Interesting sights of Troitsk, Moscow district

Troitsk - attractions and what to see
Historical information. A visit to the city of Troitsk will undoubtedly give you pleasure. Although it is still not entirely appropriate to call it a city - since 2012 it has been part of the Moscow District. It is located just 20 kilometers southwest of the Moscow Ring Road, along the Kaluga Highway.

The history of Troitsk begins in the 17th century with the village of Troitsky. The first mention of the Troitskaya heath can be found in documents from 1627. Then the wasteland belonged to the lands of boyar I.I. Saltykova.

General information

Great progress in the development of the village of Troitsky began with the emergence of a large cloth factory in 1797. Although many historians dispute this date. Thanks to the factory, the village quickly turned into a large settlement. The factory is still one of the largest enterprises in Troitsk!

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the temporary headquarters of Napoleon's retreating troops was located in Troitsky. Historians believe that Napoleon spent two days of the existence of the headquarters in Troitsk in the Levshin manor house. Of course, there are no documents on this matter, but there is oral evidence.

In the fifties of the last century, Troitsk experienced the so-called “dacha period”. By decision of the Moscow Regional Council in 1955, the Krasnaya Pakhra holiday home, the children's playground of the Administration of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Children's Club "Soviet Writer", a residential village of the Construction Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and a pioneer camp were annexed to the Trinity village. There were dachas of Tvardovsky, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Nagibin, Vladimir Vysotsky, Lyudmila Zykina and other famous people.

In March 1977, Troitsk received city status. Its population then was 20 thousand people.

In January 2007, Troitsk was given the status of a science city, according to a decree of the Russian government. And rightfully so - now Troitsk is home to 10 of the largest research centers! These institutes conduct the most important research and development for the country. These institutions became city-forming for Troitsk.

The city is very cozy, beautiful and green, with a favorable environment. There are forests on all sides of the city, and there are no large industrial enterprises.

Troitsk has all the infrastructure for a comfortable life. The nearest metro station is 30 minutes away by shuttle bus. Today the city's population is 61 thousand people.

"This city is on fire..."

Those who fell in an unequal battle From the editor:
A lot has been written, said and filmed about the events taking place in the forest of Novomoskovsk Troitsk. Therefore, there is no point in additionally reporting on current details on our pages. This story, alas, is typical of modern Russia and highlights its problems as clearly as possible.

Troitsk, in principle, has always been a thing in itself, and this term does not carry any negativity. Something like this, a little isolated, a little out of this world, is what any scientific town (in the official Russian status - a science city) should be like anywhere on the planet. Troitsk would probably have remained that way, if not for its proximity to Moscow. Once upon a time this was seen as an undoubted blessing, now, after joining the capital, it is just some kind of fierce trash, to use modern youth slang.

The Moscow order reflected its most unsightly features on Troitsk. Often there seems to be no reason for this. However, one gets the feeling that the “taming” of the annexed territories is being carried out using the most painful methods. Literally with the purpose of showing who is boss in the house. Let’s not remind you for the hundredth time that in general, in New Moscow, almost everything is being done exactly the opposite of what was promised. The unfortunate new districts are given over to the hydra of the construction complex, which is developing the occupied lands quickly and mercilessly. AND CRAZY.

The plagues of multi-storey slums, which are extremely uncomfortable for their inhabitants, are spreading across New Moscow. But it is precisely this type of construction that brings maximum income to their initiators and beneficiaries. Closely put together, hastily constructed residential buildings with minimal social infrastructure are the cheapest per square meter of housing during construction, but are very complex and expensive to maintain during their subsequent operation.

Watching this whole process is extremely disappointing. To some extent, you can come to terms with it, but only in the absence of two main negative conditions. Firstly, this process at least should not concern you directly. And secondly, in at least half of the cases - and with some kind of manic persistence - the most environmentally valuable areas are chosen for construction. Such areas include the forest zones of New Moscow, which are actually one of the main suppliers of clean air for the capital, especially considering the local wind rose.

However, the forest area stretching from Moscow to the southwest suffered terribly after the annexation of new territories. As a result of its reconstruction, there is simply no forest left along the Kaluga Highway! There was no one to protect him. But the forest zone in Troitsk was a little more lucky. But not because no one is trying to kill her. They are making attempts, and how - throughout the entire modern history of the development of these places. But with each successive attempt to destroy the forest, there are more and more active opponents of ecocide, as fighters against deforestation say.

