Nelidovo 2022: how a former mining town becomes an area of ​​healthy lifestyle

This term has other meanings, see Nelidovo (meanings).



Coat of arms

A country Russia, Russia
Subject of the federation Tver regionTver region
Municipal district Nelidovsky district
Coordinates 56°13′00″ n. w. 32°47′00″ E. d. / 56.21667° n. w. 32.78333° E. d. / 56.21667; 32.78333 (G) [ (O)] (Z)Coordinates: 56°13′00″ N. w. 32°47′00″ E. d. / 56.21667° n. w. 32.78333° E. d. / 56.21667; 32.78333 (G) [ (O)] (I)
Based 1900
City with 1949
Center height 200
Population ↘19,952[1] people (2016)
Names of residents Nelidovitsy, Nelidovets
Timezone UTC+3
Telephone code +7 48266
Postcode 17252X
Vehicle code 69
OKATO code [ 28 435]

Audio, photo and video

on Wikimedia Commons
K: Settlements founded in 1900

- a city (since 1949[2]) in the north-west of the Russian Federation, the administrative center of the Nelidovsky district of the Tver region.

Population - 19,952[1] people. (2016).


Middle Ages
The first settlements on the outskirts of the city date back to the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras. It was at this time that human settlement began in our area along the banks of the Mezhi. In the 12th century, the territory where the city is now located was part of the Smolensk Principality. During the period of feudal fragmentation, the lands went to the Toropets principality. In the middle of the 14th century, the Lithuanian princes managed to seize the lands. According to the treaty of 1449, the border of Rus' with Lithuania passed along the Mezha River. The territory of the future city was still subordinate to the Lithuanian princes.

New time

Yotkino village

on the site of the modern city has been recorded by sources since the 15th century.
Since 1708, the territory of the future city has been part of the Belsky district of the Smolensk province. On September 11, 1901, a fourth-class railway station Nelidovo
, the main purpose of which was to serve the district town of Bely, located 50 km to the south.
The station owes its name to the ancient noble family of the Nelidovs. During the Soviet era, during the first five-year plans, the timber processing industry developed in Nelidovo: a sawmill and a plywood factory came into operation. Great Patriotic War
The first Heinkel appeared over the village on June 22, 1941. The first bomb fell on June 29. After the start of Operation Typhoon, German troops completely occupied the village and area. On January 25, 1942, Nelidovo was liberated. During the Great Patriotic War, as a result of hostilities, the village was destroyed, but in the first post-war years it was completely restored.


In 1936, near the Nelidovo railway station, specialists from the Leningrad Geological Department began work to explore mineral resources. In 1940, an experimental mine was founded. The intensive development of coal mines began only in the early 50s. In October 1948, at mine No. 2, miners opened a coal seam, and on November 5, 12 railway platforms (approximately 400 tons) were sent by Nelidovo miners to Leningrad. Coal enterprises were successfully operated for many years: mine No. 1 (1952-1963), No. 2 (1950-1953), No. 3 (1953-1976), No. 5 (1957-1960), No. 7 (1958-1990), No. 4 (1953-1996). The miners reached a record output for coal production in 1975, producing 1,019,218 tons of coal against the target of 965,800 tons. Miners: N. G. Konovalov, N. G. Trishankov, V. L. Stepunin, A. A. Tarasov, N. A. Belov, Yu. I. Skobelev are honorary citizens of our city. The last batch of coal was delivered to the mountain on August 27, 1996.

Modern times

Over the next decades after the settlement of Nelidova was awarded the status of “city,” it turned into a large industrial center. In 1964, a street in Moscow was named after the city[3].


Nelidovo: maps

Nelidovo: photo from space (Google Maps) Nelidovo: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1White43 (48)YU
2Western Dvina43 (51)Z
3Olenino43 (53)IN
4Zharkovsky51 (130)SW
5Andreapol57 (55)NW
6Ozerny (Smolensk region)74 (97)YU
7Toropets77 (89)NW
8Foam80 (129)WITH
9Selizharovo81 (202)NE
10Kholm-Zhirkovsky (Smolensk region)89 (101)SE
11Rzhev95 (104)IN
12Sychevka102 (162)SE
13Ostashkov105 (249)WITH
14Zubtsov111 (117)IN
15Kunya (Pskov region)112 (116)Z
16Novodugino (Smolensk region)114 (158)SE
17Spirituality115 (143)YU
18Velizh120 (259)SW

a brief description of

The city is located in the south of the Valdai Hills, on the river. Mezha (tributary of the Western Dvina), 276 km southwest of Tver. Railway station.

Territory (sq. km): 19

Information about the city of Nelidovo on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

It arose in 1900 as a village at the Nelidovo station on the Moscow - Vindava (Riga) railway near the village of Iotkino (known since 1701). The main purpose of the station was to serve the district town of Bely, located 50 km to the south. The station was named after the Nelidov nobles, whose representatives donated part of their lands for the construction of the railway.

Workers' village of Nelidovo since 1938

On October 8, 1941, Nelidovo was occupied by Nazi troops, liberated on January 25, 1942. The village was destroyed and restored in the first post-war years.

In 1944-57. within the Velikiy Luki region. City since 1949


Woodworking plant. Factories: hydraulic presses, plastics, machine tools, peat machinery, brick, flax plant. Furniture plant, clothing factory, food industry enterprises.

In the Nelidovsky district, grain crops, flax, and potatoes are grown. Meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding.

Brown coal mining.

Main enterprises


OJSC "Nelidovsky Nelidovsky DOK"
172500, Tver region, Nelidovo, st.
Zavodskaya, 7 Offers:
plywood, fiberboard

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)


4103↗26 465↗28 000↗29 813↘29 045↗30 044
↘30 000↘29 700↘29 300↘28 400↘28 000↘26 154
↗26 200↘24 900↘24 200↘23 600↘23 100↘22 563
↗22 896↗22 900↘22 153↘21 581↘21 020↘20 508
↘19 952


Large industrial enterprises of the city:

  • Nelidovo plastics plant;
  • [ Nelidovo Hydropress Plant (NZGP)];
  • Nelidovsky roofing;
  • Nelidovo woodworking plant (DOK).
  • JSC Nelidovsky Machine-Building - production of cabinet furniture.

Also in the city there is a machine standard plant, a metal structures plant, a clothing factory, numerous sawmills, etc. There are food industry enterprises.

Nelidovo, city

August 21, 2016


The city of Nelidovo is located 230 km southwest of Tver on the Mezha River, the administrative center of the Nelidovo district of the Tver region.

Population - 19,952 people. (2016).

City since 1949

Railway station on the Moscow-Velikiye Luki line of the Nikolaevskaya (Oktyabrskaya) railway. 5 kilometers from the city there is the M9 Baltic highway, and through the city there is the P136 highway to the city of Bely.

