“As production grows, the quality of life grows!”: how the coal capital of the Krasnoyarsk Territory lives

This term has other meanings, see Borodino.



Coat of arms
A country Russia, Russia
Subject of the federation Krasnoyarsk TerritoryKrasnoyarsk Territory
Urban district Borodino city
Coordinates 55°54′00″ n. w. 94°54′00″ E. d. / 55.90000° n. w. 94.90000° E. d. / 55.90000; 94.90000 (G) [www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=55.90000&mlon=94.90000&zoom=12 (O)] (Z)Coordinates: 55°54′00″ N. w. 94°54′00″ E. d. / 55.90000° n. w. 94.90000° E. d. / 55.90000; 94.90000 (G) [www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=55.90000&mlon=94.90000&zoom=12 (O)] (I)
Chapter Veretennikov Alexander Fedotovich
Based in 1949
City with 1981
Square 7.8 km²
Center height 330
Population ↘16,218[1] people (2016)
Density 463.37 people/km²
National composition Russians, Tatars, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, etc.
Names of residents Borodino residents, Borodinets
Timezone UTC+7
Telephone code +7 39168
Postcode 663980;663981
Vehicle code 24, 84, 88, 124
OKATO code [classif.spb.ru/classificators/view/okt.php?st=A&kr=1&kod=04407 04 407]
Official site [sibborodino.ru dino.ru]




K: Settlements founded in 1949

- a city (since 1981) in the Krasnoyarsk region of Russia. The urban district is formed by the city of Borodino.

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2014 No. 1398-r “On approval of the list of single-industry towns,” the urban district of Borodino is included in the category “Single-industry municipalities of the Russian Federation (single-industry towns) in which there are risks of deterioration of the socio-economic situation”[2].

Population - 16,218[1] people. (2016).


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K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)
Established in 1949 as a coal miners’ settlement at the Irsha-Borodinsky coal mine.

It got its name from the village of Borodino, located 5 km from the city and located on the Moscow highway. According to legend, the village was founded by soldiers of the Semenovsky regiment, participants in the Patriotic War of 1812, exiled to Siberia after an uprising in the regiment in 1820. The village received the name Borodino back in 1827 in honor of the battle on the Borodino field in 1812.

Construction of the city (first a workers' settlement) began in August 1945.

According to available data, K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)[ source not specified 2301 days

] the first to begin construction of the village were former Soviet prisoners of war, repatriated to the USSR from France after the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II. Arrived on August 8, 1945 by echelon as part of the regiment at the station. Zaozernaya, the very next day they began setting up a settlement for the coal mine builders. Then workers began to come to the city for organized recruitment, mainly from the western regions of Russia (“recruited”).

At the end of 1949, the Irsha-Borodinsky coal mine was put into operation. Producing 350 thousand tons of coal in the first year of operation, the Borodinsky open-pit mine in the 80s became the largest coal enterprise in Russia. K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)[ source not specified 2301 days

] At the end of the 1980s, production reached 30 million tons of coal. At the end of 2008, the open-pit mine produced 24 million tons. Nowadays the open-pit mine is part of the Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK).

In the summer of 1981, the village of Borodino received city status. At that time there were less than 12 thousand inhabitants.

Social sphere and service sector

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: Incorrect or missing imageThis section is missing references to information sources.
Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You may edit this article to include links to authoritative sources. This mark is set October 23, 2015


K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)
Educational institutions in Borodino are represented by three secondary schools, six libraries, six preschool educational institutions, two institutions of additional education. The city has a Children's Art School, a House of Crafts, and a Station for Young Technicians. Within the walls of the Palace of Culture "Ugolshchik" there are creative groups: the folk ensemble "Krasna Rus", the synthesis group "Smile", a folk drama theater, a circus studio, a ballroom dance school, a pop and brass band. A native of Borodino, Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Shalagin now runs the Petersburg Operetta Theater (St. Petersburg). K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)[ source not specified 2301 days

] Another Borodino celebrity is Boris Kozmin, Honored Cultural Worker, member of the International Association of the Union of Artists of Russia, member of the International Association of the Union of Writers of Russia, Laureate of the State Prize in the field of literature and art for 2001.
From 1974 to 2007, he was the curator of the Hannibal museum-estate “Petrovskoye” in the Pskov region. K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified) [ source not specified 2301 days

Known in Russia and abroad K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)[ source not specified 2301 days

] names of students of the Borodino Youth Sports School - skiers, biathletes - Olympic silver medalist Olga Romasko, Olympic champion Olga Medvedtseva (Pyleva), winners of international competitions - Kirill Shcherbakov, Marina Borchukova, Yulia Barabash and many others.
High results at regional and republican competitions are also shown by basketball players from the youth sports school and wrestlers from the judo and sambo sections of the Borodino sports school. K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)[ source not specified 2301 days
] Students of the champion of Kazakhstan and Russia in karate-do Alexander Savinkova have repeatedly become prize-winners of international competitions. K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)[
source not specified 2301 days
] Today in the city structure of physical education and sports there are 26 sports facilities, 7 gyms, 4 swimming pools.

