To Torzhok for one day. Interesting sights

Interesting sights of Torzhok await their visitors every day. Many Muscovites go to this city for the weekend. In Torzhok you can see unique architecture of the 17th-19th centuries, ancient temples and monasteries. This is the only city in Russia where gold embroidery has been preserved. Despite the fact that Torzhok is not one of the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, in its beauty and extraordinary history it is in no way inferior to them.

All the sights of Torzhok can be fully explored in one day. The most interesting places in the city that are worth visiting:

Old Ascension Church

The Old Ascension Church is the oldest of all surviving wooden churches in Russia. It was built in the 16th and 17th centuries without a single nail . Inside the church, beautiful ancient paintings have been preserved on the walls and ceiling. Here you can buy various handmade souvenirs. From the place where the wooden Old Ascension Church is located, a very beautiful view of the other bank opens up.

This unique architectural building is located on Gruzinskaya Street, 29;

TOP 4: what to see in Torzhok in 1 day

The entire city can be called one big attraction; around every turn there are unusual buildings and amazing natural landscapes.

Novotorzhsky Kremlin

  • Address: Staritskaya st., 1.

Wooden buildings were erected on the site where the Kremlin stood in ancient times. The Kremlin was called Novotorzhsky after the old name of the city - New Torg. The value of this attraction is not so much in the buildings, but in the events held here.

The Kremlin hosts festive celebrations and spectacular battle reenactments. Visitors can practice archery, view torture instruments and a collection of ancient weapons.

In recent years, themed weddings have been held, stylized according to the ancient traditions of matchmaking, marriage and festive feasts. There is also an observation deck on the Kremlin ramparts, which offers stunning views of the entire city.

Park of Love and Fidelity

  • Address: st. Dzerzhinsky, 73.

On the banks of the Tvertsa River, near several museums, a truly fabulous corner opens up to tourists. The small cozy park is decorated with white boardwalks, bridges, flower beds and interesting sculptures. The snow-white twisted carriage and the Bench of Reconciliation are wonderful places for photo sessions. The park offers a wonderful view of Tvertsa.

Pushkin's square

  • Address: pl. Pushkin.

Several centuries ago, the square was a place of lively trade and was called Khlebnaya. Bread, flour and grain were the main goods of local merchants. In 1973, Khlebnaya Square was renamed Pushkin Square and a monument to the poet was erected on it.

Tveretskaya embankment

  • Address: Tveretskaya emb.

The city embankment is beautiful not only from a landscape point of view, but also from an architectural point of view. Along the Tvertsa River stretches a number of ancient facades, on which restorers worked, giving the buildings a single image of pre-revolutionary merchant houses.

Walking along the cozy embankment, you can plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity, merchant life, and feel like you are part of a bygone era. Nature lovers can enjoy the green landscapes, breathe fresh air and even feed the ducks.

Novotorzhsky Kremlin

The Novotorzhsky Kremlin is an ancient defensive fortress of the 12th century, on which fortifications in the form of ramparts are still preserved. The exhibition and interactive center, which is located here, allows you to get acquainted with the craftsman's hut, the hut where weapons are displayed, with a model of the St. Michael's Tower of the 17th century, a lists, a shooting gallery and a torture ground. In the summer, the popular holidays of Peter and Fevronia and Lefty's Day are held here. Also, the exhibition and interactive center has become a place where annual festivals are held, for example, “Pancake with Pripek”.

It is located on the street. Staritskaya, 3.

Monuments and sculptures of Torzhok

In Torzhok you can see several interesting monuments, almost all of them are dedicated to people important to the city.

Monument to N.A. Lvov

  • Address: Novgorod embankment.

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Lvov is an example of a talented person who invested all his talents in the development of his native city. Some of the best buildings in Torzhok were created by this great architect. Lvov was a very versatile person; in addition to architecture, he was engaged in translations, wrote poetry, and composed music.

Nikolai Alexandrovich spent all his energy on creating beauty. In 2004, city residents erected a monument to an outstanding fellow countryman. A bust of Nikolai Lvov rises on a granite pedestal, the architect’s name is inscribed in gold letters on a dark stone. Tourists often stop here for photos.

Monument to Ephraim Novotorzhsky

  • Address: ost. "Lomonosov Street".

Efrem Novotorzhsky is an important figure in the history of Torzhok. The saint founded here the famous Boris and Gleb Monastery, in which he himself labored, leaving the world after the death of his masters Boris and Gleb.