From the history:

  • The first settlements on the outskirts of the city date back to the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras. It was at this time that human settlement began in our area along the banks of the Mezhi. In the 12th century, the territory where the city is now located was part of the Smolensk Principality. During the period of feudal fragmentation, the lands went to the Toropets principality. In the middle of the 14th century, the Lithuanian princes managed to seize the lands. According to the treaty of 1449, the border of Rus' with Lithuania passed along the Mezha River. The territory of the future city was still subordinate to the Lithuanian princes.
  • The village of Yotkino on the site of the modern city has been recorded by sources since the 15th century. Since 1708, the territory of the future city has been part of the Belsky district of the Smolensk province. On September 11, 1901, a fourth-class railway station Nelidovo appeared on the map of Russia, the main purpose of which was to serve the district town of Bely, located 50 km to the south. The station owes its name to the ancient noble family of the Nelidovs. During the Soviet era, during the first five-year plans, the timber processing industry developed in Nelidovo: a sawmill and a plywood factory came into operation.
  • The first Heinkel appeared over the village on June 22, 1941. The first bomb fell on June 29. After the start of Operation Typhoon, German troops completely occupied the village and area. On January 25, 1942, Nelidovo was liberated. During the Great Patriotic War, as a result of hostilities, the village was destroyed, but in the first post-war years it was completely restored.
  • In 1936, near the Nelidovo railway station, specialists from the Leningrad Geological Department began work to explore mineral resources. In 1940, an experimental mine was founded. The intensive development of coal mines began only in the early 50s. In October 1948, at mine No. 2, miners opened a coal seam, and on November 5, 12 railway platforms (approximately 400 tons) were sent by Nelidovo miners to Leningrad. Coal enterprises were successfully operated for many years: mine No. 1 (1952-1963), No. 2 (1950-1953), No. 3 (1953-1976), No. 5 (1957-1960), No. 7 (1958-1990), No. 4 (1953-1996). The miners reached a record output for coal production in 1975, producing 1,019,218 tons of coal against the target of 965,800 tons. Miners: N. G. Konovalov, N. G. Trishankov, V. L. Stepunin, A. A. Tarasov, N. A. Belov, Yu. I. Skobelev are honorary citizens of our city. The last batch of coal was delivered to the mountain on August 27, 1996.
  • Over the next decades after the settlement of Nelidova was awarded the status of “city,” it turned into a large industrial center.
  • In 1964, a street in Moscow was named after the city


  • Nelidovo plastics plant;
  • Nelidovo Hydropress Plant (NZGP);
  • Nelidovsky roofing;
  • Nelidovo woodworking plant (DOK).
  • JSC Nelidovsky Machine-Building - production of cabinet furniture.
  • machine standard plant,
  • metal structures plant,
  • garment factory

City monuments:

  • Afghan soldiers, st. Builders
  • Gorky Maxim and Vladimir Lenin
  • "Girl with a Scarf"
  • Lenin Vladimir, pl. Lenin
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl accident at the intersection of Matrosova and Sovetskaya streets
  • Memorial to the fallen, Glazova st.
  • Memorial to the Fallen, Zhukova Sq.
  • Memorial to the fallen, Koltsevaya st.
  • Memorial to the fallen, Komsomolskaya st.
  • Alexander Pushkin, near school No. 3
  • miner, park, near the square. Zhukova
  • miner, st. Matrosova,
  • miner, on the highway


  • Chapel of Alexander Nevsky on Zhukov Square
  • Church of St. John of Kronstadt
  • Palace of Culture "Shakhtar"
  • Ruins of the Lidov House

Famous personalities:

  • Kozyrev Oleg, writer
  • Sergius (Rybko), abbot

Cities of the Tver region - tver-krai.rf/wiki/g/216

Communications and media

  • Fixed line services are provided by: Tver branch of Rostelecom, Eurasia Telecom Ru.
  • Mobile telephone services are provided by mobile operators: MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Tele2.
  • Television: terrestrial analogue (Channel One, NTV, REN-TV (Nelidovo City Television), Pyatnitsa (Tele), Russia - 1, St. Petersburg - Channel 5), digital terrestrial DVB-T2 (First multiplex), cable analogue (digital) from operator "TV-COM".
  • Radio stations: 71.24 - Radio Russia; 100.1 - Russian Radio (Radio M9 - Baltic); 100.8 - Europe Plus (Europe Plus Nelidovo); 101.7 - Good FM; 102.0 - Auto Radio (Western Dvina).
  • Newspapers: “Nelidovskie Izvestia”, “Revival of the Region”, “Nelidovskie Blagovest”, “Nelidovskie Announcements”
  • Internet:

Nelidovo: is there life behind the buoys?

A dangerous virus is roaming the area

In the last issue of our newspaper, an article was published devoted to the latest information aggravation in the Nelidovo urban district and its nature. Having carefully looked at the heated discussions and the flow of excited comments on social networks around the landfill project, we made one important discovery: red banners and familiar faces of Tver populist politicians were clearly looming behind the engine. The garbage turned out to be not plastic, but political!

And literally the next day after the issue was published, my colleagues representing the main Tver information platforms and I visited Nelidov. The idea of ​​the trip did not come out of nowhere: before that there was a meeting with the chairman of the Nelidovo City Duma, the head of the local branch of the United Russia party and the Duma faction of the party in power, Sergei Pogodin, who invited us to Nelidovo and arranged a meeting with deputies for us.

From the very beginning I would like to clarify a couple of important points: no discussions with the general public or open microphones were planned. The agreement was this: Tver journalists meet only with deputies, in a narrow group and behind closed doors.

Why? Yes, because we went to Nelidovo not to debate, but to ask questions. We, Tver journalists, who constantly write about both garbage reform and territorial policy, were interested in the attitude of Nelidovo deputies to the latest environmental initiatives of the state, and at the same time we wanted to know about the relationship of the Duma with regional and local authorities. We also wanted to talk about national projects that have already started throughout the region and should “reach”, including Nelidov. When we set off, we were sure that we would have a calm, constructive conversation about programs, problems and expectations.

To the sound of evil fakes and an orchestra...

We repeat once again: we did not intend to agitate anyone and had the right to expect the same from the deputies with whom we were going to meet. But the background against which the trip was being prepared was alarming and, in some places, shocking: before the trip, we studied, in addition to other information, the materials of the meeting between representatives of the regional government and the State Duma with Nelidovo deputies and the population. It was obvious: from the very beginning, no one was going to listen to the regional officials at this meeting. The meeting, which began constructively, instantly escalated into a bazaar-station and ended in nothing. Residents of Nelidov observed all this non-stop on social networks, where a real bacchanalia reigned for almost a week. In the media space, local “leaders” of the protest, fakes and simply not very healthy people, without whom not a single social network hubbub can exist, had as much fun as they could. Having scrolled through kilometers of comments in Nelidov groups before the trip, we found everything there, but not common sense. Swearing, threats, insults like a river, and for any other opinion a person is sent to a ban - is this really normal?

...It was against the backdrop of all this that we, representatives of the regional press, went to meet with the deputies. We were driving, and the entire local Internet community was stirred up. Scrolling through the VK feed, we were amazed to see how, in response to calls to prevent pressure on Pogodin, local leaders called people to the square and turned on each other. Threats and insults were showered in our direction: having looked at local social networks, an ignorant person might have thought that a whole tank battalion was moving towards Nelidovo, and not two cars with Tver journalists!