It was still somehow possible to understand (although, in our opinion, not to justify) the construction on the site of a forest in Troitsk during the time of its regional subordination. But now, when “everything around is Moscow, everything around is nobody’s,” the manic destruction of a comfortable living environment is akin to a crime. Under whatever noble pretext it may take place.

Our next publication is on this topic.
The author is a photo reporter, a resident of Troitsk since 1975, photographed three Olympic Games, worked in the conflict zone in Ukraine and Karabakh, participated in a round-the-world expedition around Antarctica, and developed systems for remote photography.
* * *

Alexey Kudenko

A real civil war began in Troitsk at the beginning of the new year. Some of the townspeople are celebrating the victory over the “polluted bush,” while others are in a state of shock from the forest genocide, perceiving it as if their neighbor and the city authorities had taken away part of their family. By the time this text appears on paper, the trees on the sites for cutting down for the school in Trinity Forest will most likely be finished off.

The city has been approaching the current situation for 14 years since the adoption of the General Plan 2008, consistently crossing off the places for educational institutions included in it from the list, and arrived at it using a simple formula: “We analyzed the need for places in school and preschool institutions. We studied the land plots on the cadastral map.”

And they knocked down a mega-school in the forest.

This equation of two terms: “The need for school places + site = School given by Moscow,” to which the question of a superschool is often reduced, raises a lot of questions in the context of the urban environment.

First, let's look at the terms.

First: there is no information about the real need for school places. Data from the Troitsk Education Department differ from Rosstat data, and those differ from independent calculations and information from school websites.

It is impossible to know how many school places are occupied by city residents and how many are allocated to the surrounding area. There is also no study on which areas of the city do not have enough school places. It is intuitively clear that in the north and south of Troitsk, but there are no quantitative indicators. There is no information about planned schools in the district that could relieve the burden on Troitsk. There is no information on the projected population of the city and immediate surroundings. What to take as a basis? Either a decrease in the population in Russia, or an increase in the number of residents in New Moscow. And at the expense of what and who? Migrants from abroad? Then in general we need to focus on the needs of these countries, right down to teaching in their language...

Second term.

According to the head of Troitsk, Vladimir Dudochkin, “on the territory of the former 4th school (1.86 hectares) it is possible to place a school with 760 seats (like the 6th school) without a stadium. But then we will lose the college, which is why Moscow did not consider this site.” Counter question: why didn’t they insist on moving the college to the “FSIN building”?

to build Izumrudny (a new residential complex in the north of the city -

it is impossible to plan a compact school next to the MFC

Botak Field, once reserved for the Higher School of Economics complex, has been empty for a decade and a half. They say they sent letters to the Higher School of Economics, but they do not respond. It’s hard to believe that HSE is against the school for Troitsk, and therefore, it’s hard to believe that real negotiations were held.

According to Vladimir Dudochkin, the Troitsk authorities have been looking for a place for the school for 10 years. The “search” led to the construction of a housing cooperative microdistrict, but the initially planned school disappeared from there. The vacant plot nearby (half privately owned, half built up with houses for renovation) was again not considered for a school, despite requests from residents of the neighborhood. There is a public and business zone nearby, across Cherenkova Street - the site was not considered. But now there are planned sports and recreation centers and private garages. The area of ​​the K microdistrict, large in area, long populated, but on the other side of the Kaluga Highway, was again not considered! Extensions to schools No. 3 and 5 (this is according to the old Trinity numbering, which is quite understandable and familiar to the locals - Ed.

) were not considered for the most important reason - “there is a valuable forest with squirrels there,” as Vladimir Dudochkin said. The site on Gorodskaya Street, in the north of Troitsk, “was purchased by a private developer for multi-storey residential development.” It turns out that all this time the administration turned a blind eye to yet another “humanitarian” project, which would further complicate the situation with schools, and did nothing.

One of the places in Troitsk (on Gorodskaya Street) where the administration DOESN’T WANT to build a school.
The developers of the General Plan 2008 offered several options for educational institutions for places other than a school in the forest. The Troitsk administration claims that all of them turned out to be unsuitable for educational needs. Did the developers slip the city bullshit? Here one of the two is clearly incompetent.

