Where and how you can celebrate a birthday in Moscow inexpensively and unusually

“Subtleties” means by “ideal” not extreme, not banal, but accessible and original. Here are 6 places where you can celebrate your birthday this way

It is clear that everyone has their own “ideal”. For some, this is a romantic evening in a suite of a five-star hotel in the center of St. Petersburg. For others, it’s a fun dive into the depths of Lake Baikal or an ascent to the Avachinsky volcano. And some extreme sports enthusiasts will prefer an evening with their family. “Subtleties” means by “ideal” not extreme, not banal, but accessible and original. Here are 6 places where you can celebrate your birthday just like that.

1. On Kudykina Mountain

First of all, it's cool. Secondly, such an idea probably never occurred to any of your friends - but in vain. Kudykina Mountain in the Lipetsk region was created for entertainment - be it for children or adults. Fidgets can storm fortresses, arrange funny fights, ride on sleighs, skates, and horseback. Connoisseurs of beautiful views will find viewing platforms, sculptures of the Trojan Horse, a bull, the Three Heroes, as well as the Serpent Gorynych himself, who puts on a fire show in the evenings. For curious guests, a safari land with funny animals is open, excursions and master classes are held.

A guest house for 5–6 people here will cost 5,000 RUB per day on weekdays and 7,000 RUB on weekends. Nearby there is a grill area, a sauna, and a private beach. The complex has its own restaurant, ready to provide catering service in any part of Kudykina Gora.

The most convenient way to get here is by car from Moscow: about 5 hours along the Don highway.

2. In Peterhof

An option for those who want to feel like a special person of imperial blood on their birthday. And here you don’t even need to try: professionals organize the event in Peterhof on a turnkey basis - with choirs and orchestras, banquets and photo zones.

However, for those who like to get confused, it will be more interesting to arrange everything themselves: book an individual excursion in a carriage in the morning, then take photos near the fountains or in the alleys, then have a romantic lunch in the gilded interiors of the Summer Palace restaurant. And at the end, go to the Grand Peterhof Spa Hotel: devote the evening to relaxing treatments, and spend the night in a suite (from 10,000 RUB per night for two).

How to celebrate a child's birthday on a budget

What is important for children at a children's birthday party? Friends, gifts and sweets. This is why you won’t be able to save on gifts - it’s unlikely that the baby will agree if his mother offers his grandmother to buy a cake instead of a gift.

The solution in this case would be an invitation not to lunch or dinner, but to tea. Adults can set the table in the kitchen, and children can free up the room for games and entertainment. The more competitions, the more fun.

The following games can be offered:

  • take an empty chair;
  • "dumb" telephone;
  • tie inexpensive toys on a string, blindfold the children and let them cut them off.

If it is difficult to purchase toys - they do not fit into the budget - they can be replaced with candies, apples or oranges.
You need to immediately keep in mind: it will not be possible to celebrate a child’s birthday without putting carbonated drinks, candies and other sweets on the table.

Practical advice - when choosing a menu for young guests, you should consult with their parents. It will be a shame for kids if there are treats on the table that are inaccessible for health reasons.

In Sochi

An obvious choice for those who want all possible types of entertainment at once. Sochi will not disappoint any sports fans, party-goers, or those who love sealing on the beach with a cocktail in hand. For your birthday, you can organize competitions for the whole company at the Rosa Khutor ski resort, have a blast on the dance floors of the Burnt by the Sun and Nebar clubs, go to the private winery “Babushkina Khata” (office site) - try all the wines, spirits, honey.

As a gift for the birthday boy in Sochi, you can give him a certificate for a flight on a paraglider or a sports plane - he will be able to use it immediately (from 6,000 RUB).

A trip for two to Sochi will cost an average of 30,000 RUB. This includes round-trip air tickets from Moscow (11,000 RUB), rent of a double room in a hotel (6,000 RUB/day) and payment for entertainment.

5 small towns in Russia in which you will want to stay.

In Altai

If you are already in your early 30s, you should take a closer look at options for celebrating your birthday that are not too unhealthy. Belokurikha is just what the doctor ordered: inexpensive, healthy, popular and? as they say, at the level (this resort has been recognized more than once in Russia as the best in its class). Balneotherapy, acupuncture, mud therapy and even the unique Altai pantotherapy are just a small part of what can be found in local sanatoriums.

It is better to come to Belokurikha for three days. Accommodation in a sanatorium for two for three nights will cost an average of 27,000 RUB, with special health programs - more expensive. Air tickets for two from Moscow to Gorno-Altaisk cost 14,000 RUB, transfer to Belokurikha - from 3,000 RUB one way.

Budget birthday

In winter, spring, summer and autumn, the ideal option for celebrating a birthday with the invitation of relatives and friends is at home, if you save a little money in advance every month.

If you start doing this six or eight months in advance, denying yourself minor expenses - an extra trip to the cinema or a bottle of beer in the evening - you will be able to prepare for the holiday. In addition, the presence of close relatives who are eager to congratulate each other implies the option when the aunt on the mother’s side is asked to “bake that delicious cake”, and on the father’s side - to make that “wonderful salad”.

