Sights of Kirovo-Chepetsk: list, description and various facts

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Kirovo-Chepetsk, city of Kirov region
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First mention


–Oleg Igoshin 08:52, November 23, 2011 (MSK)

The city of Kirovo-Chepetsk was founded in 1935, the status of a city since 1955. Kirovo-Chepetsk is a city of regional subordination, the center of the Kirovo-Chepetsk district of the Kirov region. Located in the Kirov region of the Volga-Vyatka region, at the confluence of the Cheptsa River with Vyatka, 22 km southeast of the city of Kirov.

City telephone code: 83361-***** ; reference phone 109 or 8-800-707-6009.

Postal code of Kirovo-Chepetsk - 613040

OKATO code: 33407

Deviation from Moscow time: 0 hours.

Geographical latitude: 58°33′ Geographical longitude: 50°02′

Coat of arms of Kirovo-Chepetsk

YearThousands of inhabitants

Memorial "Eternal Flame"

Surely there is a similar memorial in every city of our vast Motherland, but it is simply impossible to cross it off the list of attractions of Kirovo-Chepetsk. Structurally, the memorial is no different from those installed in other cities of the country. Another thing is noteworthy: not so long ago, in 2006, a memorial sign was erected not far from it. This is a bright memory in honor of the participants in the liquidation consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (remember, the accident at the plant occurred in 1986). And here’s what’s especially interesting: the city authorities were categorically against the installation of a memorial sign, and then the city residents jointly installed it secretly on the night of April 25-26, 2006.


  • branch of Vyatka State University
  • branch of Vyatka State Humanitarian University
  • branch of the Vyatka Socio-Economic Institute
  • GOU SPO Vyatka Automotive-Industrial College
  • GOU SPO Electrical Mechanical Engineering College
  • information technology college
  • College of Economics and Law
  • Official website of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum of the City of Kirovo-Chepetsk”

link title

Russia in–No. Volga Federal District in–No. Kirov Region in–No. Home in–No. Sights in–No.

The entries are presented from: Natural Wonders(1), Cultural and Historical Attractions(4), Visual Symbols of Russia(6), and other collections.

There is nothing particularly interesting in this place.

House of Culture "Friendship"

During the Soviet years, cultural centers in the cities of our country were built according to a standard design, which is why it is unlikely that anyone can be surprised by the architectural delights. However, the Druzhba cultural center, together with the square in front of it, has long since become one of the most beloved and visited attractions in Kirovo-Chepetsk. Couples come here for a walk, lovers and, of course, guests of the city come here.

The white columns stand out effectively against the background of a burgundy, even wine shade, chosen for the general background - this is the highlight of the cultural center and a bold decision by the city’s architects. It is in this building that the reporting concerts of local ensembles are held, and it is here that celebrities and stars come on tour.

What to see in Kirov in 1 day

Kirov is known as an Orthodox and cultural city. The main attractions are temples, cathedrals, monasteries, nature reserves. The townspeople have been preserving the cultural heritage for posterity for more than 150 years. A tourist will have something to visit in Kirov.

Spasskaya street

Historical landmark of Kirov. The first mention of the street dates back to the 18th century. For tourists and townspeople, a convenient pedestrian alley was made, which was paved with paving stones. The street is decorated with historical lanterns and vases with fresh flowers.

Recreation area "Karkino"

The sights of Kirovo-Chepetsk are represented not only by architectural objects. You should understand what a picturesque place the city is in, and the places here are truly stunning. If you come here for a few days, be sure to visit the Karkino recreation area. It can safely be considered one of the attractions of Kirovo-Chepetsk.

It is located outside the city, literally surrounded by greenery and creates all the necessary conditions for a good outdoor recreation: a sanatorium, small houses designed for one or two families, beaches, a real Russian bathhouse, a swimming pool, a sports ground and a place for barbecue. Artificial reservoirs with crystal clear water, numerous waterfalls and unique trees are something that allows you to forget about everything in the world. If you come to the city in winter, do not hesitate to visit here. In winter there is a full-fledged ski resort here. If you have long dreamed of getting on skis or snowboarding, take advantage of this great opportunity.

Where to go in Kirovo-Chepetsk and what to see?

The main events and activities of Kirovo-Chepetsk are collected in the poster. Here you can get the latest information about announcements of interesting events in Kirovo-Chepetsk. And for active people who are not used to sitting idle, our website has an active recreation section with a selection of the most popular places. When choosing interesting entertainment for yourself, it is enough to have a rough idea of ​​what exactly a person will be interested in or where to go with friends.

