Nizhny Novgorod - Volodarsk, Bugrov's house and Holy Lakes, travel on RAV4

This term has other meanings, see Volodarsk (meanings).



A country Russia, Russia
Subject of the federation Nizhny Novgorod regionNizhny Novgorod region
Municipal district Volodarsky
urban settlement Volodarsk city
Coordinates 56°14′00″ n. w. 43°12′00″ E. long / 56.23333° north w. 43.20000° E. d. / 56.23333; 43.20000 (G) [ (O)] (Z) Coordinates: 56°14′00″ N. w. 43°12′00″ E. long / 56.23333° north w. 43.20000° E. d. / 56.23333; 43.20000 (G) [ (O)] (I)
Chapter Krivonogov Igor Konstantinovich
Former names until 1920 — Seimas

until 1956 -

City with 1956
Square 24.97 km²
Center height 75
Population ↘10,084[1] people (2016)
Density 403.84 people/km²
Agglomeration Nizhny Novgorod
National composition Russians
Confessional composition Orthodoxy
Names of residents Volodartsy, Volodarets, Volodarka
Timezone UTC+3
Telephone code +7 83136
Postcode 606072
Vehicle code 52, 152
OKATO code [ 22 231 503]
Official site []


Nizhny Novgorod


Audio, photo and video

on Wikimedia Commons


- a city (since 1956[2]) in the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia. Administrative center of the Volodarsky municipal district[3].


It is located on a flat, slightly hilly sandy plain, stretched from west to east and pressed against the railway line: from the south - by the waters of the Oka oxbow with its tributaries, and from the north - by forests, fields and swamps. The Seima River (a tributary of the Oka) flows through the city, dividing the city into two parts[4].

The Oka itself flows south of the city - 6-8 kilometers from it. The floodplain terrace of the Oka is replete with lakes and swamps, overgrown with bushes, oak and hazel along the banks. The floodplain is used for hayfields, pastures, and partially for arable land and individual garden plots. Every year, the spring flood of the Oka, merging with the flood of the backwater, floods the entire floodplain, forming a vast expanse of water under the city, giving the spring city of Volodarsk a unique charm. In summer, the flowering meadows with hunting and fishing, the backwater with its high banks overgrown with willow grass, and the adjacent large meadow lake Chirtovo are very picturesque, rich in natural sandy beaches and attract a lot of townspeople and their guests for recreation, and in winter the huge snowy plain becomes a refuge for skiers , hunters, fishermen and simply nature lovers[4].

On the territory of the city there is the Seima railway station and platform 392 km, located on the Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow line of the new Trans-Siberian railway. Seven kilometers of asphalt road connect Volodarsk with the Moscow Highway[4].

Economy of the region


The following main industrial enterprises are located in the district:

  • LLC "Flour Mill "Volodarsky" - production of flour, semolina;
  • OJSC "Izkorm" - production of compound feeds and premixes;
  • JSC "Setka" - production of fishing nets and fishing rods;
  • LPK No. 413 is a timber processing plant.

The volume of shipped goods of own production in manufacturing industries (2007) amounted to 2.80 billion rubles.


The agricultural sector is represented by the following enterprises:

  • OJSC “Ilyinogorskoye” - pork production and processing;
  • OJSC "Agro" - production of eggs, poultry meat, canned poultry;
  • state farm "Seima" OJSC "AF "PF "Seimovskaya" - production of vegetables, potatoes, meat, milk. The number of sown areas is 3366 hectares.


Well developed by trains and buses to Dzerzhinsk and Mulino, Novosmolino.


A new digital telephone exchange with 4,000 numbers has been built in Volodarsk, and broadband access technology is actively developing.


Volodarsk has preserved on its territory traces of human habitation, distant from us for thousands of years. The most famous archaeological monuments are the Volodarskaya site and the Seima burial ground.

Volodarskaya site

opened in 1946 by the director of the Dzerzhinsky Museum of Local Lore B. A. Safonov. Excavations began in the same year and continued until 1973. Near the outermost houses of Lugovaya Street on the southwestern outskirts of the city, human burials, dugout dwellings, various flint tools, molded vessels, bones of animals and birds were discovered in a forest clearing. These finds allowed the expedition leader I.K. Tsvetkova (research associate of the State Historical Museum) to attribute the site to the Neolithic era, date it to the 17th-13th centuries BC and determine its belonging to the Volosovo archaeological culture (a culture widespread in the Volga-Oka interfluve in III-II millennia BC [5]). Nowadays, most of the exhibits from the site are stored in the funds of the State Historical Museum[6].