The more we read the dirt thrown at us, the more we wanted to spit, turn around and cancel the meeting, since the receiving party does not know how to behave with dignity. But we needed an invoice, and in the depths of our souls there was still a glimmer of hope for a dialogue with the deputies: we, we repeat, were personally invited to this conversation by the chairman of the United Russia faction in the Duma, Sergei Pogodin, whom they suddenly, for unknown reasons, began to zealously defend from us .

When we arrived in Nelidovo, we did not find any rallies or barricades. Moreover, let's give credit to the organizers of the meeting - they provided us with a pretty good conference room, in which representatives of the press and 12 local deputies comfortably accommodated (which, by the way, is both the Duma quorum and the Duma majority).

Cut it off!

We took the floor and tried to ask the first questions - they started interrupting us. Instead of a conversation, a strange action unfolded before our eyes: first, representatives of the local branch of the LDPR stood up and announced that they wanted to make a statement against the landfill. Also, representatives of the LDPR expressed categorical protest against threats against themselves and against the chairman of the local branch of United Russia, Chairman of the Duma Sergei Pogodin. Our amazement knew no bounds, but when asked to reveal the secret and name those who put pressure on deputies and threaten, neither Sergei Pogodin himself nor representatives of the LDPR gave a clear answer. Is it really we, people with voice recorders and cameras, who unleashed such horror on the Nelidovo deputies? However, since we are talking about voice recorders: no matter how funny it sounds, we arrived at the meeting without them, with only one camera and a camera at the ready. But the receiving party was armed to the teeth, so sometimes we felt like real stars on a film set, where there were directors, cameramen, and a whole script plan.

The inspired leader of the local Maidan, Mr. Belyaev, immediately entered the battle. We did not hear anything new: the man endlessly repeated the same memorized slogans with which he speaks at all meetings. The barrel organ played without interruption, but as soon as the press representatives tried to shout down the excited speaker, Belyaev and some of the deputies, proudly declaring that they were being pressured, tried to leave the hall. There was nothing to do: I had to once again listen to the slogans that have been flooding all Nelidov’s social networks for months.

...And at this time, an organized meeting was taking place in the corridor: from time to time Mr. Belyaev ran out to “warm up” him, asking those gathered not to disperse under any circumstances and to wait. What? – naive readers will ask. It’s not hard to guess: we were planned as the main course that evening. To be honest, we have long since developed a professional immunity to pressure over the years, but when the verses of a famous song began to sound in the corridor, and some of the deputies, looking at each other, grabbed their mobile phones and began to arrange filming plans, we realized the nonsense of the event in which we were participating and left hall.

Diagnosis: degradation

What to call all this? It’s very simple: our diagnosis is a deep, neglected political crisis. Its roots must be sought in the relationships between different branches of government, in long-term conflicts within the local branch of United Russia and in what in the language of political scientists is called the confrontation between different groups of influence, and not at all in the garbage agenda, which is just one of the symptoms of local long-standing political sores. And if someone really wants to unravel the Nelidov tangle, then they need to start not from the training ground. This is not about him, but about the inability to convey his position. About the degradation of the political system of the Tver region, where protests have long been controlled not by opposition parties, but by fakes and local crazy people, producing kilometers of boorish anonymous comments and insults. About the inability to tell the bitter truth and endless attempts to hide the problem instead of taking time to solve everything. The fact that several generations of officials in Nelidovo have worked in such a way that the population will not trust the people in power for a very long time - even the most decent, efficient and hardworking, even at the regional and federal levels.

And, as bitter as it is to admit, these questions need to be addressed not so much to the opposition, but primarily to the party in power, which has not had a dialogue with the population in Nelidovo for years and has completely moved away from the local political and information agenda. Alas, while some “persons of the party” prefer gatherings with former officials to raking out the political Augean stables, the vacated political positions have been taken by local odious “figures” with a bunch of fakes at their disposal. However, we will tell you in the near future in a separate publication about what kind of people rule the Nelidovo Maidan, what they want and why they do it so loudly and brazenly.

For now, let us state a fact: there is a political crisis in the territory, it will take a long time and systemically to treat it, but it definitely needs to be treated. The dangerous virus of political madness, which in the language of technologists is sometimes called the “festival of disobedience,” cannot end for the territory with anything other than socio-economic failure, isolation and a severe “hangover.” Who, if not the residents of Nelidov, unfortunately, doesn’t know this!

We left the long-suffering urban district with a heavy feeling of awkwardness and shame: we were ashamed of the local parliamentary opposition, which for years ate out of the hands of the authorities, the party in power and the so-called fathers of the city, but did not hesitate to play a comedy in front of Tver journalists who came by invitation to guests. We were ashamed of the local branch of the LDPR: neither we nor the residents of Tver have seen your humble leader, Mr. Bulatov, who is listed as a deputy of the Tver City Duma since the 2017 elections, and the mechanics and unemployed with Nelidovo registration who have been wandering for years in the lists of candidates from the LDPR, have long turned into a real joke. For the last time, the Zhirinovites in the person of Mr. Bulatov and Mr. Morozov made everyone laugh in Kimry by proposing to give the city to the Moscow region! And you guys still have the conscience to make any statements? And to whom? To us, who know all the secrets of behind-the-scenes negotiations and all the prices of your party?

As for the “red” deputies, there is nothing new here: as always, war has been declared on the press. Once again I was surprised by the nonsense of Deputy Istomin, who, without blinking an eye, swears that he has nothing to do with fakes, on a site registered... in Germany and operating outside the Russian legal framework. The man whom we pulled up dozens of times accused us of lying, so we posted a number of interesting publications about the financial secrets of the Tver regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the “red” deputies in the new Nelidovo VKontakte community called “Together with Nelidovo.” We advise readers to be sure to read them to understand who you are dealing with.

We were ashamed not only of the parliamentary opposition, but also of the representatives of the United Russia faction, who averted their eyes, talking about threats and pressure. Wait, guys, but it was we, the same journalists in front of whom you puffed out your cheeks and clicked your mobile cameras last week, who led your team in the elections to the Nelidovo City Duma and have every right to consider you, in some way, our “political children.” Not only did you go to the Duma with our newspaper in your hands: the entire administrative resource and resource of the party in power was devoted to your victory, and this despite the fact that most of you were not even its members. Have you really forgotten?

But this is precisely why we came to visit you - because we helped you become deputies and we have every moral right to at least ask you our journalistic questions.

But we were sure that we were going to communicate with adults, sensible people, but, alas, we saw raging populists who, with their own hands, heated up Nelidovo with a garbage theme, and are now openly burying the territory.

War without winners

You interrupted us at the meeting and did not answer several important questions. Therefore, we will ask them again here, in this article: comrade deputies, populists, fighters, how do you see your future relations with the regional authorities? Do you have at least some plan in your head for Nelidov’s future or are you simply carried away and have no strategies?

