What surprises Kerch: sights of the city and surrounding areas that are worth seeing

Kerch is the most ancient city of Crimea, unlike others. The sights of Kerch include historical monuments, witnesses to the city’s glorious military past, and sandy beaches stretching for many kilometers, with their picturesque and little-explored bays. Kerch is a real open-air museum.

During the Great Patriotic War, Kerch became the scene of fierce battles; the front line passed here four times, twice it was occupied by German-Romanian troops. During the war years the city was almost completely destroyed. For mass heroism and courage in defending the Motherland, Kerch received the title of hero city.

Sights of Kerch

Mount Mithridates
Kerch is a unique tourist center of Crimea, which dates back 26 centuries. It has the largest concentration of archaeological sites on the entire eastern coast of the peninsula. Many historical sights of Kerch are associated with its strategic location near the Kerch Strait, separating the Azov and Black Seas.

Lenin Street

These monuments are evidence of centuries-old rivalry over the strait. These include mounds preserved from the time of the Bosporan kingdom and the ruins of ancient cities. The highest point of Kerch is Mount Mithridates (91.4 m), around which most of the city’s attractions are concentrated. The newest attraction of Kerch is the Crimean Bridge.


The coast of Kerch is not popular among vacationers in terms of beach holidays, but the proximity of the sea often raises the question of a place for swimming in the warm season. The beaches closest to the center are on Cape Quarantine, not far from ancient Myrmekia. Several buses, minibuses and a trolleybus go here. From the stops “Ulitsa Kazakova” or “Factory Kitchen” on the street. Voikov needs to walk about a kilometer.

The beach of the Moscow-Crimea sanatorium is well equipped : awnings and umbrellas will protect you from the sun, showers and foot taps will give you the opportunity to rinse off. In addition, there are sun loungers, a playground and a trampoline, and the coastline is mixed - with a sandy approach and stairs. The beaches of Smorzhevsky and Molodezhny , located on opposite sides of the previous one, are inferior to it in comfort. The presence of gazebos for relaxation and other amenities of civilization vary from year to year; the shore is very narrow.

Visitors to this coast agree on the good landscape with a view of the Crimean Bridge and are happy to sunbathe, but for some, entering the water was marred by algae.

Port from the height of Mithridates' stairs Photo: © Masha Malinovskaya

Crimean Bridge

The Crimean Bridge connects the Crimean Peninsula with the Taman Peninsula (Krasnodar Territory) across the Kerch Strait. Its length is 19 km. The bridge begins on the Taman Peninsula, near the village of Taman, passes along the sandy island of Tuzla, crosses the strait and goes to Kerch.

Construction of the bridge began in February 2016. The Crimean Bridge received its official name at the end of 2022 after an online vote. The grand opening of the four-lane road bridge (section of the A-290 highway) took place on May 15, 2018, and its operation began the next day. The second parallel part of the bridge, the railway part, was inaugurated on December 23, 2022 with the participation of President Putin.

Thanks to the Crimean Bridge, the sights of Kerch and the entire Crimea have now become more accessible to residents of Russia.

Great Mithridatic Staircase

The Great Mithridates Staircase is a real visiting card of Kerch, which is depicted on all postcards with views of the city. This impressive staircase, decorated in a classical style, was built between 1833 and 1840. designed by the Italian architect A. Digby. It was designed to connect two key attractions of Kerch - Mount Mithridates and the Church of John the Baptist.

The staircase has 432 steps, the landings between which are decorated with beautiful decorative niches with vases. This difficult climb is worth the effort - from the top of the mountain there are panoramic views of the city and the bay.

On the upper tier of the stairs, the visitor is greeted by stone griffins - mythical creatures with the wings and head of an eagle and the body of a lion.


As in many other cities, places of interest to travelers in Kerch fit quite compactly into the city center. But not all, because on the outskirts and in the surrounding area there is still much that is no less fascinating.

Mount Mithridates

Any tourist coming to Kerch does not pass by Mount Mithridates . Despite the small height of 92 meters, the hill in the city center attracts the eye and beckons you to climb. The Mithridatic Staircase is taken up to it . The ceremonial wide rise with columns and flowerpots, in front of which two griffins - the symbol of the city - greet guests, appeared according to an Italian design in the thirties of the 19th century. and contains 432 steps.

Mount Mithridates from the city streets Photo: © Juliette17

To the west, Mithridates forms a mountain range with several hill peaks. The nearest one is often called the “first chair of Mithridates”; in the distance there is a much smaller second one. The mountain chronicles the history of the city and reveals the modern one, because the platform at the top unites completely different memorable places. Here are the ruins of the ancient Panticapaeum (more about it below), and memorials of the last war years, and the best views of Kerch.

From all around and at the foot, the obelisk of Glory to the Immortal Heroes - a 24-meter sharp stone stele located on a triangular pedestal with three cannons. Near it, on a marble slab, the names of the brave Kerch defenders who gave themselves in the fight against fascism are carved.

Obelisk to the Immortal Heroes and a view of the city from Mithridates Photo: © Juliette17

Nearby, a peak of stone boulders is topped by an eternal flame burning on the roof of a squat turquoise tower of classical architecture. From its foot you can see Panticapaeum - the ruins of the ancient city where Kerch grew up. Among some of the remains, the outlines of buildings are still visible.

Closer to the sea there is a bench with the letters “Crimean Bridge” , which fits perfectly into the sea panorama with the crossing itself in the background. The distance from the top to it is about 2.5 km.

Photo: © Juliette17

The eastern side of Mithridates is also a good observation deck with postcard views of Kerch. They are dominated by colorful ships: in the port with the Genoese pier . The same landscape can be seen from the main staircase on the way up or down.

Lenin Street and Square

Perhaps you will walk along Lenin Street before or after climbing the mountain, but you definitely need to pay attention to the local Arbat . The 700-meter-long street is completely pedestrian and its coziness is the envy of many cities. Plane trees are planted along the edges - the alley creates good shade in the heat, and walkers will not fail to take advantage of this. Antique patterns made from colored paving slabs will remind you of the city’s ancient history. The features of low, colorful houses tell the story of past centuries, although many modern signs for shops and cafes will not let you forget about the present.