Seima burial ground

in 1912, during sapper work of the Yekaterinburg Infantry Regiment several miles southeast of Seimas station. The dune, which has preserved an archaeological site, juts into the Oka floodplain and, rising above it by about 18 meters, occupies a dominant position in the area. From its treeless upper platform one can see the entire area. Excavations of the Seima dune, which lasted until 1940, discovered a Bronze Age site here, dating back to the 12th-10th centuries BC and giving its name to the Seima-Turbino archaeological culture. The Seima site gained worldwide fame, confirming that the territory of Russia survived the Bronze Age - before that it was believed that the tribes living here passed from the Stone Age straight to the Iron Age. Artifacts found in the burial ground - skillfully made and decorated celt axes, spearheads, combat knives with artistic casting handles, chisels, awls, bracelets - adorn many museums around the world[6][7].

In the X-XI centuries AD. e. The lands on which Volodarsk is located began to be populated by Eastern Slavs. At the beginning of the 13th century, this area was already part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, and later - part of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod Principality[6].

In the pre-revolutionary period, on the site of the current city there were the village of Mysy, five villages and the settlement of Olgino, which in 1920 was renamed Volodar.

On February 1, 1932, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to transform the village of Volodar in the Dzerzhinsky district into a workers’ settlement, with the inclusion of the villages of Krasnaya Seyma, Mysy-Leonov, Lastinov, Novishek, Peredelny and Loktev into its village boundaries[8].

During the Great Patriotic War, from July 5, 1941 to January 20, 1946, the 2nd reserve fighter aviation regiment was based at Seima station, which trained marching regiments and individual crews on LaGG-3, La-5 and La-7 aircraft [9].

In 1956, the village was transformed into the city of Volodarsk. Renamed in honor of the leader of the Russian revolutionary movement V. Volodarsky.

Medical institutions

Medical care in the Volodarsky district is provided by the state budgetary healthcare institution of the Nizhny Novgorod region “Volodarskaya Central District Hospital.

Emergency medical care

carried out by the emergency medical care service of the Volodar Central District Hospital.

Outpatient care

appears in 5 clinics (Volodarskaya, Ilyinogorskaya, Reshetikhinskaya, Yuganetskaya, Frolishchenskaya), 4 medical outpatient clinics (Smolinskaya, Novosmolinskaya, Mulinskaya, Tsentralny village), 7 paramedic and obstetric centers (Myachkovo, Zolino, Ilyino, Ilyina Mountain, Krasnaya Gorka, Engineering, Mulino).

Inpatient care

is represented by 4 hospitals: Ilinogorsky, Reshetikhinsky, Yuganetsky, and Frolishchensky.

Treatment and diagnostic service

It is represented by clinical-biochemical and bacteriological laboratories, fluorographic and x-ray rooms, ultrasound rooms, FGDS, ECG, physiotherapy room, and mammograph. The hospital is equipped with modern equipment for x-ray diagnostics, functional, laboratory and ultrasound examinations.

Specialists from the Volodarsk Central District Hospital are always ready to provide comprehensive medical care to patients from all over the region. Every year, about 8.5 thousand patients receive medical care in the hospital. The district's outpatient clinics carry out more than 250 thousand visits per year.


  • Volodarskaya polyclinic,
  • Ilyinogorsk polyclinic,
  • Ilyinogorsk hospital,
  • Reshetikhinsky clinic,
  • Reshetikhinsky hospital,
  • Yuganetskaya polyclinic,
  • Yuganetsky hospital,
  • Frolishchensky hospital,
  • general practitioner's office in the village of Frolishchi,
  • Smolinsk medical outpatient clinic,
  • Novosmolinsk medical outpatient clinic,
  • Mulinskaya medical outpatient clinic,
  • Central (Tsentralny village) medical outpatient clinic,
  • paramedic and midwife station in the village of Myachkovo,
  • paramedic and midwife station in the village of Zolino,
  • medical and midwifery station in the village of Ilyino,
  • first aid station in Krasnaya Gorka village,
  • paramedic and midwife station in the village of Inzhenerny.
  • paramedic and midwife station in the village of Mulino,
  • medical and midwifery station in the village of Ilyina Gora,
  • emergency medical service.