We ask this question for a reason. The fact is that Nelidovo cannot live normally, much less develop, without constructive relations with the region. The Nelidovo urban district, which has been in collapse and war for many years, needs regional co-financing, it needs regional projects and programs, it needs construction and repairs, it needs presidential national projects, which are coordinated and launched on the territory by the same region!

Comrade deputies, you are not gopniks from the entrance, from whom there is zero demand - you represent a branch of power and are part of the vertical of power. Do you think a territory can count on love and support where representatives of the regional authorities are rude, insulted and sent away, where the words of ministers are distorted, where Tver journalists from the regional pool are first invited to visit, and then they throw mud at them and make threats against them in networks? We will voice the unpleasant truth: you are not truth-tellers or defenders of the people - you are just little “Napoleons”, exposing an entire territory for the sake of your personal grievances and ambitions.

You see, you can argue or agree with the landfill project, but for now it’s only you who spread the dirt on the territory. And in politics (and you know as well as we do) there is an ironclad rule: no one ever negotiates with terrorists, and blackmail is responded to not with concessions, but with iron-willed decisions. We strongly recommend that you turn your head and return from behind the buoys into the legal and civilized field of healthy political discussion while it is still possible.

And we advise the regional branch of United Russia to urgently start at least some kind of political dialogue in the territory that is heading towards the bottom of the next crisis, at least with its own faction. We hasten to remind all participants in the political conflict in the Nelidovsky urban district: it is the party in power that stands guard over national projects and bears responsibility for everything that happens around them, and is not afraid of this responsibility. Do not agree? Can't cope? Don't know how to conduct dialogues? So, leave and give space to others: there is no time to think - primaries and elections await them in a year.

And, of course, in conclusion, let us remind you once again: the country is undergoing a garbage reform, within the framework of which a new system for collecting, recycling and recycling waste should appear. This is an unpopular, but necessary state idea: and for those who want to ride the garbage wave again in a year into parliamentary seats in the Legislative Assembly, shame and reproach. We have no other words for such “figures”, because in any war with state projects there are no winners, there are only losers - people and territories.




The city has the following municipal cultural institutions:

  • Municipal budgetary cultural institution Palace of Culture "Shakhtar"
  • Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education "Children's Art School"
  • Municipal budgetary cultural institution Cinema "Sputnik"
  • Municipal budgetary cultural institution "Museum and Exhibition Center"
  • Municipal budgetary cultural institution "Nelidovo inter-settlement central library"

There is also a museum on the premises of school No. 3. This is the only school comprehensive local history museum in the Tver region. The Nelidovsky district literary association “Mezha” operates in the city.


(Tver region)

OKATO code:
Urban settlement since:
City since:
1949 City of regional subordination
Nelidovsky district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
200 Sunrise and sunset times of the Sun and Moon in the city of Nelidovo


The Nelidovo railway station of the October Railway has a direct passenger connection to the west to the Riga-Pasazhieru station of the Latvian Railway and to the St. Petersburg-Vitebsky station. Go east to the Moscow-Rizhskaya station of the Moscow Railway. The station is located on the single-track section Zemtsy - Rzhev-Baltiysky. Autonomous traction. From the station there are access roads to enterprises and mines. The station has a passenger building (station).

There are city, suburban and intercity transport links. Bus station. The most important points of intercity bus service are Smolensk, Andreapol, Toropets, St. Petersburg, Western Dvina, Tver, Rzhev, Moscow. Public transportation both in the city and in the region is carried out by route vehicles based on GAZelles and PAZs. Both official taxis and persons who do not have a license are engaged in private transportation.

Nelidovo (Tver region)

White43 (48)YU
2Western Dvina43 (51)Z
3Olenino43 (53)IN
4Zharkovsky51 (130)SW
5Andreapol57 (55)NW
6Ozerny (Smolensk region)74 (97)YU
7Toropets77 (89)NW
8Foam80 (129)WITH
9Selizharovo81 (202)NE
10Kholm-Zhirkovsky (Smolensk region)89 (101)SE
11Rzhev95 (104)IN
12Sychevka102 (162)SE
13Ostashkov105 (249)WITH
14Zubtsov111 (117)IN
15Kunya (Pskov region)112 (116)Z
16Novodugino (Smolensk region)114 (158)SE
17Spirituality115 (143)YU
18Velizh120 (259)SW

a brief description of

The city is located in the south of the Valdai Hills, on the river. Mezha (tributary of the Western Dvina), 276 km southwest of Tver. Railway station.

Territory (sq. km): 19

Historical sketch

It arose in 1900 as a village at the Nelidovo station on the Moscow – Vindava (Riga) railway near the village of Iotkino (known since 1701). The main purpose of the station was to serve the district town of Bely, located 50 km to the south. The station was named after the Nelidov nobles, whose representatives donated part of their lands for the construction of the railway.

Workers' village of Nelidovo since 1938

On October 8, 1941, Nelidovo was occupied by Nazi troops, liberated on January 25, 1942. The village was destroyed and restored in the first post-war years.

In 1944-57. within the Velikiy Luki region. City since 1949


Woodworking plant. Factories: hydraulic presses, plastics, machine tools, peat machinery, brick, flax plant. Furniture plant, clothing factory, food industry enterprises.

In the Nelidovsky district, grain crops, flax, and potatoes are grown. Meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding.

Brown coal mining.

Main enterprises


JSC Nelidovo Plastics Plant

172500, Tver region, Nelidovsky district, Nelidovo, Shakhty village, 6
Synthetic resins and plastics, polymer films, thermoplastic sheets, polystyrene sheets, equipment for processing polymer materials


OJSC Nelidovo Hydropress Plant

172500, Tver region, Nelidovsky district, Nelidovo, st.
Mashinostroiteley, 13 Offers:
Forging and pressing machines, hydraulic presses, automation equipment and equipment


OJSC “Nelidovsky DOK”

172500, Tver region, Nelidovsky district, Nelidovo, st.
Zavodskaya, 7 Offers:
plywood, fiberboard


The city has sections for various sports: football, basketball, athletics, skiing, wrestling, tennis, table tennis, volleyball, chess, checkers. In addition to team sports, the trend of involving young people in auto and motor sports has recently developed.

There is a children's and youth sports school on the basis of the Start sports complex and the Christina athletics club. Sports and recreational facilities (football, tennis, volleyball, basketball, wrestling), a gym on the basis of the Nelidovsky technical school (volleyball, basketball, football, tennis), summer playgrounds (rubber) near the boarding school, NT, school No. 5, school No. are open to everyone. 1 (basketball, tennis, football, volleyball). There is a city swimming pool with four lanes. The shelter has an outdoor synthetic playground for playing football and tennis.

Various competitions are held annually: stages of Russian and European motocross cups; long distance running; tournaments in billiards, football, basketball, etc.

Our athletes constantly bring medals of various denominations, both from regional and all-Russian competitions, and from international ones. Our fellow countrymen also successfully perform at the professional level, fighting in the boxing ring, playing on the basketball court and competing on the green turf of football fields.



