Sights of Novocherkassk: list, photos and description

Novocherkassk was founded in 1805 by Ataman Matvey Platov as the new capital of the Don Cossacks instead of the village of Cherkassk, which was regularly flooded by Don floods. This city retains its functions as the administrative center of the Don Cossacks today.

Did you know? At the congress of Cossack troops of Russia and Abroad in Moscow on July 18, 1993, the city of Novocherkassk acquired the status of the world capital of the Cossacks.

Patriarchal Ascension Cathedral Military Cossack Cathedral and Ermak Square

The main attraction is located in the city center - the Patriarchal Ascension Cathedral of the Cossack Military Cathedral, the third largest in Russia. The height of the cathedral is 74.6 m . The beginning of construction is the year the city was founded.

They designed and tried to build the cathedral twice. But due to weak soils and the presence of groundwater at shallow depths, the construction of such a massive structure could not be completed. Each time the cathedral collapsed; under the weight of its own mass it sank into the ground. The Cossacks decided to make the third and last attempt according to the project of A.A. Yashchenko. Construction was completed in 1904, and in 1905 the cathedral solemnly opened its massive carved doors in the presence of Nicholas II.

The cathedral is active, services are held in it, and the temple is beautifully decorated on church holidays. At night, the facades of the cathedral are illuminated by architectural lighting depicting scenes from the Bible. The main cross is decorated with rock crystal. In the basement of the cathedral, which has two tiers, baptisms are performed and the tomb is located. Marble sarcophagi store the remains of the founder of Novocherkassk M.I. Platov and other personalities significant for the history of the city. The interior of the cathedral is impressive: frescoes, paintings, and stained glass windows depict biblical scenes and pictures from the life of the Cossacks. Excellent acoustics can be enjoyed during festive services, which are accompanied by the singing of the church choir.

The cathedral is located on Ermak Square, paved with stone. There are also three monuments here. The first one, on the side of Ermak Avenue, is a monument to Ermak, the famous Don Cossack and conqueror of Siberia. It was opened in 1904 and has remained unchanged to this day.

On the other side of the cathedral in 1911. A monument to the hero of the Caucasian wars, Lieutenant General Ya.P. was opened, brought from St. Petersburg. Baklanov. His ashes are also kept in the cathedral crypt. The monument was heavily damaged during the First World War, but was completely restored in 1995.

On the side opposite the main entrance of the cathedral in 2005. a monument of reconciliation and harmony was erected, symbolizing the unity of the Cossacks and their reconciliation with their enemies.

Location: Ermaka Avenue.

Sights of Novocherkassk

Novocherkassk is one of the large southern Russian cities. It stands out both for its glorious history and for its special appearance: layout, architecture, unique monuments. Novocherkassk was conceived and founded in 1805 as the new capital of the Don Army Region. For more than a century it was the city of the Don elite: military atamans and military administration, officers and officials, a center of education and culture. After 1917, Novocherkassk became a stronghold of the fierce struggle of the Cossacks for their independence, which ended in a mass exodus of Cossacks into emigration. During the Soviet period of history, Novocherkassk developed as a large industrial center of the Rostov region, a city of education and science. Its population more than tripled and reached 200 thousand people.

The city, picturesquely located on the Aksai Hills, has now retained its identity. With the beginning of perestroika, it acquired the status of the historical center of the reviving Cossacks, and then was proclaimed the world capital of the Cossacks. The city attracts both domestic and foreign tourists.

The first thing a person sees when entering Novocherkassk is the huge triumphal arches erected in honor of the participation of the Don Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Two identical arches were built at the entrances to the city: one - on the western, the other - on the north-eastern side - according to the design of the capital's architect A.I. Rusk in 1817 during the life of the founder of the city, the famous Don Ataman, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Count Matvey Ivanovich Platov.

Climbing up Platovsky Prospekt from the western side, we find ourselves on Azov Square, the name of which enshrines historical memory. Guarding the southern borders of the Russian state, the Don Cossacks fought a stubborn struggle for the fortress of Azov for several centuries. The heroic page in the history of the Don Cossacks is the famous “Azov Seat” (1641), when a small Cossack garrison of the fortress withstood the many-thousand-strong Turkish army besieging the fortress.

When laying the foundation for the new capital of the Don Cossacks in 1805, M.I. Platov attracted the famous military engineer F.P. Devolan to develop the general project, who successfully tied the city plan to the natural topography of the area. The basis of the strict classical layout of Novocherkassk is its three main avenues: Platovsky, Ermakovsky and Baklanovsky, connected by large squares, from which the streets diverge radially. A unified city development plan made it possible to avoid chaos and achieve an expressive ensemble solution. The uniqueness of the architectural appearance of Novocherkassk is given by the combination of buildings made in classical styles and typical Cossack kurens.

In the center of the square is the St. Michael the Archangel Church, built in 1870. Its appearance is dominated by features of the “Russian style”: onion domes, a hipped bell tower, barrel-shaped semi-columns. The wooden church of the same name was moved from Starocherkassk, but it did not stand here, but on the neighboring Staromikhailovskaya Square, behind the bazaar (now Kirova Square). From here, after serving a prayer service, the Cossack army set off on a campaign against Napoleon.

Before the revolution, in Novocherkassk, in addition to the brownie churches, there were fourteen churches. In addition to Orthodox churches, there was also a Lutheran church and a Polish Catholic church. Along with their religious purpose, they also served as cultural centers. For example, in 1914, artists from the Moscow Bolshoi Theater performed in concerts in the church, and a choir sang under the direction of AM Listopadov, a famous collector of Don folklore. Now there are eight temples left and all of them have been returned to their original purpose.

Since intensive construction of the city began in the second half of the 19th century, during the period of eclecticism, there are quite a lot of buildings of this style. Their architectural appearance is characterized by a wide variety of shapes and freedom of choice of decorative motifs in the decoration of facades.

Here are the closed facades of two impressive buildings of the Sokolov winery on Platovsky Avenue, 67 (now a winery and a military hospital) with rich, lush stucco, which give the impression of real palace architecture.

And not at all provincial, but downright metropolitan. We will see powerful herms of Atlanteans supporting the cornice, stucco masks of the “Sarmatian queen” more than once in the interior of the military assembly building on Moskovskaya Street.

The administrative center of Novocherkassk is located at the intersection of Platovsky Prospekt and Moskovskaya Street. In the center of the square in 1853, a monument to the founder of the city, Ataman M.I. Platov, was erected. It was created by order of the Military Administration by famous Russian sculptors: academicians A.A. Ivanov, N.A. Tokarev and P.K. Klodt. In 1923, the statue was lost. The monument was recreated in 1993 by Moscow sculptor A.V. Tarasenko. The rapid movement of the mace of the “Whirlwind Ataman” points to the west, where he led his Cossack regiments all the way to Paris.

Behind Platovsky Square there is a two-story building in the classicist style - the Ataman Palace (now one of the buildings of the Museum of the History of the Don Cossacks). It served both as the residence of the assigned military ataman and as the place of residence in Novocherkassk for the highest persons: Alexander II, Alexander III, Nicholas II, who visited the city. Here, in the Ataman Palace, on January 29, 1918, the life of the first elected ataman after the revolution, A.M., tragically ended. Kaledina.