The main inpatient emergency and planned care is provided in the Ilyinogorsk hospital, where there are a 55-bed surgical, 40-bed neurological, 80-bed therapeutic department and a 10-bed intensive care unit, as well as 30 day hospital beds. In addition, a central emergency medical care substation is located in the village of Ilyinogorsk. There are 5 ambulance teams on duty in the area.

There is a nursing home for 180 people, a children's home for 70 people, and a boarding school for children with mental disabilities for 40 people.

There are 320 paramedical workers. There are 9 pharmacies in the area, of which 6 are private, in addition, there are 6 retail pharmacy outlets. The number of social assistance departments at home is 7.

Street network

The main city highways of Volodarsk are historically developed rural streets and roads between them, gradually built up and forming a single settlement. This is the main intra-city highway, which continues the road from the village of Krasnaya Gorka, stretches across Chapaev Street (formerly the village of Krasnaya Seyma), goes around the cemetery, covers part of Oktyabrskaya Street (former village of Levanovo), turns onto Yuzhnaya and Volodarskogo streets (new development of the road from the former village of Mysy), continues along Kalininskaya Street (formerly part of the Olgino settlement). Here is the main square of the city, surrounded by red brick buildings of the administration, club, former canteen, and store. The square has access to the north - to Lyadova Street (formerly the village of Novishki) and the poultry farm. The square is connected by a country road and a bridge over the Seima River to Frunze Street (the former village of Peredelnovo), a hospital, and then to the roads to the villages of Reshetikha and Yuganets[4].

Municipal-territorial structure

In the Volodarsky district there are 32 settlements consisting of seven urban and four rural settlements:

Urban and rural settlementsAdministrative centerNumber of settlementsPopulationArea, km2
1Urban settlement VolodarskVolodarsk city1↘10 084[1]88,64[2]
2Workers' village Ilyinogorskworking village of Ilyinogorsk1↘7465[1]17,25[2]
3Workers' village of Reshetikhaworking village of Reshetikha1↘6806[1]31,36[2]
4Workers' village Smolinoworking village of Smolino1↗2546[1]156,97[2]
5Working village of Frolishchiworking village of Frolishchi1↘1464[1]134,88[2]
6Workers' village Centralworking village of Central2↗3117[1]78,69[2]
7Workers' settlement Yuganetsworking village Yuganets1↘2721[1]49,00[2]
8Zolinsky village councilNovosmolinsky village4↘5782[1]39,90[2]
9Ilyinsky village councilIlyino village8↘3074[1]86,84[2]
10Mulinsky village councilMulino village5↘13 492[1]320,80[2]
11Village Council Krasnaya GorkaKrasnaya Gorka village7↗1442[1]
List of settlements in the region
1Volodarskcity↘10 084[1]Urban settlement Volodarsk
2Gladkovovillage↗91[3]Zolinsky village council
3Golyshevovillage↗221[3]Village Council Krasnaya Gorka
4Virgovillage→14[3]Mulinsky village council
5Dubkivillage↘37[3]Village Council Krasnaya Gorka
6Zolinovillage↘450[3]Zolinsky village council
7Ilyina Goravillage↗275[3]Ilyinsky village council
8Ilyinovillage↗2242[3]Ilyinsky village council
9Ilyinogorskworkers' village↘7465[1]Workers' village Ilyinogorsk
10Engineeringvillage↘290[1]Workers' village Central
11Red hillvillage↗624[6]Village Council Krasnaya Gorka
12Red Drummersvillage↘4[3]Mulinsky village council
13Mulinovillage↘91[3]Mulinsky village council
14Mulinovillage↗13 008[3]Mulinsky village council
15Myachkovovillage↗207[3]Ilyinsky village council
16Novosmolinskyvillage↗5587[3]Zolinsky village council
17Detourvillage↘28[3]Ilyinsky village council
18Okhlopkovovillage↘40[3]Village Council Krasnaya Gorka
19Reshetikhaworkers' village↘6806[1]Workers' village of Reshetikha
20Sedelnikovovillage↗118[3]Ilyinsky village council
21Smolinoworkers' village↗2546[1]Workers' village Smolino
22Solovyovovillage↗25[3]Ilyinsky village council
23Old Seimasvillage5[3]Village Council Krasnaya Gorka
24Starkovovillage↗82[3]Mulinsky village council
25Talashmanovovillage↗113[3]Zolinsky village council
26Frolishchiworkers' village↘1464[1]Working village of Frolishchi
27Centralworkers' village↗2827[1]Workers' village Central
28Chernukhavillage↘30[3]Village Council Krasnaya Gorka
29Chicherevovillage↗77[3]Ilyinsky village council
30Shchelapinovillage↗22[3]Ilyinsky village council
31Shchelkanovovillage↗221[3]Village Council Krasnaya Gorka
32Yuganetsworkers' village↘2721[1]Workers' settlement Yuganets


