Public cadastral map of Ivanovo as of 02/09/2022

Ivanovo is the regional center of the Ivanovo region, which is located 250 km (as the crow flies) and 302 km (by road) northeast of Moscow. This city is located on the banks of the Uvod River. A satellite map of Ivanovo allows you to see that the city’s territory is crossed by several other rivers. These are Talka, Stradanka and the Kharinka River.

The city is famous for its textile industry , which appeared in Ivanovo back in the 17th century.

Ivanovo began to be called the “city of brides” because of the song performed in one film by Andrei Mironov, and is also included in the Golden Ring of Russia.

On the banks of the rivers there are beautiful recreational parks. Around the city there are wonderful forests, which are a holiday destination for tourists.

City in the center of Russia

Moving to Ivanovo in 2022 is quite a good choice for any Russian, especially for those who live in the far eastern outskirts or in Siberia. Although there is no better place for a native Siberian than the one in which he settled, moving to Ivanovo will still be an important and responsible decision for a number of Russian residents, they need to know the following:

  • it became a city not so long ago in 1871, before that there was a large village and several settlements, where the textile industry was rapidly developing;
  • during the years of the revolution it was the center of the movement to change Russia, since there is a very united and literate working class here;
  • Until now, the city remains the center of the textile industry, as well as mechanical engineering; it is here that enterprises such as Avtokran, Ivenergomash and others are located.

Anyone who has decided to move to Ivanovo must understand that this was originally a working-class village, where various industries were developed, which means that even now those who are determined to work can get an apartment here and fully settle down for their future life.

Population of Ivanovo

When moving to Ivanovo, it is worth finding out about its residents. According to the 2010 census, about 409 thousand people lived in the city. Now the number of citizens has decreased slightly and is 401 thousand people. This figure is significantly lower than it was in the late 1980s. In general, there is a trend towards a reduction in the city's population and demographic problems.

Since the early 90s of the twentieth century, more people have been dying than being born. This trend was observed throughout Russia due to the unstable political and economic situation. Until now, the population of the region is not actively increasing. There is a slight increase due to visitors and immigrants from neighboring countries and regions of Asia. The indigenous Russian population does not strive to reproduce.

At the moment, many visitors from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, etc. live in the city. Most of them received Russian citizenship, settled in their new place of residence, their children attend local secondary schools and know the Russian language well.

The average age of a city resident is 41 years. The segment of young people is shrinking every year. Compared to 2002, the share of the working-age population decreased by 6.5%. The number of working citizens in 2011 was slightly more than 97 thousand people. According to calculations by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as of October 1, 2011, there were 326.6 thousand pensioners in the city. The average family consists of 2.3 people. Thus, in the city of Ivanovo for the last thirty years, mortality has exceeded birth rate.

Every fifth resident has a higher education, and every third has a secondary vocational education. Of all applicants who began their studies, only 23.7% of students receive diplomas. In 2011, there were 10,734 graduates of Ivanovo universities.

Moving to Krasnodar: pros, cons and pitfalls Go

There are 15% more female students than male students. Economics majors are popular; in recent years, more people have begun to enroll in chemistry and biotechnology. Most applicants apply for budget places, but no more than 53% enter and study on preferential terms. Mostly, students pay for their studies on their own or at the expense of companies. About 40% of graduates received job placement last year.

The standard of living in the city of Ivanovo is low compared to other settlements. The average salary in 2022 was 39,000 rubles. But pay in each profession is different and can vary significantly.

According to Rosstat, the average pension in Ivanovo in 2022 is 15,000 rubles.


It is clear that for a person who decides to change his place of residence within Russia, the climate of Ivanovo will be of considerable importance. Many people move around the country in search of a more comfortable climate for themselves. The weather in Ivanovo meets the following parameters:

  • the climate itself is temperate continental;
  • this means that the winter here is quite mild, on average - 12;
  • and cool summers up to +18 on average.

All other increases in air temperature, both in winter and summer, are considered abnormal changes and are not typical for the Ivanovo region. But there is one distinctive feature that is inherent in this region: the weather often changes due to changing cyclones, so it can suddenly be very hot in summer and warm in winter.