Kerch Arbat Photo: © Sergey Vasilets

From the south, the alley abuts the yellow-tiled Lenin Square with a monument to the leader. It is surrounded on all sides by well-groomed park areas. In the Glory Square, the eternal flame burns , which liberated Kerch in April 1944 from the Nazis. In Peace Square there is another echo of those days - a monument to Kerch children - victims of the war . The sculpture depicts a woman with a child. In the Afghans' Square there is a memorial to the internationalist soldiers who died in Afghanistan. Nearby rises a gray column with a golden griffin on top. The Stele of Hero Cities appeared here to commemorate the awarding of the same title to Kerch.

The Church of John the Baptist cannot be confused with others Photo: © Egor Vlasov

Opposite, among the greenery, you can see the Church of John the Baptist . There are certain reasons to consider it the earliest of the Eastern European and Russian ones still operating today. Built according to Byzantine traditions, it is interesting not only for its architecture: the interiors are unusual for their contrasting combination of elements of the past and modernity.

All sights of Kerch

Another building of artistic interest is located to the right of the square towards the Mithridates Staircase (Teatralnaya St., 34/2). Solid masonry of the lower floor, high arched windows, antique porticoes with columns and a tower in the southern wing create the appearance of the palace. However, this is the Romanov Women's Gymnasium , which has been operating since the end of the 19th century. to the present time in the form of one or another educational institution. Now it is being restored, and, according to existing information, it is planned to open it no longer as a school.

Women's gymnasium on the street. Teatralnaya Photo: © Masha Malinovskaya

is being reconstructed for a long time and slowly . Pushkin , once a theater, standing on the right side of the gymnasium. From the outside, the classic “temple” on six columns has been looking fresh for several years now, hosting children’s clubs and periodically various fairs. If time permits, you can look into another cultural site next to Lenin - an art gallery .

Kerch embankment

On the southern side of Mithridates, along the seashore there is embankment of the same name. This is one of the few places in the center that has access to water, since a large part of the coast is occupied by ports, ship repair units and factories. Like Kerch itself, the embankment cannot be called a resort, but you can always meet guests and local residents walking along it.

Kerch embankment Photo: © Juliette17

For most of its length (1.3 km) there is Primorsky Boulevard, somewhere imperceptibly it is joined by a city park. Among the flower beds and tiled alleys there are several cafes and children's attractions. They couldn’t leave such a suitable place without monuments : here stands Pushkin , who visited Kerch in 1820, a schoolboy with a broom helping his parents with cleaning, and a couple of memorials to tragic events . The knot of friendship between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine is unusual , as is the sculpture “Gifts of the Sea” , symbolizing a net with a catch.

At the very beginning of the embankment, at one of the piers there is a popular art object “I love Kerch” . Many visitors consider it their duty to take a photo with him, as is the case with the “Crimean Bridge” bench on Mithridates. By the way, boat trips depart from here, giving you the opportunity to take a closer look at it. On one of the paths of the park there is another installation - “Alley of Love” , formed by aerial structures in the form of hearts and benches.

Sculpture “Schoolboy” Photo: © Juliette17

Obelisk of Glory

Kerch is one of 12 cities in the Soviet Union that received the title of hero city. In May 1942, the city was captured by German troops, and during fierce fighting the city was heavily destroyed. Then Kerch became the last frontier of the Crimean Front, which had to retreat through the Kerch Strait to the Taman Peninsula. The remnants of military units that were unable to evacuate concentrated in the Adzhimushkai quarries and continued resistance.

At the top of Mount Mithridates there is a 24-meter Obelisk of Glory - a monument to the defenders of the city who died in the battles for the liberation of Crimea during the Great Patriotic War. Near the obelisk there is a marble memorial plaque in the shape of an open book. The obelisk was erected in 1944, and in 1959 the eternal flame was lit here.

Where to stay in Kerch

Kerch is a port city, one of the industrial centers of Crimea and a place rich in history. Only last but not least is it a resort. When choosing to live here, you need to determine your goals. If you are planning to walk around the city, explore the remains of the fortress on Mount Mithridates and then continue your journey across Crimea, choose any of the hotels and guest houses in the city. If you want to combine it with a seaside holiday, it is better to consider housing in the nearest villages - Geroevsky on the Strait or Kurortny on the Sea of ​​Azov. In the city itself, you shouldn’t count on the sea - the beaches in Kerch are not the best.

  • Kerch Hotels
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  • Guest houses in Kerch

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Photo: © Juliette17


Panticapaeum is the former capital of the Bosporan Kingdom, founded by the Greeks back in the 7th century BC. It occupied an impressive territory: about 100 hectares - almost the entire top of Mount Mithridates. It included the temple of Apollo, a palace, a theater, an agora - a square for public meetings - and other buildings. Panticapaeum flourished - it was located at the intersection of many trade routes leading to China, the Mediterranean, and Central Asia. In the first centuries AD the city was destroyed by the Huns.

Today, numerous tourists have the opportunity to appreciate the former scale and grandeur of the ancient city from the surviving remains of buildings. The main dominant feature of the Prytanean polis is a structure with two columns (III century BC). On the northern slope of Mount Mithridates, archaeologists also discovered an ancient necropolis with more than 3.5 thousand crypts.

Ancient cities

Once upon a time, numerous ancient peoples lived on the territory of modern Kerch, for example, the Greeks and Scythians. From ancient civilizations, the remains of cities remained, which were explored during archaeological excavations and preserved. Now these places have the official status of historical and archaeological reserves.

Excursions around Kerch necessarily include inspection of ancient settlements and original sights of the city. Tourists are invited to visit:

  • Mirmekiy;
  • Nymphaeum;
  • Tiritaku.

Most of the names of ancient cities are of Greek origin. Local residents are proud that they are descendants of the Scythians and Greeks. Ancient monuments have the official status of objects protected by the state; it is prohibited to carry out archaeological excavations on their territory without the knowledge of the local government.


The ancient city of Panticapaeum was founded 2600 years ago, Greeks and other nationalities lived on its territory, and the acropolis was located on Mount Mithridates, named after the ruler. Judging by historical sources, it was a large and beautiful city. Archaeological excavations are still being carried out on the territory of the settlement under the direction of the local museum. You can climb to Panticapaeum along the Great Mithridates Stairs, which starts at Lenin Square.


