10 places for lovers in Vladimir, where you will be introduced, fed and married

First day Second day Museums of Vladimir Excursions Stories, routes and tips from tourists with photos Where to stay in Vladimir Excursions from Vladimir for 2 days

Ancient Vladimir is one of the most interesting cities of the Golden Ring. Despite the status of the regional capital, Vladimir has retained the charm of the ancient city: white stone churches, wooden huts, stone mansions. Over its centuries-old history, the city has been the capital of Rus' - now the historical architecture of Vladimir is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

2 days in Vladimir is a perfectly acceptable time to explore the city’s attractions and surrounding areas. The main thing is to identify interesting places for yourself in advance and plan your route by the hour.

Monument “850 years of Vladimir” Photo: © Katerina Solosyatova

First day

The sights of Vladimir are easily covered in 2 days. Travelers usually devote the first day to a walk around the Oktyabrsky district, within which the largest number of architectural monuments and museums of Vladimir are concentrated. The length of the route is short, but due to the abundance of attractions, a walk around the city can take a whole day.

Mother of God Nativity Monastery

This is the first major attraction that tourists see when arriving in the city by train or bus. The holy monastery was built at the end of the 12th century by order of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest. In the first century and a half of its existence, the monastery was the center of monastic life in North-Eastern Rus'. This is where the Laurentian Chronicle comes from. The original buildings of the monastery have not survived - they were dismantled during Soviet times. The cathedral and bell tower were restored in post-Soviet times.

Details: Mother of God Nativity Monastery

Mother of God Nativity Monastery Photo: © Oksana Gordeeva

Dmitrievsky Cathedral

Moving towards the city center, you will come to a small openwork temple. Dmitrievsky Cathedral of the end of the 12th century certainly appears in the lists of “What to see in Vladimir in 2 days.” The white stone building is notable for its carved walls: more than 600 bas-reliefs with historical and mythological subjects are carved on the outside. The interior decoration is also remarkable: fragments of frescoes from the 12th century have been preserved on the walls. Also kept here is a piece of clothing with the blood of the martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki - it was in honor of this saint that the cathedral was named.

Details: Demetrius Cathedral

Dmitrievsky Cathedral Photo: © dualia1


of the Chambers of Representatives is located near the Dmitrievsky Cathedral . In past centuries, the provincial administration was located here, and now museum exhibitions are located here. The most interesting collection inside is an exhibition of Russian painting. The collection features works from medieval masters to contemporary artists. The chambers are surrounded by the green park area “Lipki” - both tourists and the townspeople themselves like to relax here.

Details: Chambers

Chambers building Photo: © Oksana Gordeeva

Assumption Cathedral

The main Orthodox attraction of Vladimir is the Assumption Cathedral . The temple was founded by Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1158. For centuries, this massive monument of Russian white-stone architecture was the place where the rulers of Vladimir and Moscow were married into the principality. Don't limit yourself to an external inspection; inside the cathedral, fragments of Andrei Rublev's frescoes have been preserved. Since the Assumption Cathedral is still active, you can visit it during services. Also, daily (except Mondays) excursions are held with a story about the history and surviving paintings.

Details: Assumption Cathedral

Assumption Cathedral Photo: © Oksana Gordeeva

Observation deck on Cathedral Square

In front of the Assumption Cathedral lies Cathedral Square with an observation deck. The observation deck is notable not only for its picturesque view of the Klyazma River and the surrounding area, but also for the monument to Prince Vladimir . The opening of the monument in 2007 was timed to coincide with the 850th anniversary of the transfer of the capital of the principality from Suzdal to Vladimir. The square and the cathedral are framed by a small park named after Pushkin . Take a walk around - there are several more notable monuments in the park: Andrei Rublev and the monument in the style of socialist realism “850 years of Vladimir” .

Observation deck in front of the Assumption Cathedral Photo: © dualia1

Golden Gate

Along one of the main streets of the city, Bolshaya Moskovskaya, you will come to the Golden Gate . Walking around Vladimir on your own in 2 days, you will pass by the white stone gates with the gate church more than once. The monument, unique for Russia, was erected in 1164 by order of Andrei Bogolyubsky. In those days, the gate was used as a defensive structure and a ceremonial entrance to the city. You can also explore the Golden Gate from the inside: within the walls of the gate church there is an exhibition dedicated to the defense of Vladimir during the capture of the city by Batu Khan. In addition to a large-scale defense diorama, a collection of ancient weapons from the medieval period is exhibited here.