For those who moved, as well as for the city residents themselves, this indicator is important. Today, Ivanovo is in 19th place in the list of 82 cities in terms of environmental level and this is a very good indicator (The list of the most environmentally friendly cities in Russia for living in 2022 can be found by following this link).

Largely due to the fact that the number of industrial enterprises in the region and in the city itself has decreased.

On September 15, 2022, the Ivanovo branch of AB InBev Efes and the youth public organization YMCA-Ivanovo joined the international environmental action - World Cleanup Day.

But there are a number of other factors that influence the cleanliness of the surrounding space:

  • the number of industrial enterprises has decreased, there are fewer emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, which, of course, is a plus for the city’s ecology and a minus for its economy;
  • There is a good green area in the city and its surroundings, which has a positive effect on the natural atmosphere in Ivanovo.

In general, the city is relatively small and comfortable to settle in.

City districts

There are only four districts in the city, as in many such Russian regional centers. Their names are also standard for our country: Leninsky, Frunzensky, Oktyabrsky, Sovetsky. But there are also traditional areas with their own names, in which real estate prices vary.

  1. Sortirovka is one of the poorest areas of the city, the housing here is mostly dilapidated, but there are also panel and brick houses that are quite tolerable, from the Khrushchev and Brezhnev era. The cost of such one-room apartments is 1,100,000–1,200,000 rubles, for the barracks type they are half the price.
  2. A workers' village - there are good quality houses here that have been built since the 1920s, they are one- and three-story, in them one room costs from 900 thousand to 1 million rubles. The advantage of this area is that it is surrounded by greenery, but the negative aspects are that the area is quite remote from the center.
  3. Mineevo is an area in the north of the city, mainly built up with one-story houses with good plots of land; a house here will cost from 1,500 thousand rubles.
  4. The Bor wasteland is an area not so far from the city center, there are many new buildings, shops, pharmacies and other things. A one-room apartment in such an area costs 1,100 thousand rubles.

    Residential complex Tihiy Bor (Derevenskaya St.). Ivanovo

  5. Avdotino is another district of Ivanovo, located on the outskirts of the city, where you can buy a one-room apartment for up to 1 million rubles.
  6. And, finally, the village of Bukharovo, something like Rublyovka in Ivanovo. This area is built up with cottages with a minimum cost of 7 million rubles.


Of course, as in every regional city located in any part of Russia, Ivanovo has a lot of problems related to housing and communal services, but it is also necessary to note some important points that distinguish this city from some positive side.

  1. Developed hotel chain from VIP rooms to economy class.
  2. All bills for housing and communal services, to the credit of officials, arrive on time, as well as the collection of penalties for non-fulfillment.
  3. There is an airport in the city and regular flights to Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  4. The roads on the central streets are quite good, but once you drive somewhere to the outskirts, you can’t vouch for the quality.

Once upon a time there were trams in Ivanovo, but now there are none, since such transport turned out to be unprofitable and all the rails were rolled into asphalt. But, nevertheless, transport in Ivanovo is quite developed - there are buses, minibuses, trolleybuses, taxis. So there are no problems getting to any part of the city.

Beauty and sights of Ivanovo

The city of Ivanovo is part of the Golden Ring of Russia, a famous tourist route. It also includes the ancient cities of Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, and Vladimir. The city does not have an ancient history, but gained fame during the revolutionary movement at the beginning of the twentieth century and is therefore included in the list of recommended places to visit.

Ivanovo is a relatively young city that appeared not so long ago. The oldest building preserved in good condition is the Shchudrovskaya Tent, built in the 17th century. Avant-garde and constructivist architecture is widely represented in the city. About fifty buildings were built in this style, for example, the Ship House, the Horseshoe House, the Collective House, the Ivselbank building, the railway station and others.

For lovers of the history of the revolution or the development of industry, it is recommended to visit the Museum of the First Council, the Museum of History and Local Lore, the Ivanovo Calico Museum, the Ivanovo Art Museum, and the Museum of Industry and Art.

In the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum you can see the works of Palekh and Kholuy artists. Two branches of the art museum are recommended for visiting: the House-Museum of B.I. Prorokov, who was a cartoonist of the Soviet Union, and the House-Museum of the artist A.I. Morozov.