The total area of ​​the city's housing stock was 303.1 thousand m², including 169.6 thousand m² in individual residential buildings and 133.5 thousand m² in multi-apartment residential buildings. 89.6% of the total residential area of ​​Volodarsk is privately owned by citizens. At the same time, two-room apartments predominate in the city's housing stock. The larger two-storey developments are residential buildings at the mills and in the town centre. The streets in the area of ​​the Seymovskaya poultry farm are lined with modern five-story buildings[4].

Culture and education

Educational institutions:
The number of children in preschool educational institutions is 214 people, the number of places in preschool institutions is 2779.

The number of preschool children from 0 to 1 year is 42,430 people, from 1 to 7 years - 873,250 people.

The total number of students in advanced education is 6656 people. There are 16 secondary schools in the region, including 3 in Volodarsk.

Also in the Volodarsky district there are:

  • 35 club institutions,
  • 22 libraries,
  • 13 music schools,
  • 6 artistic,
  • 4 art schools,
  • 48 preschool institutions.

Culture and sports:

The area has:

  • 1 museum
  • 13 sports complexes,
  • 4 stadiums
  • 3 sports and health centers,
  • 5 adolescent rehabilitation centers (day care);
  • 26 public organizations, of which 17 are trade unions,
  • society of hunters and fishermen,
  • youth, Sambo and others.

The district newspaper “Znamya” is published in the region, periodically 3 times a week, 156 editions per year.