The ancient settlement of Mirmekiy is located in a rocky area. Translated from ancient Greek, “Myrmekius” means “ant”. In the 19th century, ancient crypts and marble sarcophagi were discovered on the territory of the settlement; now artifacts from them are part of the collection of the State Hermitage.

You can get to the territory of the settlement on a guided tour; the cost of visiting and tourist services is 300 rubles. An independent visit is also allowed, but it is strictly forbidden to take any artifacts with you as a souvenir.


An ancient settlement located in the nearest suburb of Kerch. Translated from Greek, its name means “refuge for nymphs” (forest fairies). Once upon a time, the largest polis was located here - an ancient Greek city-state with an autonomous system of self-government. Archaeological excavations are often carried out here with the involvement of volunteers; even tourists can take part in them. On the territory of the Nymphaeum settlement you can see the ruins of ancient temples dedicated to Demeter and Dionysius.


Previously, Tiritaka was the largest economic and strategic center of the Bosporan kingdom. The city had a clear layout, visually reminiscent of the structure of ancient Roman Pompeii. Local residents were mainly engaged in fishing and agriculture.

The recommended time to visit Tiritaki is from April to October, because during this period archaeological excavations are carried out on the territory of the settlement. Here you can watch archaeologists at work and participate in excavations as a volunteer.

Crypt of Demeter

Technological model of the Crypt of Demeter
An antique burial chamber (2nd century BC), dug in natural soil and covered with fresco paintings, was discovered in 1895. In the center of the painted vault is an image of the goddess of fertility and agriculture, Demeter, which is why the crypt was named after her. Throughout the 20th century, the crypt was destroyed mainly by dampness.

In 1998, at the foot of Mount Mithridates, a technological copy of the crypt was created, painted with frescoes like the original crypt.

Natural attractions and surroundings of Kerch

Both in Kerch itself and in its surroundings there are several amazing places that a tourist should definitely see. Let's talk about the most significant of them.

Mount Mithridates

  • Address: 45.350872, 36.469143.

The main natural attraction of Kerch. It is located in the very center of the city; the famous staircase of the Italian architect Alexander Digby, consisting of 432 steps, leads to it. The mountain is named after the king of the Bosporan kingdom, Mithridates IV Eupator.

Excavations are still ongoing here, immersing scientists in the ancient world of Panticapaeum. At the top of the mountain there is an obelisk of glory in honor of those killed in the Great Patriotic War. And earlier on this site there was a luxurious palace of King Mithridates, which has not survived to this day.

General's beaches

  • Coordinates on the map: 45.470907, 36.212805.

The secluded places on the Azov Sea coast in the vicinity of Kerch seem to be created for those who do not like the resort crowd. During the period of Soviet power, it was a closed area intended for the recreation of senior officials. Hence the name – General’s Beaches.

Today every tourist can relax here. Sandy beaches with clear water and picturesque rocky bays included in the Karalar Regional Landscape Park will not leave anyone indifferent who has ever decided to visit them.

Arshintsevskaya Spit

  • Address: Arshintsevskaya Kosa street.

A natural attraction, which is a sandy embankment along the Kerch Bay for about 3 km. It is a favorite vacation spot. This is where the city beach of Kerch is located.

Lake Tobechikskoe

  • GPS coordinates: 45.173844, 36.364207.

The reservoir is located in the vicinity of Kerch, not far from the village of Kostyrino. This is a salt lake with very picturesque views around and healing muddy deposits. The area of ​​the estuary is 18 square meters. km. It is separated from the Black Sea by a man-made embankment along which a highway runs.

Opuksky Nature Reserve

  • Coordinates on the map: 45.044470, 36.203334.

More than 20 natural sites are combined into this unique landscape reserve. Rocks, karst faults, sand spits - all these striking sights create picturesque landscapes and attractive views. The reserve was created in 1998.

Before our era, the city of Chimeric was located in these places. On the ruins of the polis, scientists found a stele with runic inscriptions - the only example of runic writing on the Kerch Peninsula. And part of the reserve is Koyashskoye Lake with pink water.

Adzhimushkay quarries

Memorial complex “To the Heroes of Adzhimushkay” and the museum entrance to the quarries

Address: microdistrict Adzhimushkay, st. Brothers Malchenko, house 34-36. Opening hours: from 9.00 to 17.00. The ticket office closes at 15.45. Closed on Monday. Children under 6 years old are not allowed into the museum. Cost: underground museum (1.5 hour excursion) - 400 rubles, beneficiaries - 300 rubles, under 16 years old - 85 rubles. Exhibition “Weapons 1941-1945” - 120 rubles, under 16 years old - free.

The most famous military-historical monument of Crimea and one of the most visited military museums of the peninsula, opened in 1967, is the Museum of the History of Defense of the Adzhimushkay Quarries . Once upon a time, shell rock was mined here, first in an open, then in a closed way, from which underground caves were formed. Here in May 1942, the remnants of the Crimean Front took refuge, unable to evacuate with the main personnel to the Taman Peninsula.

The Adzhimushkai quarries are a real underground fortress, the garrison of which in 1942 heroically fought for 170 days against the fascist invaders in the completely occupied Crimea.

Museum Adzhimushkay quarries

With an acute shortage of food and supplies and the constant inhumane attempts of the Germans to break resistance, the soldiers steadfastly held the line and even made regular attacks. As in the Brest Fortress, the most important thing was missing here - water, every drop was precious. We had to live without light and in constant cold.

The enemy nevertheless captured the quarries, and the defenders of the underground garrison did not wait for help. Of the more than 13 thousand people, very few remained alive. The survivors were taken into captivity, which not all survived; some of them died in battles after being freed from captivity. About 200 people survived the war; at present, none of them are alive.

Museum visitors will be able to see the former gas shelter, operating room and garrison barracks. The total length of the route is about 400 m. Of the 170 hectares of quarries, only 1 belongs to the museum. A visit to the Adzhimushkay quarries is not an entertainment event; this place is considered one of the most terrible and tragic in the Crimea. To pay tribute to the courage and self-sacrifice of Soviet soldiers, to remember at what terrible cost the victory was achieved - this is what people come here for.

