5 ancient cities of Karelia that are worth visiting

What holiday is it today?

February 10, 2022, Thursday

Today are holidays, events: Diplomat's Day Tomorrow: World Sick Day Discovery of insulin

Today is the Orthodox holiday: St. Ephraim the Syrian. Venerable Ephraim of Novotorzhsky. Venerable Ephraim of Pechersk, Bishop of Pereyaslavl. Venerable Theodosius of Totem, Spasosumorin of the monastery, leader and founder... Tomorrow: Transfer of the relics of the holy martyr Ignatius the God-Bearer. Saints Gerasim, Pitirim, Jonah, bishops of Great Perm, Ustva...

Today is a national holiday: Ephraim's Day... Tomorrow: Lawrence's Day

Urban settlements[ | ]

Namedistrict/city of republican significance[5]mun. district / urban district[6] population (persons)founding/first mentiontown statuscoat of armsformer names
1Värtsilä (Finnish: Värtsilä
SortavalaSortavala municipal district↘2916[4]14991946
2Kalevala (Karelian Kalevala
Kalevalsky districtKalevalsky municipal district↘3784[4]15521963Ukhta
(until 1963)
3Louhi (Karelian Louhi
Loukhi districtLouhi municipal district↘3749[4]19131944
4Muezersky (Karelian: Mujehdjärvi)Muezersky districtMuezersky municipal district↘2673[4]16th century1965Muezero
5Nadvoitsy (Finnish: Vojatsu
Segezha districtSegezha municipal district↘7136[4]16201942Warriors
6Pindushi (Karelian Pinduši)Medvezhyegorsky districtMedvezhyegorsky municipal district↘4193[4]19331950
7Povenets (Karelian Poventsa
Medvezhyegorsky districtMedvezhyegorsky municipal district↘1711[4]15th century1938Povenets Row
(until 1782)
8Yarn (Karelian Priäžä)Pryazhinsky districtPryazhinsky municipal district↘3438[4]16501962
9Pyaozersky (Karelian Pääjärvi)Loukhi districtLouhi municipal district↘1564[4]19731976
10Helyulya (Finnish: Helylä
SortavalaSortavala municipal district↘2369[4]15001972
11Chupa (Karelian Čuuppu
Loukhi districtLouhi municipal district↘2150[4]15741943

Settlements that have lost the status of an urban-type settlement[ | ]

Main article: Former urban-type settlements of Karelia


Seasons, four periods of the year (spring, summer, autumn and winter) characterized by certain average temperatures. The period during which the Sun passes through one of these sectors is called the season. Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere begin when the Sun passes through the initial circle of declination and its right ascension is 0° (vernal equinox). Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere occur when the sun's right ascension is 90° (summer solstice). Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere begin when the sun's right ascension is 180° (autumnal equinox). The beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere is considered to be the winter solstice, when the direct ascension of the Sun is 270°... Next: Seasons. Russian folk calendar. Monthly words...

Folk calendar about every day

Every day one season always replaces another and this determines a person’s way of life. In connection with this, a folk calendar was formed in which there were practically no nameless, unmarked days. Every day was special, had its own purpose. All this was determined by climate conditions and astrological phenomena.

A calendar is a system for counting periods of time. The first calendars arose a long time ago, in ancient times, because there was a need to measure time. The word calendar comes from the Latin words caleo - to proclaim and calendarium - debt book. This is due to the fact that in Ancient Rome the beginning of each month was especially proclaimed, and because it was customary to pay debts on the first day of the month. Different peoples counted time differently. Some calendars are based on the changing phases of the moon - lunar calendars; in others - the change of seasons - sunny; in others, the length of the year was coordinated with the change of seasons, and the counting of months was associated with the phases of the Moon. Such calendars are called lunisolar.

In Rus', the calendar was called a monthly calendar. Every day, the month book covered the entire year of peasant life, “describing” day by day, month after month, where each day had its own holidays or weekdays, customs and superstitions, traditions and rituals, natural signs and phenomena. The cyclical nature of the calendar is reminiscent of human life, where spring is youth, summer is heyday, autumn is the time of harvesting fruits (it’s good if there are some, otherwise you can live your life without collecting fruits), winter is the time of wisdom and peace. This cyclicality and rhythm determined the way of life of the farmer. The folk calendar was an agricultural calendar, which was reflected in the names of the months, folk signs, rituals and customs. Even the determination of the timing and duration of the seasons is associated with real climatic conditions. Hence the discrepancy between the names of the months in different areas... Next: Folk calendar...


Despite the fact that the nature of Karelia is very similar to neighboring Finland, skiing here is not so well developed. But still, every year many tourists come here who dream of spending time on the slopes. There are 6 main ski resorts in the republic.

“Yalguba” is the largest ski center in the region, located near the town of the same name in Prionezhye near Petrozavodsk. There are three trails with a maximum length of 400 m and a height difference of 100 m, equipment rental, a cafe, and you can hire an instructor.

Spasskaya Guba is a serious resort, suitable for experienced skiers: two black slopes, the longest one is 700 m long, the height difference is 75 m. Equipment rental is open, but it is better to bring your own, since the ski and snowboard park is quite old.

The Malaya Medvezhka Country Club has two slopes up to 400 m long with a height difference of 80 m. This resort is suitable for families with children and beginner skiers; there are slopes for beginners and the Karapuz slide for the little ones. Equipment can be rented, and there is a cafe.