Excerpt characterizing Volodarsk

Wandering along the golden harp, With its passionate harmony Calls you to itself, calls you! Another day or two, and heaven will come... But ah! your friend won't live! And he had not yet finished singing the last words when the young people in the hall were preparing to dance and the musicians in the choir began to knock their feet and cough. Pierre was sitting in the living room, where Shinshin, as if with a visitor from abroad, began a political conversation with him that was boring for Pierre, to which others joined. When the music started playing, Natasha entered the living room and, going straight to Pierre, laughing and blushing, said: “Mom told me to ask you to dance.” “I’m afraid of confusing the figures,” said Pierre, “but if you want to be my teacher...” And he extended his thick hand, lowering it low, to the thin girl. While the couples were settling down and the musicians were lining up, Pierre sat down with his little lady. Natasha was completely happy; she danced with a big one, with someone who came from abroad. She sat in front of everyone and talked to him like a big girl. She had a fan in her hand, which one young lady had given her to hold. And, assuming the most secular pose (God knows where and when she learned this), she, fanning herself and smiling through the fan, spoke to her gentleman. - What is it, what is it? Look, look,” said the old countess, passing through the hall and pointing at Natasha. Natasha blushed and laughed. - Well, what about you, mom? Well, what kind of hunt are you looking for? What's surprising here? In the middle of the third eco-session, the chairs in the living room, where the count and Marya Dmitrievna were playing, began to move, and most of the honored guests and old people, stretching after a long sitting and putting wallets and purses in their pockets, walked out the doors of the hall. Marya Dmitrievna walked ahead with the count - both with cheerful faces. The Count, with playful politeness, like a ballet, offered his rounded hand to Marya Dmitrievna. He straightened up, and his face lit up with a particularly brave, sly smile, and as soon as the last figure of the ecosaise was danced, he clapped his hands to the musicians and shouted to the choir, addressing the first violin: “Semyon!” Do you know Danila Kupor? This was the count's favorite dance, danced by him in his youth. (Danilo Kupor was actually one figure of the Anglese.) “Look at dad,” Natasha shouted to the whole hall (completely forgetting that she was dancing with a big one), bending her curly head to her knees and bursting into her ringing laughter throughout the hall. Indeed, everyone in the hall looked with a smile of joy at the cheerful old man, who, next to his dignified lady, Marya Dmitrievna, who was taller than him, rounded his arms, shaking them in time, straightened his shoulders, twisted his legs, slightly stamping his feet, and with a more and more blooming smile on his round face, he prepared the audience for what was to come. As soon as the cheerful, defiant sounds of Danila Kupor, similar to a cheerful chatterbox, were heard, all the doors of the hall were suddenly filled with men's faces on one side and women's smiling faces of servants on the other, who came out to look at the merry master. - Father is ours! Eagle! – the nanny said loudly from one door. The count danced well and knew it, but his lady did not know how and did not want to dance well. Her huge body stood upright with her powerful arms hanging down (she handed the reticule to the Countess); only her stern but beautiful face danced. What was expressed in the count's entire round figure, in Marya Dmitrievna was expressed only in an increasingly smiling face and a twitching nose. But if the count, becoming more and more dissatisfied, captivated the audience with the surprise of deft twists and light jumps of his soft legs, Marya Dmitrievna, with the slightest zeal in moving her shoulders or rounding her arms in turns and stamping, made no less an impression on merit, which everyone appreciated her obesity and ever-present severity. The dance became more and more animated. The counterparts could not attract attention to themselves for a minute and did not even try to do so. Everything was occupied by the count and Marya Dmitrievna. Natasha pulled the sleeves and dresses of all those present, who were already keeping their eyes on the dancers, and demanded that they look at daddy. During the intervals of the dance, the Count took a deep breath, waved and shouted to the musicians to play quickly. Quicker, quicker and quicker, faster and faster and faster, the count unfolded, now on tiptoes, now on heels, rushing around Marya Dmitrievna and, finally, turning his lady to her place, made the last step, raising his soft leg up from behind, bending his sweaty head with a smiling face and roundly waving his right hand amid the roar of applause and laughter, especially from Natasha. Both dancers stopped, panting heavily and wiping themselves with cambric handkerchiefs. “This is how they danced in our time, ma chere,” said the count. - Oh yes Danila Kupor! - Marya Dmitrievna said, letting out the spirit heavily and for a long time, rolling up her sleeves. While the Rostovs were dancing the sixth anglaise in the hall to the sounds of tired musicians out of tune, and tired waiters and cooks were preparing dinner, the sixth blow struck Count Bezukhy. The doctors declared that there was no hope of recovery; the patient was given silent confession and communion; They were making preparations for the unction, and in the house there was the bustle and anxiety of expectation, common at such moments. Outside the house, behind the gates, undertakers crowded, hiding from the approaching carriages, awaiting a rich order for the count's funeral. The Commander-in-Chief of Moscow, who constantly sent adjutants to inquire about the Count’s position, that evening himself came to say goodbye to the famous Catherine’s nobleman, Count Bezukhim. The magnificent reception room was full. Everyone stood up respectfully when the commander-in-chief, having been alone with the patient for about half an hour, came out of there, slightly returning the bows and trying as quickly as possible to pass by the gazes of doctors, clergy and relatives fixed on him. Prince Vasily, who had lost weight and turned pale during these days, saw off the commander-in-chief and quietly repeated something to him several times. Having seen off the commander-in-chief, Prince Vasily sat down alone on a chair in the hall, crossing his legs high, resting his elbow on his knee and closing his eyes with his hand. After sitting like this for some time, he stood up and with unusually hasty steps, looking around with frightened eyes, walked through the long corridor to the back half of the house, to the eldest princess. Those in the dimly lit room spoke in an uneven whisper to each other and fell silent each time and, with eyes full of question and expectation, looked back at the door that led to the dying man’s chambers and made a faint sound when someone came out of it or entered it. “The human limit,” said the old man, a clergyman, to the lady who sat down next to him and naively listened to him, “the limit has been set, but you cannot pass it.” “I’m wondering if it’s too late to perform unction?” - adding the spiritual title, the lady asked, as if she had no opinion of her own on this matter. “It’s a great sacrament, mother,” answered the clergyman, running his hand over his bald spot, along which ran several strands of combed, half-gray hair. -Who is this? was the commander in chief himself? - they asked at the other end of the room. - How youthful!... - And in his seventies! What, they say, the count won’t find out? Did you want to perform unction? “I knew one thing: I had taken unction seven times.” The second princess just left the patient’s room with tear-stained eyes and sat down next to Doctor Lorrain, who was sitting in a graceful pose under the portrait of Catherine, leaning his elbows on the table. “Tres beau,” said the doctor, answering a question about the weather, “tres beau, princesse, et puis, a Moscou on se croit a la campagne.” [beautiful weather, princess, and then Moscow looks so much like a village.] – N'est ce pas? [Isn’t it true?] - said the princess, sighing. - So can he drink? Lorren thought about it. – Did he take the medicine? - Yes. The doctor looked at the breget. “Take a glass of boiled water and put in une pincee (with his thin fingers he showed what une pincee means) de cremortartari... [a pinch of cremortartari...] “Don’t drink, listen,” the German doctor said to the adjutant, “so that after the third blow there was nothing left.” – What a fresh man he was! - said the adjutant. – And who will this wealth go to? – he added in a whisper. “There will be a okotnik,” the German answered, smiling. Everyone looked back at the door: it creaked, and the second princess, having made the drink shown by Lorren, took it to the sick man. The German doctor approached Lorren. - Maybe it will last until tomorrow morning? - asked the German, speaking bad French. Lorren, pursing his lips, sternly and negatively waved his finger in front of his nose. “Tonight, not later,” he said quietly, with a decent smile of self-satisfaction in the fact that he clearly knew how to understand and express the patient’s situation, and walked away. Meanwhile, Prince Vasily opened the door to the princess’s room. The room was dim; only two lamps were burning in front of the images, and there was a good smell of incense and flowers. The entire room was furnished with small furniture: wardrobes, cupboards, and tables. The white covers of a high down bed could be seen from behind the screens. The dog barked. - Oh, is it you, mon cousin? She stood up and straightened her hair, which had always, even now, been so unusually smooth, as if it had been made from one piece with her head and covered with varnish. - What, did something happen? – she asked. “I’m already so scared.” - Nothing, everything is the same; “I just came to talk to you, Katish, about business,” said the prince, wearily sitting down on the chair from which she had risen. “How did you warm it up, however,” he said, “well, sit here, causons.” [let's talk.] - I was wondering if something had happened? - said the princess and with her unchanged, stone-stern expression on her face, she sat down opposite the prince, preparing to listen. “I wanted to fall asleep, mon cousin, but I can’t.” - Well, what, my dear? - said Prince Vasily, taking the princess’s hand and bending it downwards according to his habit.