Architecture and best monuments of Kerch

Among what tourists can see in Kerch, it is worth highlighting the colorful buildings and monuments. Getting to know them will bring pleasure to sightseeing hunters.

Kerch Fortress (Fort Totleben)

  • Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 18:00. Tours are available for those interested at 10:00, 14:30 and 15:30.
  • Ticket price: adult 200 rubles, children 60 rubles.
  • Address: Cape Ak-Burun. Transport stop "Woodworking plant".

The Kerch Fortress is a unique historical and architectural monument, the inspection of which will allow you to get a clear idea of ​​the Russian fortification art of the 19th century. Construction of the citadel, which lasted about 20 years, was completed in 1877.

During the Second World War, it became a real stronghold for the city’s defenders and was heavily damaged by bombing and shelling. Fragments of fortress walls, structures and forts, connected by underground corridors, have survived to this day.

Rotunda on the embankment

  • Address: st. Embankment. Transport stop "Museum".

Kerch acquired this architectural landmark in the 70s of the last century. Then the city was being restored after the war and they decided to decorate the embankment with an elegant structure. The dome of the rotunda is supported by seven slender columns with capitals decorated with ornate monograms. It fits perfectly into the landscape composition, pleasing the eyes of townspeople and numerous tourists who certainly take photos here as a souvenir.

Monument to the 2600th anniversary of Kerch

  • Address: Lenin Square. Transport stop "Lenin Square".

In 1973, Kerch was awarded the title of Hero City. 27 years later, the authorities decided to immortalize the significant event monumentally. The opening of the monument on the central square was timed to coincide with the celebrations of the 2600th anniversary of the founding of the policy.

A light gray Ionic column rises above a polished granite pedestal. At its top is the companion of the god Apollo - the griffin. The sculpture is covered with gilding. In its claws, the mythological creature holds the symbolic key to the city. For several decades now, the monument has been considered one of the symbols of Kerch.

Cinema "Ukraine"

  • Address: st. Sovetskaya, 11. Transport stop “Ulitsa Samoilenko”.

One of the main architectural attractions of Kerch rightfully includes the building of the cinema "Ukraine", erected in the 60s of the last century. The exterior of this beautiful example of “Stalinist” architecture attracts attention with its ideal proportionality.

The solemnity of the front facade is given by a divided portico supported by columns with luxurious capitals. According to the tradition that existed in those days, the building is decorated with stucco. Above the central entrance there is a high relief with the coat of arms of the Ukrainian SSR.

Art object “Seafood”

  • Address: st. Embankment. Transport stop "Voenkomat".

During the celebrations of City Day in 2008, Kerch acquired its most colorful monument. It is an openwork metal structure, symbolizing a fishing net with a catch. In the interweaving of metal strips, figures of sturgeon, katran, gobies, herring, anchovy, seahorses, and crabs are visible. The six-meter art object weighs several tons, but seems surprisingly lightweight. You should definitely take a photo in front of it.

Royal Kurgan

  • GPS coordinates: 45.373986, 36.526215.

Witnesses to the rich history of the ancient city of Panticapaeum, located on the territory of modern Kerch, are the burial mounds of the ancient rulers of the Bosporan kingdom. The most famous of them is the Royal Mound, it is visible from Mount Mithridates.

The mound was created more than 25 centuries ago and consists of a long corridor, a burial room and an earthen mound. Archaeologists have not found any burials here. There are different answers to the question why. Some believe that the mound was looted, others are of the opinion that for some reason the burials did not take place.

Melek-Chesme mound

  • Address: Gaidar street.

Witness to the ancient history of Kerch. It was used for burials of the Scythian nobility back in the 4th century. BC. But the mound was discovered only in 1858 during major archaeological excavations. In 1871, the pediment of the main entrance and the hill itself were restored. Named after the river flowing nearby, the name of which, translated from Crimean Tatar, means “source of angels.” The Melek-Chesme Kurgan is located next to the bus station.


  • Address: microdistrict Geroevskoye.

17 km. from Kerch, near the village of Geroevskoye (Geroevka), an ancient settlement was found. It is one of the oldest known settlements on the territory of the Kerch Peninsula. Nymphaeum was founded by the ancient Greeks in the 6th century BC. The location was well chosen.

On the shores of the navigable bay, the lands were fertile and there were sources of fresh water. The walls of the ancient settlement have survived to this day. The historical landmark is available for viewing free of charge at any time of the year.

Memorial bench “Crimean Bridge”

  • Address: Mount Mithridates.

In 2022, a new tourist attraction was installed on Mount Mithridates - the “Crimean Bridge” bench. From the bench you can actually see a new miracle of modern architectural engineering, and the attraction is an original blue-blue structure consisting of a bench and the inscription “Crimean Bridge”.

Tiritaka settlement

  • Address: Arshintsevo microdistrict.

A witness to the pre-Hellenic history of the area, one of the proofs of the Cimmerian civilization in the Crimea. The Aborigines lived in dugouts covered with algae and ate fish. In subsequent centuries, as the cities of Panticapaeum and Nymphaeum grew, the Cimmerian civilization flourished.

An interesting excursion object has been preserved in the settlement - the so-called. "fisherman's house", including a two-story dwelling and a courtyard. A treasure of coins was discovered in the basement of the house. The ancient settlement is part of the Kerch Archaeological Museum.

Royal Kurgan

The Royal Mound, built at about the same time as Melek-Chesmensky on the outskirts of the village of Adzhimushkay, is an impressive structure with a perimeter of 250 meters and a height of about 18 m. It is a mound, inside of which there is a burial room and a long 36-meter path leading to it. meter long corridor - dromos.

The walls of the burial room narrow towards the ceiling, forming a dome: the ancients believed that through it the purified soul passes into eternity. No burial was found in the mound: it was either looted or the burial did not take place.

Yeni-Kale Fortress

Address: Kerch, st. Minina

The remains of this landmark of Kerch are evidence that the city at all times occupied an important strategic position. The Yeni-Kale fortress “new fortress” was built by the Crimean Tatars in 1706. During the Russian-Turkish War, the fortress was surrendered to the Russian army without a fight in 1771.