Not far from Sortavala there is the Kallivo Park center: two tracks with a maximum length of 580 m and a height difference of 110 m, good lighting, 4 modern ski lifts, equipment rental, restaurants and a full range of winter entertainment.

Ski resorts and “Gorka” are located within the boundaries of Petrozavodsk. Both centers have two tracks with a slight elevation difference (45 and 40 m), equipment can be rented, there is a cafe and instructors, including for children.

There are no uniform ski passes at the ski resorts of Karelia. Most often you only need to pay for the lift. Most centers offer both hourly rates and the number of ascents. On average, the opportunity to use the cable car for an adult costs 300-350 RUB per hour, and for a child 200-250 RUB (if you take several hours at once, it’s cheaper). A set of alpine skis or snowboards can be rented for 400-600 RUB per hour.

Fishing calendar for every day

The fishing calendar should not be taken as an absolutely indisputable truth. Fish biting is greatly influenced by a whole range of natural factors, as well as the influence on the nature of man himself. You must not forget that the fish’s bite depends and is determined not only by the calendar dates and biological cycles of their life, reflected in the calendar, but also, no less, by the state of their habitat; the bite also depends on weather conditions: air and water temperatures, cloudiness, wind direction and strength, etc... Next: Fishing calendar...

What to bring

Travelers from Karelia bring items made from natural materials as souvenirs. The most popular of them is Karelian birch. A lot of souvenirs are made from this beautiful wood - from key rings to boxes and watches. The wood gives an unusual pattern and color in the decoration: dark brown stains stand out fancifully against a soft yellow background. Shungite products are also brought from here. A black stone with a characteristic metallic luster and healing properties is used to make bracelets, rosaries, beads, balls and pyramids. In addition, it is included in special creams that help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Karelian herbal balsam and various tinctures of local berries will be a good gift for relatives. And also jams made from northern berries: cloudberries, lingonberries, cranberries and serviceberries.

If you shop at a supermarket rather than a souvenir shop, you can save a lot of money.

Many are fascinated by Zaonezh embroidery: simple and picturesque red patterns on undyed linen. The most practical gifts are towels, napkins, tablecloths and potholders.

Orthodox calendar about every day

Orthodox calendar: Orthodox, Church and Christian holidays.

The church year is an alternation of weekdays and holidays. On weekdays, a person is called to work “by the sweat of his brow to earn his bread.” Holidays are given in order to feel liberation, to rise above the bustle and routine of the world, to feel involved in the highest of worlds, “where there are no illnesses, sorrows and sighs, but endless life.” Since ancient times, holiday cycles have been associated with the seasons. The pagans associated them with the worship of the forces of nature, the cult of which in the Old Testament was replaced by gratitude to the Creator for the universe. And although the connection between holidays and the seasons has not completely lost its power, since God is present in everything, in the plant and animal world, in human works, it nevertheless faded into the background, giving way to a spiritual foundation built on the Sacred Scriptures. The history of Orthodox holidays dates back to the times of the Old Testament. Each of the Orthodox holidays is dedicated to the remembrance of the most important events in the life of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, as well as the memory of saints... Next: Orthodox calendar...

Rent a Car

For those traveling without their own car, but wanting to explore the region, it makes sense to rent a car. In Petrozavodsk there are several local companies; in other cities, most likely, you will have to negotiate with private individuals, and the service will be complex: “car + driver”.

Rental costs from 1,500 RUB per day, in most cases you will have to leave a deposit for the car. To rent, you will need a passport and driver's license, driving experience must be at least two years, and the driver must be at least 21 years old. Although some companies make concessions. The car is issued with a full tank of gasoline, and must be returned in the same condition.

When choosing a car, you should take into account your plans: it is better to take an SUV, since there are very difficult places in Karelia. It’s worth taking care of the car in advance and making arrangements from home to choose the right model.

Russian folk calendar for every day

The word “sign” comes from the word “notice”, i.e. observe. As a result of observing what happens around a person every day, he accumulates life experience. This knowledge was passed down from generation to generation, carefully preserved and people trusted it as a sacred book. Many signs have come to us from the depths of centuries without losing their knowledge. Each of us is free to choose: to dismiss all this as an absurd superstition or to take a closer look at the signs and take the centuries-old experience of generations more seriously. Most of us, when taking exams, ask them to scold them, boasting about some kind of good fortune or luck, spit so as not to jinx them or knock on wood, take a detour if a black cat crossed the road, are afraid of the number 13 and much more. And who among us does not have lucky things, numbers? Who has never resorted to the help of fate at least once in their life, who has not believed in secrets? It’s as if everything connected with signs is hidden somewhere deep in our subconscious. Often we remember them mechanically, unconsciously, or just as a joke. But, undoubtedly, the signs contain a lot of accurate knowledge and practical wisdom of our ancestors. They cover all the characteristic, often difficult to perceive, natural phenomena. Signs have preserved a lot of what was in old folk holidays and customs; they help predict the weather, grow crops... Next: Folk signs...

How to avoid problems

Mosquitoes are found everywhere from late May to early September, but are especially active from early June to mid-July. So don't forget to stock up on special tools. Ticks do not live everywhere - pine forests and areas where lingonberries and blueberries grow are free from them. They also do not like direct sunlight. Therefore, for relaxation it is better to choose sunlit forest edges.