  1. ^ ab Law No. 34-ZO
  2. ^ abcd Law No. 34-ZO establishes that the boundaries of settlements (administrative territorial units) are identical to the boundaries of urban and rural settlements (municipalities), and the boundaries of administrative districts are identical to the boundaries of municipal entities. In Law No. 38-ZO, which defines the boundaries and composition of the municipalities of the Nelidovo municipal district, the city of Nelidovo is included in the composition and administrative center of the Nelidovo urban settlement of this district.
  3. ^ a b Federal State Statistics Service (2011). “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
    . Federal State Statistics Service.
  4. "26. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022". Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2022.
  5. ^ ab State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics. Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 “All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division. Code 28 243", ed. changes No. 278 / 2015 dated January 1, 2016. (Goskomstat of the Russian Federation. Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997. Russian classification of administrative divisions) (OKATO).
    Code 28 243 , as amended by Amendment No. 278/2015 of January 1, 2016).
  6. ^ abcd Law No. 38-ZO
  7. Law No. 4-ZO
  8. "On the Calculation of Time". Official Internet portal of legal information
    . June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
  9. Post office. Information and computing center of OASU RPO. ( Post office
    Search for postal service objects ( postal Search for objects
    ) (in Russian)

  10. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (May 21, 2004).
    “The population of Russia, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of federal districts, urban settlements, settlements, settlements of 3 thousand or more people” [Population of Russia, its federal districts, federal districts, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - administrative centers and rural settlements with a population of more than 3,000 people] (XLS). All-Russian Population Census 2002
  11. “All-Union Population Census of 1989. The current population of union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, negative phenomena, urban settlements and rural district centers” [All-Union Population Census of 1989: current population of union and autonomous republics, Autonomous regions and districts , territories, regions, districts, towns and villages performing the functions of district administrative centers. All-Union Population Census of 1989 [All-Union Population Census of 1989]
    Institute of Demography of the National Research University: Higher School of Economics [Institute of Demography of the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 - via Demoscope Weekly
  12. ^ ab Khorkova, Maria; Alena Dushka (September 29, 2007). “Nelidovo. A city that needs a temple (Interview with the governor of the Tver region D.V. Zelenin)". Tatyana's Day . Retrieved September 15, 2015.
  13. ^ ab Vorobyov, M. V. (1993). G. V. Tufanova (ed.). Administrative-territorial division of the Smolensk region (in Russian). State Archive of the Smolensk Region. pp. 118–133.
  14. ^ ab Malygin, P. D.; Smirnov, S. N. (2007). History of the administrative-territorial division of the Tver Region (PDF). Tver. pp. 14–15. OCLC 540329541.
  15. Information on changes in the administrative-territorial division of the Tver region - Kalinin region (in Russian). Archives of Russia. Archived from the original on April 19, 2012. Retrieved September 10, 2015.
  16. “Archival copy” Passport of the Nelidovsky district of the Tver region in the field of agro-industrial complex (PDF) (in Russian). State Public Institution "Center for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Tver Region". Archived from the original (PDF) on March 4, 2016. Retrieved September 8, 2015.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  17. History (in Russian). Administration of Nelidovsky district. Retrieved August 22, 2015.
  18. Monuments of history and culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation (in Russian). Ministry of Culture of Russia. Retrieved June 2, 2016.
  19. The Museum of Miners' Glory will open in the Tver region (in Russian). Interfax. August 22, 2015. Retrieved September 9, 2015.

Recreation infrastructure

  • Cinema "Sputnik"
  • Bowling club "Swallow" (4 lanes)
  • Sushi bar "Tori"
  • Gastropub "Ordinary People"
  • Coffee shop “Meeting Place” (closed in 2015)
  • Complex "Sfera" (beauty salon, cafe, disco club)
  • Billiard club "BARS"
  • Fast food restaurant "Muraveinik" (closed in 2015)
  • Cafe-bar "Shark"
  • Cafe-bar "Melody"
  • Cafe-bar "Afanasy"
  • Cafe-bar "Astoria"
  • Cafe-bar "Authority"
  • Restaurant-motel "Swallow"
  • Sandwich shop "ButerBurg"



  • Monument to V.I. Lenin on Lenin Square.
  • Monument to A. M. Gorky and V. I. Lenin in the DOK microdistrict, near the Oktyabr Palace of Culture (moved from the park near the railway crossing on Sovetskaya Street)
  • Monument to a miner in the city park, near Zhukov Square
  • Monument to a miner on the street. Matrosova, near GorGaz (moved from the territory of the village of mine No. 3)
  • Monument to a miner on the highway
  • Monument “Girl with a headscarf” on the street. Matrosova, near GorGraz.
  • In 2014, a stone was laid in the park near the crossing, in the place of which a monument to S.V. Nelidov will soon be erected.
  • Stele to the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident at the intersection of Matrosova and Sovetskaya streets
  • Bust of A. S. Pushkin, located in the courtyard of school No. 3
  • Memorial plate to the victims of the war in Afghanistan on the street. Builders

War graves and memorials

  • Memorial on Zhukov Square
  • Burial on the street. Glazova
  • Burial on the street. Annular
  • Burial on the street. Komsomolskaya

Other significant buildings

  • In 2014, next to the children's playground on the street. Builders laid the alley of machine builders. At the beginning of the alley there is a stone with a memorial plaque
  • Wooden chapel of Alexander Nevsky on Zhukov Square
  • In 2002, the construction of the Church of St. John of Kronstadt began and continues today.
  • Palace of Culture "Shakhtar". Typical cultural center of Khrushchev times
  • Ruins of the Lidov house on the banks of the Mezha River
  • A memorial stele in the Children's School park, erected in honor of the 65th anniversary of the victory in World War II

Nelidovo 2022: how a former mining town becomes an area of ​​healthy lifestyle

— Vladimir Gennadievich, the administration of the Nelidovsky urban district is actively creating a new, comfortable urban space. Please tell us what you have completed work on, what is in the area of ​​increased attention today?

— Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that in 2022, a healthy food cafe called Petrushka opened in Nelidovo on Kuibysheva Street. According to the authors of this project - and it’s hard to argue with this - the location for the establishment turned out to be not the most successful. This is not the city center, not a recreational area, not an attractive area from the point of view of pedestrian traffic. Therefore, we decided to go “in reverse” - to develop the infrastructure not for future possible projects, but within the framework of the constructed facility, to create a high-quality and accessible urban environment around the cafe.

Now the major repairs of the road on Kuibyshev Lane are being completed - asphalt has been laid here, sidewalks have been installed, and drainage has been installed. On the site adjacent to the cafe's territory, a foundation has been created for the construction of a children's play complex "Ladya". The complex is a gift from the regional governor Igor Rudeni to the municipality on city day. The landscaping of the area adjacent to the cafe is being completed - it is turning into a comfortable recreation area for parents and children.

Another area of ​​work is landscaping the area next to the fitness center on Kirova Street. Here, in particular, there will be a modern streetball court. That is, in parallel with the development of urban infrastructure, we are working on the development of children's sports and, in general, on improving the quality of life.

In my understanding, a comfortable environment should be created around other enterprises operating in the field of catering, services and services. In the future, business representatives interested in improvement can count on the support of the district administration.

— Do you notice that the culture of life in the area is changing along with space? If so, what does this mean?