There is also a section for children on our website, where interesting places are selected where you can go with your child.

In addition, the portal is also a democratic platform for the exchange of opinions! If you find on our pages an establishment that you have already visited, feel free to leave a comment or review: this will help our less experienced users better navigate the colorful and diverse world of entertainment in Kirovo-Chepetsk. We are waiting for your opinion and will publish reviews without fail!

We work to ensure that our portal creates only the best impressions for those who are looking for where to go in Kirovo-Chepetsk, and makes them fall in love with our city!

  • Recreation and entertainment
    Billiard clubs (3)Exhibitions and galleries (1)
    Hotels (7)Karaoke clubs (1)
    Cinemas (2)Coworking studios (1)
    Concert halls (1)Cultural centers and houses of culture (3)
    Museums (4)Nightclubs (4)
    Parks of culture and recreation (2)Entertainment centers (7)
    Theaters (1)Shopping centers and shops (19)
  • Nutrition
      Food delivery (13)Cafe (35)
      Pizzerias (13)Restaurants (3)
      Fast food restaurants (3)Dining rooms (20)
      Sushi bars (5)
  • Sport
      Swimming pools (3)Rollers (1)
      Sports and entertainment centers (1)Sports clubs (1)
      Sports complexes (5)
  • Transport
      Taxi (19)
  • beauty and health
      Wellness centers (4)Barbershops (2)
      Cosmetology (11)Manicure and nail design (16)
      Massage (12)Hairdressers (32)
      Beauty salons (32)Saunas and baths (15)
      Salt caves (1)Solariums (10)
      SPA salons (3)Stylists and makeup artists (2)
      Fitness clubs and gyms (6)Yoga centers (1)
  • Leisure
      Recreation centers and campsites (1)Trampoline centers (1)
      Quests in reality (1)Laser tag (1)
      Hunting and fishing clubs (1)Paintball clubs (2)
  • For children
      Attractions (4)Zoos (2)
      Children's goods stores (1)
  • For friends
      Anticafe (1)Banquet halls (8)
      Bars and pubs (14)Hookah bars (3)
      Coffee shops (7)Sports bars (9)
  • Stella at the entrance to the city

    Where does all guests of Kirovo-Chepetsk begin? Of course, from the stele that decorates the entrance to the city from Kirov. The main attractions always start from this place. Stella appeared here back in 1990 and today is a full-fledged symbol of the city. The 20-meter-high structure is complemented by a couple holding a shield with chemical symbols and formulas. The authors of the project decided to show all guests of the city that the city is the homeland of young and promising chemists.

    Many call this landmark of Kirovo-Chepetsk the patroness of the city, its main protector; many legends and beliefs are associated with this place.

    Atarskaya Luka

    The national park is located in the south of the Kirov region. According to the project, its territory includes three radiated areas of Vyatka, lands adjacent to the river floodplain. They are distinguished by a picturesque landscape, diverse flora, most of the land is meadows. Also in this area there are rare representatives of the fauna (wolverine, reindeer, otter and others).

    Of particular interest to tourists is the beach near the village of Atara, on the territory of which there is an area of ​​white quartz sand with a sound effect known as “singing sands”. In addition, burials of bison, mammoths and other ancient and rare species of mammals were found on the territory of the future park.


    Memorial "Eternal Flame"
    The memorial is located on the city embankment. During the Great Patriotic War, 600,000 city residents went to the front, and only 250,000 returned. 200 residents of the city and region were awarded Heroes of the Soviet Union, and another 45 people became full holders of the Order of Glory. In memory of the feat of the Soviet people in the Second World War, a memorial memorial was built on the banks of the Vyatka River in 1967. The memorial is a high 12-meter stele with a memorial inscription, which is fenced with semicircular stone pylons. The Eternal Flame burns in the bowl in front of the stele in memory of all those who died during the war.

    St. Seraphim Cathedral

    The cathedral was built with donations from citizens in 1907 by the famous architect A.P. Charushin. The temple is made in the Russian style using its colorful details - openwork decorations, kokoshniks, a bell tower in the form of a tower, the cathedral is crowned with 5 domes. The entire decor is made in red and white, which contrasts favorably with the black tents, drums and domes.