Reptiles and amphibians of Karelia are represented by 4 taiga species (40%), three species with a trans-Palaearctic distribution (30%) and three southern forms characteristic of European broad-leaved forests. The first group includes the viviparous lizard, viper, grass and sharp-faced frogs, the second - the toad, common newt and spindle, the third - the sand lizard, grass snake and crested newt. The fauna of terrestrial vertebrates of the republic consists of 35% Western European and southern forms characteristic of the broad-leaved forest zone, 33% of species widespread in Eurasia, 24% of taiga (Siberian) forms and 9% of arctic ( polar) species.

All of them, with the exception of the viper, are not only harmless, but also very useful. A viper bite also does not cause much harm to health, but it is very painful. As a rule, the snake tries to give way to a person, although it does not always succeed due to its natural slowness, especially during the molting period. The best means of protection against harmful reptiles are attention and high boots. At the same time, it also goes to the spindle - a completely harmless and very useful legless lizard, which is mistaken for a copperhead snake, which is not found in Karelia.

Any independent tourist group arriving in Karelia for the purpose of active recreation must first register and receive safety instructions at the Karelian Republican Water Rescue Service. In addition, registration can be registered in the administrations of the regions of Karelia, as well as in the search and rescue teams of the rescue service, which are located in Kondopoga, Medvezhyegorsk, Kemi and Sortavala. It is highly desirable that, while moving along the chosen route, the group leader contacts rescuers by phone once a day and reports his location.

Useful phone numbers

Karelian Republican Water Rescue Service: Petrozavodsk, st. Onega flotilla, 43 A; tel.: (8142) 73-35-16.

In Petrozavodsk there is a unified rescue service: 01, traffic police on duty: 784-444 or 002, ATC on duty: 780-581, ambulance (24 hours a day): 705-999 or 03, information service: 09 or 009.

City codes: Petrozavodsk - 8142, Belomorsk - 81437, Kalevala - 81454, Kem - 81485, Kostomuksha - 81459, Lakhdenpokhya - 81450, Loukhi - 81439, Sortavala - 81430, Olonets - 81436, Pitkyaranta - 81433.

Holiday calendar, dates and events of the year

All state and professional holidays in Russia, including significant World and International holidays, and other equally interesting holidays and events about every day.

The holiday has always kept pace with the history of mankind. Social time can be divided into three types: everyday life (weekdays), weekends and holidays. Everyday life is a series of practices repeated day after day and every day (work). Weekends are regular breaks from the rush of everyday life. It is believed that on weekends a person should restore his strength after working days. Day off, non-working day. A holiday is a day of celebration established in honor or in memory of someone or something. A day or series of days celebrated by the church in memory of a religious event or saint... Next: Calendar...

Prayer book, Orthodox prayers for every day

Prayer is the most powerful means for healing all illnesses - both physical and mental. Prayers can be laudatory or grateful, petitionary and repentant. If we have offended God, sinned, we must ask Him for forgiveness, that is, repent. Such prayers are called repentant prayers. If everything is fine with us, if we and our loved ones are healthy and prosperous, if we have a place to live, something to wear, something to eat, we must glorify and thank God for this. Such prayers are called praise or thanksgiving. If some misfortune, illness, trouble or need happens, you need to ask God for help. Such prayers are called petitionary... Next: Orthodox prayers...

Zodiac, astrological, eastern calendar. Zodiac signs

In ancient times, to establish the calendar, priests used knowledge of the positions of all the planets. Before the reform of Peter 1, the New Year was celebrated on the Day of the Autumn Equinox. On this day, according to ancient legend, the most peaceful treaty was concluded between the Great Race (ancient Slavs) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese) and it was approximately 7518 years ago... For the ancient Slavs, the calendar month corresponded to the lunar cycle from new moon to new moon, taking into account such Thus, the relationship of the entire annual cycle with astronomical and natural phenomena. There was no coherent calendar system. The main natural phenomena are still considered to this day to be the days of the solar equinox and solstice - the Slavic holidays Maslenitsa, Kupala, Ovsen and Kolyada. But during the time of Peter 1, all ancient Slavic calendars were abolished and a new Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ (Julian calendar) was introduced, while the beginning of the calendar was moved to January 1. The Julian calendar (old style) did not take leap days into account and accumulated one extra day every 128 years. After the October Revolution in 1918, the Gregorian calendar (new style) was introduced in Russia, according to which an amendment of 13 days was introduced. The calendar of the ancient Slavs was based on two planets: the Sun and the Moon. And now they don’t use anything at all. The calendar has become static. There is no such thing as the calendar, it turns out, resting on some planet. Nobody even knows about it. There are just some standard numbers, there are months and holidays. The calendar is based on the Sun and Moon. Why is this so? Because these two luminaries influence the Earth. The Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Moon revolves around the Earth. And these two luminaries create the atmosphere on the planet. From here the calendar is built... Next: Astrological calendar...