During the Great Patriotic War, the fortress again temporarily became a strategically important object in which the defenders of the city took refuge. After the war, Yeni-Kale was restored and received the status of an architectural monument.

During its heyday, the Yeni-Kale fortress was an impressive three-tiered structure in the shape of an irregular pentagon. Outside, the fortress was surrounded by a rampart and a ditch. On its territory there were gunpowder warehouses, an arsenal, barracks, a mosque and a reservoir with drinking water supplies.

Entrance to the fortress territory is free. The walls, the Azov Gate and the bastions of the fortification have been preserved to this day. The picturesque surroundings of Yeni-Kale are also of interest to tourists and hikers: it offers a beautiful view of the Kerch Strait.


The area between two seas, at the intersection of several trade routes and cultures, now occupied by Kerch, at any time had important advantages, and with them the need to retain them.


For this purpose, at the beginning of the 18th century. Yenikale fortress was built . At that time, most of the Black Sea region belonged to the Ottoman Empire. The fortress allowed the Turks to control ships passing between the seas. After 70 years of its purpose, it was transferred to Russia under the terms of the peace treaty, and then was used until the end of the century as a fortification and hospital.

View of Yeni-Kale from the highway Photo: © acvazul-v2010

Yenikale is well recognized and favored by tourists. Perhaps thanks to the colorful semi-bastion with three towers, standing almost on the shore next to the port of Crimea - Kerch highway, not so long ago the main connecting highway between Russia and Crimea. The preservation of the bastion is a merit of modern reconstruction. Next to it, the remainder of the fortress wall and gates survived. The contours of the rest of the territory can still be traced, but it is becoming more and more like ruins and is overgrown.


Crimean War in the fifties of the XIX century. showed the need to strengthen the tactical positions of Crimea, but the Paris Peace Treaty prohibited the presence of military facilities in the Black Sea. The solution was considered to be fortification in the strait. Over the course of twenty years, the most complex artillery system of the Kerch fortress . A complex network of fortifications, powder magazines, kilometers of underground and auditory passages were located mostly underground, and were surrounded by a three-kilometer ditch along the perimeter.

It was not possible to fully use the Kerch fortress; for many years afterwards it served as an ammunition storage facility, and in 2003 it became part of the East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve. The study and preparation of it as an exhibition continues; the found weapons are being neutralized. Entrance is open to tourists only with a guided tour, which is assembled from individual guests three times a day.

Kerch fortress

Another masterpiece of fortification art, located on Cape Ak-Burun. The fortress was built under the leadership of the general and architect E.I. Totleben and has seen many historical events in its lifetime. Construction began back in 1857 after the Crimean War and lasted 20 years, ending only at the beginning of the Russian-Turkish War of 1877. During the Great Patriotic War, the fortress was repeatedly bombed, but its defenders managed to hold back the onslaught of the Nazis until the last.

There are underground passages on the territory of the fortress, with which many stories are associated. They connected the fort with the coastal batteries. Even today, not all underground tunnels have been found.

Melek-Chesme mound

The Melek-Chesme mound is located in the central part of the city and is named after the river flowing nearby. This monument of ancient funerary culture dates back to the 4th century BC. e. The height of the mound is about 8 meters. The mausoleum is made in the form of a pyramid, reminiscent of an Egyptian one. The first excavations began in 1858. To the chagrin of the scientists, the mound turned out to be plundered - no valuables were found in it.

The walls of the mound were made of carefully cut stones without the use of mortar - this technique came from Greece and Asia Minor.

Kerch: what to see in the city and surrounding areas

Where to stay in the city

Kerch, as I already said, is not the most tourist city in Crimea. However, we did not notice any problems with accommodation here. The day before, before leaving Sochi, we booked a room in the cozy Gostiny Dvor hotel .

Its advantages include: good location, cozy rooms and territory. We did not notice any shortcomings during our 3-day stay. You can preview the hotel here: virtual tour of the hotel

Attractions in the city itself

Kerch is a city with a rich historical past. Back at the end of the 7th century BC. e. On the shores of the Kerch Strait, ancient Greek colonists founded a number of independent city-states (polises). Whom have these shores seen in 26 centuries: Romans, Turks, Khazars, Rus, Genoese, Turks again...

And therefore, there are attractions, as they say, for every taste: ancient monuments (ruins of ancient cities and burial complexes), Christian churches, medieval fortresses, memorials dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War.

And, of course, the sea with numerous bays and beaches. More precisely, even two seas: the Black and Azov.

So our decision - to take a closer look at all the iconic places of Kerch - turned out to be very wise. Kerch pleasantly surprised us with the variety of impressions we received.

Yeni-Kale Fortress

We started from the Yeni-Kale fortress, because... The navigator showed that it was only 3 km from our hotel. In general, in Crimea there are brown signs for all attractions on the roadsides, so you are unlikely to get lost while looking for this or that object.

The Yeni-Kale fortress was built by the Turks in the 17th century to protect the eastern coast of the then Ottoman Empire from the Russian fleet and prevent the capture of Crimea by the Russian Empire (;-) they hoped in vain....) The structure was designed for 2000 people. To provide the residents of the garrison with water, a water pipeline was built underground, the length of which was several kilometers.

Today, little has been preserved in the fortress: a half-bastion facing the shore, an arched gate and walls going up the hill, so destroyed that they are difficult to distinguish in places:

This is the picture that opens inside the fortress:

At one time there were many buildings. Now these are barely visible ruins, partially or completely covered with earth.

The fortress was badly damaged during the bombing of the Second World War. The railway passing very close also does not contribute to its safety. But for now, tourists still have a chance to take a couple of beautiful shots against the backdrop of the fortress walls. Moreover, visiting the fortress is absolutely free.

We also do not neglect this opportunity. The entire inspection of the fortress takes us about thirty minutes. We get into the car and move to the central part of the city.

Church of John the Baptist

What I like about Kerch is the freedom in terms of parking. Even in the very center of the city there are no problems with this. We leave our car right in the city center, simply parking it on the side of the road. No paid parking, no signs prohibiting parking or even stopping - all this is so unusual after Sochi...