The building of the Museum of the First Council once hosted meetings of the first Council of Workers' Deputies in May 1905, and now there is an exhibition dedicated to the revolutionary times. Exhibits of similar themes can be viewed in the Bubnov Family House Museum (A.S. Bubnov was the People's Commissar of Education of the USSR) and the Memorial Museum-Office of M.V. Frunze.

The city of Ivanovo has its own zoo, opened in 1994. It is home to predators, ungulates, birds, rodents, and monkeys. The zoo's collection is extensive and unique, including rare species. Over 100 thousand residents and guests of the city visit it annually.

Other establishments recommended for visiting are cafes and restaurants. Fans of culinary delights and the city elite prefer to dine in the Amsterdam restaurants, IL Patio, and in the restaurant of the Sheremetyev park hotel. The dishes here are of high quality and price. For ordinary people who want to have a bite to eat at an affordable price, the restaurants “Zolotoe Fleece”, “Shesh-Besh”, “Baku Yard”, “Tyubeteyka” are suitable. For fast food lovers, McDonald's, McMaster, and Maresto are always open.

In the evening, night clubs begin their work: entertainment, clubs "Iceberg", "A 113", "Bomb", "Taganka". Every weekend they feature local and touring artists with their own entertainment program.

For lovers of a relaxing holiday, the city has many parks. You can enjoy the fresh pine air and admire the Kharinka River in the park of the same name, ride a bicycle in the Stepanov Park or on a catamaran in the 1905 Park.

For active recreation, Ivanovo has the Olympia sports and entertainment complex. There is a skating rink, a roller rink, as well as a climbing wall and a multi-field for team games.

You can have a cultural time in drama, music and puppet theaters. All of them are located in one building on Pushkin Square. The city also has a philharmonic society, a cultural and recreation center, a circus, a zoo, and cinemas.

Not only Russian artists perform in the Ivanovo Circus, but also foreign ones. Programs change frequently, so you can visit the establishment with interest more than once. To watch new cinema, there are cinemas: “Sovremennik”, “Lodz” on Lezhnevskaya Street, “Iskra-DELUXE” on Stroiteley Avenue, “Formula A-113”, the “AntiPOPcorn Cinema” project is located in the shopping mall.

Salaries in the city

The city, like the region, is a subsidized region. The textile enterprises that previously held Ivanovo went bankrupt long ago, but, nevertheless, the city is still a center for the production of good textiles for the entire country. You can find work here.

Number of vacancies by salary range in Ivanovo (as of 03/16/19)

One Ivanovo textile company is worth a lot in terms of quality, and produces material for the whole country and abroad. The average salary in Ivanovo in 2022 is presented in the following table:

SpecialityAverage salary in rubles
Locksmith18 000
Accountant21 000
Driver62 000
Doctor23 000
Loader24 000
Waiter10 000
Security guard31 000
Cook19 000
Teacher15 000
Cleaning woman8 500
Secretary15 000
Electrician20 000

It can be seen that salaries in Ivanovo are not that high, they do not at all reach the average salary even in the Tambov region, which I consider to be at the very bottom in the central region, but, nevertheless, in this region the average salary is 26,000 per month, which is quite does not correspond to Ivanovo’s income.

Average salary in Ivanovo by industry (2019)

You can read about salaries in Russia by following this link.

But you can see how much products cost in this region:

ProductsCost in rubles
Milk 1 l50
Rice 1 kg60
Bread 0.5 kg30
Pork 1 kg190
Chicken 1 kg110
Cheese 1 kg300
Eggs 10 pcs.50
Bananas 1 kg50

As can be seen from this list, both income and food expenses in Ivanovo are not so different from all of Russia. And moving here for permanent residence costs the same as in other regions of the state.

The ranking of Russian cities by standard of living can be viewed by following this link.

But at the same time, it is worth remembering that this is still the center of the country and, as it turns out, here the climate is milder and the conditions are better than, for example, beyond the Arctic Circle. From where a person comes with an accumulated amount and can rent quite decent rooms for himself both in the center and on the outskirts. For those who go on a trip, they will not cost much.

Address, number of roomsPrice per month excluding number of people and utilities
Housebuilders, 2 rooms9 000
Bubnova, 3 rooms15 000
Khlebnikov, 2 rooms12 000
Stroiteley Avenue, 1 room8 000

As you can see, in different parts of the city you can easily rent a room even for several months and use it freely. At the same time, there are no restrictions in a religious sense, and on occasion it is possible to change rooms in different areas of the city.

