Top 40 attractions of Sevastopol that are definitely worth visiting in 2022 - interesting places in the city with descriptions and photos

This beautiful city, located on the shores of a picturesque bay of the Heracles Peninsula, is rightfully considered the tourist Mecca of Crimea. People come here to combine relaxation on the magnificent Black Sea beaches with exploring the unique sights of Sevastopol. It more than once justified the proud name given by Catherine the Great, standing in the way of the hordes of foreign invaders who tried to deprive Russia of its dominance in the Black Sea as an insurmountable barrier, survived many sieges, was destroyed and rebuilt again. The most important milestones in the history of the Hero City are reflected in numerous monuments.

The main attractions of the city of Sevastopol - TOP-5

The history of the wonderful city, founded in 1783, is not too long, but extremely eventful, many of which became significant for Russia. The sights of Sevastopol, photos and descriptions of which you will find below, are its main symbols. It is important that you can see them in 1 day.

Monument to the Scuttled Ships

  • Address: Opposite Primorsky Boulevard, 23 meters from the embankment.

The history of the city is inextricably linked with the history of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, one of the most tragic pages of which is dedicated to the monument depicted on the coat of arms of Sevastopol. In the fall of 1854, a powerful Anglo-French-Turkish squadron with an army of almost 150 thousand on board was preparing to enter the bay and land troops. The Russian sailing fleet could not resist the Allied steam ships at sea.

The illustrious Admiral Nakhimov was forced to make an extremely difficult decision to scuttle warships at the entrance to the bay. For the 50th anniversary of this event, a 16.7 m high monument appeared on an artificial rock opposite Primorsky Boulevard. A 7-meter dolomite column is installed on an octagonal pedestal, the capital of which is crowned with a bronze double-headed eagle holding a laurel wreath and an anchor in its beaks.

Count's pier

  • Address: Nakhimov Square, 4. Transport stop “Nakhimov Square”.

Modern Sevastopol began, in fact, with a fortress and a pier for warships, built in 1783. It was on the site of the latter in the second third of the 19th century. It was decided to erect an architectural structure, which later became the main naval gate of the city.

A magnificent staircase of four wide flights, framed by stone parapets, decorated with beautiful sculptures of lions, leads to the elegant double colonnade from the pier. Commemorative plaques on the walls of the pier tell about significant events in the history of the Black Sea Fleet.

Chersonese Tauride

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: from 100 rub. up to 300 rub.
  • Phone: +7 869 292‑23-82.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Ancient, 1. Transport stop "Tavrichesky Chersonesus".

Having made a three-kilometer journey from the center of Sevastopol, you will find yourself among the ruins of the ancient city of Chersonesos, founded by Greek colonists in the 5th century. BC e., which existed for almost 2 thousand years and was destroyed by steppe nomads.

During the excursion, tourists will see the ruins of once magnificent temples, an amphitheater, houses of citizens and other buildings. The archaeologist was able to partially restore several remarkable colonnades. Be sure to visit the Fog Bell, located near the Agora. It is cast from cannons taken from captured Turkish ships in 1778.

Primorsky Boulevard

  • Address: Embankment in the Sevastopol Bay area. Transport stop "Nakhimov Square".

The magnificent boulevard, which is now a favorite vacation spot for citizens and numerous guests of the city, appeared on the site of the Nikolskaya battery destroyed during the Crimean War in 1855. Then a wonderful pavement was laid here, along which many trees and shrubs were planted, and a little later magnificent flower beds appeared.

After some time, recreation was replenished with the building of a theater and a biological station. In the evenings you could hear the music of the naval orchestra on the boulevard. For a long time, entry here was closed to sailors and lower naval ranks. There are several historical and architectural monuments in the boulevard area.

Malakhov Kurgan

  • Address: st. Heroes of Sevastopol. Transport stop "Malakhov Kurgan".

