The Pyatigorye Mountains are a wonderful region for hikers
The mountains of Pyatigorye are distinguished by their isolation. Pyatigorye cannot be called a single mountain system, since it
Zakamensk City on the border with Mongolia
Let's solve it together The garbage hasn't been picked up, there's a hole in the road, the streetlight isn't on? Faced a problem
Tourist map of the Kursk region. Shchigrovsky district: from the past to the future
Brief information about the municipality of Shchigry - a city of regional subordination. The city of Shchigry is located in
A little-known town in the Ivanovo region: the city of Yuzha
Yuzha: areas, recreation, excursions, museums and churches, cuisine and restaurants, shopping and shops, attractions
History of Gorodets: from the ancient fortress to the merchants
Gorodets is one of the small towns in Russia. Over the centuries of its history it has experienced periods
Chita region // “Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia” (2009)
Geography The region was located in Transbaikalia. Hydrography The main rivers are Ingoda, Onon, Shilka and Argun
Why did Buryatia find itself among the leaders of “labor” anti-ratings?
Why among the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District our republic ranks last in terms of employment and
City of Kurchatov. Geographical location, territory
Population[ | ] Population 1979[5] 1989[6] 1992[7] 1996[7] 1998[7] 2000[7] 2001[7] 2002[8] 21
“What will happen to Kurlovo and to us”: Tomiks talked with the new head of the city. She works as a salesperson
For other places with the same name, see Kurlovo. City in
Notes of a traveler. Plast - the city of gold
For other uses, see Plast. City in Chelyabinsk region, Russia Plast
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