Moskovskaya was the central street of the city, where trade was in full swing and the resting public strolled. The building of the Officers' Assembly (1890; now the Central Library named after A.S. Pushkin) with a wonderful interior was also located here. A large double-height dance hall with a stucco ceiling decorated with ornamental friezes, cartouches, attributes of military heraldry and herms of warriors.

Between the upper skylights are insignia of the Don regiments that distinguished themselves in battle. Mezzanines for the orchestra, supported by atlas herms on powerful brackets. The large hall was connected to the small “blue” hall and the winter garden. There were separate recreation rooms, a billiard room, a chess room, and a dining room. They have fireplaces decorated with marble, stucco, and artistic metal. Particularly noteworthy is the decor of the dining room, where the ornamental compositions of the lampshades are replete with images of purely Don flora and fauna: apples, grapes, quails, fish, crayfish.

In the central square of the city, there are several more capital structures that were part of the mandatory set of a provincial city: the building of Regional government offices with an impressive ten-column portico (1844; now the Military Institute of Communications), Judicial Establishments (1909; architect A.N. Beketov; now the city House of Culture and the Cossack Drama Theater named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya), the Russian-Asian Bank (1905; architect S.N. Boldyrev; the building of the former House of Pioneers), the Don Museum (1899; now the Museum of the History of the Don Cossacks), which turned one hundred in 1999 years.

This is a unique and only museum in the world that contains rare materials on the history of the Cossacks, military flags and banners, collections of granted and award-winning cold steel, Don parsuna, paintings and porcelain. On the second floor there is a collection of works by a native of Novocherkassk, the great Russian landscape painter Nikolai Dubovsky. Two branches of the museum - the memorial House-Museum of the singer of the Don steppes Ivan Krylov and the House-Museum of the founder of Soviet battle painting Mitrofan Grekov tell about the life and work of these outstanding masters.

The names of not only famous architects and artists are associated with Novocherkassk, but also the Don historian Vasily Sukhorukov, writers Mikhail Sholokhov, Fyodor Kryukov, Alexander Serafimovich, Pyotr Krasnov, Anatoly Kalinin, philosopher Alexei Losev, composer Ivan Shishov, actress Vera Komissarzhevskaya, musicians Mikhail Erdenko and Konstantin Dumchev, scientists Mushketov, Kashinsky, Scriabin.

The dominant position in the architectural ensemble of Novocherkassk is occupied by the Patriarchal Ascension Military All-Cossack Cathedral, the construction of which lasted exactly one hundred years (1805-1905). Laid at the founding of the city on the feast of the Ascension of Christ, it collapsed twice during construction due to a weak foundation and haste in its construction. The third, implemented project in the “new Byzantine style” was developed by academician A.A. Yashchenko. The cathedral is the third largest in Russia (its height is 74.6 m) after the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow and St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Erected at the intersection of Platovsky and Ermakovsky avenues, it is visible from everywhere, many kilometers from Novocherkassk. Originally, its domes were covered with red gold, and the main cross, made in Bohemia, is decorated with rock crystal inserts to reflect sunlight. Therefore, he was called “the second sun of the Don.”

The Ascension Cathedral is the main temple of the Don Cossacks. At the base of the cathedral there is a tomb for the burial of prominent military and church figures of the Don, and in the choirs there are halls with wall paintings depicting the most significant episodes of Don history. There is a tower clock on the bell tower of the cathedral, and the square itself is the main square, the Maidan, where the most important events and holidays are celebrated.

On the huge Cathedral Square, paved with rubble stone, in 1904 a bronze monument to Ermak, the famous Don ataman, the conqueror of Siberia, was erected.

The historical ensemble of Cathedral Square received its final completion in 1911, when, on the occasion of the centenary of the Battle of Borodino, the remains of M.I. Platov, V.V. Orlov-Denisov, I.E. Efremov, Y.P. Baklanov and Metropolitan John were buried in the tomb of the cathedral . On the opposite side of the square, a monument to the hero of the Caucasian War, General Ya.P. Baklanov, was erected, moved here from the cemetery of the Resurrection Convent in St. Petersburg.

On May 15, 1993, a solemn ceremony of reburial of the remains of the Don heroes took place in the tomb of the temple, and on June 4, 1995, on the day of the city, the monument to Y.P. Baklanov, recreated by the Moscow sculptor A.V. Tarasenko, was re-opened.

Numerous mansions add architectural value to the urban ensemble of Novocherkassk. They definitely compete with each other in the abundance and variety of architectural and decorative decoration. The high urban planning culture of the architects of the 19th - early 20th centuries was manifested in the fact that they erected buildings of different styles taking into account existing ones, uniting them by storey heights, a combination of volumes and architectural and decorative solutions. The facades of the mansions, made in various architectural styles, the openwork grilles of gates, parapets, canopies, and carved doors give them a unique look.

“The plan of the city of Novocherkassk is quite good, and located correctly; it is divided into 76 blocks, consisting of 3 thousand places, all of which are abundantly supplied with land: first class places have a frontage of 20 fathoms and a depth of 30 to 60 fathoms; the second - 15 fathoms along the facade and from 30 to 50 in depth; the smallest are 10 fathoms along the avenue and from 20 to 30 fathoms in depth,” wrote historian V.D. Sukhorukov in the 1820s. “First class” places were allocated primarily for administrative buildings and for the military aristocracy, who sought to build mansions there in “metropolitan taste.” Places of “second class” were given to less wealthy Cossacks, and the rest were content with what was left to their share and built small houses with a stone bottom and a wooden upper structure. But all private houses were subject to a single requirement: they had to be built on “highest” approved facades facing the red line of the street.

Vast areas of land made it possible to build streets not with a continuous row of buildings, but alternate with tree plantations, turning them over time into cozy palaces and estates with courtyards, balconies and orchards.

Not only atamans and generals had representative mansions, but also officials, merchant Cossacks, doctors, lawyers, and notaries. The appearance of the house seemed to personify the property wealth and business reputation of their owner. In street development, the houses in which architects lived and were built according to their designs stand out. These are the mansions of G.M. Salnikov (Atamanskaya, 61), S.I. Boldyrev (Krasnoarmeyskaya, 18), V.N. Kulikov (Prosveshcheniya, 139). They served as the best advertisement for the professional skills of architects.

The Cossacks were distinguished not only by their military prowess and courage, but also always gravitated toward education and culture. Not every provincial city in Russia could boast of the number and range of educational institutions that Novocherkassk had at the beginning of the 20th century: the military Platov classical gymnasium, the Mariinsk women's gymnasium, the Cossack cadet school, the real school, theological and teacher seminaries, the diocesan women's school, theological school, Ataman Technical School, military craft school, military paramedic school, Jubilee School of Merchant Cossacks, commercial school, Don Emperor Alexander III Cadet Corps, Mariinsky Institute of Noble Maidens, Don Teachers' Institute, Don Veterinary Institute, Don Agricultural Institute, music school, parish schools, private educational institutions and boarding houses.