The name of the hill on the Korabelnaya side of the city is inscribed in golden letters in the chronicle of Russian military glory. Possession of the mound made it possible to gain strategic superiority, which provided the keys to the capture of Sevastopol. Therefore, it was here that the bloodiest battles took place during the First and Second Defense of the city.

During the excursion, tourists visit the defensive tower, in front of which the Eternal Flame burns, the location of the batteries that defended the city in the Crimean and Great Patriotic Wars. As before, artillery pieces are installed here. Be sure to stroll through the magnificent park and admire the panoramic views from the observation decks.


A trip to Sevastopol cannot be considered optimal without visiting Balaklava. The former separate town of Balaklava now makes up the Balaklava district of Sevastopol. It is decorated with the picturesque Balaklava Bay, surrounded by mountains.

Balaklava Bay

It is famous for its picturesque embankment. Nazukin, and the best beaches in Sevastopol. Balaklava will be interesting for lovers of not only beach, but also educational tourism. After all, here are the ruins of a Genoese fortress and the main military museum.

Balaklava district is remote from the center of Sevastopol. You can get here from the bus station in 40 minutes and 15 rubles. In the summer months, direct flights cannot cope with the flow of vacationers, many of whom get to Balaklava with a transfer. First, take buses 2A, 12, 14, 20A, or 120 to the stop “5th kilometer of Balaklava Highway”. On it, transfer to minibus No. 9 and get to the Balaklava stop “Pl. May 1st."

Magnificent architecture of Sevastopol

The city has many places of great interest to tourists. Walking along its streets and boulevards you can see magnificent historical and architectural monuments, against which it is easy to take wonderful memorable photographs.

Black Sea Fleet Theater building

  • Address: Ushakov Square, 1. Transport stop “Ushakov Square”.

Sevastopol acquired one of the most colorful architectural landmarks in 1954. Then there was a need to build a new building for the Sailors' Club, where sailors could have a cultural rest in between trips. As a result, an elegant structure appeared on Ushakov Square, more like a palace.

The three-story building has a bar terrace with a delightful colonnade. The elegant six-story tower, topped by a long spire, houses four large dials. Every time their hands count down the next hour, a refrain from the song “Legendary Sevastopol,” considered the anthem of the city, sounds over the square.

Monument to P.S. Nakhimov

  • Address: Nakhimov Square. Transport stop "Nakhimov Square".

Monument to the famous naval commander, a worthy successor to the glorious deeds of the great Russian admirals F.F. Ushakova and M.P. Lazarev, the creators of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, was erected in 1898. At its grand opening, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at Sinop, Emperor Nicholas II was personally present. During the years of revolutionary nihilism, the bronze sculpture was removed from its pedestal and melted down.

However, in 1959 the monument was exactly restored. The figure of Pavel Stepanovich, who gave his life for Sevastopol, rises 13.5 m. He is depicted dressed in an admiral's overcoat. In one hand Ushakov holds a telescope, and the second rests on the handle of a broadsword. The granite pedestal is decorated with high reliefs dedicated to the Battle of Sinop and the defense of the city during the Crimean War.

Tower of the Winds

  • Address: st. Frunze, 5. Transport stop “Lazarev Square”.

The unique architectural structure, built towards the end of the 19th century, was intended to serve quite prosaic purposes - to promote air circulation in the premises of the Maritime Library. However, its creators showed extraordinary talent.

An octagonal turret in the antique style with an arched rotunda of the second tier has become one of the architectural highlights of Sevastopol. Ironically, it outlived the building of which it was part of the ventilation system. In 1955, the library was destroyed by fire, but the elegant structure with luxurious mythological bas-reliefs still adorns the city.

Catherine's Mile

  • Address: st. Chelyuskintsev. Transport stop "Internat".

As you know, His Serene Highness Prince G.A. Potemkin was distinguished by his sophistication of mind and was ready to do anything to earn the favor of the empress. Therefore, for Catherine II’s trip to Crimea, special mileposts were installed along the entire route of the motorcade, and small monuments – miles – were installed every ten miles.