But for those who are planning to settle in the city for a long time, it is important to know how much housing costs here, and this can be seen in the table presented:

AreaNumber of roomsCost in rubles
Leninsky (center)1 room1,300 thousand
Leninist2-room1,750 thousand
Sovetsky (northern outskirts)2-room1,500 thousand
Frunzensky (southern outskirts)Studio1,500 thousand

As can be seen from the data presented, apartments in Ivanovo are most expensive in the city center, as well as in other localities. But in the outlying areas, good modern houses are being built, the apartments in which are cheaper.

Pros and cons of moving to Ivanovo

1. Benefits

  • The first plus is the central location in the heart of Russia.

The city of Ivanovo is separated from Moscow by 300 km. Many highways to different parts of the country pass through it. The proximity to the capital attracts many businessmen to run their businesses. You can get from Ivanovo to Moscow by high-speed trains “Sapsan” and “Lastochka”, which depart from the city of Vladimir. The entire journey will take about three hours.

Russian Railways has plans to build a new line that will pass through Ivanovo and allow you to get to the capital in 1.5 hours. Transport is available from the city in any direction: to the north, to the south, to the Urals. In 2008, after reconstruction, the air terminal began operating. From it you can fly to Moscow, St. Petersburg, as well as to the Krasnodar Territory.

  • The second plus is a favorable environmental situation

In the city of Ivanovo there are no large industrial plants that emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. Life here is considered environmentally friendly. The Ivanovo region has several beautiful rivers, such as the Volga, where residents love to fish and sail on yachts. Large tracts of forest are located on the southern, eastern and northern borders of the city and are favorite vacation spots for local residents. Picturesque nature, an abundance of fields, meadows and forests with mushrooms and berries encourage relaxation, which is available to everyone.

One of the attractions of this region is the small town of Plyos, which is located on the Volga. Many tourists come to admire the nature of these places. Famous Russian artists I.E. Repin, F.A. Vasilyev, A.K. Savrasov, I. Levitan worked in Ples on the Volga, many of whose paintings were painted here.

  • The third plus is new residential development

Many apartments and commercial premises are constantly being built and put into operation. The city offers real estate in different price categories: economy class, middle segment, luxury housing. There is also the option of individual residential construction of your own home, which can be built in a short time. Modern technologies and materials are used during construction. If you are moving to Ivanovo from another region, you can exchange your apartment for a new house. There are companies in the city that provide similar services.

  • The fourth plus is the organization of education for children

There are many students living in the city of Ivanovo who are studying at local educational institutions. In total, about 20 higher educational institutions and a large number of colleges, technical schools and vocational schools are concentrated here. Applicants from different regions of Russia and even foreigners come here to get an education. Local universities train specialists in various fields to work in the fields of energy, chemistry, economics, construction, medicine, pedagogy, art and music. For people who are thinking about the future of their children, moving to Ivanovo may be a good decision.

For young and middle-aged children in Ivanovo there are many kindergartens, schools, development centers, as well as art, music and sports institutions. In their free time, local residents visit theaters, museums, the circus, ice skating rinks, and amusement parks. The city administration organizes and conducts annual holidays, festivals, city days, sporting events and more.

  • The fifth plus is medical centers

Ivanovo is home to one of the few Russian Research Institutes of Motherhood and Childhood named after. V. N. Gorodkova. The research institute provides assistance to pregnant women from different regions. Professional obstetrician-gynecologists conduct routine observations during the period of waiting for children and preparing for childbirth in more than six thousand women annually. About three thousand babies are born here every year. Many families have found solutions to their problems in this center.

2. Disadvantages:

  • There are a lot of old houses, the construction of new ones is carried out chaotically.
  • The city has dirty streets; not all management companies regularly remove garbage from their territories.
  • It is difficult to get a job, especially if you are applying for a well-paid position.
  • There are not enough public transport units to transport local residents.

Buses, trolleybuses and minibuses operate on routes in the city. There is a private taxi service. Ivanovo has 11 trolleybus lines, but there are not enough of them to meet the needs of the growing population. People prefer to travel by buses and taxis of different types.

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