Cities, villages, settlements of Karelia

Cities, villages, settlements of Karelia a b c d e f h i j k l m n o p s t u v x c h w y z a Avdeevo (Pudozhsky district) Avneporog (Kemsky district) Azhepnavolok (Medvezhyegorsky district) Akkaharyu (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Alalampi (administrative territory of Sortavala) Alattu (Pitkyaranta district) Alekka (Pryazhinsky district) Alexala (Olonets district) Alekseevo (Pudozhsky district) ) Alkho (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Barnny (Loukhsky district) Angenlahti (Pryazhinsky district) Andreev Navolok (Kondopoga district) Antipinskaya (Kondopoga district) Arkoila (Suoyarvi district) Afanasyevskaya (Pudozhsky district) ) Akhvelambi (Medvezhyegorsky district)

Akhpoyla b Baraniy Bereg (Prionezhsky district) Batova (Medvezhyegorsky district) Belaya Gora (Kondopoga district) Belomorsk Berezovaya Gora (Olonets district) Berezovka (Kondopoga district) Berezovo (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Birch Bridges (Prionezhsky district) Bolnichny (Medvezhyegorsky district) Bolshakovo (Olonets district) Bolshaya Selga (Medvezhyegorsky district) Bolshaya Selga (Olonets district) Bolshaya Uda (Belomorsky district) Bolshiye Gory (Olonets district) n) Bolshoye Voronovo (Kondopoga district) Bolshoye Gangozero (Kondopoga district) Bolshoi Zhuzhmuy (Belomorsky district) Bor (Medvezhyegorsky district) Bor-Pudantsev (Medvezhyegorsky district) Borovoy Bochilovo (Pudozhsky district) Boyarskaya (Loukhsky district) Burakovo (Pudozhsky district) Bystryagi (Segezhsky district) Bychkovo (Lakhdenpokhsky district) in Vagvozero (Olonets district) Vazhinskaya Pier (Pryazhinsky district) Valaam Valdai Vamskaya Dam (Pudozhsky district) district) Vanzozero (Medvezhyegorsky district) Varlov Les (Pryazhinsky district) Vasilisin Ostrov (Pudozhsky district) Vatnavolok (Kondopoga district) Vatchela (Kondopoga district) Vacha (Segezha district) Vegarus ( Suoyarvsky district) Vedlozero (Pryazhinsky district) Velikaya Guba Velikaya Niva (Medvezhyegorsky district) Vengigora (Medvezhyegorsky district) Verkhneolonetsky (Olonets district) Verkhniye Vazhinsky (Pryazhinsky district) Verkhnyaya Vidlitsa (Olonets district) n) Verkhnyaya Lamba (Kondopoga district) Vekhruchey (Prionezhsky district) Veshkelitsa (Suoyarvsky district) Vigovo (Medvezhyegorsky district) Vidany (Pryazhinsky district) Vidlitsa Vikshezero (Kondopoga district) Vilga (Prionezhsky district) -n) Villagora (Pryazha district) Virandozero Virandozero (Belomorsky district) Virma (Belomorsky district) Vitsino (Medvezhyegorsky district) Vodla (Pudozhsky district) Vozhmogora (Segezha district) Vozritsy (Medvezhyegorsky district) -n) Voinitsa Voknavolok (admin. territory of the city of Kostomuksha) Voldozero (Segezhsky district) Volozero (Medvezhyegorsky district) Voloma (Muezersky district) Vonga (Kemsky district) Vorenzha (Belomorsky district) Sparrows (Medvezhyegorsky district) Eastern Konchezero ( Kondopoga district) Vokhtozero (Kondopoga district) Vuorio (administrative territory of Sortavala) Vuotvarakka (Loukha district)

Vygostrov (Belomorsky district) Vyrozero (Medvezhyegorsky district) Vyalimaki (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Vyartsilya Vyatikkya (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Gabselga (Medvezhyegorsky district) Gavrilovka (Olonets district) Gagarino (Kemsky district) Gakugssa (Pudozhsky district) Gallezero (Kondopoga district) Gerpelya (Olonets district) Gizhino (Olonets district) Gilkozha (Pryazhinsky district) Gimoly Girvas Gladkina (Pudozhsky district) Golysheva Novinka (Kondopoga district ) Gomselga (Kondopoga district) Gonganalitsa (Pryazha district) Gorka (Kondopoga district) Mountain Sheltozero (Prionezhsky district) Gorskaya (Medvezhyegorsky district) Gotnavolok (Kondopoga district) Goshkila (Olonets district ) Gridino Gridino (Loukhsky district) Gumarino (Suoyarvi district) Gutselga (Pryazhinsky district) Gushkala (Olonets district) Danilovo Derevyanka Derevyannoye (Prionezhsky district) Homes for the disabled (Prionezhsky district) Dubovskaya ( Pudozhsky district) Dubrovo (Segezhsky district) e Evgora (Medvezhyegorsky district) Evkhoy (Kondopoga district) Endoguba (Belomorsky district) Erkoeva Novinka (Kondopoga district) Eroila (Olonets district) Ershnavolok (Pryazhinsky district) Ershova (Pudozhsky district) z Zharkikh (Medvezhyegorsky district) z Zagubye (Medvezhyegorsky district) Zazhoginskaya (Medvezhyegorsky district) Zalesye (Prionezhsky district) Zaozerny (admin. territory of the city of Sortavala) Zaozerye (Pudozhsky district) Western Konchezero (Kondopoga district) Zarechny (administrative territory of the city of Kostomuksha) Zasheyek (Loukhsky district)