Several unique monuments have survived on the peninsula to this day. The Sevastopol Mile is a small limestone column, taking the shape of a hexagon in the central part and ending in an elegant cone.

Monument to V.A. Kornilov

  • Address: Malakhov Kurgan. Transport stop "Malakhov Kurgan".

A monument to another hero of the Crimean War - Vice Admiral V.A. Kornilov, who led the First Defense of Sevastopol until his last breath, was opened in 1895. The Great Patriotic War did not spare the monument, but it was restored for the 200th anniversary of the city in 1983 based on a model preserved in the archives of the Maritime Museum of St. Petersburg.

On a diorite plinth there is a pedestal depicting a fragment of a fortress wall pierced by cannonballs. A sculpture of the already mortally wounded Kornilov is placed on it. The Vice Admiral rises with difficulty on his arm and takes a last look at the sailors and soldiers defending the city. To the left of the pedestal is depicted sailor Pyotr Koshka loading a gun.

Chorgunsky bridge-aqueduct

  • Address: Chernaya River.

The now abandoned water bridge across the Black River near Sevastopol, due to its main function, is called an “aqueduct”, in the ancient Roman manner. It was erected in the middle of the 19th century. The initiator of the construction was Admiral Lazarev, so the aqueduct also has a second name - Lazarevsky. The construction of the bridge ended in 1853, when the Crimean War began, an important stage of which was the defense of the city.

Chersonesos lighthouse

  • Address: Cape Khersones.

At the westernmost point of Sevastopol, on Cape Chersonesos, there is a lighthouse that still performs its main function. It is already more than 200 years old. It was built in 1816. It is noteworthy that at the same time, another identical lighthouse appeared on the peninsula - Tarkhankutsky. In design and appearance they are twin brothers.

At night, the lighthouse is illuminated. The Chersonesos lighthouse is notable as the site of the last battles during the defense of the city during the Great Patriotic War. Rumor has it that his “patron” is Nicholas the Wonderworker; during the battles for the city, the face of the saint allegedly “appeared above the lighthouse.” Of course, this is nothing more than a legend.

Admiralty Vladimir Cathedral

On a hill in the center of Sevastopol is the main religious building of the sea city - the Admiralty Vladimir Cathedral. It was built in the second half of the 19th century. in neo-Byzantine style.

Admiralty Vladimir Cathedral in Sevastopol

In some sources on the Internet, including quite well-known ones, this cathedral is confused with the St. Vladimir Cathedral in Chersonesos.

The name of the cathedral was given by the tomb of the admirals of the Russian fleet, located inside. The names of four admirals - Nakhimov, Lazarev, Istomin and Kornilov - are carved on memorial slabs mounted in the facade.

A feature of the interior is the absence of icons. Instead, the walls are decorated with 33 marble slabs with the names of sailors - holders of the Order of St. George, who distinguished themselves during the defense of the city during the Crimean War. On special dates for the Russian fleet, special services are held here.

The address of the Admiralty Vladimir Cathedral is st. Suvorova, 3. The excursion can be booked in a small house next to the cathedral.

Historical sights of Sevastopol

The wonderful city offers guests an extensive cultural and educational program. Tourists will not have any problems with where to go in Sevastopol to gain vivid impressions and learn a lot of interesting things.

Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol"

  • Opening hours: Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 to 20:00, other days of the week from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 300 rub., student 200 rub., child 150 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: Istoricheskiy Boulevard, 1. Transport stop “Ushakov Square”.

Among the many sights of Sevastopol associated with the Crimean War, the most striking aesthetic impression is left by the creation of F.A. Rubo. The famous panorama was opened in 1905 on the hill, where 50 years earlier the defenders of the IV Bastion fought off the attacks of the Anglo-French troops.

The interior walls of an elegant round building with a rotunda on the second tier are occupied by a huge painting, 14 m wide and 115 m long, depicting an episode of the heroic defense of the city on June 6, 1855. The painting amazes with the precision of drawing the smallest details.