The grand opening of the first higher educational institution on the Don, the Don Polytechnic Institute, took place in Novocherkassk on October 5, 1907 in the building of a former noble boarding house (now a motor transport college). Then it was called the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute (NPI). In 1993 it was renamed into NSTU, and in 1999 - into SRSTU (NPI) - South Russian State Technical University. The site for the construction of a large architectural ensemble of the institute was chosen on the territory of the former. Nikolaevsky Garden. Nearby were the buildings of the Mariinsky Institute of Noble Maidens (now the main building of the Engineering and Reclamation Academy) and the Don Alexander III Cadet Corps (now a military unit).

The design of the Polytechnic Institute buildings was entrusted to the prominent Polish architect B.S. Roguiski, one of the creators of the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute complex (1898), in which he successfully used the experience of constructing educational institutions in Western Europe.

The educational buildings of the main, mining, chemical, and energy faculties of the institute are grouped around a rectangular courtyard in plan, which houses a complex of sports facilities and an ancient park.

Each individual building is a functionally closed volume with a rational and convenient layout of the auditorium, laboratory, and classrooms, which has its own complete architectural image. At the same time, all buildings are united by the unity of architectural and artistic design in the neoclassical style.

As an expressive compositional technique for decorative decoration, the architect widely uses powerful columns of the Doric and Ionic orders, which give the entire ensemble a majestic and monumental character. Interesting are the decorative sculptural inserts in the form of masks of Zeus, Mars, and monumental reliefs that tell the purpose of the building in a symbolic form. The main building of the institute is especially beautiful with a grand staircase, a colonnade and a unique four-story covered courtyard with daylight and bypass galleries. During public events and celebrations it can accommodate several thousand people. The construction of the complex of institute buildings began in 1912. Architect B.S. Roguysky managed to complete the construction of only three educational buildings - chemical, mechanical and mining. The rest were completed between 1924 and 1930.

Novocherkassk managed to largely preserve its historical appearance. One involuntarily recalls the words of the historian V.D. Sukhorukov: “Straight wide streets and large squares make up the intrinsic beauty of Novocherkassk.” Novocherkassk is a monument city. Over the past almost two centuries, it has combined a distinctive history, traditionally high culture and scientific and technical potential. With the revival of the Cossacks in the 1990s, Novocherkassk regained its status as the main city of the Cossacks and became the capital of the All-Great Don Army, as well as the Cossacks of Russia and Abroad.

Triumphal arches

On the western and northern sides of the city, by order of Platov, two identical arches were built in the style of late classicism. Since the city was located on a hill, from the north side you can clearly see the city’s microdistricts (villages) and the river. In addition, the arch is beautifully illuminated at night. The northern arch is located on the street. Herzen, and separates the central part of the city from the villages.

The second arch is located near the Azov market. From this place you can admire the Aksai hills and the villages adjacent to the city.

House-Museum of M.B. Grekov

Dozens of paintings, personal belongings, sketches and unfinished works of the famous Soviet battle painter are in the house where the master lived. Nearby is a well-kept garden. All around are picturesque expanses of the Don steppe.

Address: st. Grekova, 124. The house-museum is open from 10:00 to 17:00. There are no visits on Monday.

Ataman Palace

A small two-story building in the city center located at the intersection of Platovsky Avenue and Moskovskaya Street. Made in classicism style. On the façade there is an elegant balcony with cast lattice and open portals at the entrances. The palace was designed and built by I.O. Valprede in 1863.

The Ataman Palace was the residence of high-ranking officials, including the emperor during his visit to the city. Now it is a branch of the Museum of the Don Cossacks. On the first floor there is an exhibition of various museum exhibits, on the second floor a gallery of interiors is recreated with impressive beauty and richness of decoration: state rooms, the ataman’s office, a dining room, a large living room. In front of the palace there is a small park with a fountain.

Location: Dvortsovaya street - 5a.

Museums, palaces, estates

Among the attractions of Novocherkassk, original architectural objects play a large role in the perception of the city’s appearance. One of them is the Ataman Palace in the Alexander Garden, built in 1863 according to the design of academician I. Valprede in the classicist style with a fountain and a statue of Platov in the courtyard. Decorated with double pilasters, balconies, decorative grilles, and open portals. It became the official residence of the military leader and the place where the most illustrious persons were accommodated during their stay in the city. Here the heirs to the throne accepted the title of August Ataman of the Don Cossacks.

In 1899, in a mansion specially built according to the design of A. Yashchenko, the oldest museum in the southern region, the Museum of the History of the Don Cossacks, opened. Unique exhibits came from all Don villages and private collections. The collection of relics, which has no analogues in the world, numbers more than 100 thousand copies, including an exhibition of Cossack banners and standards, bladed weapons and firearms, and memorial items of Platov.

South Russian State Polytechnic University continues the glorious traditions of the Don Polytechnic Institute, founded by the Cossacks in 1907 with funds from the Don Army to educate their descendants. Located in an ancient park, the buildings built in 1911 were built in the neoclassical style according to the design of B. Roguysky, decorated with columns, capitals, sculptural inserts of ancient gods and stucco decorations.

The variety of architectural styles of Novocherkassk is represented by such buildings as: the Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium in the classicist style with half-columns, rusticated walls and an ornamental cornice; Real school of A. Kuznetsov in the Byzantine style with high narrow windows and elegant decor; the house of the merchant Kiryunin (“House of Happiness”) with rich stucco moldings and lions above the gates in a mixture of Renaissance, Baroque, Moorish and classicism styles; neo-Gothic Lutheran church; The Chamber of Judicial Institutions (now the Komissarzhevskaya Theater) in Art Nouveau style.

Alexander Garden and Mound of Glory

The Alexander Garden is located behind the Ataman Palace. It was founded by Ataman M.G. Khomutov in the early 1850s. Now it is a cozy city park. On the territory there are attractions for children, a cafe, a water park, and a small pond.

For the 35th anniversary of the Great Patriotic Victory, the Mound of Glory was built in the park on the hill, which served as a platform for exploring the surrounding area before the revolution. Four bayonets around the eternal flame symbolize four years of war. On the outer hemisphere of the monument, hero cities and data on the losses of city residents in the Great Patriotic War are listed.

Top 10 Novocherkassk attractions

The most important attraction in Novocherskassk is the Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord. The Cossacks began its construction along with the foundation of the city, which was to become their capital.

In addition, there are many other interesting places in Novocherkassk:

  • museums;
  • parks;
  • palaces;
  • arches, etc.

Before traveling to Novocherkassk, it is better to plan in advance what to see and where to go. To make it easier for you to plan your route, I have prepared a list of the most popular attractions that you can visit in 1 day.

Cathedral of the Ascension

Construction of the Ascension Military Cathedral began in 1811, but the first visitors entered it only in 1905.

The domes of the temple are decorated with red gold, the main cross is decorated with rock crystal. Because of this, at any time of the day the cathedral seems to radiate light. In Russia, the temple is considered the third highest dome - they are located 74.6 m above the ground.

The floor of the cathedral is covered with marble, which in the past was delivered from Italy and France. The temple clock and interior have been preserved in the same form as they were originally.

Nizhny Pokrovsky Church

The tomb, in which there are marble sarcophagi, is called the Lower Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Matvey Platov, the founder of the city, is buried here. Vasily Orlov-Denisov and Pyotr Baklanov - heroes of the war of 1812 - also lie in this tomb, as do the remains of Archbishop John.

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Baptist Church

In the 18th century Many Germans began to come to Russia for permanent residence. They needed a religious building, which was erected.