The city has a hospital complex, which was put into operation in 2004. The complex’s clinic can accommodate 800 people per shift, and the hospital has a capacity of 133 beds.

The city publishes a weekly newspaper, Borodino Bulletin. It airs on TV six days a week.

Housing construction continues in the city. Small businesses are also developing successfully in the city, employing more than 1,500 people. K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)[ source not specified 2301 days


Borodino is rich in labor traditions. The labor achievements of the townspeople were also noted by government awards. Among Borodino residents there are Heroes of Socialist Labor, holders of the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, and the Badge of Honor. Quite a few miners [ how many?

] - full holders of all 3 degrees of the Miner's Glory Badge.

2014 - Borodino is the “Cultural Capital of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.” K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified) [ source not specified 2407 days


2016 - the billionth ton of coal was mined in Borodino.

Not only to repair, but also to replace imports

Coal in Borodino provides employment not only to those who directly work on its extraction.
The Borodino Mechanical Repair Plant celebrates its 45th anniversary in 2022. The last five-year period was a landmark for his team of almost 500 people: the enterprise has significantly increased the volume and range of its products, and now not only services equipment used in coal mining, but also successfully competes in the market of high-tech, innovative products. The work of the BRMZ seems especially important in the context of import substitution, one of the priority goals of the domestic industry today. For example, Alexander Uss is proudly shown the tracks for the Bucyrus 295 HD mining excavator: the elements of the track chains produced by Borodino workers are in no way inferior in quality to their foreign counterparts, and the cost is several times cheaper.

The most modern equipment has been installed in each of the five main workshops of the plant - mechanical, excavator, foundry, electrical machines, and rolling stock repair. Everywhere you can see workers successfully performing assigned tasks on CNC machines.

“We are pleased with the constant attention that we receive from the regional authorities and Alexander Uss personally,” notes General Director of JSC SUEK-Krasnoyarsk Andrey Fedorov. — We are now at the stage of increasing production volumes. The mood in the work collectives is positive: since production is growing, wages at the enterprises are also growing.

The city of Borodino is SUEK’s hometown. We cannot imagine ourselves without it, so creating a comfortable environment for our employees is and will be our undoubted priority. After all, the Borodino open-pit mine is not just mineral deposits, but also the backbone of the economy for the entire Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Since 1982, the city has a children's and youth sports school in six sports: biathlon, cross-country skiing, basketball, judo, football, chess. Honored Masters of Sports biathletes Olga Romasko and Olga Medvedtseva are students of the Borodino Youth Sports School.

The ice hockey team “MINER” trains in the city. Captain Matalyzhenko Andrey. Goals and objectives of the hockey club: - development in the city of Borodino of such a sport as ice hockey; — attracting the maximum possible number of children, adolescents and youth of the city to systematic sports; — organization of physical education, health, sports, educational work among children, adolescents and youth of the city; — popularization of a healthy lifestyle; — improving the level of physical fitness and sportsmanship of the leading athletes of the city ice hockey team.

Also in the city of Borodino there is a club for fans of extreme equipment “NAST”. The purpose of which is to promote a healthy lifestyle.


(Krasnoyarsk region)

OKATO code:
Urban settlement since:
City since:
1981 City of regional subordination
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographical latitude:
Geographical longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
330 Sunrise and sunset times of the Sun and Moon in the city of Borodino