    Church of Seraphim of Sarov

    This church, which is still active today, is located on Uritsky Street. The church was erected for the Old Believers in 1902 at the expense of the merchants Tyrishkin and Yarunin. Construction of the church was completed by 1906. From 1917 to 1939 it was the only functioning church in the city. In 1940, by decision of the authorities, the church was closed and turned into a museum of atheism. But two years later it was restored and reopened.

    Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”

    The stone church on this site was built at the end of the seventeenth century. More than a century ago, the church was already wooden. As a result of the fire, it burned completely. The only icon “The Sign” was saved from the building blazing with fire. It was in her honor that a new temple was erected, which has survived to this day. The architecture of the building combines elements of Baroque and Classicism. The three-tiered bell tower, framed by columns, looks especially elegant and picturesque.

    Assumption Trifonov Monastery

    During Soviet times, part of the temple, the bell tower and several other buildings were dismantled. At the end of the last century, following reconstruction, the temple was almost completely restored to its original appearance. The monastery and temple resumed their work, and the architectural ensemble itself was recognized as an architectural monument. A distinctive feature of the temple are the black domes. Today the monastery houses the relics of St. Tryphon of Vyatka, and there is a holy spring with life-giving water. Today the monastery is open for free visits to tourists and local residents.

    Church of Christ the All Savior

    This temple belongs to the Armenian Apostolic Church. It was erected relatively recently in 2003, but since then it has already become a local landmark. The church building is elegant, has high tents and lancet windows.

    Alexander's Church

    This Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus stands out from the rest of the city's religious buildings. Local residents call this church Alexander Cathedral. This name comes from the fact that it was Alexander II who gave permission in 1903 for the construction of this church in the city at the request of representatives of the Polish community.

    The appearance of the church is unique; it is not at all similar to Gothic-style buildings; it is more in line with the trends of classicism, modernism and baroque. During the First World War, there was a library and a Polish school at the temple. Today, no services are held in the temple; the last services were held here in the 30s of the last century. During Soviet times, a veterinary institute was located in the temple building. Since the late nineties it has been used as a concert hall, including for organ music.

    Sunday School

    In 1991, a Sunday school began functioning in All Saints Cathedral. It is located in a separate building, erected in 1904. Previously, it housed a parochial school. This building really has a rich history. Nowadays, children who come to Sunday school are introduced to many events from the Bible, and they are also told how to behave in church. Some children learn icon painting and practice choral singing. Since 1998, Sunday school began to offer special lessons intended for adults. Among other things, there is a library where you can always read religious books.

    Krivoborsk Cemetery

    Those tourists who are interested in earlier history are recommended to visit the Krivoborsk cemetery - a complex of finds dating back to the 12th-14th centuries. Researchers suggest that the ancient Vyatka settlement of Nikulitsyn was located on the site of the cemetery. During excavations, archaeologists found household items of the Vyatichi people - all these finds became exhibits in the museum and exhibition hall. Tourists at the Krivoborsk cemetery can see the remains of the ancient settlement.

    I would also like to say separately about the attractions that you can safely visit with your children. First of all, tourists with children should visit the zoo, located in the city park. It was created in 2008 by private entrepreneurs. The zoo is open all year round and offers its guests a look at various species of animals and birds. A private zoo is a unique example of how you can develop a city with your own hands, and it also shows how much local residents love their city. The zoo is open to tourists only on weekdays.

    Location: Komsomolsky Park.

    The alley runs from the city's central administration building to Mira Avenue. In the summer, almost all city residents spend their leisure time here, since a large number of plantings and comfortable benches simply cannot but please the eye.

    At first glance, Kirovo-Chepetsk may seem like a faceless city - built only in the mid-twentieth century, the center of the chemical industry of the Kirov region does not make tourists want to visit. However, external impersonality is deceptive - Kirovo-Chepetsk has a huge number of unique attractions that will not leave even the most avid tourist indifferent.

    No sense of duty

    What does it mean?

    24.06.21, 09:06

    The deputy commission on urban affairs promised that it would be possible to talk about the completion of the reconstruction of Vasnetsov Brothers Street by the end of July. The contract, concluded three years ago, turned out to be not only the most expensive in the modern history of Kirovo-Chepetsk, but also the longest and most problematic. Some of the troubles arose due to insufficient elaboration of the project (and errors in the initial data provided by the administration), other problems were the result of outright mistakes of the general contractor JSC VyatAvtodor. But officials decided not to mention the unpleasant background surrounding the road reconstruction. For more than a year, Chepetsk utility workers hired as subcontractors have not been able to receive money from VyatAvtodor for work performed. We are talking about an amount of 16 million rubles

    Where did this debt come from?