Zolotets (Belomorsky district) Zimnik (Prionezhsky district) and Ivanisto (Pryazhinsky district) Ignoila (Suoyarvsky district) Idel Ilemselga (Kondopoga district) Ilyinskaya Gorka (Olonets district) Ilyinsky Ilme (Lakhdenpokhsky district ) Ilya-Uuksu (Pitkyaranta district) Immalitsa (Olonets district) Impilahti Inema (Olonets district) Interposelok (Olonets district) Ionina Gora (Medvezhyegorsky district) Ikhala (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Ikhoyarvinkyulya (Lakhdenpokhsky district) district) Ishanino (Prionezhsky district) to Kaalamo (administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Kavgozero (Pitkyaranta district) Kazhma (Medvezhyegorsky district) Kaivomyaki (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Kalevala Kamenny Bor (Segezha district ) Kamennavolok (Pryazha district) Kameshki (Segezha district) Kangas (Muezersky district) Kanzanavolok (Pudozhsky district) Kapshoilla (Olonets district) Karali (Suoyarvi district) Karatsalmi (Suoyarvi district) Karelian Maselga (Medvezhyegorsky district) Karelsky (Loukhsky district) Karku (Pitkyaranta district) Kartashi (Kondopoga district) Karshevo (Pudozhsky district) Quarry-Mursula (Pitkyaranta district) Kaskesnavolok (Pryazhinsky district) n) Kaskesruchey (Prionezhsky district) Kaskesselga (Pryazhinsky district) Kashalilamba (Suoyarvsky district) Kashino (Pudozhsky district) Kvartirny (Prionezhsky district) Kvartsitny (Prionezhsky district) Kevasalma (Pudozhsky district ) Kevyatozero (Belomorsky district) Kedrozero (Kondopoga district) Kekoselkya (admin. territory of Sortavala) Kem Kem- Port Kento (Kalevalsky district) Kepa (Kalevalsky district) Keraka (Medvezhyegorsky district) Keret (Loukhsky district) Kerisurya (Pitkyaranta district) Keskozero Kestenga Ketrovaara (Lakhdenpokhsky district -n) Keftenitsy (Medvezhyegorsky district) Kivach (Kondopoga district) Kizhi (island, museum-reserve) Kizreka (Loukhsky district) Kimasozero (Muezersky district) Kimovaara (Muezersky district) Kimuselga ( Olonetsky district) Kindasovo (Pryazhinsky district) Kinelakhta (Pryazhinsky district) Kinerma (Pryazhinsky district) Kirkkolahti (administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Kiryavalahti (administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Kitela (Pitkyaranta district ) Kishkoila (Pryazhinsky district) Klyushina Gora (Suoyarvi district) Kovera (Olonets district) Kodoguba (Kondopoga district) Koivuselga (Pryazhinsky district) Koikary (Kondopoga district) Koirinoya (Pitkyaranta district ) Kokkoila (Pryazhinsky district) Kokkosalma (Loukhsky district) Kokonniemi (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Kolatselga (Pryazhinsky district) Kolgostrov (Pudozhsky district) Kolezhma (meteorological) Kolovo (Pudozhsky district)

Kolodozero Komsomolsky (Kemsky district) Kondopoga Kontiolahti (administrative territory of Sortavala) Kontokki r. (mouth) Konchezero (Kondopoga district) Koncheposad (Kondopoga district) Korza (Pryazhinsky district) Korovnikovo (Medvezhyegorsky district) Korosozero (Belomorsky district) Kortela (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Kosalma (Prionezhsky district) n) Koskosalma (Pudozhsky district) Kosmozero (Medvezhyegorsky district) Kostamoyarvi (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Kostomuksa (Suoyarvi district) Kostomuksha Kotkozero (Olonets district) Kotozero (Loukhsky district) Kotchura (Pryazhinsky district) n) Kokhtuselga (Pryazhinsky district) Kochkoma (Segezha district) Koshukovo (Pudozhsky district) Krasnaya Gorka (Belomorsky district) Krasnaya Rechka (Kondopoga district)

Krasnoborsky (Pudozhsky district) Krivoy Porog (Kemsky district) Krivonogovskaya (Medvezhyegorsky district) Krivtsy (Pudozhsky district) Kroshnozero (Pryazhinsky district) Kubovo (Pudozhsky district) Kubovskaya (Pudozhsky district) Kubovsky Floating site (Pudozhsky district) Kugonavolok Kudama (Pryazhinsky district) Kudamguba (Suoyarvi district) Kuzaranda Kuzema (Kemsky district) Kuikka (Olonets district) Kukkoila (Pryazhinsky district) Kukoinvaara (Pryazhinsky district) Kukonvaara (administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Kukshegory (Olonets district) Kulemino (Segezha district) Kulikovo (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Kulmuksa (Kondopoga district) Kungozersky (Pryazhinsky district) Kuokkaniemi (administrative territory of the city) Sortavala) Kurgenitsy (Medvezhyegorsky district) Kurkiyeki (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Kurmoyla (Pryazhinsky district) Kutizhma (Pryazhinsky district) Kutchezero (Pryazhinsky district) Kushevanda (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Kuyansuo (Lakhdenpokhsky district) n) Kyappeselga (Kondopoga district) Kyargozero (Segezha district) Kyasnyaselkya (Pryazhinsky district) l Laviyarvi (administrative territory of Sortavala) Lagilamba (Suoyarvi district) Ladva Ladva-Vetka Laidasalma (Louhi district ) Lambasruchey (Medvezhyegorsky district) Lamberg (admin. territory of Sortavala) Lambinavolok (Pryazhinsky district) Lambino (Kemsky district) Lambiselga (Pryazhinsky district) Lamminkylya (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Lapino (Belomorsky district) Lasanen (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Lahdenpokhya Lebeshchina ( Medvezhyegorsky district) Levitskoye (Kemsky district) Ledmozero Lemozero (Olonets district) Lendery (Muezersky district) Leppäniemi (Suojärvi district) Leppyaselka (administrative territory of Sortavala) Leppyasilta (Pitkyaranta district) Leppyasyurya (Suoyarvsky district) Nolozero forest point (Loukhsky district) Letney Lake (Belomorsky district) Letnerechensky Letniy-2 (Belomorsky district) Lekhnavolok (Prionezhsky district) Lekhta (Belomorsky district) Lizhma (Kondopoga district) district) Lizhma (Pryazhinsky district) Lizhmozero (Kondopoga district) Lindozero (Kondopoga district) Lobskoye Loimola (Suoyarvsky district) Longasy (Medvezhyegorsky district) Lososiy (Segezhsky district) Lososinnoye (Prionezhsky district) district) Loukhi Luvozero Lukin Navolok (Kondopoga district) Lumbozero (Olonets district) Lumbushi (Medvezhyegorsky district) Lumbushozero (Medvezhyegorsky district) Lumivaara (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Luusalma (Kalevalsky district) Luchevoy (Kondopoga district) Lyaskelya m Mayguba (Segezha district) Malaya Gomselga (Kondopoga district) Malaya Selga (Olonets district) Malenga Raspberry Varaka (Loukhsky district) Maloe Gangozero (Kondopoga district) Malyga ( Medvezhyegorsky district) Mandera (Pryazhinsky district) Mansila (Pitkyaranta district) Mantsinsaari Manga (Pryazhinsky district)