Typically, those who are asked are moved by the recognition of their culinary skills, and are unlikely to ask for compensation.

In the most “difficult” case, you can tell them that they don’t need a gift, just let them come.

This will help reduce the cost of the holiday menu.

  1. When considering various ways to “get on a budget,” you need to remember homemade recipes. Potatoes cooked at home are cheaper than when you order the dish in a cafe. There is no need to try to impress guests with delicacies; if funds are limited, make 1-2 salads, be sure to have a hearty hot dish, and delicious sweets.
  2. Olivier recipes allow that sausage can be replaced with chicken. With sweets - ask for help. Cabbage salad costs a penny at any time of the year. There is no need to skimp on hot food - otherwise your guests will be unhappy.
  3. One of the cheapest dish options is potatoes with meat in a pot. The table is set like this - 2-3 salads and a pot for each guest. You can put very little meat in a pot, and potatoes are inexpensive. And they usually don’t ask for additives when serving in pots.
  4. If the invitees know each other, they will entertain themselves. No, you don’t need to spend money on a toastmaster either. If you learn 3-4 toasts by looking for them on the Internet, and prepare 2-3 competitions, you can find them there, no one will get bored.

5. In Murmansk

Surprised? Wait. This is not about “freezing in the Far North”, this is about hunting for the northern lights (according to popular belief, meeting them brings good luck for the whole year, and the best place to watch the lights is in the village of Teriberka). It’s also about rides at cool ski resorts with unpronounceable names Bolshoi Vudyavr, Kukisvumchorr and others (mainly near Kirovsk), reindeer sled races and tasting dishes from the cuisines of the northern peoples.

When traveling to Murmansk, you need to be prepared for low temperatures and long distances. The best option is to fly by plane (from Moscow from 8,000 RUB for two round-trip), live in a hostel (2,600 RUB in a budget double room), and travel around the area by car.

Where can you celebrate the New Year... after the New Year?

Those who want to celebrate again in winter can celebrate New Year according to the lunar calendar. According to it, the date of the holiday may fall on one of the days in the time interval from approximately January 21 to February 20 .

  • Thus, Vietnam, Singapore, Mongolia, China and other countries of Southeast Asia will soon celebrate their entry into 2022. You can go there and... take a walk again.

Many peoples of the world celebrate the New Year in the spring, and this, by the way, is more logical. Winter goes away, nature comes to life, and everything is renewed for another year. On March 21, the day of the vernal equinox, the New Year is celebrated according to the Persian calendar.

  • This holiday is called Navruz, and it is widely celebrated in many countries: Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Albania, etc.

According to the unified national calendar of India, the new year here begins on March 22. On this day, gods are worshiped, as are cows. The state of Kashmir begins celebrations on March 10 and celebrates for more than a month. So if you want to celebrate the holiday in the spring and for several weeks, then welcome to India.

In Burma, New Year is not associated with snow and winter. Here it is celebrated from April 12 to 17, during the hottest time. There is no exact date for the holiday; it is determined annually by the government and communicated to citizens. The celebration lasts for several days, culminating in the Tinjan water festival. Everyone douses themselves with water, pours it on the ground, and throws water-filled vessels into the air.

Bengal New Year is celebrated with the first rays of the Sun. It is celebrated on April 14 in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Laos and April 15 in some regions of India. During the festive parade, it is customary to paint yourself with bright colors.

Orthodox Jews celebrate the New Year not in winter, but in autumn. The holiday is called Rosh Hashanah and is celebrated over two days. True, the start date of the holiday depends on the lunar calendar, so it varies every year: from early September to early October. Moreover, the holiday is celebrated on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.

Traditional symbols of Rosh Hashanah Photo: Depositphotos

And the latest New Year is Celtic . It is also the most ominous, because it is called “the time of timelessness.” This day marks the end of the harvest year, which means the beginning of the dark and cold half of the year.

Are there countries where New Year is not celebrated at all? Yes. For example, in Saudi Arabia it is completely prohibited. In Islam, you cannot celebrate the change of dates. Those who celebrate are severely punished. You cannot express joy here, buy gifts and flowers on December 31st.

In Tajikistan, too, several years ago the New Year was almost cancelled. The country has remained traditions since the times of the USSR, and celebrated the celebration from December 31 to January 1. But in 2008, on New Year's Eve, the capital's authorities closed access to the main square of the city, declaring that young people did not know how to behave decently. The country's chief mufti said that celebrating the New Year is contrary to the traditions of Islam. However, since 2017, the restrictions have been lifted - now citizens are again allowed to celebrate from the 31st to the 1st.

Thus, if you want to celebrate the New Year after our traditional New Year, you can choose from many options when to do it. Different peoples celebrate this holiday in both spring and autumn.

Tags: New Year celebration, celebrate, peoples of the world

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