According to legend, Ephraim's brother Gregory was killed along with the princes. In memory of him, the boyar founded a monastery and took monastic vows. For his pious life and spiritual deeds, Ephraim was canonized with the rank of saint. In 2015, a monument to the saint appeared next to the monastery. Ephraim of Novotorzhsky is depicted in monastic robes on a high pedestal.

The monk stands on the rocks, with his arms spread wide, in his left hand he holds a staff, three doves soar above his right hand. The monument is located in the center of a circular movement, so it can only be admired from afar.

Monument to Pushkin

  • Address: Pushkin Square.

The monument to the greatest Russian poet is a simple black bust on a low pedestal. The monument adorns the former Bread Square. People's love for Pushkin does not dry up even in the 21st century: there are often fresh flowers at the monument.

Monument to Olivier

  • Address: Lunacharsky, 3.

In 2022, a funny monument to New Year's salad appeared in one of the exhibition halls. The sculpture is a large metal basin with a whole mountain of Olivier, on top of which green canned peas are poured and mayonnaise pours in a generous stream. Behind the composition on the wall hangs an open book with a recipe.

See also the sights of other cities of the Tver region:

  • Bezhetsk, Toropets, Konakovo,
  • Staritsa, Rzhev, Kashin, Likhoslavl,
  • Vyshny Volochek, Ostashkov,
  • Bologoe, Kimry, Kalyazin.

Torzhok is a treasure trove of antiquities. The city is literally imbued with the spirit of antiquity and immerses its guests in the atmosphere of past centuries. Magnificent architectural monuments and wonderful landscapes will resonate in the heart of every tourist who decides to visit the Tver region.

Helicopter Museum

The Helicopter Museum in Torzhok provides an opportunity to get acquainted with almost any model of military helicopter, including the famous “Black Shark”. It was created on the basis of military unit 344, which is engaged in advanced training of combat helicopter pilots. Along with helicopters, the museum has hangars in which the most interesting parts of helicopters and various weapons are collected.

The museum is located on Engels Street.

Architectural sights of Torzhok

In addition to religious buildings, the city also preserves other magnificent examples of architecture. The variety of buildings will amaze even experienced tourists.

Candle Tower

  • Address: Novgorod embankment.

The structure of an unusual shape is located on the territory of the Boris and Gleb Monastery, but is very different from the rest of the monastery buildings. On a high square base there is a neat round turret, which is surrounded by an observation deck. The tower offers a stunning view of the Tvertsa River and nearby houses.

The building resembles a small lighthouse or tower of a medieval fortress, only a small golden dome reminds of involvement in a Christian monastery. Previously, church books were kept in the tower.

Travel Palace of Catherine II

  • Address: st. Red Town, 22.

Catherine the Great often traveled from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The long journey took more than one day, horses and people needed rest, but the royal person could not stop overnight at ordinary inns.

For this purpose, special palaces were built along the route of the empress. One of these travel palaces is located in Torzhok. The two-story U-shaped structure became a model for other similar palaces. Catherine’s private chambers offered a wonderful view of the city. After the death of the empress, the palace began to be used for other purposes.

Over two and a half centuries, the building has served as a hospital, a shelter for orphans and street children, a girls' school, a workers' club and a school. At the moment, the travel palace is recognized as an architectural monument.

Magistrate's building

  • Address: pl. January 9, 1.

The magistrate is located on January 9 Square. The first name of the square is Torgovaya. In ancient times, trading life was in full swing here, merchants came to the town from different parts of the country.

The beautiful building in the Baroque style belonged to the merchant Kutafiev and after his ruin it came into the possession of the city government. Today the house has been restored and decorates the city center.


  • Address: Novgorodskaya embankment.

The former Holy Cross Chapel stands out among other buildings with its atypical shape. Architect N. A. Lvov considered it one of his best creations.

The small round building is surrounded by 12 columns and resembles a huge drum. The yellow and white rotunda is crowned with a green roof, a two-tier dome and an arrow-shaped weather vane. The temple no longer operates; its place was taken by a church shop.

Hotel Pozharskikh

  • Address: st. Dzerzhinsky, 48.

The two-story building was built by coachman Vasily Pozharsky in the 18th century. After the death of the first owner, Daria Pozharskaya, his relative, became the owner of the hotel. The hospitable and skillful woman was able to develop the hotel business and attract many visitors, including eminent ones.