Martial waters Maselgskaya (Medvezhyegorsky district) Maslozero (Medvezhyegorsky district) Matveeva Selga (Prionezhsky district) Matkaselka (administrative territory of Sortavala) Sailors (Pryazhinsky district) Mashezero (Belomorsky district) Mashezero (Prionezhsky district) district) Mayaselga (Pryazhinsky district) Megrega (Olonets district) Megrozero (Olonets district) Medvedeva (Medvezhyegorsk district) Medvezhyegorsk Meyeri (administrative territory of Sortavala) Merezhnavolok (Kondopoga district) Metsyamikli (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Metchelitsa (Pryazhinsky district) Miinala (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Miynala (Pitkyaranta district) Mikli (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Mineralnye Vody (Kondopoga district) Minino (Belomorsky district) Mikhailovskoye (Olonets district) Mishinselga (Pryazhinsky district) Morskaya Maselga Motko (Muezersky district) Muezersky Munozero (Kondopoga district) Mustala (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Myagreka (Kemsky district) Myanduselga (Medvezhyegorsky district) ) Myanselga (Kondopoga district) Myaranduksa (Kondopoga district) Nadvoitsy Naistenyarvi (Suoyarvi district) Namoevo (Prionezhsky district) Nelgomozero (Kondopoga district) Nemino 3rd (Medvezhyegorsky district) Oil depot ( Pudozhsky district) Nekhpoyla (Pryazhinsky district) Niva (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Nigizhma (Pudozhsky district) Nizhnie Vidany (Pryazhinsky district) Nizhnyaya Salma (Pryazhinsky district) Nizmelyankhovi (admin. territory of Sortavala) Nikitinskaya (Medvezhyegorsky district) Nikonova Guba (Medvezhyegorsky district) Nikonova Selga (Belomorsky district) Nilmoguba (Loukhsky district) Nilmozero (Loukhsky district) Niniselga (Olonets district) New Vilga (Prionezhsky district) New Gabselga (Medvezhyegorsky district) Novinka (Olonets district) Novinka (Pudozhsky district) New Mashezero (Belomorsky district) New Sands (Pryazhinsky district) New Village (Kondopoga district -n) New Sofporog (Loukhsky district) Nozhevo (Pudozhsky district) Nosonovshchina (Medvezhyegorsky district) Nottovaraka (Belomorsky district) Nukuttalakhti (administrative territory of Sortavala) Nyrki (Prionezhsky district) Nyukhcha ( Belomorsky district) about Obzha (Olonets district) Ogorelyshi (Medvezhyegorsky district) Oktyabrskaya (Pudozh district) Olanga district. (meteorological) Oleniy (Segezhsky district) Olonets Ondozero (Muezersky district) Onezheny (Medvezhyegorsky district) Onezhsky (Prionezhsky district) Onezhsky (Pudozhsky district) Ontova (Medvezhyegorsky district) Onkulitsa (Olonets district) Oppola (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Orzega (Prionezhsky district) Orusyarvi (Pitkyaranta district) Ostrov (Pudozhsky district) Otrakkala (administrative territory of Sortavala) Otsanlahti (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Oyavois ( administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Padany Padmozero (Medvezhyegorsky district) Padozero (Pryazhinsky district) Padun (Medvezhyegorsky district) Pai Paikyarvenkyulya (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Palalakhta (Pryazhinsky district) Paloselga (Kondopoga district) n) Paltega (Medvezhyegorsky district) Pannila (Pryazhinsky district) Panniselga (Pryazhinsky district) Panozero (Kemsky district) Parkanselka (Suoyarvsky district) Parkonmäki (Lahdenpokhsky district) Partala (administrative territory of the city) Sortavala) Patanevshchina (Medvezhyegorsky district) Patrovo (Medvezhyegorsky district) Pedaselga (Prionezhsky district) Pelgostrov (Pudozhsky district) Pelusozero (Pudozhsky district) Peninga (Muezersky district) Perguba (Medvezhyegorsky district) m)