A minute later we are already examining the Church of John the Baptist, on the central Lenin Square:

This Orthodox church in the center of Kerch is the oldest in the Crimea and miraculously preserved, given all the events on the peninsula. The history of the temple is associated with two apostles: with the trace of St. Andrew the First-Called and the previously kept relics of Simon the Canaanite. The ancient part of the temple dates back to the 6th century. In the twentieth century, the temple underwent major reconstruction. And already in the 19th century, porches and a bell tower in the neo-Byzantine style were added to the temple.

The temple is active, you can go inside and light a candle. There are headscarves and skirts at the entrance if you are wearing inappropriate clothing. Inside it is very clear that the temple was completed, rebuilt and restored.

After visiting the temple, go past the Pushkin Drama Theater to the foot of Mithridates Hill. It's just a five minute walk.

Hill Mithridates

This 91.5-meter-high hill can be seen from almost all areas of Kerch.

Accordingly, from it you can see the entire panorama of the city.

The hill in the center of Kerch was named in honor of King Mithridates VI Eupator, ruler of the Bosporan state.

And you can get there via a staircase with 432 steps.

This staircase took 7 years to build and was completed in 1840. Each of the observation platforms of the staircase was decorated with sculptures in the form of griffins, decorative vases and other various elements of stone decor. Now, unfortunately, there is little left of him.

In 2022, the city authorities began renovation of the Great Mithridates Staircase. Let's hope that she will soon return to her former chic look...

But there are still other structures on the hill that are well preserved and available for inspection by tourists:

  • ruins of the city of Panticapaeum , the capital of the ancient Bosporan kingdom

  • Obelisk of Glory , erected in 1944 in memory of the feat of the Red Army soldiers who liberated the city from the Nazis. It is the first memorial in the history of the USSR dedicated to the events of the Second World War. The monument opened during the war, in August 1944. Its architect, Kiselev, is the same architect who designed the Sevastopol memorial on Sapun Mountain.

  • on the northern part of the hill there is a labyrinth of underground passages . These are ancient crypts on an area of ​​15 hectares. Approximately 200 crypts have already been explored, and in total there are about 4,000 thousand. Exploration of the dungeon is only possible on a special excursion.
  • Recently, another structure appeared on the top of the hill - in honor of the new Crimean bridge.

The bridge itself is also clearly visible from here:

By the way, only in this place in Kerch did we see sales tents with souvenirs for tourists:

Perhaps it was simply the end of the season. However, you won’t find anything particularly original here: standard mugs, magnets, T-shirts.

How long a visit to Mithridates Hill will take depends on the weather and the depth of your interest in the history of Kerch. Also, if you wish, you can walk along the streets adjacent to Mount Mithridates. This is the city center, it is quite cozy here and there is an opportunity to visit local museums and galleries: Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum (Sverdlova St., 22), Kerch Art Gallery (Teatralnaya St., 36).

In principle, if you have little time to explore Kerch, and you are without a car, then you can limit yourself to the listed objects. Because the rest are located far from the city center and you won’t be able to get to them quickly.

But there is an option - rent a car and drive to all the interesting places in Kerch: Car rental

In general, watch the video and decide where you want to go:

Adzhimushkay quarries

The quarries, named after a nearby village, stretch underground for many tens of kilometers. The network of underground passages under Adzhimushkai appeared in ancient times. Shell rock was mined there, which was one of the main building materials on the peninsula.

The quarries gained their sad fame during the Second World War. In May 1942, when Soviet troops left Kerch, about 10 thousand local residents who remained here hid in the dungeons, deciding to hold the defense there until the last. Suffering from cold and hunger, people not only survived in the dungeons, but also carried out sabotage activities: they made guerrilla attacks and inflicted significant damage on their enemies. They released poisonous gases into the quarries, filled up the water, and exploded aerial bombs underground. In October they managed to capture the outpost. Out of 13 thousand of their defenders, only a few dozen were captured...

Now this memorial has been erected at this place:

As can be seen from the history, this object is not a place for an entertaining pastime. In essence, this is one big mass grave. This is one of the reasons why children under 6 years old are not allowed on the quarry tour. So our child is prohibited from entering there. In addition, it is very cold below ground - only +9 degrees. In general, we refused a tour of the underground quarries, limiting ourselves to an external inspection of the memorial.

But if you don’t have small children and the heavy atmosphere of the dungeon doesn’t scare you, you can go. The duration of the excursion is a little over an hour, the cost of an adult ticket is 400 rubles.

Kerch fortress

The Kerch fortress is a monument to fortification construction of the 19th century. The fortress was founded at the beginning of 1857. It first defended the shores of the Russian Empire, then, during the Second World War, there were also fierce battles here.

The peculiarity of the Kerch Fort is that the fortress is not visible from the outside. All buildings made of stone were covered with a multi-meter layer of earth on top. Therefore, until you come close to them, it is impossible to understand that these are not hills, but the walls of a fortress.

The buildings themselves were connected by underground passages, some of which have not yet been explored. Largely due to the explosion at the ammunition depot that occurred here at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, you can only get to the territory of the fortress with a guided tour. The guides, by the way, do not advise leaving the route, because demining the territory continues to this day, and every year miners find many unexploded mines and shells. And that’s why children under 7 years old are not allowed into the fortress territory.

So, unfortunately, we weren’t able to go on an excursion to the fortress either. But we found out that the cost of the excursion is 300 rubles. Tour hours: from 10:00 to 14:30. The ticket office is open until 14:30. Group excursions: at 10:00 and 14:30.

And we set off to leave the city to see other sights around Kerch.

What to see in the vicinity of Kerch

If you are by car, I advise you to get to the following interesting places near Kerch:

  • Koyashskoye Lake and Opuksky Nature Reserve
  • Karalar Reserve

I learned about the first place a year ago, when I came across a photograph of a pink lake in Crimea . I found out that this is Lake Koyash , which is located south of Kerch, in the Opuksky Nature Reserve. According to tourists, the lake acquires a bright pink color only two months a year - from mid-April to mid-June. But we decided to go there anyway, so to speak, for reconnaissance.