The Lutheran Church is different from Christian churches. According to the beliefs of Lutherans, not only services were held in the building - concerts were also held here. Since the 70s XX century the church was left without parishioners. But 20 years later, the Baptist community of Evangelical Christians restored the building. Services are now held here.

Ataman Palace

After its construction in 1863, the Palace of Atamans of the Don Army was used for its intended purpose. From here the management of the Cossack region was carried out. In 1918, Ataman Kaledin committed suicide in the palace.

Now the building houses a museum. All rooms of the palace have been reconstructed. The collections and historical documents placed will help you learn not only about the atamans who served the Fatherland in these parts, but also about their life.

Museum of Viticulture and Winemaking

The place was visited by Thor Heyerdahl, Sienkiewicz, cosmonaut Leonov and Marshal of the Soviet Union Grechko. The history of local winemaking began during the Khazar Kaganate.

Pushkin praised the wines produced on the Don in his works. Local craftsmen have received awards from our country and won international competitions.

Triumphal arches

The Don Cossacks accomplished many feats during the Patriotic War of 1812. Alexander I, in order to personally thank the heroes, went to their capital - Novocherkassk. He could only enter the city from both the northern and western sides, so Ataman Platov decided to erect 2 triumphal arches.

In the USSR, these monuments were considered of no interest to anyone, but now they have been completely restored according to the original drawings. Now they decorate the capital of the Don Cossacks. Everyone who comes here loves to take photographs.

Memorial "Mound of Glory"

In 1980, a memorial was solemnly opened in Alexander Park in memory of all who fought for our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. The monument reminds that no one should forget the feat of the Soviet people and individual heroes.

Grove "Red Spring"

The history of this beautiful corner of nature began at the end of the 19th century. Then the first trees appeared here. They were landed by order of Ataman Krasnokutsky. Under Soviet rule, the place began to be called “Red Spring”.

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The grove is located near Novocherkassk in the west. Nowadays it has been given the status of a natural monument. Citizens spend their free time here on weekends. On the territory of the grove there are 2 sports grounds and a play area for children.

Alexander Garden

In 1850, Ataman Khomutov decided to build a park on the territory of Gostinodvorskaya Square. In the Alexander Garden there is a mound from which a beautiful view of the surrounding area opens.

Emperor Alexander III, after whom the garden is named, loved to come here and visit the observation deck. Moreover, the Ataman Palace, where Russian royalty stayed, is located nearby. You can walk here and have a photo shoot today.

Park "Cossack"

Initially the park was called “Pervomaisky”. It was built by townspeople working on subbotniks. The park was opened in 1970 on the May holidays in the hope that it would become a favorite place for children.

Now the name has been changed to “Cossack”. It has the largest number of interesting attractions in the city and is crowded not only on weekends, but also on weekdays.

Museum of the History of the Don Cossacks

It is one of the oldest in the southern part of Russia and large in the number of relics and exhibits (about 115 thousand) related to the life, service and traditions of the Cossacks. It was formed in 1899 at the expense of public donations and the Cossack treasury. The museum displays a collection of paintings by famous Russian artists.

The scientific library contains about 15 thousand rare copies. In addition to the Ataman Palace, the following branches operate at the museum: the house-museum of the artist I.I. Krylov, museum of the poet V.G. Kalmykov, house-museum of the artist M.B. Grekova.

Location: Atamanskaya street - 38.

How much does an excursion to Novocherkassk from Rostov cost?

The price of an excursion to Novocherkassk from Rostov depends on the number of participants. For groups of sizes:

  • 2-7 people – 9900 rubles,
  • 8-17 people – 18,500 rubles,
  • 18 – ∞ people – will be agreed upon individually.
  • On weekdays there is a 10% discount on the cost of the excursion,

The price of the excursion includes transport support along the entire route and city tours.

Additional charges:

  • Entrance tickets to the Atamsky Palace – 180 rubles / person
  • Entrance tickets to the Museum of Cossack History – 200 rubles/person

Cossack Drama Theater named after. V.F. Komissarzhevskaya

The theater began operating in the city in 1825. During its existence, it moved many times, and there was a fire in the theater three times. Since 1965, Atamanskaya Street has been the permanent location of the theater.

The great Russian actress Vera Komissarzhevskaya began her career on the stage of the drama theater in 1893. The theater received the additional name “Cossack” in 1991, during the active revival of Cossack culture.

Location: Platovsky Avenue - 72.

Monument to Franz Pavlovich de Volan

The opening of the monument took place in 2003. Franz Pavlovich de Volan - military engineer, lieutenant general, according to whose design the city was built. It is because of the similar layout of the two cities that Novocherkassk is called “little Paris”.

The “beams” of the main streets extend from Ermak Square: Platovsky and Ermak Avenues, Krasny Descent. Ermak Avenue abuts Trinity Square, from which Baklanovsky Avenue, Herzen Descent, Troitskaya Street, and Moskovskaya Street also radiate.

Location: Platovsky Avenue.

Monuments to M.I. Platov

In Novocherkassk there are two monuments dedicated to M.I. Platov. One is installed opposite the main entrance to the cathedral on Platov Avenue. The bronze monument, where the ataman is on horseback, was opened on the 250th anniversary of his birth, in 2003.

The second monument, where M.I. Platov is represented standing on a pedestal, which is the first sculptural monument in the city. Opened in 1853, during Soviet times it was dismantled and melted down. The reconstruction of the monument in the same place took place in 1993. The monument is located in front of the Ataman Palace.

Location: Platovsky Avenue.

Ascension Cathedral

The main temple of the Don Cossack Army began to be built immediately after the founding of the city at the beginning of the 19th century, but the work lasted for as much as 100 years. During Soviet times, the cathedral was closed and the premises were used for household needs, but in the 1950s. The authorities, understanding the architectural value of the building, began its restoration. As a result of the last reconstruction in the 2000s. the temple turned into a monumental and luxurious structure. From the outside, it looks like a typical church remodel - neo-Byzantine style superimposed on modern construction technologies. The façade and interior are decorated with Italian marble and rock crystal. On the walls hang canvases telling about the history of the Cossacks.

The tomb contains the remains of Ataman M.I. Platov, the founder of Novocherkassk.

Address: pl. Ermaka, 2.

  • Ascension Military Cathedral

South Russian State Polytechnic University

The abundance of educational institutions in Novocherkassk has given it the name “city of students.” The Polytechnic University is the first and main educational institution in the south of Russia. In 2022, the university will mark 110 years since its founding. This is a magnificent ensemble of educational buildings in the neoclassical style.

The buildings are located along the perimeter so that they form a courtyard, park and stadium inside. In the main building of the university, which is located on Prosveshcheniya Street, there is an indoor courtyard - a large space inside the building with a transparent ceiling. Exhibitions and special events take place here.

Location: Prosveshcheniya Street - 132.