Pertiselga (Olonets district) Pertozero (Segezha district) Perkhina (Medvezhyegorsky district) Pesola (Suoyarvi district) Peschanoye (Pudozhsky district) Petrozavodsk Petra (Medvezhyegorsky district) Piitsieki (Suoyarvi district) Pildozero (Loukhsky district) Pindushi Pirzakovo (Pudozhsky district) Pirttipokhya (administrative territory of Sortavala) Pitkyaranta Pleshki (Medvezhyegorsky district) Dam (Loukhsky district) Coast (Medvezhyegorsky district) Povenets Pogoila (Pryazhinsky district) Pogost (Medvezhyegorsky district) Pogost (Pudozhsky district) Pogrankondushi (Pitkyaranta district) Podgornaya (Kondopoga district) Podgorskaya (Medvezhyegorsky district) Podporozhye (Pudozhsky district) Pokrovskoye (Medvezhyegorsky district -n) Polga (Segezhsky district) Half (Prionezhsky district) Fields (Medvezhyegorsky district) Arctic Circle (Loukhsky district) Pongoma Popov Threshold (Segezhsky district) Porozhek (Prionezhsky district) Porosozero Porshta (Pudozhsky district) Poyakonda Prirechny (Pudozhsky district) Prokkoila (Pryazhinsky district) Proletarka (Kondopoga district) Yarn Pudozh Pudozhgorsky (Pudozhsky district) Puikkola (administrative territory of Sortavala) Pulozero (Belomorsky district -n) Purgino (Medvezhyegorsky district) Putilitsa (Olonets district) Pukhta (Prionezhsky district) Fur Pyazhieva Selga Pyalozero (Kondopoga district) Pyalozero (Pudozhsky district) Pyalma Pyaozersky district Rabocheostrovsk Ragnuksa (Pudozhsky district) m) Raznavolok Raivio (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Raiguba (Kondopoga district) Raikonkoski (Suoyarvsky district) Ramentsy (Segezha district) Rantuz (admin. territory of the city of Sortavala) Rautakangas (administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Rautalahti (administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Rautalahti (Pitkyaranta district) Rauhala (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Reboly Revselga (Prionezhsky district) Regozero Repnoe Lake (Pryazhinsky district) Reuskula (administrative territory of Sortavala) River (Pryazhinsky district) River Selga (Olonets district) Rigozero (Segezhsky district) Rimskoye (Pudozhsky district) Rintala (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Rogozinskaya (Pudozhsky district) Royknavolok (Suoyarvsky district) Rubcheyla (Pryazhinsky district) Ruga (Pryazhinsky district) Rugozero (Muezersky district) Ruskeala (administrative territory of Sortavala) Rybreka (Prionezhsky district) Rypushkalitsy (Olonets district) Ryuttyu (administrative territory of Sortavala) Ryaimala (Pitkyaranta district) with Savinovo (Pryazhinsky district) Savinskaya (Medvezhyegorsky district) Salmaguba (Medvezhyegorsky district) Salmenitsa (Pryazhinsky district) m) Salmi Sambatuksa (Olonets district) Sarmyagi (Olonets district) Sakhankoski (administrative territory of Sortavala) Svyatnavolok (Kondopoga district) Svyatozero (Pryazhinsky district) Severny (Muezersky district) Segezha Selga ( Olonetsky district) Semenovo (Pudozhsky district) Sennaya Guba (Medvezhyegorsky district) Sennaya Guba (Segezhsky district) Whitefish (Kemsky district) Sigovo (Medvezhyegorsky district) Sikopokhya (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Simanova Selga (Pryazhinsky district) Soanlahti (Suoyarvi district) Sovdozero (Suoyarvi district) Sodder (Pryazhinsky district) Solomennoye Solokha (Kondopoga district) Sonozero (Muezersky district) Sonostrov Sorola (Lakhdenpokhsky district ) Sortavala Sorye (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Soskua (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Sosnovets Sosnovy (Loukhsky district) Sofporog Spasskaya Guba (Kondopoga district) Spirovka (Medvezhyegorsky district) Staraya Kuzema (Kemsky district) Steshevskaya ( Pudozhsky district) Suglitsa (Segezhsky district) Suisar (Prionezhsky district) Suysar-on-Ostrov (Prionezhsky district) Suistamo (Suojarvi district) Sukkozero Suma (Pudozhsky district) Sumeria (Pitkyaranta district) n) Sumerichi (Segezhsky district) Sumozero (Belomorsky district) Sumostrov (Belomorsky district) Sumsky (Segezhsky district) Sumsky Posad Suna (Kondopoga district) Suoeki (Suoyarvsky district) Suoperya (Loukhsky district -n) Suoyarvi Suun (Muezersky district) Sukhoi Navolok (Pudozhsky district) Syssoila (Pryazhinsky district) Syvyaoro (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Syurga (Prionezhsky district) Syuskyuya (Pitkyaranta district) Syamozero Syandeba ( Olonetsky district) Syappyavaara (Olonets district) Syapsia (Pryazhinsky district) t Taboyporog (Segezhsky district) Tambitsy (Pudozhsky district) Tambichozero (Pudozhsky district) Tarzhepol (Prionezhsky district) Tatar Mountain (Pudozhsky district) Takhtasovo (Olonets district) Tashkenitsy (Olonets district) Tegozero (Belomorsky district) Telyatnikovo (Medvezhyegorsky district) Tenguselga (Olonets district) Tervayarvi (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Tervu ( Lakhdenpokhsky district) Terebovskaya (Pudozhsky district) Terek (Kondopoga district) Terekhovo (Medvezhyegorsky district) Ternavolok (Kondopoga district) Tivdia (Kondopoga district) Tigvera (Olonets district) Tiksha Tipinitsy ( Medvezhyegorsky district) Tiurula (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Tikhvin Bor (Medvezhyegorsky district) Tikhtozero (Kalevalsky district) Toivola (Suoyarvi district) Tokkarlahti (admin. territory of Sortavala) Tolvoyarvi Tolvuya (Medvezhyegorsky district) Topornaya Gora (Medvezhyegorsky district) Topornaya Lake (Pryazhinsky district) Torosozero (Olonets district) Tounan (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Tuba (Pudozhsky district) Tuksa (Olonets district) Tulguba (Kondopoga district) Tuloksa (Olonets district) Tulosozero (Olonets district) Tunatrek (Medvezhyegorsky district) Tungozero (Loukhsky district) Tunguda (Belomorsky district) Tuokslahti (administrative territory of Sortavala) Turkhanvaara (Suoyarvi district) Tukhkala (Loukhsky district) Tedino (Loukhisky district) near Uzheselga (Prionezhsky district) Ulitina Novinka (Kondopoga district) Ulmalahti (Suoyarvi district) n) Ulyalega (Pryazha district) Unduksa (Kem district) Unita Urosozero (Segezhsky district) Ussuna (Kondopoga district) Ust-Reka (Pudozhsky district) Ustye (Prionezhsky district) Ustye Olonka ( Olonetsky district) Utozero (Olonets district) Utuki (Kondopoga district) Uuksu (Pitkyaranta district) Uya (Prionezhsky district) f Fedotovo (Medvezhyegorsky district) Fominskaya (Medvezhyegorsky district) x Haapalampi (administrative territory of Sortavala)

