the city of Oryol on the map of Russia, which region is where it is located

Orel is a large city, which is located 360 km from Moscow.

A satellite map of Orel allows you to see that this settlement is located on the territory of the Central Russian Upland.

The map helps you quickly find all the necessary addresses in an unfamiliar city and navigate the confusing streets well. The map is considered a faithful assistant on any trip. With its help, you can calculate the distance to any object and calculate the time it will take to travel. In addition, it helps to choose the most convenient routes and bypass roads.

Yandex maps of Orel show that the city occupies both banks of the Oka River, as well as its tributary Orlik.

Where is Orel?

Orel is the administrative center of the Oryol region and the Oryol district.
It is a city of regional significance. The distance to Moscow is 360 km (to the southwest). Orel is located on the Central Russian Upland in the European part of the Russian Federation. The city stands on the left and right banks of the Oka River and its tributary Orlik. The approximate population of Orel is 315 thousand people, the total area of ​​the city is 121 square kilometers. The climate in Orel is temperate continental: the first half of winter is milder than the second. The annual precipitation rate is 607 mm. In the southern part of the city there is Lake Bright Life. Most of the lakes and ponds are concentrated in the northern part of the city. The city of Orel and the region are part of the Central Federal District and the Central Economic Region.

Oryol is located in the same time zone as Moscow, the offset relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is +3.

Eagle families

Eagle Families
Eagles are very faithful birds; they mate for life. Some ornithologists discovered a pair of eagles that had lived together for more than thirty-five years.

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These birds have a wonderful organization of life. When the chicks are still very young, the parents share family functions. The male becomes the breadwinner, and the mother becomes the educator and nurse. She protects the nest and feeds the chicks, dividing the prey for them. Chicks usually hatch 1-2 per year. After 3 months they grow up and begin to fly to hunt on their own.

Sometimes, if the eaglet does not dare to leave the nest, the parent sits in front of the nest with the prey and begins to call the timid child.

Oryol Airport

In the city of Orel there is the Orel-Yuzhny airport, which was closed in 2010. The airfield was also excluded from the State Register of Civil Airfields of the Russian Federation. The distance from the city center to the airport is 6 km. The nearest international airport is in the city of Bryansk. The distance from Orel to the airport is 145 km. The airfield has the status of a federal facility.

Popular destinations of regular and charter flights: Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Antalya, Simferopol, Moscow, Anapa, Mineralnye Vody, Istanbul, Kaliningrad. The airport serves aircraft of major Russian airlines: S7 Airlines, Azimut, RoyalFlight, YAMAL, RusLine.

External description

The bird's body is large in size. The length of the male's body from head to tail is about 73 cm. Females are larger - they reach 80 cm. The eagle weighs 2.7-5.4 kg, and females are noticeably more massive than males. This species has no other gender differences; the sex of an individual can often be determined only during nesting and mating games.

The wings of birds are wide, large, elongated and narrowed towards the end. Their length is about 62-65 cm, and the total span reaches 2.2 m - this size allows the predator to look majestic. During the flight, it hovers above the ground in a straight plane, spreading its wings parallel to the horizon and bending the tips downwards. Sometimes the eagle makes rare flaps to gain height. Its flight speed while soaring reaches 190-240 km/h, despite the apparent smoothness of its movements. The maximum lifting altitude of a bird is 7-9 km, which exceeds the average aircraft.

The predator has a long, flexible neck with a small oval head. It is decorated with a massive, specifically curved beak with a rich yellow wax and a dark tip. It is framed by a light border around the mouth. The bird's eyes are large, oval, deep brown with a black round pupil.

The legs of the steppe eagle are relatively long and large. They are covered with feathers up to the foot, topped with 4 yellow toes and sharp and curved black claws. One of them is opposed to the other three to make it easier for the hunter to grab and hold the prey. The lower part of the bird's body is slightly rounded, the tail is of medium length. Well-developed role control in flight, opening like a fan, providing smooth turns.

The color of an eagle's plumage changes throughout its life. In the first year of life, the chicks are brown-ocher or reddish in color with brown and black bright spots. Then the coloring gradually darkens, fully developing by the age of 4 years. Reaching maturity, the predator acquires a discreet and monotonous dark brown color of feathers.

The belly and chest of eagles are slightly lighter than the back. The wings and tail are brown. The tail feathers are covered with transverse gray or dark brown stripes that reach the body.

Some individuals have a small reddish spot on the back of the head. You can see all the nuances of color in pictures and photographs.

Train Station

The railway station in Orel is a junction station of the Moscow Railway, which is the center of the Orel-Kursk region of the Moscow Railway. Orel railway station is a 1st class local station. The number of tracks is more than 20, the number of platforms is 6. The opening date of the railway station is 1868. The railway station is located at Privokzalnaya Square, 1.

Popular long-distance train routes: Moscow, Kharkov, Belgorod, Stary Oskol, St. Petersburg, Krivoy Rog, Adler, Anapa, Lgov. Also at the railway station there is service for commuter trains that follow the following routes: Tula, Komarichi, Livny, Mikhailovsky Rudnik, Skuratovo, Verkhovye, Bryansk, Kursk, Yelets.

