Krasnoselsky district (St. Petersburg, Russia)

It borders on the Petrodvortsovo, Moskovsky, Kirovsky districts of St. Petersburg and the Gatchina, Lomonosovsky districts of the Leningrad region.
According to official data as of January 1, 2019, the population here is 397,609 people. Driving along Peterhofskoe Highway, you will certainly notice the huge shopping complex “Pearl Plaza” and new houses in pleasant warm colors - the residential complex “Baltic Pearl”. This is the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg - an actively developing area in the southwest of the city with an area of ​​​​about 115 square meters. km.

A little history

About 50 thousand years ago, a good half of the Krasnoselsky region was occupied by the Littorina Sea. It was its shore that formed a relief unusual for flat St. Petersburg, which can be seen when driving along Stachek Avenue and Peterhofskoe Highway. This natural feature was masterfully used by the architects of Petrodvorets.

In 1709, the process of moving the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg began. Gradually the entire courtyard and those close to the sovereign moved here. The issue of building country residences for the emperor and his entourage becomes urgent.

In 1711, by decree of Peter I, a commission was created under the leadership of Prince Yu.F. Shakhovsky, which allocated plots of land of 1000x100 fathoms to the courtiers along the road from Ekateringof to Oranienbaum.

The plots were located directly along the coastal ledge, which made it possible to place the palaces on a hill. The mansions had to be visible from the sea in order to notify the traveler about half a day's journey before approaching one of the most beautiful capitals of the world.

According to the emperor's plan, the avenue was supposed to eclipse the road from Paris to Versailles.

Red Village

The town of Krasnoye Selo occupies a special place in the history of the region.

The lands around the Pulkovo and Duderhof Heights went to the future Empress Catherine I.

After Catherine's death, these lands passed to Peter's daughter, Elizabeth. It was then that the territory received the familiar name “Palace Village of Krasnoe”.

The historical past of Krasnoye Selo is closely connected with the Russian army. Even in the times of Peter the Great, it became a place for summer camp gatherings and military exercises. The Krasnoselsky maneuvers were revived during the reign of Catherine II in 1765. Over 30 thousand soldiers and officers took part in them, and A.V. Suvorov distinguished himself here for the first time.

Krasnoe Selo achieved its greatest fame in the period from 1823 to 1914, when maneuvers became regular and so grandiose that they attracted the attention of other countries. Heads of many states, outstanding military leaders, and scientists have been here.

In 1925, the settlement of Krasnoe Selo was given city status.

What about today?


Krasnoselsky district is considered one of the most environmentally friendly areas of St. Petersburg. This is facilitated by the huge amount of green space, as well as the relatively “clean” activity of industrial enterprises.

There are many bodies of water in the area : ponds located along the Peterhof Highway and in the territory of the South Primorsky Park, the Ivanovka and Sosnovka rivers, the Liga River and the Duderhof Canal, Bezymyanny and Dolgoe lakes.

The area is rich in green areas:

  • South Primorsky Park
  • Sosnovaya Polyana Park
  • Vorontsov's dacha, Minikh's dacha, Demidov's dacha and other former estates south of the Peterhof highway.
  • Polezhaevsky Park, where the main objects of the park are associated with the Great Patriotic War and the siege of Leningrad
  • Park "Krasnoe Selo", Lower Park, garden of the Church of the Holy Trinity (aka Upper Garden), garden of the Church of Alexander Nevsky, Mozhaisky Square, Park "Avtomobilist", Square "Grieving Mother", Square of the 300th anniversary of Krasnoye Selo (Krasnoye Selo );
  • Voronya Mountain, Orekhovaya Mountain (the highest point of St. Petersburg - 176 m), Nagorny Park (Dudergof village).

Historical sites and museums

Museum of Russian Bridge Construction

Address: Lenina Avenue, 77 Phone: Website: Opening hours: 11:00-16:00 Mon-Fri Cost: to be specified when registering for excursions

The museum was opened in 1992 on the basis of the Central Museum of Railway Transport. The exhibits here include various drawings and models of bridges, rare paintings and photographs depicting bridge structures. Many of these structures are monuments of science and technology.

The museum is divided into six thematic halls, in each of which you can learn about the history of the creation of bridges, about the first crossings that appeared on the territory of our country, about interesting events related to domestic bridge construction, etc.

The pride and main treasure of this museum is the collection of miniature bridges: they are an exact copy of the structures of the 19th-20th centuries. At the exhibition you can see one of the most valuable miniatures, which was made back in 1833 - this is a copy of the ferry connecting Kamenny and Krestovsky Islands.

You can visit the museum only by appointment; you must take your passport with you.

Palace of Prince Mikhail Pavlovich

Address: Lenin Avenue, 114

The summer palace of Mikhail Pavlovich is made entirely of wood, and it is also considered the last surviving summer palace in Krasnoe Selo.

The house was built according to the design of the architect Dildin in the 1830s. By the way, the Kamennoostrovsky Palace, which is located in St. Petersburg, is also the work of Dildin.

Inside the prince's summer residence you can see a large number of paintings, many of them by Schwartz and Fendi. There is also an opportunity to look at how the life of the royals was organized.

Housing Krasnoselsky district

In 2022, the Krasnoselsky district took eighth place in the city in terms of cost per square meter: 111 thousand rubles.
According to experts, the recent rise in prices has occurred due to the construction of new complexes near the bay: houses from BFA, LSR, the Baltic Pearl area. The old housing stock consists of “Stalin” buildings located along the entire length of the Peterhof Highway and block “Khrushchev” buildings. There are also more modern panel houses that were actively built in the seventies of the last century. The cost of renting and purchasing such real estate is quite low.