Diorama “Storm of Sapun Mountain”

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 250 rub., student 200 rub., child 150 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. 2nd defense. Transport stop "Sapun-Gora".

Another heroic event in the glorious history of Sevastopol - the assault on the well-fortified defensive positions of the Nazis on Sapun Mountain - is dedicated to the world's largest painting of a battle theme. The painting, with an area of ​​83 m², placed on the wall in a semicircle, is the dominant feature of the diorama.

The space 8 m wide between it and the observation deck is occupied by a subject plan, which is a reconstruction of the battlefield. The impression of the composition is enhanced by lighting effects that imitate smoke from shell explosions.

Konstantinovskaya battery

  • Address: Cape Konstantinovsky.

The fortification structure, which has become one of the symbols of Sevastopol, refers to the military history of the region and indicates the strategic importance of the port city. The background to the construction of the battery dates back to the era of the annexation of Crimea to Russia. The first fortification on this site was built under the leadership of A.V. Suvorov by order of Catherine II. It was an earthen battery; a stone one replaced it in 1840. It received its name in honor of Catherine’s grandson, Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich Romanov. Today there is a museum and exhibition complex here.

Nakhimov Square

  • Address: pl. Nakhimov.

The city of Sevastopol began from here. The first buildings were laid in June 1783, among them the house of F. Mekenzie. The Scottish-born rear admiral supervised the construction of the city and is considered its founder. The Rear Admiral's House is also called the Catherine Palace; the Empress herself visited here in 1787. The square was first called Catherine Square, and at the end of the century before last it was renamed in honor of the famous naval commander Pavel Nakhimov, a hero of the Crimean War who commanded the defense of the city.

35th coastal battery

  • Address: Alley of Defenders of the 35th Battery, 7.

The fortification structure, built in 1912, became famous during the Great Patriotic War. The battery played a vital role in the heroic defense of the city in 1941-1942. After the war, the battery, damaged in battle, was not restored. Already in the new millennium, a museum and memorial complex was opened here, focusing on significant events in military history. It has been operating since 2007. Nowadays the “35th Battery” is one of the main military-historical monuments of the city of Sevastopol.

Historical Boulevard

  • Address: Historical Boulevard.

In the historical part of the city, on a hill above the South Bay, there is a green area with an area of ​​28 hectares. The history of the boulevard began back in 1840; during the Crimean War, this place performed an important strategic function.

Nowadays the Historical Boulevard has both memorial and recreational and entertainment significance. On its territory there are monuments and memorial sites dedicated to military history. The most famous of them is the Panorama of the Defense of Sevastopol.

Modern attractions are located next to historical attractions, including the main symbol of most cultural parks - the Ferris Wheel. On the territory of the boulevard there are food points, there is everything for a good family holiday.

30th armored turret battery

  • Address: North Side district.

One of the symbols of the 250-day defense of the city during the Great Patriotic War. Consists of 30 artillery towers, ready to take a strike. During the days of defense, the battery fought to the last, until the Nazis captured it on June 26, 1942. This building was luckier than the 35th battery - it was reconstructed after the war. An active military facility is “idle” in peacetime, but at any time it can be used for its intended purpose.

Mikhailovskaya battery

  • Address: st. Gromova, 35.

Built under Nicholas I in 1846 in order to strengthen the city’s defenses in preparation for the Crimean War. The battery received its name in honor of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich, the imperial son. She took part in two defenses of the city during the Crimean and Great Patriotic Wars. Today, thanks to the efforts of a local philanthropist, there is a “Museum of City Fortifications”.

Memorial complex "Sapun Mountain"

Sapun Mountain is an 8-kilometer spur of the Crimean Mountains, protecting the city from the southeast. The mountain became the scene of fierce battles four times. This happened twice during the Crimean War. During the Second World War, Sapun Mountain was defended for 250 days, and in May 1944 it was taken by a 9-day assault. The main exhibit of the complex, the diorama “Assault on Sapun Mountain,” is dedicated to this event.