The road “pleased” with the almost complete absence of asphalt, potholes and potholes. As a result, we covered 37 km of this road in almost an hour - it was simply unrealistic to accelerate faster!

But the landscapes turned out to be quite picturesque even now, in autumn:

And the beach on the spit separating the lake from the Black Sea turned out to be fabulous:

But in this article you will find our May photos of this lake (visited at the end of May 2019) and its description: Koyash Lake: that same pink lake in Crimea

Well, I’ll give you one photo to get you started:

I only read about the second place - the Karalar Nature Reserve - And when I saw photos of these stunning bays, I became eager to visit there.

Karalar Park is a natural pearl in the north of the Kerch Peninsula. The road there is also not for high-speed driving. And if you want to drive along the entire coast, or even go down to the bays, then all-wheel drive and high ground clearance definitely won’t hurt...

But if you get there, you will be more than rewarded with such gorgeous landscapes:

All the details - how to get there and what you can see there - are collected in this article: Reserves of Crimea: Karalarsky Natural Park

In this same article I want to give a few more tips to those who will be visiting the sights of Kerch.

  1. When going to nature reserves, be sure to take a thermos with tea or water and some kind of snack. There are no catering outlets near the reserves or even on the road to them! On the way to the Opuksky Nature Reserve, the last settlement is the village of Maryevka. There is a grocery store at the fork there. If you go there to buy something to eat, the kind saleswomen will draw you all the secret paths of the reserve: how to get around the barrier and get to the observation deck above Lake Koyashsky. By the way, tell them hello from the guys from Sochi (i.e. from us), who visited them at the end of October! ;-)
  2. In Kerch, it seemed to us, there is generally a problem with catering outlets. We have not found a single decent establishment where we can eat quickly, tasty and inexpensively. If you have any cafes/bistros/canteens in mind, share them in the comments, it will be useful for all readers.
  3. If you come with children, you can go to the amusement park on the embankment, it can be seen from Mount Mithridates. Of course, this is not Sochi Park, but still entertainment for children.
  4. Along the coast of Kerch there are many small but cozy beaches, the only drawback of which is that they are not always maintained in perfect condition.

But in general, we were once again convinced that even in such non-tourist places in Crimea you can find amazingly beautiful and interesting routes. The main thing is not to be lazy and look for information.

See you on the blog!

Temple of John the Baptist

Address: per. Dimitrova, 2.

According to legend, the Church of John the Baptist was built on the spot where the Apostle Andrew preached. This is the oldest operating Orthodox church in Eastern Europe, built in the 8th century. One of the magnificent examples of Byzantine architecture, with a series of white and red stones characteristic of this style and a single dome.

During the era of the Crimean Khanate, the Church of John the Baptist was converted into a mosque. It became Orthodox again only in 1774, when Crimea became part of the Russian Empire. During the war years, this religious building was badly damaged by fire. In the 80s of the last century, the temple was restored, and in the 90s it was reopened to parishioners.

Where to go in Kerch with a child: review of entertainment

If you are planning to go to Kerch, be sure to take your child with you. The hospitable city will offer young travelers a wonderful cultural and entertainment program.

Yeni-Kale Fortress

  • Address: st. Minina. Transport stop "Yenikale".

No boy would refuse to visit a real Medieval fortress. The citadel at the narrowest point of the Kerch Strait was erected at the beginning of the 18th century. Turks. A fortification structure with thick walls, surrounded by a rampart and a ditch, allowed the Ottoman Empire to control the exit from the Black Sea to the Sea of ​​Azov.

The fortress did not lose its significance even after Crimea became part of the Russian Empire. During the Second World War, it became an important part of the defense of Kerch and was heavily damaged by bombing and shelling. Today you can see the remains of the fortress wall, the Azov Gate of the citadel and the bastion with colorful bay window towers. The excursion should be combined with a walk through the picturesque natural recreation in the vicinity of the citadel.

Farm "Exotic"

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 23:00.
  • Ticket price: 200 rubles, children under 6 years old are admitted free.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://exotic-kerch.ru
  • Address: Podmayachny village, 1. Transport stop "Pensions".

A trip to a wonderful entertainment center will bring great joy to your child. There is everything here to have a great day. Young children will enjoy frolicking in the playground, teenagers will be interested in the trampoline and paintball, and those who wish can take a horse riding lesson.

However, the main highlight of the entertainment center is the ostriches. The fertile climate of Crimea is ideal for the traditional inhabitants of the African savannas. The world's largest and most curious bird is amazingly exciting to watch. In addition to thirty ostriches, the farm also houses nutria, peacocks, pigs, and rabbits.

Mud volcanoes of the Bulganak Basin

  • Address: Bondarenkovo ​​village. You can get there by regular buses from the city bus station.

To get to this amazing place, you will have to make an 8-kilometer journey from Kerch in the direction of the village of Bondarenkovo. Here, in a desert basin with an area of ​​about 4 km², you can admire a unique creation of nature - mud volcanoes. Seven of them have names, and from time to time they emit streams of silt that flow down the slopes of the craters.

Over millennia, sedimentary rocks contained in the mud have formed cone-shaped hills, very reminiscent of ordinary volcanoes in shape. The highest of them is considered to be “Obrucheva Hill”, and “Androsov Hill” has the largest diameter of 50 m.

Youth Park

  • Address: Chernomorskaya street.

In 2022, after the reconstruction of the old Soviet-era square, a new attraction appeared in Kerch - the Youth Park. The park has children's and sports grounds. Tourists are attracted by benches - “for reconciliation” and “for kissing”. LED lights add solemnity to the atmosphere at night.

Komsomolsky Park

  • Address: General Petrov Street.

The park, founded in the 1950s, is experiencing a rebirth. Reconstruction is taking place here. The singing fountain and a mini-copy of the Crimean Bridge are the highlights of this attraction. In the same park there is the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, which can also be seen during a tour of Kerch.


Address: st. Rosa Luxemburg, 24. Opening hours: Tuesday from 10.30 to 19.00 (ticket office until 18.15), Wednesday - Sunday: from 9.00 to 17.00 (ticket office until 16.15). Cost: 120 rubles, beneficiaries - 100 rubles, under 16 years old - free.

