to create difficulties on the road. If you do not have a personal car and you decide to take a ride around the city, then an exhaustive number of routes (buses, minibuses, trolleybuses) are at your service, ready to transport you from anywhere in the city to your destination without transfers. If you need to get there urgently or just in comfort, then by calling a taxi (there are more than 5 different services in the city), you can get there for only 50 rubles. drive around the city.

If we evaluate the situation with schools and kindergartens in Novokuibyshevsk, then it is very positive. There are no queues in the gardens, as there are more than 30 of them in each district. The schools are fully equipped with classrooms, even though there are 15 secondary educational institutions in the city.

Novokuibyshevsk has its own central city hospital with professional staff and a number of “ordinary” clinics in each of the city districts. In general, the citywide level of medical care is average and fully meets the requirements of the regional city. For any complex consultations, the population in 90% of cases turns to the city district. Samara.

The development of medicine in the city and region is directly related to the economic development of the region.

Exhibition-museum of military equipment

In the city's Victory Park there is a small corner with military equipment on display. This cannot be called a full-fledged museum, there are not many exhibits, but it is still very interesting to look at, and even for children to climb around the equipment.

The park, according to its name, is dedicated to the memory of the bloodiest war in history, the Great Patriotic War. It was opened in 1952, just then Novokuibyshevsk received city status. The entrance to the recreation area is decorated with a beautiful arched gate, and guests, entering its territory, not only walk, but also remember the heroes of the war. In their honor, a Walk of Fame was created with information stands about the city residents who went through the war.

The sculptural composition is also dedicated to the feat of the people: a soldier returns home from the war, and a woman and child greet him with flowers. This is what happened after the victory, but the equipment that fought to help the soldier is presented in an open area. Residents and guests of the city can see in detail a tank, an armored personnel carrier, a helicopter, self-propelled guns, a ZIS-6 vehicle with a Katyusha mounted on it, and anti-tank guns. The entrance to the equipment area is marked with a red star and is easy to find in the park.

Address: Novokuibyshevsk, Pobedy Avenue, 1 E

Enterprises and work in Novokuibyshevsk

Although Novokuibyshevsk is a small city, however, this does not diminish its importance in the region, because it is “NSK” that forms the bulk of the budget of the Samara region at the expense of its largest enterprises, the main of which is the Novokuibyshevsky Oil Refinery. This enterprise is one of the most “elite” in the region, and getting hired as an employee is task No. 1 for students of Petroleum Technology faculties of all nearby regions. Employees of this enterprise often work here for generations and have family continuity. Typically, employees involved in Rosneft and the Novokuybyshevsk Refinery are proud of the fact that they work there and have found themselves in circles where, as a rule, it is extremely difficult to enter.

Other chemical enterprises in Novokuibyshevsk, such as SANORS Holding, and in the past - a synthetic alcohol plant and the Novokuibyshevsk petrochemical plant; the knitted fabric factory, Novokuibyshevsky catalyst plant and others also make a significant contribution to the development of the city and region, providing a large number of jobs for city residents. The employees who work at these enterprises are, as they say, “simpler”; there is practically no continuity, salaries are lower, but the condition of the factories themselves is worse, because the attitude towards oil refining is mediocre, and in our country they live by the principle: everything that is not related to oil and gas production is in greater neglect than everything related to the “key” industries. The equipment is mostly of Soviet production, the personnel working at these enterprises is also mostly of Soviet times. Young people are less willing to come here because of the hazardous nature of production.

Oil refining complex Novokuibyshevsk

The main shopping center of the city is City Park. By the standards of nearby settlements, this shopping center is a very popular place. Here, every evening, the city’s youth gather at its entrance, and during the day hundreds of people work here in the trade sector.

Park “Dubki”

One of the Novokuybyshevsk recreation parks, organized in the 1960s, in a real oak grove of more than 1,200 powerful trees. Almost immediately, the workers of the petrochemical enterprise took over the patronage of it: they paved the paths, carried out landscaping and opened a summer cinema.

Even in a small town, Dubki Park is considered miniature, but local residents love it very much for its comfort, neatness and wide variety of plants. On its territory people walk, rollerblade, skateboard; there is a specially equipped area for this. On a hot summer day, you can take refuge in the alley, in the shade of oak trees, and for lovers of active entertainment there are rides and a Ferris wheel. Residents and guests of the city have a good impression of the park, just like in their own garden, where strawberries grow on the lawns.

A promenade is open for elderly residents of the city and for young mothers with strollers. You can play sports on the area equipped with exercise equipment; in winter there are slides for snowboarding. Along the alleys there are sculptures on the theme of family and busts of famous poets and writers.

Address: Novokuibyshevsk, st. Suvorova, 24


Assessing the criminal situation in Novokuybyshevsk, in general, by the standards of the city, which is one of the leading cities in the Samara region, the situation is calm. If crimes do occur, they are mostly small (thefts, hooliganism, petty robberies, etc.).

If we look back at major crimes in the city over the past 15 years, only one thing stands out. November 15, 2011 A high-profile murder took place in Novokuibyshevsk. At 13:20 in the afternoon, the general director of the Cosmos shopping center was shot in the neck and shoulder. He died from his injuries at the scene.

Shopping center Cosmos, st. Sverdlova

As a result of the investigation, the criminal was never found, despite a significant number of eyewitnesses.


The exhibition hall appeared in Novokuybyshevsk back in 1964, on a voluntary basis and in an inconvenient basement. The original collection consisted of works donated by local artists. After 5 years, the Exhibition Hall received more convenient premises, it was officially opened, and from that moment on it did not change its address.

During the difficult times of the 1990s, there was not only an exhibition here, but also the sale of works in an art salon. It was possible to buy all the supplies for professional painting and the work of local artists. In parallel with the sale, exhibitions of painting, graphics and sculpture are also held.

Exhibitions glorify not only adult masters, but also small talents, and the Gallery annually participates in the All-Russian event “Night of Museums” and “Night of the Arts”.

Address: Novokuibyshevsk, st. Molodezhnaya, 10

Lake Orlovskoye

This lake is located at the entrance to the city, along the Samara highway. There is a legend that the lands and the lake here are named in honor of Count Orlov, to whom Catherine the Great gave estates for his help in ascending the throne.

The lake consists of two parts-bowls, different in size, but the water is stagnant everywhere, and warms up quickly in the summer. Not only Novokuybyshevskaya, but also from Samara and neighboring regions come to Orlovskoye to relax. In summer it is very comfortable to sunbathe, swim and fish; all this can be done from May to September; July is the hottest.

Two beaches are open to vacationers: wild and paid; there is also a wake park for active recreation.

The wild beach is sandy and can be reached by transport. They often vacation with children; the coastline is safe and shallow.

Entrance to the paid beach is quite inexpensive, but the price includes the rental of sun loungers and umbrellas, you can have a snack in the cafe and the entrance to the wake park is right there. You can comfortably stay there with your own barbecue and even rent a house on wheels.

Address: Samara highway, entrance to the city of Novokuibyshevsk.

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