Diorama “Storm of Sapun Mountain”

The diorama, measuring 25.5 by 5.5 m, was created based on the painting of the same name by Pyotr Maltsev. Its author led the group of military artists who worked on the diorama. Historical accuracy is observed in the smallest details. The diorama is located exactly at the site of the events depicted: this is easy to verify by going out onto the balcony after examining it.

The diorama represents the final moment of the assault. It also depicts the real heroes of the assault, some of whom managed to survive. The object component of the diorama largely consists of what was found at the battle site. Shots, explosions, and the noise of planes taking off make up the soundtrack, enhancing the impact on the viewer.

Most of the items found are on display on the first floor of the museum. Among the exhibits is a photograph of the legendary female sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko, who took part in the battles for Sevastopol, and was called “Lady Death” by American journalists. She has 309 fascists killed, including 39 snipers.

In the center of the park laid out on the territory of the memorial complex is the obelisk of Glory with the Eternal Flame. The names of heroes are immortalized on memorial walls and plaques. Military equipment of those years is demonstrated in the open air.

The complex is open daily, except Tuesdays, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. A regular ticket costs 100 rubles, and an excursion ticket costs 250. It is convenient to visit the memorial after Malakhov Kurgan, continuing the trip by minibus 71 or 107.

The most interesting Sevastopol museums

In Sevastopol, in addition to the historical ones already described, there are some other museums that you should definitely see while on vacation. About them - below.

Sevastopol Art Museum

  • Opening hours: daily, except Tuesday, from 11:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 120 rubles, reduced price 60 rubles, student 25 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: Nakhimov Avenue, 9. Transport stop “Lazarev Square”.

The museum, which dates back to 1925, is now located in a unique, carefully restored historical mansion with a magnificent facade, built at the end of the 19th century. for the merchant S. Gavalov. The gallery has an extensive collection of paintings, sculpture, graphics, decorative and applied arts, including more than 10 thousand exhibits.

The collection of paintings by Western European artists includes works by L. Giordano, G. Robert, F. Snyders, D. Teneris. Connoisseurs of Russian art will be delighted by paintings by I. Aivazovsky, K. Korovin, I. Levitan, V. Makovsky, I. Repin. Be sure to check out the exhibition of German porcelain and European bronze sculpture.

Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

  • Opening hours: from Wednesday to Sunday inclusive, from 10:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price:
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Lenina, 11. Transport stop “House of Fleet Officers”.

Established in 1869, the museum is housed in an incredibly elegant historical mansion, the facade of which is decorated with slender columns, bas-reliefs, cannons and anchors. Its exhibitions tell about the glorious history of the Russian Black Sea Fleet from its founding to the present day. More than 30 thousand exhibits are exhibited in spacious, colorfully decorated halls.

Among them, it is worth highlighting the broadsword of Osman Pasha, presented to Admiral P. Nakhimov after the defeat of the Turkish fleet in Sinop Bay. During the excursion, tourists will see samples of bladed weapons and firearms, a collection of medals and orders, personal belongings of V. Kornilov, P. Lazarev, as well as admire the marinas of I. Aivazovsky, battle paintings of F. Roubaud.


  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 19:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 500 rubles, children 300 rubles, children under 6 years old are admitted free.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: Nakhimov Avenue, 2. Transport stop “Nakhimov Square”.

A visit to the wonderful aquarium-museum, founded in 1897 and for a long time remaining the only one in the Russian Empire, will bring a lot of pleasure to adults and young visitors. First, tourists will be able to get a closer look at the flora and fauna of coral reefs, then explore 12 large aquariums with tropical and Black Sea fish.

A separate room is dedicated to reptiles and amphibians, among which it is worth highlighting the unique spectacled caiman. The exhibition ends with aquariums with dangerous inhabitants of the deep sea - electric eels, stingrays, pelagic sharks, puffer fish and other creatures, meeting which does not bode well. A huge number of vivid emotions from the excursion are guaranteed.