The 2008 General Plan was approved by the city Council of Deputies, which has not changed much in 14 years. And the participation of leading representatives of education in it is traditionally large. It turns out that the Council and teacher-consultants spend city money on “bullshit”, and then do not implement the adopted plans, because it is impossible to implement them!

The head of Troitsk, Vladimir Dudochkin, writes in his own hand on the city website that all proposals for places for schools were discussed at some internal meetings, at which, however, no minutes were taken. Let's act like adults: every schoolchild knows about the role of “paper” in our country. It’s an amazing level to consider 4-5 places for schools, thereby covering half of the General Plan, and not leave any written traces. Even the NKVD troikas observed more formalities!

As for the above-mentioned equation, if you think about it, it clearly does not have two terms.

First, according to the classics, this is the division equation. The resource is shared: territory. In this case

forest. And it is shared by certain groups. The group “Administration + Educational Sphere + Construction Complex + parents interested in the school” against the group of those who care about the forest (which by no means excludes the school, but in a different place).

Even from this point of view, the solution is completely unobvious: why, instead of being publicly accessible, should a resource become carefully fenced and inaccessible to those not associated with the school?! References to “are obvious deceit. A monumental fence around (look at ANY city school!) and the safety of children with 24-hour security do not imply easy accessibility comparable to the “transparency” of the forest.

Operating school in Troitsk - “

Open field and forest for sale

But to get the equation right, you need to rewind history a little.

What is Trinity made of? From the scientific environment and ecology (forests). Take this away - the city will be no different from Kommunarka, Odintsovo, Shcherbinka or a host of other similar places. He'll even lose. Schools, gyms, shops, unskilled jobs are everywhere, and the metro is closer.

That is, “scientific” and forest are two of Troitsk’s most valuable assets.

When institutions were built, one asset was exchanged for another. But now there is a clear and over the years only growing imbalance (to put it mildly) towards a DECREASE in BOTH assets.

If Troitsk really wants to be a service center for the entire New Moscow with a population of 1–2 million, there will not be enough forest for all the necessary facilities. And they will eventually begin to be built around, near new microdistricts. So why not put everything back on its feet at once? If on one side there is HSE housing, on the other there is “block 38” (newly erected slums on the 38th km on the other side of the Kaluzhskoe highway - Ed.

), the third and fourth have their own unsatisfied areas, why not build schools closer to them, not so huge, or larger, but there, in the place where they are really needed?!

By the way, the General Plan 2018 envisages a further escalation of housing construction in Troitsk. Namely, “ replacement of the housing stock on the territory of SNT
Veteran 1 and Veteran 2 with mid-rise urban development... The size of the housing stock could be 200–300 thousand square meters. m of total area < ... > 6-8-storey residential buildings

But why, with such grandiose plans for housing development around, waste a valuable (and slowly renewable!) forest resource, which will naturally become a center of attraction when the “construction sabbath” finally ends?

In my opinion, the official assessment of the value of the forest has been grossly violated. “ In accordance with field survey data, open areas of soil are overgrown with cereals of various colors, mainly ruderal species of grasses. There is also a growth of trees...

“- says the engineering and environmental examination of the Troitsk forest, carried out by Geosphere LLC in February-March 2022. Well, that is, in winter! In our equation, one of the variables was clearly set to zero. At the same time, a forest, whatever you call it, is a property with a price. According to independent calculations based on figures from logging documents, which the loggers reluctantly showed to residents, the cost of the operation to “transform” the forest into a field (felling/timber/compensation) can be approximately estimated at up to 750 million rubles. For comparison: the area of ​​the site on Gorodskaya Street is 3.9 hectares, and its cadastral value is 121 million rubles. The city could negotiate with the lot owners and save a lot of money!

Dying Forest

Not yet cut down, but already fenced off “ruderal grasses and tree shoots”

What do we get as a result of making a decision about a loss (about a loss for the city budget, we emphasize! - Ed.

) these millions of rubles and forests?

  1. The construction of a school does not remove the issue of sufficiency of educational places.
  2. An irreplaceable public resource disappears.
  3. The issue of walking distance to schools for some areas of the city, especially new ones that are remote, does not go away. Since the construction is taking place in the city center, within walking distance of existing schools.
  4. The emergence of a violent confrontation in Troitsk with the destruction of the established urban community.
  5. Traffic in the school area and throughout the city is increasing.

Read more about the confrontation.