Architecture of Novocherkassk. Novocherkassk Cathedral. - presentation

Architecture Novocherkassk

Novocherkassk Cathedral

The history of the construction of the cathedral in Novocherkassk goes back 100 years. Only on the third attempt was it possible to bring this godly deed to a happy end. The first two projects of the temple turned out to be unsuccessful. The beginning of the history of the cathedral coincides with the founding of the city itself, which was moved to a new location due to frequent floods. The history of the construction of the cathedral in Novocherkassk goes back 100 years. Only on the third attempt was it possible to bring this godly deed to a happy end. The first two projects of the temple turned out to be unsuccessful. The beginning of the history of the cathedral coincides with the founding of the city itself, which was moved to a new location due to frequent floods.

On April 19, 1805, the Military Chancellery adopted a resolution: “In fulfillment of the Most High personal command of His Imperial Majesty on the relocation of the city of Novocherkassk to the newly Highest approved place, in good time it is intended to begin on this site the construction of a stone cathedral building... the foundation of that cathedral and the place of consecration of Novocherkassk, with arrival here of the Eminence, is appointed on the 18th day of the next month of May, on the day of the Ascension of the Lord”*. On April 19, 1805, the Military Chancellery adopted a resolution: “In fulfillment of the Most High personal command of His Imperial Majesty on the relocation of the city of Novocherkassk to the newly Highest approved place, in good time it is intended to begin on this site the construction of a stone cathedral building... the foundation of that cathedral and the place of consecration of Novocherkassk, with arrival here of the Eminence, is appointed on the 18th day of the next month of May, on the day of the Ascension of the Lord”*.

The place for the cathedral was chosen very successfully, the most elevated, dominating the entire future city. The design of the temple was drawn up, at Platov’s request, by the then famous court architect Aloysius Rusco, the greatest master of Russian classicism. The place for the cathedral was chosen very successfully, the most elevated, dominating the entire future city. The design of the temple was drawn up, at Platov’s request, by the then famous court architect Aloysius Rusco, the greatest master of Russian classicism.

The cathedral, designed and built by this architect, collapsed. The destruction, according to the commission's conclusion, occurred without visible external signs due to the use of low-quality building materials. The cathedral, designed and built by this architect, collapsed. The destruction, according to the commission's conclusion, occurred without visible external signs due to the use of low-quality building materials.

The second project of the Novocherkassk Cathedral was drawn up by the architect Valpreda and approved by the Highest on April 15, 1850. According to the plan, the new temple had a length of 78 meters and a height of 66 meters. The temple was designed with five chapels and a very high bell tower - about 80 meters, built in connection with the temple. The second project of the Novocherkassk Cathedral was drawn up by the architect Valpreda and approved by the Highest on April 15, 1850. According to the plan, the new temple had a length of 78 meters and a height of 66 meters. The temple was designed with five chapels and a very high bell tower - about 80 meters, built in connection with the temple.

The laying of the cathedral took place on November 2, 1850 with the participation of the Heir to Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich. Work on the construction of the cathedral began in May 1852, and the military authorities decided to build it not from Grushevsky limestone, but from well-burnt brick. Construction this time was carried out extremely unevenly. The author of the project, Valpreda, who had been sent to Novocherkassk from the capital since 1847, supervised the construction. The laying of the cathedral took place on November 2, 1850 with the participation of the Heir to Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich. Work on the construction of the cathedral began in May 1852, and the military authorities decided to build it not from Grushevsky limestone, but from well-burnt brick. Construction this time was carried out extremely unevenly. The author of the project, Valpreda, who had been sent to Novocherkassk from the capital since 1847, supervised the construction.

The cathedral-building commission, despite warnings, was hasty: while the first three years of work ( ) the foundations and basement were laid, which dried out and became stronger in the next two years, when work was not carried out, in the next four years ( ) the cathedral building was completed up to half of the entire structure; It was decided to finish the second half of the huge cathedral building, with pointed domes, in a year and a half. The cathedral-building commission, despite warnings, was hasty: while the first three years of work ( ) the foundations and basement were laid, which dried out and became stronger in the next two years, when work was not carried out, in the next four years ( ) the cathedral building was completed up to half of the entire structure; It was decided to finish the second half of the huge cathedral building, with pointed domes, in a year and a half.

The consequence of such haste was that “the parts constituting the main base of the large dome could not dry properly, the mortar in the masonry did not have time to harden, and therefore the main dome, which represented a complex structure of a vaulted structure, had to collapse with the full weight of its 250-thousand-pound the masses and crush everything that was directly in the path of his terrible aspiration.” The consequence of such haste was that “the parts constituting the main base of the large dome could not dry properly, the mortar in the masonry did not have time to harden, and therefore the main dome, which represented a complex structure of a vaulted structure, had to collapse with the full weight of its 250-thousand-pound the masses and crush everything that was directly in the path of his terrible aspiration.”

The collapse of the newly reduced main dome occurred at 12 o'clock at night, from July 10 to July 11, 1863. This is how an eyewitness describes this event: “...I left the summer premises of the noble club late at night and followed home along the large alley of our Alexander Garden. The night was moonlit. Suddenly a dull and strong sound was heard, like a shot from some giant cannon. Shuddering, I completely mechanically looked in the direction where the cathedral was and saw some dark mass rising to the heavens...” The collapse of the newly collapsed main dome occurred at 12 o’clock at night, from July 10 to 11, 1863. This is how an eyewitness describes this event: “...I left the summer premises of the noble club late at night and followed home along the large alley of our Alexander Garden. The night was moonlit. Suddenly a dull and strong sound was heard, like a shot from some giant cannon. Shuddering, I completely mechanically looked in the direction where the cathedral was and saw some dark mass rising to the heavens...”

The new misfortune, which greatly affected all the inhabitants of the Don, was attributed to the wrath of God, which fell upon the Cossack capital with all its might. A special commission appointed by Imperial command to investigate the reasons for the destruction of the dome found that all the work was carried out carefully, skillfully and prudently, the best materials were used, and the foundation was made of such extraordinary strength that is rarely found anywhere. The new misfortune, which greatly affected all the inhabitants of the Don, was attributed to the wrath of God, which fell upon the Cossack capital with all its might. A special commission appointed by Imperial command to investigate the reasons for the destruction of the dome found that all the work was carried out carefully, skillfully and prudently, the best materials were used, and the foundation was made of such extraordinary strength that is rarely found anywhere.

The military authorities entrusted the dismantling of the building to the merchant Cossack N.I. Limarev for 70 thousand rubles. The contractor undertook to carry out the work with all precautions and not to use explosives. The dismantling of the cathedral was completed by Limarev in October 1882. Thus the construction of the second cathedral in Novocherkassk was completed. The military authorities entrusted the dismantling of the building to the merchant Cossack N.I. Limarev for 70 thousand rubles. The contractor undertook to carry out the work with all precautions and not to use explosives. The dismantling of the cathedral was completed by Limarev in October 1882. Thus the construction of the second cathedral in Novocherkassk was completed.