On the territory of the Krasnoselsky district there are quite a lot of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, orphanages, language centers, kindergartens, music schools and libraries. There is no rush here about placing children in child care institutions, but judging by the pace of development in the area and the rapid growth of the young population, a shortage of available places is not far off.

Along Leninsky Prospekt there is a building in the shape of a ship - the St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University (SPbSMTU, popularly known as “Korabelka”). "Korabelka" is a popular and prestigious educational institution.

Medical institutions

Among the medical institutions operating in the territory of the Krasnoselsky district are the Central Medical Center of the Krasnoselsky district (psychological service), Multidisciplinary Medical, Branch No. 6 of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, Hospital No. 15 and No. 1.

Shopping centers

Pearl Plaza

There are also enough large shopping centers, both in the Krasnoselsky district itself and in the neighborhood: “French Boulevard”, “Fiolent”, “Narvsky”, “Continent”, “Torgovoe Pole”, etc. The most grandiose institution of this format is a shopping and entertainment center.

In the future, a third “Mega” is expected to appear in the city near Krasnoselskoye Highway, although specific construction dates have not yet been announced.

Criminal situation

Regarding the criminal situation in the Krasnoselsky district, we can say that it is relatively prosperous, and the district does not lead in the dubious championship of St. Petersburg in terms of the number of offenses. The criminal situation in each individual area is determined by several factors, among which the main role is played by the location, infrastructure, mentality and traditions of the population, but also, of course, the peculiarities of the work of local police units. Krasnoselsky district is one of the last places in the “criminal rating” and is considered quite safe.

Police Department

Today, problematic offenses in the Krasnoselsky district are car thefts, especially often committed from new microdistricts with newly built residential complexes. To stop these offenses and increase their detection rate, outdoor surveillance cameras are being installed in the Krasnoselsky district today.

New police car

Meanwhile, a number of high-profile crimes were committed in the area, which received wide public attention. Most recently, in June 2012, an entrepreneur, the general director of one of the commercial firms in St. Petersburg, was killed. A forty-year-old businessman was engaged in transactions with rolled metal. Today the Investigative Committee believes that the murder was committed due to the professional activities of the entrepreneur. The Fontanka publication reported that the murdered businessman was the head of the group, which was founded in 2007. "Vostok" was engaged in the production and processing of galvanized steel and various grades of coated steel, and the company's sales and representative network covers almost the entire territory of Russia from Yakutsk to St. Petersburg.

In 2008, in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg, Dmitry Marininov, an employee of the main department of internal security of the Investigative Committee under the Russian Prosecutor's Office, who was investigating the crimes of the Kirilchuk gang, who previously worked in the police, was killed. According to law enforcement agencies, Kirilchuk was engaged in criminal activities in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg. Having learned about the development of his criminal group by police officers, Kirilchuk “ordered” the murder of Marininov. The investigative team conducted searches of Kirilchuk’s gang members and seized drugs, weapons and ammunition, as well as evidence of the gang’s involvement in the murder of investigator Marininov. Presumably, an executor was hired to deal with Marininov, who has not yet been found.

The well-known journalist A. Khinshtein published information according to which investigator Marinov himself was involved in the activities of criminal groups and even bore the nickname Marina. Khinshtein put forward a version that the investigator was killed as a result of an erupted conflict with a drug dealer, who was a Gypsy baron by origin.

The Krasnoselsky district was not spared the sad crimes associated with the attempt to get rid of the child. So, on August 17, a newborn baby was found in the bushes near the road, covered with a plastic bag. The child was alive, he was placed in a children's hospital under the supervision of doctors. It has not yet been possible to locate the mother or father, and the prosecutor's office is conducting investigative measures.


Active recreation with the whole family in the Krasnoselsky district is possible both in winter and in summer. In winter, you can go to Orekhovaya and Voronya mountains, where you can ride cheesecakes, skis and ice skates. In summer there is a great opportunity to relax on the banks of numerous ponds, rivers and the Gulf of Finland.

Recently, the Baltic Pearl began work on improving the embankment. Next year, the district administration plans the same work on the other side of the Matisov Canal. A street promenade with paths, benches and green spaces will appear in the Krasnoselsky district.

There are sports sections and clubs of various types scattered throughout the area, for youth, teenagers and adults. There are quite a lot of small cafes, there are restaurants, a couple of cinemas and museums.

Local residents' opinion

We conducted a survey of local residents in our group. In general, almost everyone likes the area. Of the minuses, the most often mentioned is the lack of a metro and traffic jams. The advantages include parks, proximity to the bay, many shops, cozy courtyards, a sufficient number of schools and kindergartens.

Park "Krasnoe Selo" (Palace)

The park is located between Lenin, 1st May and St. Equalities. Today it is a landscaped area with beautiful ancient trees and alleys for walking. It has paths for walking and cycling, and areas with benches.

There is an open stage at the top of the park. It hosts city holidays and events. Over the course of its history, the park has changed 5 names and has changed a lot. At different times, it housed seven royal palaces; unfortunately, they have not survived to this day.


At the beginning of the 20th century, this part of the city still remained an elite holiday village. It was here that in 1906 the first project of suburban electric trains in Russia, the Oranienbaum Electric Line, began to be implemented. Oranienbaum, however, remained only in name: before the revolution, the section from the Narvskaya Zastava to Strelna was completed, after which the project died out.

The war destroyed many architectural monuments, and later mass construction began, and the land finally lost its attractiveness.

The potential of the Krasnoselsky district was again discussed at the beginning of the 21st century. I would like to believe that the area with a unique landscape, which has been an elite area for several centuries, will gradually gain strength again, attract the attention of citizens, investors and authorities, and living along the Peterhof Highway will again become prestigious and, most importantly, comfortable.

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