  1. 123456789101112131415161718192021 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. 1234567891011
    [ Nizhny Novgorod region. Total area of ​​municipal land]
  3. 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425
    [ All-Russian Population Census 2010. Number and distribution of the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region]. Retrieved July 30, 2014. [ Archived from the original on July 30, 2014].
  4. 123 Nizhny Novgorod region. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2008-2016
  5. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012]. Retrieved May 31, 2014. [ Archived from the original on May 31, 2014].
  6. 12
    [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
  7. [ Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014]. Retrieved August 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on August 2, 2014].
  8. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [ Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].


A “test drive” in the opposite direction no longer produces the indelible impression that we received when we first set foot on this “warpath.” What do we need off-road? We crack holes like nuts and boldly push our line along the roadsides. The minibus is shaking behind us. Yes, we don’t envy those in the salon. A military KamAZ truck is rushing towards us. This is his element. But the RAV4, as it turned out, is no slouch, and, surprisingly, we weren’t tired at all.

It was very comfortable for those who drove the entire journey: the seat is electrically adjustable and beautifully molded. The comrade in the back seat got completely lazy and stopped trying to use the steering wheel, admitting that he was fine there even without a steering wheel, that he hardly chatted on the bumps, and there was so much space that he could lie down, take a nap, and in general, feel at home.