  1. 123
    www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2016/bul_dr/mun_obr2016.rar Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2014 No. 1398-r “On approval of the list of single-industry towns”
  3. 12345678910
    www.MojGorod.ru/krsnjar_kraj/borodino/index.html People's encyclopedia “My City”. Borodino (city)
  4. 123
    [krasstat.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/krasstat/resources/5ed87c8043b9ed899ea29ed06954faf7/1.+Number+and+location+of the+population+of the Krasnoyarsk+krai.xls Number and distribution of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (according to the 2002 All-Russian Population Census of the year). Sheet “5. Population of districts, urban settlements, regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more people”]. Retrieved April 28, 2016. [www.webcitation.org/6h6j3VuJ7 Archived from the original on April 28, 2016].
  5. [www.perepis2002.ru/ct/doc/1_TOM_01_04.xls All-Russian Population Census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more]. [www.webcitation.org/65AdCU0q3 Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
  6. [www.gks.ru/bgd/regl/B09_109/IssWWW.exe/Stg/d01/tabl-21-09.xls Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009]. Retrieved January 2, 2014. [www.webcitation.org/6MJmu0z1u Archived from the original on January 2, 2014].
  7. [krasstat.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/krasstat/resources/20d7bd804eba60379580f5263284271d/1.10.xlsx All-Russian Population Census 2010. Results for the Krasnoyarsk Territory. 1.10 Population of city districts, municipal districts, mountains. and sat down. settlements and populated areas]. Retrieved October 25, 2015. [www.webcitation.org/6cXLrGwbE Archived from the original on October 25, 2015].
  8. [www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2012/bul_dr/mun_obr2012.rar Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012]. Retrieved May 31, 2014. [www.webcitation.org/6PyOWbdMc Archived from the original on May 31, 2014].
  9. [www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2013/bul_dr/mun_obr2013.rar Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [www.webcitation.org/6LAdCWSxH Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
  10. [www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2014/bul_dr/mun_obr2014.rar Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014]. Retrieved August 2, 2014. [www.webcitation.org/6RWqP50QK Archived from the original on August 2, 2014].
  11. [www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2015/bul_dr/mun_obr2015.rar Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [www.webcitation.org/6aaNzOlFO Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].
  12. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  13. [www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2016/bul_dr/mun_obr2016.rar Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016. Table “31. Population of cities and towns by federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2016.” RAR archive (1.0 MB)]

Population[ | ]

9921↗10 838↗11 331↗18 426↗19 500↗19 800↗20 000↗20 100
↘19 181↘19 000→19 000↘18 800→18 800↘18 738↘17 416↘17 400
↘16 956↘16 764↘16 522↘16 339↘16 218↗16 249↘16 127↘16 061
↘16 055

As of January 1, 2022, in terms of population, the city was in 752nd place out of 1,116[28]cities of the Russian Federation[29].

An excerpt characterizing Borodino (city)