According to my personal observations, a community of like-minded people has already formed around the Petrushka project. I would like to note that the project concerns not only healthy eating - its authors support yoga, Nordic walking, and the development of the creative potential of children - they conduct various master classes in modeling, drawing, etc. People are uniting around this - there are already more than 500 people, and their number is growing.

— Tell me, what would you like to achieve ideally? How do you see the new format of the city district?

— I would like to make the most efficient use of the territory’s potential, which was laid down historically, because in the Soviet years the city was rebuilt as a rapidly developing industrial center. If now less than 19 thousand people live in Nelidovo, then in its heyday the population of the city exceeded 30 thousand people. Therefore, the infrastructure that was formed during the Soviet years and has not yet been lost is the infrastructure of a rapidly growing, progressive city. This can be seen both in the quality of architectural and planning solutions and in the number of modern (at the time of construction) cultural and educational institutions. It is important for us to preserve this heritage and repair key facilities so that they continue to function for their intended purpose.

So, the Shakhtar Palace of Culture is currently being renovated - this is an object that has only two analogues in the region: the Khimvolokno cultural center in Tver and the cultural center in Kimry. The reconstruction of the cultural center is being carried out on the instructions and under the control of Governor Igor Rudeni. The work is being carried out within the framework of the targeted investment program of the Tver region and has been financed in the amount of more than 200 million rubles. Upon completion of the renovation, we expect that our recreation center will become not just a place for Nelidovo residents to spend time, but a cultural and leisure center for the entire southwest of the region.

In order to preserve and enhance the Soviet heritage, we try to make maximum use of funds from regional and federal programs. In particular, we submitted an application to participate in a federal competition for financing improvement projects. In case of victory, large-scale work is planned in the center, on Lenin Square. In fact, this will be a renovation of the center, and Nelidovo may well become an example of a modern urban environment.

— You have already mentioned the Petrushka project. Please tell us how your partnership is shaping up?

So far we are not talking about public-private partnerships in the legal sense. The administration has its own scope of work, the Petrushka project has its own, but these processes are deeply interconnected, and, in my opinion, we are thinking in the same direction.

— As far as we understand, this cooperation already goes beyond the “routine” and division of areas of responsibility. That is, we are talking about branding Nelidovo as a territory of a healthy lifestyle?
- Yes, I think there are all the prerequisites for this. This includes the cultivation of a healthy lifestyle, which we talked about, and a very strong children’s and youth sports school with a powerful coaching staff, and traditions of holding sporting events. By the way, on May 9, for 43 years, we have been holding an athletics race. Our runners take part in serious competitions in the Central Federal District and Russia. Basketball players have been among the top three teams in the region for 10 years, and the girls’ team of school No. 4 is a six-time champion of the Tver region, four times medalist of the Central Federal District, winner of the super final of the IES-BASKET school basketball league championship. The youth and adult football teams had a great time last season, finishing in the top three. I can also note one of the latest achievements of the swimming department - the first master of sports in 10 years - Nikita Bystrov (coach Evgeny Ipatov). Our sport is at the proper level, and we do not stop - we move forward. But this is only one of the components of the brand. We envision comprehensive work in various areas: landscaping, healthcare, ecology, culture and the development of children's creativity, tourism and hospitality. I would like both the public and business to be interested and involved in the processes of creating a comfortable environment and conditions for raising a healthy generation.


  1. 123 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. THE USSR. Administrative-territorial division of the union republics on January 1, 1980 / Compiled by V. A. Dudarev, N. A. Evseeva. - M.: Publishing house "Izvestia of the Soviets of People's Deputies of the USSR", 1980. - 702 p. — P. 132.
  3. Nelidovskaya street // Names of Moscow streets. Toponymic dictionary / Ageeva R. A. et al. - M.: OGI, 2007.
  4. RGAE, f. 1562, op. 336, no. 1248, pp. 49-57.
  5. [ All-Union Population Census of 1959. The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  6. 123456789101112 People's encyclopedia “My City”. Nelidovo
  7. [ All-Union Population Census of 1970 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  8. [ All-Union Population Census of 1979 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  9. [ All-Union Population Census of 1989. Urban population]. [ Archived from the original on August 22, 2011].
  10. [ All-Russian Population Census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
  11. [ Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009]. Retrieved January 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on January 2, 2014].
  12. All-Russian Population Census 2010. populated areas of the Tver region
  13. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012]. Retrieved May 31, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 31, 2014].
  14. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
  15. [ Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014]. Retrieved August 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on August 2, 2014].
  16. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [ Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].

The city of Nelidovo is the administrative center of the Nelidovo district of the Tver region. Located in the southwest of the Tver region, on the Mezhe and Semikovka , in the center of the ancient Okovsky forest .

Territory 19.2 sq. km. Population over 24 thousand people.

The village of Yotkino on the site of the modern city has been recorded by sources since the 15th century. In 1900, at the railway station, the main purpose of which was to serve the district town of Bely, located 50 km to the south, a village of the same name arose. The station and the city owe their name to the ancient noble family of the Nelidovs.

From a small station Nelidovo turned into a village. The timber processing industry has developed. In 1931, the timber mill came into operation, and in 1932. - plywood factory.

During the Second Five-Year Plan (1934-1937), the development of the coal deposit began.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Nelidovsky district was occupied by the Nazi invaders. The Germans captured the village of Nelidovo on October 8, 1941.

The Nelidovo station was of particular importance for the entire Rzhev group of German troops. It was the main supply line for the enemy's 9th Field Army and, at the same time, the area where its rear was concentrated. Here were selected units of the invaders, who had a large amount of artillery and equipment. During the 110 days of occupation, the regional center was destroyed to the ground, and enormous damage was caused to the economy of the region.

In January 1942, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the 4th Shock Army A.I. Eremenko was sent to liberate Nelidov by the 334th Infantry Division. On the night of January 25, 1942, a battle broke out for the village and station. And in the morning the territory was liberated.

For more than a century now, the station, later the village, and since 1949 the city on Mezhe has had an illustrious name, belonging to a representative of an ancient noble family - Sergei Vladimirovich Nelidov , who donated the lands of his possession for the construction of the above-mentioned railway. A descendant of a famous noble family in Russia, the great-nephew of the maid of honor Ekaterina Nelidova and other high-ranking relatives, whose deep historical roots were lost somewhere on the distant shores of the Baltic, he wholeheartedly contributed to the construction of the new railway that connected Moscow and the port on the Baltic Sea - Vindavu, passed through the lands of the volost.

The post-war restoration and development of Nelidov is inextricably linked with the construction of mines. This is one of the most heroic pages in his history.

In November 1948, on the eve of the 31st anniversary of the Great October Revolution, the first train of coal mined at mine No. 2 was solemnly sent to Leningrad, which was in such need of fuel at that time.

In the mid-90s, the Nelidovo mines were considered unprofitable and were closed.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Nelidovo was one of the economically developed cities in the Tver region. Among the large and significant enterprises are open joint-stock companies, “Machine Standards Plant” and a number of others.