Balaklava Bay

Balaklava Bay has a reputation as the most picturesque bay of the Black Sea. It is an ornate sea bay, hidden along the perimeter by large rocks and juniper forests. Therefore, a miniature and quiet body of water cannot be seen from deep water.

People began to inhabit such a comfortable place 2.5 thousand years ago. Balaklava Bay has long been an excellent outpost for launching and repelling raids. Nowadays, yachting is developed in the bay, and many luxury hotels have been built. On the shore you can find cafeterias with an interesting variety of seafood dishes.

Majestic monuments of Sevastopol

Sevastopol is a monument city in itself, everything in it is literally imbued with history and the past, war memorials and outstanding monumental sights.

Bayonet and Sail

  • Address: Admiral Pereleshin embankment.

“Bayonet and Sail” was popularly nicknamed the monument, whose official name was “Obelisk to the Hero City of Sevastopol.” The monument is dedicated to the military glory of the Crimean port and, as conceived by the authors, symbolizes the unity and cohesion of the army and navy in battles for the city. The object was installed on November 3, 1977. Every hero city has similar monuments. Sevastopol is one of the most majestic.

Fountain "Order of Victory"

  • Address: Victory Park.

A new attraction that has appeared in Victory Park. The opening took place in 2022. The jets of the fountain are illuminated at night. They beat from a bowl made in the shape of the most prestigious military award of the USSR - the Order of Victory. A large stream hits in the center, in each of the five rays there are smaller streams. Thus, the structure is perceived as a fountain complex.

Monument to Catherine II

  • Address: Catherine Square.

In 2008, on the occasion of the 225th birthday of Sevastopol, a monument by S. Chizh and G. Grigoryants appeared in the park on Lenin Street, embodying the image of the empress who gave birth to the settlement. The figure of Catherine the Great stands on a granite column, and on the tablet is the text of the order she signed on the founding of the city.

Malakhov Kurgan

Defensive tower of Malakhov Kurgan
Malakhov Kurgan is a memorial monument dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic and Crimean Wars. At the moment, this is a hill on the Korabelnaya side right within the city, on which there are cannons, cast-iron memorial plaques and a branch of the museum “Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol”, as well as an eternal flame.

The green zone of Malakhov Kurgan deserves special attention: numerous plantings were made by representatives of embassy missions, leaders of the USSR and famous personalities. For example, the park contains trees planted by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and Vietnamese statesman Ho Chi Minh.

Where to go with a child in Sevastopol: entertainment

Several attractions of Sevastopol are great for family visits - with children of different ages.

Ecological amusement park "Lukomorye"

  • Address: Tarutinskaya st., 38.

The park houses several museums, the most interesting of which are the Museum of Ice Cream and the Museum of Soviet Childhood. Visitors with children can enjoy rides, an exhibition of dinosaurs, a clearing with characters from Pushkin's fairy tales, as well as a petting zoo where you can chat with our little brothers.

Water park "Zurbagan"

  • Address: Parkovaya street, 9.

The water amusement park, which got its name from the book by Alexander Green, is located on the seashore in the central part of Sevastopol. Both extreme sports enthusiasts and lovers of a relaxing holiday and healing water treatments will enjoy it here. The water park has a lot of different slides for large and small, several pools and a relaxation area.

Dolphinarium "Dolphinia Country"

  • Address: emb. Kornilova, 2.

The Sevastopol Dolphinarium is located in Artbukhta. In addition to dolphins, the show also features fur seals and beluga whales. You can not only look at the sea inhabitants, but also take beautiful photos. Before the show starts, little visitors are entertained by a magician. For wealthy people, a popular service is offered here - swimming with dolphins.

Chersonese Tauride

Website: Address: Sevastopol, st. Ancient, house 1.