Toyota RAV4 demonstrates a very moderate “appetite”, which is confirmed by the trip computer readings - on average we consume 8.7 liters per 100 kilometers. 20 liters is enough for us both ways, and that’s 740 rubles.


the road to Svetlye Lakes with a stop at Volodarsk and Frolishchi and back - approximately 220 km;

travel time - 10 hours;

excursion to Bugrov’s dacha - 350 rubles;

Lunch - 300 rubles.

Total per person - 473 rubles.

Considering that this was reconnaissance, the expenses were quite minimal. They will increase if you travel with an overnight stay and the obligatory barbecue, but not by much. In any case, there will be more impressions, and their quality will be richer. Both the soul and the body will rest. And you will recognize, understand and appreciate your car. We give the Toyota RAV4 5 points plus. How much will you set for your “swallow”, and for yourself too?

GC Toyota Center Nizhny Novgorod official dealer of Toyota in Nizhny Novgorod

Moskovskoe highway, 94 A (831) 275-43-34

st. Larina, 30 (831) 425-85-85

Text and photos: Polina Zimina, Alexander Sheronov

For any use of site materials, an active link to is required.

see also

  • Central (Nizhny Novgorod region)
  • Reshetikha
  • Frolishchi
  • Gorokhovetsky artillery range
  • Mulino
  • Novosmolinsky (village)
: Incorrect or missing imageTo improve this article it is desirable:
  • Find and arrange in the form of footnotes links to independent authoritative sources that confirm what is written. K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (type: not specified)

Toyota RAV4: suspension

You can drive at any speed, but preferably no more than 15 - 20, and in some places 0 kilometers per hour (first stop, then “crawl”). Therefore, on relatively flat areas, two hundred meters long, no more, we spur our brave RAV4 to 40 - 50 and a little more, in order to cheer up both it and ourselves, and at the same time get closer to our cherished goal. The 2.5-liter 180-horsepower engine, producing 233 Nm and operating in tandem with a 6-speed automatic transmission, easily allows you to make sharp and short dashes.

All that is required is to remain vigilant and slow down in front of the most terrible pits, of which there are plenty here. You can, of course, overshoot, but the car does not deserve such an attitude, although it is capable, it was clear, of taking over an obstacle in motion. We used the capabilities of the RAV4 by sixty percent, no more was required, or rather, he himself decided what to do at one time or another, and these moments changed, sometimes at breakneck speed.

Having crossed the next section along the side of the road, because the soil in that place turned out to be preferable to the former asphalt roadway, and having reached relatively intact concrete slabs, we give the gas, not seeing what’s next - grayness merges with grayness... And there are some kind of craters that you can’t get around. There is nothing left to do but slam on the brakes. The “stern” sharply pulls to the side, but the integrated dynamic control system, which can steer the rear axle, returns it to its place.

The restyled Toyota RAV4 has changed not only in appearance. And the matter is not limited to an expanded set of options: you will feel the main differences from the previous model only when you get behind the wheel, because Toyota engineers have worked thoroughly on the settings of the suspension elements.

It seems that everything is the same - McPherson in front, multi-link in the rear, but you feel the car even better: a little trick worked in the form of larger rear silent blocks, stiffer shock absorbers and “soft” springs. Thanks to this decision, the car, which was already attentive to the driver, became even more obedient. In addition to the fact that you no longer need to steer at high speed, you pass joints and small and medium-sized asphalt unevenness without noticing.

There’s not even a smell of such little things here, but we won’t be crawling through this virgin soil forever! We crawl, however, mentally - 10 percent of traction is present on the rear axle by default, but, if necessary, you can forcibly distribute the torque between the axles in a 50:50 ratio. This mode operates at speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour, then everything depends on the will of the sensors that monitor the situation.

A little later, on a sandy and rather steep descent and ascent to one of the Svetlye lakes, this helped us a lot. We are finally and irrevocably convinced that the RAV4 is still a real crossover, which you can safely drive not only on the highway, but also on good off-road terrain, which is the “road” to Frolishchi.


  • [ Volodarsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region] - Official website
  • [ Website of the city of Volodarsk, Nizhny Novgorod region]
  • [ Website of the village of Mulino, Volodarsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region]
  • [ Website of the village of Novosmolinsky, Volodarsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region]
  • [ Website of the administration of the municipal formation “Zolinsky Village Council” of the Volodarsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region]
  • List of cultural heritage monuments of the Volodarsky district in Wikivoyage
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