The Military Council, in a journal dated February 4, 1881, decided: “the supervision of the economic work of dismantling the second Novocherkassk Cathedral, which was designated for demolition, and at the same time drawing up a project and estimate for the construction of a new cathedral building should be entrusted to the Don architect Yashchenko, who is attached to the Regional Board of Troops.” , with a salary of 4,000 rubles a year assigned to him...”* The Military Council, in a journal dated February 4, 1881, decided: “monitoring the household work to dismantle the second Novocherkassk Cathedral, which was designated for demolition, and at the same time drawing up a project and estimate for the construction of a new cathedral building will be entrusted to the Don architect Yashchenko, who is attached to the Regional Board of the Army, with an allowance of 4,000 rubles per year...”*

Supervision of all work was entrusted to the Cathedral Construction Commission in the city of Novocherkassk, which began its activities on May 22, 1891. Extensive excavation work was carried out, and the foundation of the third cathedral was laid at a depth of more than 15 meters. After the completion of the preparatory work, on October 17, 1893, the foundation ceremony of the cathedral church took place, in the presence of the military administration, educational institutions and a large crowd of worshipers. Supervision of all work was entrusted to the Cathedral Construction Commission in the city of Novocherkassk, which began its activities on May 22, 1891. Extensive excavation work was carried out, and the foundation of the third cathedral was laid at a depth of more than 15 meters. After the completion of the preparatory work, on October 17, 1893, the foundation ceremony of the cathedral church took place, in the presence of the military administration, educational institutions and a large crowd of worshipers.

On July 23, 1900, the bells of the cathedral under construction took place. The old bells were removed in advance from the bell tower of the temporary wooden cathedral and placed at the entrance to the new church, from where they were raised through a hole made in the vault. On July 23, 1900, the bells were lifted onto the cathedral under construction. The old bells were removed in advance from the bell tower of the temporary wooden cathedral and placed at the entrance to the new temple, from where they were raised through a hole made in the vault

By mid-1904, the cathedral was completely ready, decorated on the outside and painted inside. On June 25, 1904, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the bell rang from the cathedral bell tower for a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord God on the occasion of the completion of the construction and decoration of the new grandiose cathedral. According to the testimony of priest I. Artinsky, a contemporary of the events, the huge temple “could barely accommodate everyone who wanted to offer a grateful prayer to the Lord for the successful completion of the long-awaited and ardently desired cathedral of the Don Church.” By the middle of 1904, the cathedral was completely ready, decorated on the outside and painted on the inside. On June 25, 1904, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the bell rang from the cathedral bell tower for a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord God on the occasion of the completion of the construction and decoration of the new grandiose cathedral. According to the testimony of priest I. Artinsky, a contemporary of the events, the huge temple “could barely accommodate everyone who wanted to offer a grateful prayer to the Lord for the successful completion of the long-awaited and ardently desired cathedral of the Don Church.”

“In terms of size, the Novocherkassk Cathedral is one of the largest church buildings in Russia and can easily accommodate five thousand worshipers. As a monument of the Byzantine style, it is... the first in size in Russia, very artistically seasoned...” - this is how its builder, engineer-Colonel Limarenko* characterizes the significance of the cathedral in Russian church architecture. Indeed, upon careful examination, the architecture of the Ascension Cathedral is a classic example of a Byzantine cross-domed church. “In terms of size, the Novocherkassk Cathedral is one of the largest church buildings in Russia and can easily accommodate five thousand worshipers. As a monument of the Byzantine style, it is... the first in size in Russia, very artistically seasoned...” - this is how its builder, engineer-Colonel Limarenko* characterizes the significance of the cathedral in Russian church architecture. Indeed, upon careful examination, the architecture of the Ascension Cathedral is a classic example of a Byzantine cross-domed church.

Novocherkassk Cathedral has a dome with a diameter of 22 meters in the center, mounted on a slender drum. All other parts of the building are connected and subordinated to the under-dome space, forming the shape of an equilateral Greek cross, the branches of which are covered by barrel vaults. In general, the building's plan fits into a rectangle, very close to a square, with a length of 76 meters and a width of 61 meters 2. Novocherkassk Cathedral has a dome with a diameter of 22 meters in the center, mounted on a slender drum. All other parts of the building are connected and subordinated to the under-dome space, forming the shape of an equilateral Greek cross, the branches of which are covered by barrel vaults. Overall, the building plan fits into a rectangle, very close to a square, with a length of 76 meters and a width of 61 meters2.

The temple has a pyramidal shape on the outside, characteristic of Byzantine churches: it is crowned by a large central dome, while smaller side domes are located lower and seem to accompany it. The dome itself, in the form of an overturned hemisphere, resembles the wide vault of heaven, the place of the invisible interruption of the Lord, covering the earth. This dome shape is a typical sign of Byzantine architecture. The temple has a pyramidal shape on the outside, characteristic of Byzantine churches: it is crowned by a large central dome, while smaller side domes are located lower and seem to accompany it. The dome itself, in the form of an overturned hemisphere, resembles the wide vault of heaven, the place of the invisible interruption of the Lord, covering the earth. This dome shape is a typical sign of Byzantine architecture

Novocherkassk Cathedral, like any Orthodox church, faces the east with its altar. And it is also deeply symbolic. The eastern part of the temple, according to the Bible, ancient cosmography and the church view, is the region of light, the “land of the living” and heavenly bliss. The Bible says that paradise was in Eden, in the east (Genesis 2, 8). Novocherkassk Cathedral, like any Orthodox church, faces the east with its altar. And it is also deeply symbolic. The eastern part of the temple, according to the Bible, ancient cosmography and the church view, is the region of light, the “land of the living” and heavenly bliss. The Bible says that paradise was in Eden, in the east (Genesis 2, 8).

A high porch of 16 gray granite steps leads to the main entrance. The very name “porch” comes from the word “wing” - this is both a symbol of the ascent of the spiritual to the Temple and a sign of the covering, overshadowing blessing of God. The icon of the Lord Almighty above the entrance speaks of the beginning of the presence of the one entering before God and of His invisible presence. A high porch of 16 gray granite steps leads to the main entrance. The very name “porch” comes from the word “wing” - this is both a symbol of the ascent of the spiritual to the Temple and a sign of the covering, overshadowing blessing of God. The icon of the Lord Almighty above the entrance speaks of the beginning of the presence of the one entering before God and of His invisible presence.

Above the portal of the main entrance to the cathedral there is a tower clock with a dial 1.7 meters in diameter. The watch was made by the St. Petersburg company Altschwager. Since the cathedral design initially did not include the installation of a clock, it had to be placed in the upper part of the bell tower window at a height of up to 40 meters from the ground line. Above the portal of the main entrance to the cathedral there is a tower clock with a dial 1.7 meters in diameter. The watch was made by the St. Petersburg company Altschwager. Since the cathedral design initially did not include the installation of a clock, it had to be placed in the upper part of the bell tower window at a height of up to 40 meters from the ground line

This, in general terms, is the architectural appearance of the Novocherkassk Ascension Cathedral.

Michael the Archangel Church

Novocherkassk has always been and is a stronghold of the Russian Orthodox faith. This is evidenced by a large number of temples and churches. Michael the Archangel Church, built in 1870, is located on Azov Square, not far from the western triumphal arch. Made in Russian style with onion domes.

Location: Platovsky Avenue - 79a.

Historical city tour

The first thing a person sees when entering Novocherkassk is the huge triumphal arches erected in honor of the participation of the Don Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812. Two identical arches were built at the entrances to the city: one on the western side, the other on the northeastern side, according to the design of the capital’s architect A.I. Ruska in 1817 during the life of the founder of the city, the famous Don Ataman, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Count Matvey Ivanovich Platov .