Chersonese Tauride is the largest ruins of an ancient Greek city in Russia; they are located within the city of Sevastopol on the shore of Quarantine Bay. Chersonesos was founded in 422 BC. The city flourished for two thousand years and was the largest on the Black Sea, until it was abandoned in 1475 under the onslaught of the Crimean Khanate.

In 988, in Chersonesus (the Russians called it Korsun), the Kiev prince Vladimir was baptized. Now this event is remembered by the Vladimir Cathedral, built in 1861–1892, in the central part of Chersonesus.

Nowadays there is a historical and archaeological museum-reserve on the territory of ancient Chersonesus. It consists of a settlement where you can see the picturesque ruins of Chersonesos buildings, and museum exhibitions located in the former buildings of the Vladimir Monastery. Chersonese Tauride is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is the most important attraction of Sevastopol.

Nature and interesting places in the vicinity of Sevastopol

The hero city is surrounded by amazing places created by Mother Nature. However, in some cases a person helped her. Look at the main natural attractions and riches of Sevastopol.

Cape Fiolent

  • Coordinates on the map: 44.501394, 33.489149.

The cape was formed from volcanic rocks that are more than 152 million years old. A landscape reserve has been organized here. The first known name - Parthenium - dates back to Greek mythology. Cape Fiolent received its modern name around the end of the 18th century. According to scientist A. Berthier-Delagarde, this word of Turkish origin means “Tiger Cape”. There is a gospel legend associated with Fiolent. It is believed that it was here that the Apostle Andrew the First-Called first entered the Crimean lands.

Sevastopol Bay

  • GPS coordinates: 44.619549, 33.546857.

The city stands on the shores of a trough-shaped bay of the Black Sea, named after it. It has several subsidiary, small bays, separated by capes, due to which the coastline takes on an unusual shape. It is considered the most convenient bay on the Black Sea for deploying flotillas.

Park named after Anna Akhmatova

  • Address: Nadezhda Ostrovskaya street.

The poetess Anna Akhmatova often visited Sevastopol and loved to enjoy the view of Streletskaya Bay. Not far from the bay, in the places where Anna Andreevna walked, in 1990 a park named after her was laid out. Today it is a favorite vacation spot. There are areas for sports games and attractions for children. The children's playground, designed in the “Old Russian style,” is very popular. The beaches adjacent to the park also attract attention.

Fedyukhin Heights

  • Coordinates on the map: 44.546544, 33.623636.

A group of heights north of Sevastopol. A picturesque natural attraction of historical significance. The heights begin from the famous Sapun Mountain, where the battles of the Great Patriotic War took place; a monument was erected here in honor of the capture of the hill. There is a museum on Fedyukhin Heights, and festivals of historical reconstructions are held annually.

Get to know the sights of Yalta, Feodosia, Kerch and Simferopol.

One short vacation will clearly not be enough to see all the sights of Sevastopol. The blossoming and incredibly beautiful city will enchant you so much that you will come here again and again.

Genoese fortress Cembalo

The fortress was built in 1343 near Balaklava, but now all that remains of it are the grandiose ruins of a temple, walls and a tower. Several centuries ago, there was a rapidly developing trading settlement here, founded by settlers from the Genoese Republic - hence the name.

Chembalo is one of the top most popular excursion destinations. And this is due not only to the desire to touch Crimean history, but also to the incredible view that opens from the top of Fortress Mountain to Balaklava, the non-standard local terrain and the Black Sea.

Cape Aya

Cape Aya is a wide rock ridge south of Balaklava, 13 kilometers long. The name comes from the Greek word for “saint,” so Crimean local historians suggest that the cape was a place of worship for immigrants from Greece. Many sights of Sevastopol have connections with Greek culture, but it is at Cape Aya that it can be felt especially keenly.

About 25 relict plants grow on the rocks of the cape, and there are also wild animals; in the waters of Aya itself you can find about three species of Black Sea dolphins. But the cape is more popular among ufologists and lovers of the paranormal: locals tell frightening stories about sunken ships and UFOs.

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