At various times, the poet A.S. Pushkin, literary critic V.G. Belinsky, writers I.S. stayed at the hotel. Turgenev and L. N. Tolstoy. Daria Evdokimovna was distinguished by her culinary talent; cutlets, which became famous throughout Russia under the name “pozharsky”, were considered her signature dish.

Later, a merchant club opened in the building, which hosted dance evenings and theatrical performances. After the Revolution, the hotel housed the district executive committee, and a few years later - the House of Culture.

Since 1992, work has been carried out to restore the structure, but the work of the restorers was in vain: a severe fire occurred. Only in 2013 the restoration was completed. Nowadays the beautiful blue and white house with neat balconies attracts tourists and is protected as an architectural monument.

Elias Church

Elias Church was built in 1822 and named after the prophet Elijah. In 1826, it contained the body of Emperor Alexander I, which was transported to St. Petersburg. From 1929 to 2005, educational institutions were located in the church.

Elias Church can be visited at st. Krasnaya Gora, no. 9.

Best hotels of Torzhok

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Exhibition hall of the factory OJSC "Torzhok Gold Seamstresses"

The exhibition hall of the Torzhok Gold Seamstresses OJSC factory offers excursions where you can get acquainted with the incredibly beautiful works of gold seamstresses, including gold embroidered paintings. It is at this factory that all Russian symbols and church holiday utensils are hand embroidered. In the exhibition hall you can not only see the beauty of the ancient craft, but also purchase unique souvenirs.

You can visit the exhibition hall of the Torzhok Gold Seamstresses OJSC factory at Kalininskoye Shosse, 12;


What attractions are there near Torzhok? Vasilevo Estate, Znamenskoye-Rayok Estate.

What attractions of Torzhok can you see on your own? Annunciation Church (St. Michael the Archangel Church), Novotorzhsky Boris and Gleb Monastery, “House of the Belt”, Pushkin Museum in Torzhok, All-Russian Historical and Ethnographic Museum, Resurrection Monastery.

Where can you go with children in Torzhok? Torzhok embankment, Museum of the Torzhok Gold Seamstresses factory, Helicopter Museum, Novotorzhsky Kremlin.

How to get to Torzhok from Moscow?

You can get from Moscow to Tver, and then to Torzhok by car in just 3-4 hours. You can also get to Torzhok from Moscow by trains and commuter trains to Tver. They depart from Leningradsky station. A regular bus leaves from Tver to Torzhok, which takes about an hour. The cost of the trip will cost only 100 rubles. If you are traveling with a group of 3-4 people, you can take a taxi.

Another option is BlaBlaCar. The average cost of a trip from Moscow to Torzhok is 500 rubles.

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Estates and estates of Torzhok and surrounding areas

Torzhok is one of the few Russian cities in the vicinity of which several luxurious noble estates have been preserved.

Poltoratsky estate

  • Address: Torzhok district, Gruziny village.

The project of the luxurious Poltoratsky estate belonged to the legendary architect Francesco Rastrelli. The magnificent three-story manor house was built in 1744 and contained almost 120 rooms.

The large park was decorated with gazebos, ponds and bridges. Over the course of several decades, the noble estate grew, acquired a hospital, numerous outbuildings, factories, and became the largest in the entire Empire.

The estate was made famous not only by its size and wealth, but also by famous guests: the family was visited by the daughter of Peter I, Tsarina Elizabeth, Empress Catherine the Great, and the poet A. S. Pushkin. The Poltoratsky house was of great importance in the life of Alexander Sergeevich: here he met Anna Kern, to whom he dedicated more than one poem.

Under communist rule, the former estate housed educational institutions and a home for the disabled in different years. In 2010, the house was declared unsafe and has been abandoned ever since.

Manor Znamenskoye-Rayok

  • Address: Torzhok district, Rayok village.

Another delightful example of 18th-century architecture was designed by architect N. A. Lvov, commissioned by F. I. Glebov. Fyodor Ivanovich wanted to impress his wife Elizabeth and built for her a huge estate with a snow-white colonnade in antique style and her own chapel.

The residential part consisted of four wings, in which even members of the imperial family stayed. Vast garden areas were planted with trees and decorated with cascading ponds.

After the fall of the Empire, all buildings were used as a rest house. During the Great Patriotic War, a hospital was located in the estate. Currently, the estate has been restored and is open to the public. The impressively sized oval building looks like a football stadium from a bird's eye view.

Estate Vasilevo

  • Address: Torzhok district, Vasilevo village.