Climbing up Platovsky Prospekt from the western side, we find ourselves on Azov Square, the name of which enshrines historical memory. Guarding the southern borders of the Russian state, the Don Cossacks fought a stubborn struggle for the fortress of Azov for several centuries. The heroic page in the history of the Don Cossacks is the famous “Azov Seat” (1641), when a small Cossack garrison of the fortress withstood the many-thousand-strong Turkish army besieging the fortress.

When laying the foundation for the new capital of the Don Cossacks in 1805, M.I. Platov involved the famous military engineer F.P. in the development of the general project. Devolan, who successfully tied the city plan to the natural topography of the area. The basis of the strict classical layout of Novocherkassk is its three main avenues: Platovsky, Ermakovsky and Baklanovsky, connected by large squares, from which the streets diverge radially. A unified city development plan made it possible to avoid chaos and achieve an expressive ensemble solution. The uniqueness of the architectural appearance of Novocherkassk is given by the combination of buildings made in classical styles and typical Cossack kurens.

In the center of the square is the St. Michael the Archangel Church , built in 1870. Its appearance is dominated by features of the “Russian style”: onion-shaped domes, the hipped roof of the bell tower, barrel-shaped semi-columns. The wooden church of the same name was moved from Starocherkassk, but it did not stand here, but on the neighboring Staromikhailovskaya Square, behind the bazaar (now Kirov Square). From here, after serving a prayer service, the Cossack army set off on a campaign against Napoleon.

Before the revolution, in Novocherkassk, in addition to the brownie churches, there were fourteen churches. In addition to Orthodox churches, there was also a Lutheran church and a Polish Catholic church. Along with their religious purpose, they also served as cultural centers. For example, in 1914, artists from the Moscow Bolshoi Theater performed in concerts in the church, and a choir sang under the direction of AM Listopadov, a famous collector of Don folklore. Now there are eight temples left and all of them have been returned to their original purpose.

Since intensive construction of the city began in the second half of the 19th century, during the period of eclecticism, there are quite a lot of buildings of this style. Their architectural appearance is characterized by a wide variety of shapes and freedom of choice of motifs in the decoration of facades.

Here are the closed facades of two impressive buildings of the Sokolov winery on Platovsky Avenue, 67 (now a winery and a military hospital) with rich, lush stucco, which give the impression of real palace architecture. And not at all provincial, but downright metropolitan. We will see powerful herms of Atlanteans supporting the cornice, stucco masks of the “Sarmatian queen” more than once in the interior of the military assembly building on Moskovskaya Street.

The administrative center of Novocherkassk is located at the intersection of Platovsky Prospekt and Moskovskaya Street. In the center of the square in 1853, a monument to the founder of the city, Ataman M.I. Platov, was erected. It was created by order of the Military Administration by famous Russian sculptors: academicians A.A. Ivanov, N.A. Tokarev and P.K. Klodt. In 1923, the statue was lost. The monument was recreated in 1993 by Moscow sculptor A.V. Tarasenko. The rapid movement of the mace of the “Whirlwind Ataman” points to the west, where he led his Cossack regiments all the way to Paris. Behind Platovsky Square there is a two-story building in the classicist style - the Ataman Palace (now one of the buildings of the Museum of the History of the Don Cossacks). It served both as the residence of the assigned military ataman and as the place of residence in Novocherkassk for the highest persons: Alexander II, Alexander III, Nicholas II, who visited the city. Here, in the Ataman Palace, on January 29, 1918, the life of the first elected ataman after the revolution, A.M., tragically ended. Kaledina.

Moskovskaya was the central street of the city, where trade was in full swing and the resting public strolled. The building of the Officers' Assembly (1890; now the Central Library named after A.S. Pushkin) with a wonderful interior was also located here. A large double-height dance hall with a stucco ceiling decorated with ornamental friezes, cartouches, attributes of military heraldry and herms of warriors. Between the upper skylights are insignia of the Don regiments that distinguished themselves in battle. Mezzanines for the orchestra, supported by atlas herms on powerful brackets. The large hall was connected to the small “blue” hall and the winter garden. There were separate recreation rooms, a billiard room, a chess room, and a dining room. They have fireplaces decorated with marble, stucco, and artistic metal. Particularly noteworthy is the decor of the dining room, where the ornamental compositions of the lampshades are replete with images of purely Don flora and fauna: apples, grapes, quails, fish, crayfish.

In the central square of the city, there are several more capital structures that were part of the mandatory set of a provincial city: the building of Regional government offices with an impressive ten-column portico (1844; now the Military Institute of Communications), judicial institutions (1909; architect A.N. Beketov; now the city House of Culture and the Cossack Drama Theater named after V.F. Komissarzhevskaya, the Russian-Asian Bank (1905; architect S.N. Boldyrev; the building of the former House of Pioneers), the Don Museum (1899; now the Museum of the History of the Don Cossacks), which turned one hundred years old in 1999 .

This is a unique and only museum in the world that contains rare materials on the history of the Cossacks, military flags and banners, collections of granted and award-winning cold steel, Don parsuna, paintings and porcelain. On the second floor there is a collection of works by a native of Novocherkassk, the great Russian landscape painter Nikolai Dubovsky. Two branches of the museum - the memorial House-Museum of the singer of the Don steppes Ivan Krylov and the House-Museum of the founder of Soviet battle painting Mitrofan Grekov tell about the life and work of these outstanding masters.

The names of not only famous architects and artists are associated with Novocherkassk, but also the Don historian Vasily Sukhorukov, writers Mikhail Sholokhov, Fyodor Kryukov, Alexander Serafimovich, Pyotr Krasnov, Anatoly Kalinin, philosopher Alexei Losev, composer Ivan Shishov, actress Vera Komissarzhevskaya, musicians Mikhail Erdenko and Konstantin Dumchev, scientists Mushketov, Kashinsky, Scriabin.

The dominant position in the architectural ensemble of Novocherkassk is occupied by the Ascension Military Cathedral, the construction of which lasted exactly one hundred years (1805-1905). Laid at the founding of the city on the feast of the Ascension of Christ, it collapsed twice during construction due to a weak foundation and haste in its construction. The third, implemented project in the “new Byzantine style” was developed by academician A.A. Yashchenko. The cathedral is the third largest in Russia (its height is 74.6 m) after the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow and St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Erected at the intersection of Platovsky and Ermakovsky avenues, it is visible from everywhere, many kilometers from Novocherkassk. Originally, its domes were covered with red gold, and the main cross, made in Bohemia, is decorated with rock crystal inserts to reflect sunlight. Therefore, he was called “the second sun of the Don.”

The Ascension Cathedral is the main temple of the Don Cossacks. At the base of the cathedral there is a tomb for the burial of prominent military and church figures of the Don, and in the choirs there are halls with wall paintings depicting the most significant episodes of Don history. There is a tower clock on the bell tower of the cathedral, and the square itself is the main square, the Maidan, where the most important events and holidays are celebrated.