The administration of Troitsk, regardless of its actions in locating the school and devaluing the value of the forest, took an ostrich position, pretending that the activists in the forest opposing logging are a small part of the city, marginalized and visitors. The lack of negotiations, compromises and forceful confrontation at the site of deforestation lead to the fact that Troitsk becomes known to the country, and then to the world, not as a science city with a forest, but as an analogue of the conventional Khimki, where incomprehensible formations in balaclavas beat the locals, defending what was imposed by someone else. ambitious project.

Forest Defenders

This petition was delivered to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Last chance

Read more about local traffic.

I will list a number of problems that have arisen in connection with the increase in population in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsk administrative districts (TINAO) and the “work” of designers. And they don’t plan to solve them.

The traffic light at the intersection of Oktyabrsky and Solnechnaya made travel in this direction virtually single-lane. The exit-entry road itself, at 41 km of Kaluga Highway, is still often stopped. And all because they didn’t bother to build interchanges for exits from Troitsk during the reconstruction of Kaluzhka. Tekstilshchikov Street, in the north of Troitsk, barely crawls in both directions, especially during mosque opening hours. (Yes! There is now a mosque in Troitsk!) On the 36th km of Kaluzhskoye Highway, right after Vatutinki, there are constant traffic jams entering the city through the same street. Textile workers. Even the new Kaluzhka is still unpredictable and is often locked in the Desna and Rakitok areas. A separate masterpiece is the exit to the Moscow Ring Road, which is “successfully” combined with the route from Kommunarka, the entrance to MEGA and the traffic light in front of the above-ground pedestrian crossing.

The traffic light at the intersection of Kaluga Highway with the Central Ring Road (more precisely, the former “concrete road”) is also included in the “hit parade” of transport thoughtlessness. There used to be a circle there, and the streams moved at least, but now passing this eye of a needle in half an hour is luck. That is, we see that in terms of traffic forecasting and construction, road network developers are poor performers.

It logically follows from this that a four-lane road and all kinds of traffic lights will not save us from a traffic jam in the area of ​​the new school. Especially if a metro station is added in the same place.

What could be both the equation and the solution?

In my opinion: the official expansion of the city’s territory with the inclusion of a new microdistrict on the 38th km, Puchkovo, Botakovo and other surrounding settlements, which are already tied to Troitsk. This will allow infrastructure to be distributed more evenly, rationally and closer to consumers, creating new nodes of attraction. And do not shred irrevocably valuable natural resources, destroying the ecological balance of the region. And the Trinity Forest can only be saved by giving it a strict protective status with a COMPLETE ban on any construction on its territory. And, of course, financing activities to register, describe and maintain the condition of the forest.

Alexey Kudenko

Photo of members of the Friends of Trinity Forest group on Facebook

From the editor :
On the night of February 3-4, “enemy troops”, having brought additional manpower (specialists in cutting down trees and people) and construction equipment to the battlefield, almost completely destroyed the forest in the planned area. At the same time, there were exercises to suppress protests by civilians using illegal gangs. The police were present at the exercises, but did not interfere with anyone. The townspeople have seen from their own experience that public administration, the rule of law and the protection of human rights are completely absent in Troitsk. The city is occupied by someone unknown, and “saving the lives of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.” And this is no longer a metaphor.

Night Sabbath of Evil Spirits

Representative of the developer (SU-555) and employer of the people in yellow vests

These are not lumberjacks or builders, but those same illegal gangs


1 Quote from the minutes of public hearings on the territory planning project and land surveying project for the placement of a school for 2,100 places with an access road in the “B” microdistrict of the Troitsk urban district dated February 17, 2022.

2 Quote from the minutes of the hearing.


4 Although, I think, in favor of the cutters it is worth taking into account the proceeds from the sale of “ruderal grasses and tree shoots.” Moreover, the revenue is gray, since the rubbish is cut only on paper, but in reality, neatly stored perennial trunks of industrial diameter are removed. - Ed.

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See also:

  • Worse than Covid (extended version) (01/25/2022)
  • Worse than Covid (01/13/2022)
  • Science city and capital (06/29/2021)
  • Correspondence conversation with the mayor (01/21/2022)
  • What is happening to the planet while we stay at home? (14.07.2020)
  • Drawbar of Moscow renovation (02/04/2019)
  • Theater solidarity action (04.07.2017)
  • Circummoscow demographic journey (09/07/2018)
  • Passions according to the Red Book (05.12.2017)
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