    ? Let us remind you that the total cost of the reconstruction contract is 148 million rubles. Moreover, despite the fatal delay in the original work deadline, VyatAvtodor regularly received payment from the municipality. By now, most of the amount has already been paid to the contractor. At the same time, Kirov road workers subcontracted a considerable share of tasks: local utility workers were entrusted with responsibility for basic infrastructure. The scope of work with electrical networks, gas pipelines, water supply and reconstruction of wells, sewerage systems with the replacement of dilapidated parts amounted to approximately a fifth of the entire contract.

    The installation of storm drainage was one of the first stages of work. VVKS should have received 16 million rubles last year. But despite the fact that the work was accepted, and the general contractor received the money, the Chepetsk utility workers did not see the payment. Last April they went to arbitration court and won the case, but there was no payment even then. “VyatAvtodor” appealed, which quite expectedly lost. The decision that the debt must be repaid was again confirmed last week.

    The hassle of paying for work continues for more than a year

    . And 16 million rubles is a sensitive amount for any enterprise. But the municipality prefers to pretend that such dishonesty in relations between the contractor and subcontractors does not concern them. But it is not so. Firstly, municipal enterprises already had to participate in the trial, since they participated in the acceptance of work. Secondly, local subcontractors signed the contract not without the participation of local officials. Thirdly, Kirovo-Chepetsk has extensive representation in regional authorities, and VyatAvtodor is a regional enterprise. That is, there are levers to force the management of the enterprise to pay what is due. However, the municipality made no effort to resolve the situation in which the work of a local enterprise was jeopardized.

    Oryol Lake

    And here is another wonderful and picturesque place, a landmark of Kirovo-Chepetsk. The picturesque reservoir is considered a natural monument and is under state protection. The lake is surrounded by picturesque dense forests and impassable swamps, so you should be extremely careful when walking in its surroundings. Small islands located in the middle of the oval lake add mystery to it. On the northwestern side there is a small, but very popular beach area in the summer. But do not forget that the lake is under state protection, so before visiting it you should familiarize yourself with a set of certain rules.

    Your own diesel locomotive

    The train that connects


    with the microdistrict beyond the river - even in its current state, it attracts railway enthusiasts from all over the country (albeit rare ones). This is the only place where the narrow gauge railway continues to operate, carrying passengers. The train, launched seventy-five years ago, still runs to this day, only the rolling stock has changed. Now, however, not everything is so simple: the railway has almost exhausted its resource and is unlikely to last too long without additional injections. And in the light of the prospects for the appearance of a capital bridge, the urgent need for a railway will no longer exist.

    Assumption Trifonov Monastery

    Recommend a place



    Trifonov Monastery is the oldest monastery in the Vyatka region. It arose thanks to the monk of the Pyskorsky monastery - the Monk Tryphon, who wrote a petition to the Tsar - Ivan the Terrible - from five Vyatka cities. In June 1580, the king issued Tryphon a charter for construction.

    Thanks to donations, 4 churches were built on the territory of the monastery: Assumption, Annunciation, St. Nicholas and St. John the Baptist. At the beginning of the 17th century, 14 cells for monks, a bell tower and outbuildings were built. The monastery is building a library with more than 140 books: liturgical books, lives of saints, teachings.

    During the reign of Catherine II, the monastery suffered significant damage. In 1764, most of the monastery lands were recognized as state property. In 1790, under Paul I, the best people returned the land to the monastery. In the twentieth century, there were a small brethren in the monastery - 15-20 people.

    In September 1918, the Dormition Trifonov Monastery was liquidated, and in 1929 it was finally taken away from the believers.

    1988 is a new page in the history of the monastery. In April 1989, the cathedral was donated to the diocese. Restoration begins: the abbot's chambers, the fraternal building, the bell tower has been restored. Today, work on the St. Nicholas Church is being completed, the Assumption Cathedral is being revived, the area adjacent to the church is being landscaped, and work has begun on the Three Saints and Annunciation churches.

    Let's sum it up

    As part of this material, we highlighted the most interesting and significant for local residents, the main attractions of Kirovo-Chepetsk. Among them there are architectural monuments of the Soviet period and the present, as well as picturesque places in the outskirts of the city. If you are passing through here, be sure to visit at least some of the attractions described, because this will allow you to get to know the culture and history of the city better and understand its way of life. It's really worth it, no doubt about it.

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