On the huge Cathedral Square, paved with rubble stone, in 1904 a bronze monument to Ermak, the famous Don ataman, the conqueror of Siberia, was erected. The historical ensemble of Cathedral Square received its final completion in 1911, when, on the occasion of the centenary of the Battle of Borodino, the remains of M.I. were buried in the tomb of the cathedral. Platova, V.V. Orlova-Denisova, I.E. Efremova, Ya.P. Baklanov and Metropolitan John. On the opposite side of the square there was a monument to the hero of the Caucasian War, General Ya.P. Baklanov, moved here from the cemetery of the Resurrection Nunnery in St. Petersburg. On May 15, 1993, a solemn ceremony of reburial of the remains of the Don heroes took place in the tomb of the temple, and on June 4, 1995, on the day of the city, the monument to Ya.P. Baklanov, recreated by Moscow sculptor A.V. Tarasenko.

Numerous mansions add architectural value to the urban ensemble of Novocherkassk. They definitely “compete” with each other in the abundance and variety of architectural and decorative decoration. The high urban planning culture of the architects of the 19th - early 20th centuries was manifested in the fact that they erected buildings of different styles taking into account existing ones, uniting them by storey heights, a combination of volumes and architectural and decorative solutions. The facades of the mansions, made in various architectural styles, the openwork grilles of gates, parapets, canopies, and carved doors give them a unique look.

“The plan of the city of Novocherkassk is quite good, and located correctly; it is divided into 76 blocks, consisting of 3 thousand places, all of which are abundantly supplied with land: first class places have a frontage of 20 fathoms and a depth of 30 to 60 fathoms; the second - 15 fathoms along the facade and from 30 to 50 in depth; the smallest are 10 fathoms along the avenue and from 20 to 30 fathoms in depth,” wrote historian V.D. Sukhorukoe in the 1820s. “First class” places were allocated primarily for administrative buildings and for the military aristocracy, who sought to build mansions there in “metropolitan taste.” Places of “second class” were given to less wealthy Cossacks, and the rest were content with what was left to their share and built small houses with a stone bottom and a wooden upper structure.

But all private houses were subject to a single requirement: they had to be built on “highest” approved facades facing the red line of the street.

Vast areas of land made it possible to build streets not with a continuous row of buildings, but alternate with tree plantations, turning them over time into cozy palaces and estates with courtyards, balconies and orchards.

Not only atamans and generals had representative mansions, but also officials, merchant Cossacks, doctors, lawyers, and notaries. The appearance of the house seemed to personify the property wealth and business reputation of their owner.

In street development, the houses in which architects lived and were built according to their designs stand out. These are the mansions of G.M. Salnikova (Atamanskaya, 61), S.I. Boldyreva (Krasnoarmeyskaya, 18), V.N. Kulikova (Enlightenment, 139). They served as the best advertisement for the professional skills of architects.

The Cossacks were distinguished not only by their military prowess and courage, but also always gravitated toward education and culture. Not every provincial city in Russia could boast of the number and range of educational institutions that Novocherkassk had at the beginning of the 20th century: the military Platov classical gymnasium, the Mariinsk women's gymnasium, the Cossack cadet school, the real school, theological and teacher seminaries, the diocesan women's school, theological school, Ataman Technical School, military craft school, military paramedic school, Jubilee School of Merchant Cossacks, commercial school, Don Emperor Alexander III Cadet Corps, Mariinsky Institute of Noble Maidens, Don Teachers' Institute, Don Veterinary Institute, Don Agricultural Institute, music school, parish schools, private educational institutions and boarding houses.

The grand opening of the first higher educational institution on the Don, the Don Polytechnic Institute, took place in Novocherkassk on October 5, 1907 in the building of a former noble boarding house (now a motor transport college). Then it was called the Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute (NPI). In 1993 it was renamed into NSTU, and in 1999 - into SRSTU (NPI) - South Russian State Technical University. The site for the construction of a large architectural ensemble of the institute was chosen on the territory of the Nikolaevsky Garden. Nearby were the buildings of the Mariinsky Institute of Noble Maidens (now the main building of the Engineering and Reclamation Academy) and the Don Alexander III Cadet Corps (now a military unit).

The design of the Polytechnic Institute buildings was entrusted to the prominent Polish architect B. S. Roguiski, one of the creators of the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute complex (1898), in which he successfully used the experience of constructing educational institutions in Western Europe.

The educational buildings of the main, mining, chemical, and energy faculties of the institute are grouped around a rectangular courtyard in plan, which houses a complex of sports facilities and an ancient park. Each individual building is a functionally closed volume with a rational and convenient layout of the auditorium, laboratory, and classrooms, which has its own complete architectural image. At the same time, all buildings are united by the unity of architectural and artistic design in the neoclassical style. As an expressive compositional technique for decorative decoration, the architect widely uses powerful columns of the Doric and Ionic orders, which give the entire ensemble a majestic and monumental character. Interesting are the decorative sculptural inserts in the form of masks of Zeus, Mars, and monumental reliefs that tell the purpose of the building in a symbolic form. The main building of the institute is especially beautiful with a grand staircase, a colonnade and a unique four-story covered courtyard with daylight and bypass galleries. During public events and celebrations it can accommodate several thousand people. The construction of the complex of institute buildings began in 1912. Architect B.S. Roguysky managed to complete the construction of only three educational buildings - chemical, mechanical and mining. The rest were completed between 1924 and 1930.

Novocherkassk managed to largely preserve its historical appearance. The words of the VD historian involuntarily come to mind. Sukhorukova: “Straight, wide streets and large squares make up Novocherkassk’s own beauty.” Novocherkassk is a monument city. Over the past almost two centuries, it has combined a distinctive history, traditionally high culture and scientific and technical potential. With the revival of the Cossacks in the 1990s, Novocherkassk regained its status as the main city of the Cossacks and became the capital of the All-Great Don Army, as well as the Cossacks of Russia and Abroad.

Alexander Nevsky Church

It is located right behind the Alexander Garden. It was founded in 1851 according to the decree of Nicholas I, in memory of the appointment of his son, Alexander, as the august chieftain. The church was built in 1896 in the Russian-Byzantine style, the stone bell tower was added in 1902. The church was called the ataman church, since it was often visited by military atamans who lived next to the temple.

Location: Alexandrovskaya street - 78.

How to get to Novocherkassk

Novocherkassk lies next to the Aksai and Tuzlov rivers, which divide the city in half. It borders on small rural areas, and at a distance lie Shakhty, Rostov, Bataysk and Novoshakhtinsk. Actually, from these cities you can get to Novochek.

The most convenient transport is a bus. For example, you fly or arrive by train to Rostov-on-Don, and from there you take a minibus or bus to Novocherkassk. You'll be there in an hour.

Search for cheap flights to Novocherkassk

Temple of Constantine and Helena

Initially it was wooden, in 1906 it was decided to build a stone temple in the Old Russian style. Construction took three years, and in 1909 the church was consecrated. In the 1990s, the crosses and domes in the church were gilded. The choir sings during services. The church is located on Sennaya Square, which offers a beautiful view of the city's microdistricts.

Location: Sennaya Square.

Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists

A small church in the neo-Gothic style was built for the Protestant community of Novocherkassk in 1898. Until 1917, the church had not only important religious significance for the Germans living in the city, but was also a cultural and social center. Concerts and meetings were held on its territory. The services, which were stopped under the Bolsheviks, resumed during the German occupation, but in the 1970s. the building was completely abandoned and fell into disrepair. As a result, the temple was handed over to the Baptists, who began restoring its historical appearance.

Address: st. Mikhailovskaya, 159.

  • Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists

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