A source of drinking water has been opened in the city . It was illuminated by Father Konstantin. In the Middle Ages, there was a chapel on the site of the source. According to legend, the water from the source has healing properties and helps to recover from various diseases.

a Church of the Balykino Icon of the Mother of God in the city . Built in 1970. Opened in 1989.


Museum of Miners' Glory . Address: Lenin Square, 2

Museum complex "Phoenix" (on the basis of professional lyceum No. 20) Nelidovo, st. Lesnaya, 12 tel. 3-14-26

Museum and exhibition hall on the basis of the children's library. (Nelidovo, Kirova str., 8. tel.: 3-26-43)

Historical and ethnographic corner of the Zemtsovskaya rural library. (Nelidovsky district, Zemtsy village)

Zemtsovsky School Museum . (Nelidovsky district, Zemtsy village)

Museum named after D.M. Karbysheva (Nelidovo, Karbysheva str., 14-a, middle school No. 4)

Complex Museum of Municipal Selyanskaya Secondary School (Nelidovsky district, village of Sely, Yubileinaya str., no. 1)

Museum on the basis of school No. 3 (Nelidovo, Pravdy St., 17. t.: 3-27-53)

Museum on the basis of gymnasium No. 2 (Nelidovo, Mira St., 18 T.: 3-22-80)

Telephone code: +7 48266 City website: State Enterprise Administration website:

An excerpt characterizing Nelidovo

- Well, okay, okay. ABOUT! what are you like! The governor's wife led him to a tall and very fat old woman in a blue cape, who had just finished her card game with the most important persons in the city. This was Malvintseva, Princess Marya's maternal aunt, a rich childless widow who always lived in Voronezh. She stood paying for the cards when Rostov approached her. She narrowed her eyes sternly and importantly, looked at him and continued to scold the general who had won against her. “I’m very glad, my dear,” she said, holding out her hand to him. - You are welcome to me. After talking about Princess Marya and her late father, whom Malvintseva apparently did not love, and asking about what Nikolai knew about Prince Andrei, who also apparently did not enjoy her favors, the important old woman let him go, repeating the invitation to be with her. Nikolai promised and blushed again when he bowed to Malvintseva. At the mention of Princess Marya, Rostov experienced an incomprehensible feeling of shyness, even fear. Leaving Malvintseva, Rostov wanted to return to dancing, but the little governor’s wife put her plump hand on Nikolai’s sleeve and, saying that she needed to talk to him, led him to the sofa, from which those who were there came out immediately, so as not to disturb the governor’s wife. “You know, mon cher,” said the governor’s wife with a serious expression on her kind little face, “this is definitely the match for you; Do you want me to marry you? - Whom, ma tante? – Nikolai asked. - I'm wooing the princess. Katerina Petrovna says that Lily, but in my opinion, no, is a princess. Want? I'm sure your maman will thank you. Really, what a lovely girl! And she's not that bad at all. “Not at all,” Nikolai said, as if offended. “I, ma tante, as a soldier should, do not ask for anything and do not refuse anything,” Rostov said before he had time to think about what he was saying. - So remember: this is not a joke. - What a joke! “Yes, yes,” said the governor’s wife, as if speaking to herself. - But here’s what else, mon cher, entre autres. Vous etes trop assidu aupres de l'autre, la blonde. [My friend. You look after that blond girl too much.] The husband is pathetic, really... “Oh no, we are friends,” Nikolai said in the simplicity of his soul: it never occurred to him that such a fun pastime for him could be for him. no one is having fun. “What a stupid thing I said, however, to the governor’s wife! – Nikolai suddenly remembered during dinner. “She’ll definitely start wooing, and Sonya?..” And, saying goodbye to the governor’s wife, when she, smiling, told him once again: “Well, remember,” he took her aside: “But here’s the truth.” tell you, ma tante... - What, what, my friend; Let's go sit here. Nikolai suddenly felt the desire and need to tell all his innermost thoughts (those that he would not have told his mother, sister, friend) to this almost stranger. Nikolai later, when he recalled this impulse of unprovoked, inexplicable frankness, which, however, had very important consequences for him, it seemed (as it always seems to people) that he had found a stupid verse; and yet this outburst of frankness, together with other minor events, had enormous consequences for him and for the whole family. - That's it, ma tante. Maman has long wanted to marry me to a rich woman, but the thought alone disgusts me, marrying for money. “Oh yes, I understand,” said the governor’s wife. – But Princess Bolkonskaya, that’s another matter; first of all, I’ll tell you the truth, I really like her, she’s after my heart, and then, after I met her in this position, it’s so strange, it often occurred to me that this was fate. Think especially: maman has been thinking about this for a long time, but I had never met her before, as it all happened: we didn’t meet. And at a time when Natasha was her brother’s fiancée, because then I would not have been able to think about marrying her. It’s necessary that I met her exactly when Natasha’s wedding was upset, and then that’s it... Yes, that’s what. I haven't told this to anyone and I won't tell it. And only to you. The governor's wife shook his elbow gratefully. – Do you know Sophie, cousin? I love her, I promised to marry her and I will marry her... Therefore, you see that this is out of the question,” Nikolai said awkwardly and blushing. - Mon cher, mon cher, how do you judge? But Sophie has nothing, and you yourself said that things are very bad for your dad. And your maman? This will kill her, for one. Then Sophie, if she is a girl with a heart, what kind of life will she have? The mother is in despair, things are upset... No, mon cher, you and Sophie must understand this. Nikolai was silent. He was pleased to hear these conclusions. “Still, ma tante, this can’t be,” he said with a sigh, after a short silence. “Will the princess still marry me?” and again, she is now in mourning. Is it possible to think about this? - Do you really think that I will marry you now? Il ya maniere et maniere, [There is a manner for everything.] - said the governor’s wife. “What a matchmaker you are, ma tante...” said Nicolas, kissing her plump hand. Arriving in Moscow after her meeting with Rostov, Princess Marya found there her nephew with his tutor and a letter from Prince Andrei, who prescribed them their route to Voronezh, to Aunt Malvintseva. Concerns about the move, worries about her brother, the arrangement of life in a new house, new faces, raising her nephew - all this drowned out in the soul of Princess Marya that feeling of temptation that tormented her during her illness and after the death of her father, and especially after meeting with Rostov. She was sad. The impression of the loss of her father, which was combined in her soul with the destruction of Russia, now, after a month that had passed since then in the conditions of a calm life, was felt more and more strongly by her. She was anxious: the thought of the dangers to which her brother, the only close person left with her, was exposed, tormented her incessantly. She was preoccupied with raising her nephew, for whom she felt constantly incapable; but in the depths of her soul there was an agreement with herself, resulting from the consciousness that she had suppressed the personal dreams and hopes that had arisen in herself, connected with the appearance of Rostov. When the next day after her evening, the governor’s wife came to Malvintseva and, having talked with her aunt about her plans (having made the reservation that, although under the current circumstances it is impossible to even think about formal matchmaking, it is still possible to bring the young people together, let them get to know each other ), and when, having received the approval of her aunt, the governor's wife under Princess Marya spoke about Rostov, praising him and telling how he blushed at the mention of the princess, Princess Marya experienced not a joyful, but a painful feeling: her inner agreement no longer existed, and again Desires, doubts, reproaches and hopes arose. In those two days that passed from the time of this news to the visit to Rostov, Princess Marya continually thought about how she should behave in relation to Rostov. Then she decided that she would not go into the living room when he arrived at his aunt’s, that in her deep mourning it was indecent for her to receive guests; then she thought it would be rude after what he had done for her; then it occurred to her that her aunt and the governor’s wife had some kind of plans for her and Rostov (their looks and words sometimes seemed to confirm this assumption); then she told herself that only she, with her depravity, could think this about them: they could not help but remember that in her position, when she had not yet taken off her plereza, such matchmaking would be insulting both to her and to the memory of her father. Assuming that she would come out to him, Princess Marya came up with the words that he would say to her and that she would say to him; and sometimes these words seemed to her undeservedly cold, sometimes they had too much meaning. Most of all, when meeting with him, she was afraid of embarrassment, which, she felt, should take possession of her and betray her as soon as she saw him. But when, on Sunday after mass, the footman reported in the living room that Count Rostov had arrived, the princess did not show embarrassment; only a slight blush appeared on her cheeks, and her eyes lit up with a new, radiant light. -Have you seen him, auntie? - Princess Marya said in a calm voice, not knowing how she could be so outwardly calm and natural. When Rostov entered the room, the princess lowered her head for a moment, as if giving time to the guest to greet his aunt, and then, at the very time Nikolai turned to her, she raised her head and met his gaze with sparkling eyes. With a movement full of dignity and grace, she stood up with a joyful smile, extended her thin, gentle hand to him and spoke in a voice in which for the first time new, feminine chest sounds were heard. M lle Bourienne, who was in the living room, looked at Princess Marya with bewildered surprise. The most skillful coquette, she herself could not have maneuvered better when meeting a person who needed to please. “Either black suits her so well, or she really has gotten so prettier and I didn’t notice. And most importantly – this tact and grace!” - thought m lle Bourienne. If Princess Marya had been able to think at that moment, she would have been even more surprised than M lle Bourienne at the change that had taken place in her. From the moment she saw this sweet, beloved face, some new force of life took possession of her and forced her, against her will, to speak and act. Her face, from the time Rostov entered, suddenly changed. How suddenly, with unexpected, striking beauty, that complex, skillful artistic work appears on the walls of the painted and carved lantern, which previously seemed rough, dark and meaningless, when the light is lit inside: so suddenly the face of Princess Marya was transformed. For the first time, all that pure spiritual inner work with which she had lived until now came out. All her inner work, dissatisfied with herself, her suffering, desire for good, humility, love, self-sacrifice - all this now shone in those radiant eyes, in her thin smile, in every feature of her tender face. Rostov saw all this as clearly as if he had known her all her life. He felt that the creature in front of him was completely different, better than all those he had met so far, and better, most importantly, than himself. The conversation was very simple and insignificant. They talked about the war, involuntarily, like everyone else, exaggerating their sadness about this event, they talked about the last meeting, and Nikolai tried to divert the conversation to another subject, they talked about the good governor’s wife, about the relatives of Nikolai and Princess Marya. Princess Marya did not talk about her brother, diverting the conversation to another subject as soon as her aunt spoke about Andrei. It was clear that she could talk about the misfortunes of Russia feignedly, but her brother was a subject too close to her heart, and she did not want and could not talk lightly about him. Nikolai noticed this, just as he, with an astute observation unusual for him, noticed all the shades of Princess Marya’s character, which all only confirmed his conviction that she was a very special and extraordinary creature. Nikolai, just like Princess Marya, blushed and was embarrassed when they told him about the princess and even when he thought about her, but in her presence he felt completely free and said not at all what he had prepared, but what instantly and always opportunely came to his mind. During Nikolai's short visit, as always, where there are children, in a moment of silence Nikolai ran to Prince Andrei's little son, caressing him and asking if he wanted to be a hussar? He took the boy in his arms, began to twirl him cheerfully and looked back at Princess Marya. A tender, happy and timid gaze followed the boy she loved in the arms of her loved one. Nikolai noticed this look and, as if understanding its meaning, blushed with pleasure and began to kiss the boy good-naturedly and cheerfully. Princess Marya did not go out on the occasion of mourning, and Nikolai did not consider it proper to visit them; but the governor’s wife still continued her matchmaking business and, having conveyed to Nikolai the flattering things that Princess Marya had said about him, and back, insisted that Rostov explain himself to Princess Marya. For this explanation, she arranged a meeting between the young people at the bishop's before mass.