Details: Golden Gate

Golden Gate Photo: © Katerina Solosyatova

Patriarchal Garden

From the Golden Gate it is worth climbing Kozlov Val , which was once a defensive structure. Next you need to move towards Klyazma along Kozlov Val Street towards the Patriarchal Garden . The road will pass by the private sector - charming wooden houses with vegetable gardens. A visit to the garden is paid (150 rubles). More than 100 types of fruit and berry crops are planted here. The topography of the park is also interesting - the elevation differences in some parts reach 33 meters. In front of the garden there are several funny sculptures for tourist photos: a monument to the Vladimir Cherry and the Scientist Cat .

At the entrance to the Patriarchal Garden Photo: © dualia1

At the end of the day you can drive to the Central Park of Culture and Recreation . One of the tallest Ferris wheels in Russia is located here. The attraction is called "Sky 33" . The wheel rises to a height of 50 meters. 1 session lasts 15 minutes.

Detailed route: What to see in Vladimir in 1 day

View from the Sky 33 Ferris wheel Photo: © Oksana Gordeeva

Second day

The most popular option for a 2-day trip to Vladimir is a trip with a visit to the village of Bogolyubovo. The second day can be devoted to a visit to Bogolyubovo and its surroundings. The village is located 20 minutes drive from Vladimir. The settlement was founded in 1158 as the place of residence of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Under the prince, the settlement, despite its small size, turned into one of the important trade and strategic centers of North-Eastern Rus'. In the pre-Mongol period, the city was surrounded by two lines of fortifications: a white stone wall inside and wood-earth fortifications on the outside. Behind the inner walls was the residence of Andrei Bogolyubsky - now you can examine the foundations of his castle. This is the only civil building from the pre-Mongol period that has survived to this day.

Bogolyubsky Monastery

The main attraction of the settlement is the Bogolyubsky Convent of the Nativity of the Virgin . The exact date of foundation of the monastery is unknown. It is not included in the lists of ancient Russian monasteries. The first mentions are found in 1687 - then the monastery became a patriarchal house monastery. The architectural dominant of the monastery, the cathedral in honor of the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God , was erected in the middle of the 19th century. More ancient buildings on the territory of the monastery: the Cathedral in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (mid-18th century) and the Church of the Annunciation (late 17th century). It is on the territory of the monastery that the remains of Andrei Bogolyubsky’s castle are located. If you have time, it’s worth going down to the holy spring near the monastery pond - the place is very peaceful and picturesque. In spring, during the flowering period, it is worth taking a walk through the Monastery Garden.

Details: Bogolyubsky Convent

Bogolyubsky Monastery Photo: © Juliette17

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

One of the most beautiful churches in Russia is located 1.5 km from the village of Bogolyubovo. The small white stone temple was erected during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky, in the middle of the 12th century. The temple was built in a picturesque place - at the mouth of the Nerl River (the confluence with the Klyazma), a kilometer from the princely palace. The place had an important strategic purpose - here was the river gate to the Vladimir Principality, trade routes crossed. According to legend, the temple was erected in memory of Andrei’s deceased son, Izyaslav.

To build the temple, it was necessary to build an artificial hill (now its height is 3 meters), since the place was located in a floodplain. The foundation of the temple went to a depth of more than 5 meters. The architectural appearance of the temple has survived to this day practically unchanged. This is an almost square temple of a cross-domed type with carved reliefs on the walls. The interior paintings from the 12th century were lost at the end of the 19th century. The church is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Details: Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl Photo: © Juliette17

Bogolyubovsky meadow

The historical and landscape complex is located at the confluence of the Nerl and the Klyazma. This is a picturesque expanse of floodplain. The tourist route through the territory of the reserve has a length of 1786 meters and ends 100 meters from the bank of the Klyazma River. It’s nice to relax here after a sightseeing walk: sit under a spreading tree and have a small picnic. There is no equipped recreational infrastructure here.

Bogolyubovsky meadow Photo: © Tatiana Dudarenko

Princess Monastery

In the afternoon, returning to Vladimir, it is worth visiting the monastery, located away from the main attractions. This is the Dormition Princess Monastery , built at the end of the 12th century. The women's monastery was founded by Maria Shvarnovna, the daughter of a Czech prince, who became the wife of Vsevolod the Big Nest. The monastery was originally built as a burial place for the Vladimir princes. The founder, Maria Shvarnovna, spent her last days here; the wife and daughter of Alexander Nevsky were buried.