“To hell with them, with these men with money and transport all over the page,” he thought. Even from the corner of six jackpots, I once understood, but from the page of transport, I don’t understand anything,” he said to himself and since then he has not intervened in business anymore. Only one day the Countess called her son to her, told him that she had Anna Mikhailovna’s bill of exchange for two thousand and asked Nikolai what he thought to do with it. “That’s how it is,” answered Nikolai. – You told me that it depends on me; I don’t like Anna Mikhailovna and I don’t like Boris, but they were friendly with us and poor. So that's how it is! - and he tore the bill, and with this act he made the old countess cry with tears of joy. After this, young Rostov, no longer intervening in any matters, with passionate enthusiasm took up the still new business of hound hunting, which was started on a large scale by the old count. It was already winter, morning frosts were binding the earth, wetted by autumn rains, the greenery was already flattened and brightly green separated from the stripes of browning, cattle-killed, winter and light yellow spring stubble with red stripes of buckwheat. The peaks and forests, which at the end of August were still green islands between the black fields of winter crops and stubble, became golden and bright red islands among the bright green winter crops. The hare was already half worn out (molted), the fox litters were beginning to disperse, and the young wolves were larger than the dogs. It was the best hunting time. The dogs of the ardent, young hunter of Rostov not only entered the hunting body, but also got beaten up so much that in the general council of hunters it was decided to give the dogs a rest for three days and on September 16 to leave, starting from the oak grove, where there was an untouched wolf brood. This was the situation on September 14th. All this day the hunt was at home; It was frosty and bitter, but in the evening it began to cool down and thaw. On September 15, when young Rostov looked out the window in the morning in his dressing gown, he saw a morning that nothing could be better for hunting: as if the sky was melting and descending to the ground without wind. The only movement that was in the air was the quiet movement from top to bottom of microscopic drops of mg or fog descending. Transparent drops hung on the bare branches of the garden and fell on the newly fallen leaves. The soil in the garden, like a poppy, was glossy and wet black, and at a short distance merged with the dull and damp cover of fog. Nikolai stepped out onto the wet, muddy porch: it smelled of withering forest and dogs. The black-spotted, wide-bottomed bitch Milka with large black protruding eyes, seeing her owner, stood up, stretched back and lay down like a hare, then suddenly jumped up and licked him right on the nose and mustache. Another greyhound dog, seeing its owner from the colored path, arched its back, quickly rushed to the porch and, raising its tail, began to rub against Nikolai’s legs. - Oh goy! - at this time that inimitable hunting call was heard, which combines both the deepest bass and the most subtle tenor; and from around the corner came the arriving and hunting Danilo, a Ukrainian-style, gray-haired, wrinkled hunter with a cropped hair, a bent arapnik in his hand and with that expression of independence and contempt for everything in the world that only hunters have. He took off his Circassian hat in front of the master and looked at him contemptuously. This contempt was not offensive to the master: Nikolai knew that this Danilo, who despised everything and stood above all else, was still his man and hunter. - Danila! - said Nikolai, timidly feeling that at the sight of this hunting weather, these dogs and the hunter, he was already seized by that irresistible hunting feeling in which a person forgets all previous intentions, like a man in love in the presence of his mistress. -What do you order, your excellency? - asked the protodeacon's bass, hoarse from raking, and two black shining eyes glanced from under their brows at the silent master. “What, or won’t you be able to stand it?” as if those two eyes said. - Nice day, huh? And the chase and the gallop, eh? - Nikolai said, scratching Milka’s ears. Danilo did not answer and blinked his eyes. “I sent Uvarka to listen at dawn,” his bass voice said after a moment of silence, “he said, he transferred it to the Otradnensky order, they were howling there.” (The translation meant that the she-wolf, about whom they both knew, moved with the children to the Otradnensky forest, which was two miles from the house and which was a small place.) - But we have to go? - said Nikolai. - Come to me with Uvarka. - As you order! - So wait a minute to feed. – I’m listening. Five minutes later, Danilo and Uvarka stood in Nikolai’s large office. Despite the fact that Danilo was not very tall, seeing him in the room produced an impression similar to when you see a horse or a bear on the floor between the furniture and the conditions of human life. Danilo himself felt this and, as usual, stood at the very door, trying to speak more quietly, not to move, so as not to somehow damage the master’s chambers, and trying to quickly express everything and go out into the open space, from under the ceiling to the sky. Having finished the questions and having elicited Danila’s consciousness that the dogs were okay (Danila himself wanted to go), Nikolai ordered them to saddle up. But just as Danila wanted to leave, Natasha entered the room with quick steps, not yet combed or dressed, wearing a large nanny’s scarf. Petya ran in with her. - You are going? - said Natasha, - I knew it! Sonya said that you won’t go. I knew that today was such a day that it was impossible not to go. “We’re going,” Nikolai answered reluctantly, who today, since he intended to undertake a serious hunt, did not want to take Natasha and Petya. “We’re going, but only after the wolves: you’ll be bored.” “You know that this is my greatest pleasure,” Natasha said. “This is bad,” he rode himself, ordered him to saddle, but didn’t tell us anything. – All obstacles to the Russians are in vain, let’s go! – Petya shouted. “But you’re not allowed to: Mama said you’re not allowed to,” said Nikolai, turning to Natasha. “No, I’ll go, I’ll definitely go,” Natasha said decisively. “Danila, tell us to saddle up, and for Mikhail to ride out with my pack,” she turned to the hunter. And so it seemed indecent and difficult for Danila to be in the room, but to have anything to do with the young lady seemed impossible to him. He lowered his eyes and hurried out, as if it had nothing to do with him, trying not to accidentally harm the young lady. The old count, who had always kept a huge hunt, but now had transferred the entire hunt to the jurisdiction of his son, on this day, September 15th, having fun, got ready to leave too. An hour later the whole hunt was at the porch. Nikolai, with a stern and serious look, showing that there was no time to deal with trifles now, walked past Natasha and Petya, who were telling him something. He inspected all parts of the hunt, sent the pack and hunters ahead to the race, sat down on his red bottom and, whistling the dogs of his pack, set off through the threshing floor into the field leading to the Otradnensky order. The old count's horse, a game-colored mering called Bethlyanka, was led by the count's stirrup; he himself had to go straight in the droshky to the hole left for him. Of all the hounds, 54 dogs were bred, under which 6 people went out as handlers and catchers. In addition to the masters, there were 8 greyhound hunters, who were followed by more than 40 greyhounds, so that with the master's packs about 130 dogs and 20 horse hunters went out into the field. Each dog knew its owner and name. Each hunter knew his business, place and purpose. As soon as they left the fence, everyone, without noise or conversation, stretched out evenly and calmly along the road and field leading to the Otradnensky forest. The horses walked across the field as if walking on a fur carpet, occasionally splashing through puddles as they crossed the roads. The foggy sky continued to descend imperceptibly and evenly to the ground; the air was quiet, warm, soundless. Occasionally one could hear the whistling of a hunter, the snoring of a horse, the blow of an arapnik, or the yelp of a dog that was not moving in its place. Having ridden about a mile away, five more horsemen with dogs appeared from the fog to meet the Rostov hunt. A fresh, handsome old man with a large gray mustache rode ahead. “Hello, uncle,” Nikolai said when the old man drove up to him. “It’s a real march!... I knew it,” said the uncle (he was a distant relative, a poor neighbor of the Rostovs), “I knew that you couldn’t stand it, and it’s good that you’re going.” Pure march! (This was my uncle’s favorite saying.) - Take the order now, otherwise my Girchik reported that the Ilagins are standing in Korniki with pleasure; You have them - pure march! - they will take the brood under your nose.

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