The Lapidarium is a museum of stone antiquities. Its name comes from the Latin word lapidarius - “carved on stone”.

The lapidarium in Kerch is the second collection of stone antiquities in the world after the Athenian one: bas-reliefs, statues, architectural fragments, tombstones, more than 3,000 objects in total. Particularly noteworthy are the statues of ancient gods and mythical heroes, in particular Artemis and Hercules. Many bas-reliefs contain inscriptions in ancient Greek, Hebrew, Turkic, and Latin.

Temples and churches worth visiting in Kerch

People of more than 17 nationalities live in Kerch, professing almost all world religions. Representatives of the main faiths have the opportunity to perform religious rites in their own churches.

Cathedral of John the Baptist

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: Dimitrov Lane, 3. Transport stop “Lenin Square”.

A delightful church built in the 7th century. and reconstructed 300 years later, it is considered the oldest Orthodox church in Crimea. The elegant building is one of the few religious buildings in the colorful Byzantine style that has survived to this day.

The exterior of the cathedral immediately attracts the eye. The façade of the building is decorated with arches and arcade belts. A small dome on a high drum and the roof of the main volume is covered with tiles. The composition is complemented by an elegant two-tier bell tower, attached to the temple in the 19th century.

Temple of Athanasius the Great

  • Opening hours: daily, from 7:00 to 19:00.
  • Address: st. Rybakova, 69. Transport stop “Ulitsa Samoilenko”.

Perhaps the most colorful temple in Kerch was erected and consecrated in the name of St. Athanasius of Alexandria in 1864. The exterior of the church is eclectic. The white stone building with a hipped dome and roof painted green looks festive and seems weightless.

The facade of the church is decorated with elegant carvings in the Byzantine style. During the Second World War, the building was seriously damaged, but was restored. After the reconstruction in 2009, when the dome was replaced, the temple looks great. Among the main shrines of the church is the mosaic icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Assumption Catholic Church

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 19:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Address: st. Teatralnaya, 32. Transport stop "Lenin Square".

The only Catholic church in Kerch was built in the mid-19th century. with funds raised by the very large Italian community. It is quite difficult to guess his affiliation with this denomination at first glance. The white stone building with a portico supported by four columns looks more like an ancient sanctuary.

Only the Latin crosses on the facade indicate that Catholic masses are celebrated here. During the Soviet era, a gym functioned within the walls of the temple. In order to restore the interior and exterior of the church, a six-year reconstruction was required.

Art Gallery named after But

Address: Teatralnaya street, 36/3. Opening hours: Tuesday from 10.30 to 19.00 (ticket office until 18.15), Wednesday - Sunday: from 9.00 to 17.00 (ticket office until 16.15). Cost: 120 rubles, beneficiaries - 100 rubles, under 16 years old - free.

The art gallery in Kerch was opened in 1985 in a two-story mansion of the early 19th century, at the base of the Mithridates Staircase. The basis of the gallery was the collection of military artist Nikolai Yakovlevich But (1928-1989). In 1960, he first came to Kerch and went down to the Adzhimushkai quarries. The feat of the underground garrison so impressed the artist that he painted 29 paintings dedicated to him.

In the cycle of these works, called “Adzhimushkay. 1942" includes studies and sketches for paintings - a total of 150 works. This is the Oath. Adzhimushkay, 1942”, “The Last Grenade”, “The Last Frontier”, “Sorrowful Minute”, “In the Name of Life”, two versions of the painting “The Oath” and others. For a series of these works in 1968, Booth received the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.”

The collection was successfully exhibited at traveling exhibitions in different cities of the USSR. In Kerch, the temporary exhibition became permanent, located in the Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum. In 1985, it moved to a separate building.

Also in the art gallery there is a diorama “Temple of John the Baptist”, as well as a unique mosaic of St. Peter’s Cathedral “Christ Pantocrator”, donated by Pope John Paul II in 1986 to M.S. Gorbachev. Temporary art exhibitions are held.

Tourist Kerch

Do you like Crimea or are you just planning to visit it? In any case, I want to write about a wonderful city, which, unlike others, is full of interesting sights. With the advent of the Crimean Bridge, such a tourist location as Kerch remained undeservedly forgotten and the phrase Kerch attractions became less common among search queries. This is understandable, most tourists fly past the city by car, leaving it aside, and rush to more popular and advertised tourist places (Yalta, Sevastopol, Evpatoria). But it’s worth visiting Kerch for 1-2 days, at least to arrange a short tour of the most interesting places, which we will tell you about later.

So what is remarkable about this city? This large city is included in the list of the oldest cities on our planet. Indeed, there are a lot of unusual sights here, ranging from architectural, historically important, as well as miraculous monuments.

We tried to provide as detailed information as possible about interesting places, collecting together all the information from our own travel experience. This will help you decide on the route and cover all tourist locations as much as possible. In addition, in this article we will present Kerch, photos of the city and the beach, attractions considered the main ones.

And by the way, if you are wondering whether it’s realistic to come to Kerch and what to see in 1 day by car, our interactive map will help you make your choice.

Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum

Website: kerchmuseum.ru Address: st. Sverdlova, 22. Opening hours: Tuesday from 10.30 to 19.00 (ticket office until 18.15), Wednesday - Sunday: from 9.00 to 17.00 (ticket office until 16.15). Cost: 120 rubles, beneficiaries - 100 rubles, under 16 years old - free. Museum courtyard - 50 rubles, Golden Pantry - 300 rubles, children - 150 rubles, Pottery workshop - 50 rubles, master classes are paid additionally.

The Historical and Archaeological Museum in Kerch is located opposite the embankment in the building of an ancient mansion from the late 19th century. The museum has more than 200,000 exhibits, including coins, ceramics, and fragments of statues found during excavations on the Kerch and Taman Peninsulas.

Most of the valuable exhibits did not survive the Great Patriotic War. After the war, they began to assemble a new exhibition, which today is regularly replenished with artifacts found during archaeological expeditions on the territory of the peninsula.

Many will be interested in seeing the Golden Pantry with its collection of ancient coins and jewelry, as well as visiting the Pottery Workshop, where you can take part in master classes on working on a pottery wheel and painting finished products.

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