The main temple of the monastery was built in 1200, but was destroyed by the Tatar-Mongols. In the 16th century, the Assumption Cathedral was rebuilt on an ancient foundation. First of all, the cathedral is notable for the frescoes of the mid-17th century - Moscow masters led by Mark Matveev worked on the wall paintings. The main shrine of the monastery is considered to be the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Bogolyubsk, which dates back to the pre-Mongol period. The monastery is active and visiting is free any day of the week.

Dormition Princess Monastery Photo: © Valentina Pushkareva

Church of the Holy Rosary

If you walk from the Princess Monastery along Gogol Boulevard and cross Theater Square , you will come to one of the most unusual churches in the city. The Catholic Church of the Holy Rosary was built in the red brick neo-Gothic style at the end of the 19th century. Together with the priest's house, the temple creates a unique architectural ensemble. The Catholic parish is active and services are held here. Visiting is free.

Details: Church of the Holy Rosary

Church of the Holy Rosary Photo: © dualia1

You can end the second day with a rest on Teatralnaya Square. Twice per evening in the summer you can watch the light and sound fountain show : at 19:00 and 21:00.

Theater Square Photo: © Oksana Gordeeva


  • St. George's Church owes its foundation to Yuri Dolgoruky. He erected it in 1129 in honor of his Angel. For a long time (1930-2006) the church was used for economic purposes. On May 6, 2006, the temple became operational. St. George's Church is located on the street. Georgievskaya 2A.
  • The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built according to the design of Karabutov I. in 1894. The abbots Joseph Pizanko, Tadeusz Ronkaitis, and Anthony Dziemeszkiewicz served there. For about 63 years (since 1930) the temple was not in operation. His address: Gogol Street 12 (not far from the Torpedo stadium).
  • The St. Nicholas-Galeya Church was built in 1732-1735 in honor of St. Nicholas. The church owes its double name (Galeian) to its close location to the galley pier on Klyazma. The temple has academic paintings from the 19th century. The church is located on Nikolo-Galeiskaya street 26.
  • Prince Vladimir Church erected in honor of Saint Vladimir of Rus' with donations from townspeople in 1785. The church has not been rebuilt; it has 3 altars. It stands on B. Nizhegorodskaya street 71A.

  • Ascension Church was built in 1724. Later, 3 additions were made to it: the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, the bell tower and the Annunciation Limit. In 1930-1990 it was used for economic purposes. Now clergymen serve in the church, and there is a Sunday school there. It is located on Bolshaya Nizhegorodskaya Street 71A.

Museums of Vladimir

The list of attractions to see in 2 days in Vladimir should include several museums. Some cathedrals and exhibitions can be visited with complex tickets “Single Ticket of Vladimir”. By evenly distributing attractions throughout the day, you will have time to visit at least 2–4 museums.

Museum "Old Vladimir"

The museum is notable not only for its exhibition, but also for its appearance. It is located in a former water tower . The red brick building was erected at the end of the 19th century. The museum's collection introduces the life of the city of Vladimir at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Visitors are presented with a collection of archival photographs, posters and newspapers of that time.

More details: Museum “Old Vladimir”

Photo: © dualia1

Historical Museum of Vladimir

In the center of the city, in a red brick house, there is a rich exhibition telling about the history of the Vladimir land. The first exhibition is of archaeological finds, including a treasure of silver objects hidden during the Mongol invasion. In the second hall, visitors are introduced to the history of Vladimir from the 17th to 20th centuries.

More details: Vladimir Historical Museum

Historical Museum Photo: © Tatyana Kvichanskaya

Museum "Old Pharmacy"

The atmosphere of a pharmaceutical establishment from the nineteenth century is recreated in an ancient building from the end of the 18th century. The display cases display authentic pharmaceutical equipment of that time, medical books, and an old cash register. The stands display photographs showing the pharmacy in different historical periods. In a separate room, a pharmacist’s office with original items has been recreated. It is also planned to equip a laboratory where master classes for children will be held.