The meaning of the word nelidovo

Examples of the use of the word nelidovo in literature.

Then the cavalry lady, having looked through the lists of all existing shelters, established that Nelidova was indeed a member-patron of a charity home for poor children.
Then fair-haired Menelaus stood up, sad at heart, cruelly angry with the son of Nelidov.

After some time, we learned that a partisan detachment was operating in the forests south of Nelidovo, led by the secretary of the district party committee, Korovin.

Moscow - Riga on the Nelidovo - Zemtsy section and deprived the Rzhev enemy group of the most important railway line.

In the morning he came to us again and offered me two options: to hand over the detachment to replenish the rifle regiment, and wait with the crew for further orders at army headquarters, located northwest of Rzhev, or lead the detachment to Nelidovo and take part in the defense of the station together with its a thinned garrison.

Katerina Ivanovna Nelidova was ten years older than Avram and, when he was enrolled in the regimental school, she had already left Smolny, having been awarded the rank of maid of honor.

It turned out naturally that one of the ladies-in-waiting - Katerina Ivanovna Nelidova - increasingly attracted the eyes of the Grand Duke and gradually became for him the one he dreamed of.

In Smolny, in the chambers allocated to her by the head of the Educational Society for Noble Maidens, Madame Delafon, Nelidova protected herself from her dear friend.

He did not forget Nelidov and on the very first morning of his reign, looking through the lists, crossing out some, adding others, he made Andrei Nelidov, Katerina Ivanovna’s brother, a full major with the appointment of being an adjutant to His Majesty.

Madame Nelidova, who considered herself strong enough to withstand this storm, and powerful enough to deal with it, went to the angry sovereign, but instead of calming him down, she had the imprudence - rather strange on the part of a person who imagined that she had studied him so well, shower him with reproaches.

At the beginning of winter, Katerina Ivanovna Nelidova returned from Estland to St. Petersburg.

At the appointed time, in Mochalov’s office, he found, in addition to the general himself, Major Nozhikov, Colonel Ivannikov, political officer Nelidov and another stranger in civilian clothes, black-haired, with moving, deep-set eyes and a tanned face.

We opened the door and saw Nelidov, a chemistry teacher at the Gorky Pedagogical Institute and the grandson of the Tsar’s ambassador to France, sitting on a chair.

He himself saw Uryupin killed, and Nelidov was also covered with a mine before his eyes.

He did not want to see Nelidova anymore, and after her, at the end of March, he drove his commander-in-chief away from him.

Source: Maxim Moshkov library

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