Khaikolya (Kalevalsky district) Khankanmaki (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Khanki (administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Hannukkalanmyaki (administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Kharvia (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Kharitonova Gora (Suoyarvi district) Kharlovskaya (Pudozhsky district) m) Harlu Hautavaara (Suoyarvi district) Khashezero (Medvezhyegorsky district) Khvoyny (Belomorsky district) Helyulya Hetolambina (Loukhsky district) Khizhozero (Muezersky district) Khiitola Khlebozero (Pryazhinsky district) Khotinlahti (admin . territory of the city of Sortavala) Khotinhovi (administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Khuuhkanmyaki (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Hukhtervu (Lakhdenpokhsky district) Humpelya (administrative territory of the city of Sortavala) Khyrsulya (Suoyarvi district) Häme (Kalevalsky district) m) Hämäläinen (Lakhdenpokhsky district) ts Tsarevichi (Prionezhsky district) ch Chalna Chasovenskaya (Kondopoga district) Chebino (Medvezhyegorsky district) Chebolaksha (Kondopoga district) Chelmuzhi (Medvezhyegorsky district) Cherkasy (Medvezhyegorsky district) district) Chernaya Lamba (Pryazha district) Black Lambina (Belomorsky district) Chernaya Rechka (Olonets district) Chernorechensky (Pudozh district) Black Threshold (Segezha district) Chimoila (Olonets district) Chkalovsky Chuinavolok (Pryazha district) Chupa (Kondopoga district) Chupa (Loukhsky district) Chupa (Prionezhsky district) Churalakhta (Pryazha district) Chuyala (Pudozhsky district) Shaidoma sh. (Kondopoga district) ) Shalgovaara (Medvezhyegorsky district) Shalukha (Pudozhsky district) Shalsky Sheltozero (Prionezhsky district) Shiltya (Medvezhyegorsky district) Shoksha (Prionezhsky district) Shomba (Kemsky district) Shonga (Kalevalsky district ) Shpalovaya (Segezhsky district) Shuezero (Belomorsky district) Shueretskoye (Belomorsky district) Shuyskaya (Prionezhsky district) Shunga (Medvezhyegorsky district) Shuya shchanikovskaya (Pudozhsky district) Shchekkila (Pryazhinsky district) n) Shchepino (Medvezhyegorsky district) e Elisenvaara Elmus (Kondopoga district) Engozero Essoila (Pryazhinsky district) south End (Medvezhyegorsky district) Yukkoguba (Medvezhyegorsky district) Yukovo (Belomorsky district) Yuksila (Olonets district) Yurgelitsa (Olonets district) Yurgilitsa (Pryazhinsky district) Yurkin Navolok (Segezhsky district) Yurkostrov (Kondopoga district) Yushkozero (Kalevalsky district) I Yakkoila (Olonets district) Yalguba (Prionezhsky district) Yangozero (Suoyarvi district) Yanisyarvi (Pitkyaranta district)

Dream books online, interpretation of dreams

A dream book is nothing more than an interpreter of dreams and dreams, a translator of dreams. Since ancient times, people have been using dream books; dreams have always been given great importance, and people have often noticed the prophetic properties of some dreams. The dream book can become your faithful assistant every day and throughout your life, thanks to the dream interpreter you can always make the right decisions, the dream book will help you resist temptations in time, and will warn you against wrong steps and frivolous actions. Further…

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