More details: Museum "Old Pharmacy"

Museum "Old Pharmacy" (building on the left) Photo: © dualia1

Museum "Crystal. Lacquer miniature. Embroidery"

The museum is located in the building of the red brick Trinity Old Believer Church . The exhibition is dedicated to the artistic crafts of the Vladimir land. On the ground floor, glass and crystal products produced at the Gus-Khrustalny manufactory are exhibited. The exhibition “Crystal River of Time” decorates a small concert hall at the church. On the second floor, visitors are introduced to the work of masters from Mstera: embroidery and lacquer miniatures. The museum has a salon where you can purchase original souvenirs from local artisans.

Trinity Old Believer Church Photo: © Oksana Gordeeva

Stoletov House-Museum

The two-story merchant mansion belonged to the Stoletov family in the 19th century. The Stoletov brothers were outstanding personalities: General Nikolai Grigorievich, hero of the Russian-Turkish war; physicist Alexander Grigorievich. The museum has restored the atmosphere of a merchant's estate. There are theatrical programs dedicated to the merchant life of the 19th century; interactive master classes and game meetings.

More details: Stoletov House-Museum

Panoramic view of the Stoletovs' house-museum

Detailed material: Museums of Vladimir

Vladimir Academic Drama Theater

Despite its modern, minimalist appearance, this theater has a rich history and dates back to the mid-19th century. The first building was made of wood, but soon fell into complete disrepair and was rebuilt from stone. It received a modern building only in the 1970s, and the architects who built it were even awarded the State Prize. One of the best city theaters is famous not only for the many great actors who played on these stages, but also for its rich repertoire. Connoisseurs of theatrical productions and other guests simply must go to the Vladimir Academic Drama Theater, because the fame of the institution is resounding throughout the country.


One of the most popular options for exploring the city is a sightseeing tour with a local guide. The guide will take you along unusual routes and show Vladimir from a different angle. You can book a thematic tour of the monasteries and get to know the ancient frescoes in detail. Or choose a walk through secret places of the city that are inaccessible to mass tourists. The guide will tell you where to take the most spectacular panoramic photos of Vladimir, where you can have lunch and spend time after the tour.

Excursions around Vladimir on the project Experts.Tourister.Ru

On the streets of Vladimir Photo: © dualia1

Where to go with a child

In the chambers of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve on the street. Bolshaya Moskovskaya, 43 operates a children's museum center. Here, in a playful way, children get acquainted with the history of Russia. The exhibition includes finds from the ancient site of Sungir, more than 25 thousand years old! Other exhibitions with self-explanatory titles: “A walk through the old town. History in the faces”, “Journey to the Stone Age”, “The World of Epic”, “The Birth of a Book”, “Visiting the Great-Grandmother”.

Among the most popular children's places, one can highlight the Da Vinci Museum of Illusions and Sciences, where it is not only fun, but also educational; The Gingerbread Museum - with a mandatory tasting, and the fairytale museum "Grandma-Yagusya", after visiting which you will get to know the heroine from a completely different, positive side.

  • Gingerbread Museum

Stories, routes and tips from tourists with photos

What to see in Vladimir in 2 days on your own? The answer to the question can be found in the reviews of tourists. Travelers recommend original places, share photos and tips. With the help of reviews, you can wisely plan your trip and determine a list of important attractions to visit.

  • “Streets of Vladimir Rus'” - report from Ivan Yakunin.
  • “Across the Vladimir-Suzdal land” - a review of Vladimir and Suzdal in 2 days from Sergei Arkhipkin.
  • “Vladimir over the weekend” - report from Svetlana Vorobyova.

All tourist reviews about trips to Vladimir

Photo: © Juliette17

Where to stay in Vladimir

“Prince Vladimir”, “Monomakh”, “Zastava”, “Voznesenskaya Sloboda” - the names of some hotels in Vladimir, like its attractions, refer to the distant times of Rus', while the interiors of others are practically transported back several eras.

Tourists in the city are offered to stay in hotels, most of which do not have a specific star rating, as well as 2, 3 or 4 star hotels, several hostels and apartments. The variety of the latter will allow you to find a suitable option both in terms of comfort level, availability of necessary equipment, and convenient price.

  • Vladimir Hotels
  • Hostels for Budget Travelers
  • Flats and apartments

Before booking your stay on Booking.com, take a look at the page: Cashback promotion for Tourist. RU

Photo: © dualia1

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