Oryol bus stations

The bus station in Orel is located at st. Avtovokzalnaya, 1. The bus station building is located opposite the Sovremennik cinema. The bus station's operating hours are from 5:30 to 22:30, every day, without breaks. In the bus station building, passengers have access to a storage room for luggage and personal belongings, a spacious waiting room, a cafe, and a medical center.

Popular routes of regular buses: Baklanovo, Belgorod, Bashkatovo, Voronezh, Golokhvastovo, Dmitrovsk, Zheleznogorsk, Zalegoshch, Kaluga, Kiev, Krasnaya Zarya, Krivoy Rog, Krasnaya Roshcha, Lavrovo, Livny, Lipetsk, Mikhailovka, Moscow, Mokhovoye, Novodmitrovka, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tula.

Automobile highways

Federal highways pass through Orel:

  • M2 "Crimea" is a highway that has the status of an object of federal significance. It is part of the European route E105. The total length of the route is 720 km. The road originates in Moscow and passes through Tula, Belgorod, Orel, Kursk. The final point of the M-2 route is the state border with Ukraine. The road surface of the route is concrete and asphalt.
  • P120 is a public highway of federal significance, the total length of which is 445 km. The route begins in the city of Orel and passes through Rudnya, Bryansk, Smolensk. The final point of the road is the state border with Belarus. The road surface of the route is concrete and asphalt.
  • P119 is a federal highway with a total length of 395 km. The route starts in Orel and passes through Lipetsk, Livny, Yelets. The final point of the route is the M6 ​​Caspian highway, Tambov region. The road surface is asphalt.
  • P92 is a federal highway with a total length of 206 km. The highway passes through the following regions of Russia: Oryol region, Kaluga region, Tula region. The road surface of the route is gravel, asphalt.
  • E105 is a European route that starts in the Norwegian city of Kirkenes and passes through Tver, Moscow, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Tula, Simferopol, Kursk, Belgorod, Veliky Novgorod, Zaporozhye. The final point of the European route E105 is Yalta.

Features of character and lifestyle

Eagles are monogamous birds that choose to mate a couple times in their lives. This determines their settlement characteristics: birds often live exclusively in pairs. Eagles can even hunt in pairs.

As they circle the skies, they are not only searching for possible prey, but also monitoring the status of their territory, noting whether there are enemies nearby.

At the same time, eagles do not need to hunt every day, since they are able to store food in the harvest for several days.

While the traditional way eagles hunt is by soaring through the skies, they are also capable of ambushing their prey. Most often they hide in the branches of spreading trees, from where they subsequently attack. Eagles treat each victim differently.

Eagles do not hunt as much as other raptors. They spend most of the day observing their territory, studying everything that happens around them. The ability to store food helps them reduce hunting time.

See also: Woodpecker

What is Orel famous for?

On the station square of the city there is a sculpture “Eagle the Jubilee”, which is considered one of the main symbols of the city of Orel. The monument was erected in 2016. The sculpture is made of bronze and represents an eagle perched on a globe.

In the central part of the city there is Lenin Street, a pedestrian street, which is the main walking area of ​​Orel. The length of the street is 600 m. Former noble mansions, cafes, and administrative offices are located here. In 1919, a museum of fine arts opened in Orel. To date, more than 7 thousand exhibits have been collected here: sculptures, paintings, objects of decorative and applied art.

Also in the city there is the I. S. Turgenev Museum, which is dedicated to the great Russian writer. The museum was opened at the beginning of the 20th century. In the historical center of the city there is the I. A. Bunin Museum, where a collection of letters, books, documents, manuscripts and personal belongings of the writer is collected.


The Oryol public transport network consists of three equal groups: mass passenger transport, recreational river transport and individual passenger transport.

You can use one of 55 bus, 9 trolleybus and 3 tram routes.

Tram, bus and trolleybus routes are designed in such a way that you can get from every point of the city to any other without transfers. Each bus and trolleybus has route signs indicating stops and complete travel diagrams. Oryol has a bus station and a train station.

Taxi services function very well. Also, city guests always have the opportunity to rent a car or bicycle.


The fare ranges from 12 to 15 rubles. To go on a trip on any type of mass public transport, you can purchase a one-time ticket (same for buses, trams, trolleybuses), or buy a monthly pass, which can only be used on municipal transport (individual for each type).

River tram

In summer, another type of public transport is very popular - river transport. A small water tram runs along the Oka River several times a day, transporting passengers from the Central Park of Culture and Leisure to Luzhki and back. The first flight departs at 10am and then every 2 hours until 8pm. It should be clarified that the tram starts its journey only when there are at least 10 passengers on board.

If you can buy a ticket for motor transport directly in the cabin, from the conductor or driver, then for a river ship you need to purchase passes in advance, namely half an hour before departure. This can be done at the ticket office at the pier. The ticket must be kept until the end of the trip. The cost of one adult ticket is 150 rubles, a child ticket (from 7 years old) is 70 rubles. There are also benefits for preschoolers and war veterans: these categories of citizens have the right to free travel. During the voyage, the tram can be moored at various stations on request.

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