Another wonderful architectural creation of Lviv. Nikolai Alexandrovich built an estate for his relative. A linden alley led to the manor house, and next to it there was a two-story outbuilding.

Only part of the buildings and the stone arched bridge, nicknamed “Devil’s”, have survived. The bridge is made of only boulders, without concrete or other fastening solutions. In the 21st century, Devil's Bridge became known throughout the country thanks to the film adaptation of the science fiction novel “Night Watch”. In the film, the stone structure became a battlefield for the forces of good and evil.

At the moment, the Museum of Wooden Architecture operates on the territory of the attraction. Various wooden buildings with a centuries-old history are collected in the open air.

Topic: Sights of the Tver region and What to see in Tver

Attractions in the surrounding area

No more than 4 kilometers separate Torzhok from the village of Vasilevo, which will be of interest to tourists with the objects of the architectural and ethnographic museum of wooden architecture and the remains of the Lvov estate, on whose estate the museum was created.

Museum of Wooden Architecture

This museum is an architectural and ethnographic complex of wooden buildings - architectural monuments, collected from the surrounding villages of the Tver region and located in a picturesque landscape. Here you will examine the architecture of two wooden churches built without a single nail and two chapels, peasant barns, look into a tavern and residential houses of peasants of different levels of income, see a fire station and an ancient water mill. Folklore festivals and master classes on folk crafts are often held here.

Devil's Bridge

An interesting part of the museum is the remains of the Lvov estate with a park with a cascade of ponds and a three-span bridge built by the architect Lvov at the end of the 18th century. The unique design of the bridge, built from huge stones without any fastenings, is admirable. It stands monolithically due to boulders resting on the cornerstone. Presumably, it was called the “devil's bridge” because of the 13 boulders that serve as its fencing. The impressive view of the bridge attracts tourists for memorable photo sessions here.

Manor Znamenskoye-Rayok

A once influential and very rich man named Glebov F.I. built a luxurious estate for his second wife. The architect was I.F. Lvov, who was allowed to realize his wildest fantasies. Indeed, the architect did his best; the estate has an extensive colonnade, somewhat similar to an ancient one. There is a beautiful island of Love in the park. The park itself is designed in English style, with cascading ponds and a chapel.

The layout of the building is symmetrical, and the building itself is connected to 4 wings. The courtyard is surrounded by an oval of columns and buildings.

The estate is located near the village of Mednoye, 20 km from Torzhok.

Belt House Museum and observation deck

We decided to continue the tour of Torzhok on Dzerzhinsky Street, namely at the observation deck and in the House of the Belt museum. Before the trip, we read in guidebooks that this museum is the only Belt museum in Russia, but at first we were skeptical about this. I immediately remembered the numerous museums of Pereslavl-Zalessky: money, teapots, irons, etc., etc. I imagined shelves on which were laid out numerous colorful belts collected from all my grandmother’s closets in Torzhok and the surrounding villages. However, everything turned out to be completely different.



In the museum of gold embroidery we saw photographs of the transfer of the Olympic flame inside a huge belt before the games in Sochi. The guide said that this belt was embroidered by local craftswomen for 2 years, then it was consecrated in the church. The prayer WHAT is embroidered on the twelve-meter belt, and inside it are protective prayer words. The belt takes up an entire room; a ritual must be performed around it, and you can also make a wish. Read more about this museum in our review here.



Next to the Belt Museum is the Pushkin Museum (Dzerzhinsky St., 71), which we decided to skip this time. Pushkin visited Torzhok more than once, so the museum’s exhibition is dedicated to the poet’s trips from Moscow to St. Petersburg, his stops in Torzhok, road maps of that time and other items are on display. The guide also talks about how these places are reflected in the poet’s work. All this is interesting, I am sure that the museum would have told us a lot of new things, but on this day we still wanted to get to know the city, find out how it lives, what its features are.

Museum A.S. Pushkin

Museum A.S. Pushkin

After passing through several souvenir shops, we finally came to an observation deck located on the river bank. Finding the site is easy - you just need to go behind the museum buildings.

And here it is, Torzhok! A winding river, steep banks covered with lush greenery...bridges, temple domes. On the one hand, this is such a native landscape and such a new one that you want to sit on the shore for a long, long time and look into the distance.



It was clear that this observation deck was favored by wedding processions, as evidenced by the locks and other wedding paraphernalia. And, apparently, Novotorki (as the local residents of Torzhok are called) love to be photographed so much that they even reserve the iron carriage.



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