History of Nizhnekamsk in persons: N.V. Lemaev is the man who built everything

Where is Nizhnekamsk located?

Nizhnekamsk is a city in the Republic of Tatarstan, the administrative center of the Nizhnekamsk region, forms the urban settlement of the city of Nizhnekamsk.
It is located in a bend of the Kama River, on the left bank, near the confluence of the Zay River and the Kama. The distance to the river port is 2 km. The approximate population of the city is 238 thousand people, the area of ​​Nizhnekamsk is 116 square kilometers. The climate in Nizhnekamsk is temperate continental. The annual precipitation rate is 565 mm. Average annual air humidity is 72%. Nizhnekamsk is located in the same time zone as Moscow, the offset relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is +3.

History of Nizhnekamsk in persons: N.V. Lemaev is the man who built everything

A square, a college of petrochemistry and oil refining, numerous cultural and residential buildings and petrochemical production - everything in the city is in one way or another connected with Nikolai Vasilyevich Lemaev, one of the most famous and important people in the history of Nizhnekamsk.

At the mere mention of the city, an image of an industrial giant - PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim - . The name of the Nizhnekamsk petrochemical complex will forever be associated with many outstanding directors, managers and ordinary workers.

The name of one of the legendary leaders of the enterprise, then still a plant, Nikolai Vasilyevich Lemaev, stood out on this list. With its easy supply around the newly born oil complex, the city began its construction, which today is home to more than 200 thousand people . Now Nizhnekamsk is the third largest city in Tatarstan by population, a large industrial, cultural and sports center of the republic. It three times received the title of the most comfortable city in Russia and the most comfortable city in the Republic of Tatarstan, and became the “Cultural Capital of the Volga Region - 2002”. But in those distant times, when everything was just in its infancy, no one could even imagine such a thing. And there wasn’t much time, because the workers had other tasks.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Lemaev, thought most about the life of ordinary workers of his enterprise . He lived by a simple principle: together with the plant, we build houses, shops, libraries, schools and sports grounds. Good work, according to him, begins with a well-organized life! That is why the plant’s management voluntarily took upon itself the responsibility of performing the functions of a single customer for the construction of the city. The correct approach to the financial aspects of the issue, to the social and cultural life of the young city made it possible, in an incredibly short time, to build a real home on the site of a wasteland for all petrochemists for many generations to come.

According to his associates, Lemaev had an amazing ability to guess and penetrate deeply into a person’s psychological state, express his thoughts briefly and not be afraid to trust people. This is probably why Nikolai Vasilyevich was not afraid to entrust such an important and responsible step as the construction of Nizhnekamsk to the then very young 29-year-old specialist Rafail Grigorievich Glyants, making him his deputy for civil construction.

Nikolai Vasilyevich was not just a talented leader. He was also an energetic and decisive person, someone who energized absolutely everyone around him with his enthusiasm and rhythm of work. During the day he solved dozens of issues and tried to help everyone.

“If an important decision had to be made, he listened to everyone’s opinions, but made the decision himself,” recalls his daughter Tatyana .

Indeed, many issues at the plant could only be resolved through personal intervention. Lemaev was not afraid to go to Moscow , negotiate with the right people and “break down” the walls of misunderstanding. In addition, he knew many of the workers by name, which added to his authority for many years among ordinary workers.

But sooner or later it's time to leave. So Nikolai Vasilyevich decided to leave the post of now General Director of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC in order to head the post of Minister of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry of the country.

He took up his new position shortly before the difficult days for the country - perestroika .

Lemaev was not a timid person; at the right moment he could enter into a tough dialogue with Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov , but disputes alone were not enough. Nikolai Vasilyevich was unable to come to terms with the course of the methods by which the reforms were carried out. Of course, he saw a need for them. However, he was confident that everything could be carried out with less losses, not destroying, but creating. Therefore, Lemaev decided to leave the government. Of your own free will.

Lemaev N.V. born on November 14, 1929 in the village. Krasny Yar, Pestravsky district, Kuibyshev region (now Samara region). Died in 2000. He was buried in Moscow at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

But even despite the fact that Nikolai Vasilyevich Lemaev has been dead for a long time, his work continues to bear fruit, and his achievements live in the memory of not only his contemporaries, but also in the memory of future generations. to forget the name of the man who built our city, houses, schools, and who greatly influenced the formation of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim . His achievements are forever inscribed in lasting ink in the history of the petrochemical industry in general, and Nizhnekamsk in particular.

Lemaev Square was named in honor of this legendary man - it is large and cozy and is located in the very heart of the city of Nizhnekamsk. This is an ideal place for walking and entertainment. It contains a famous large fountain, which was designed by architects F. G. Khanov and A. Kh. Akhmadiyarov.

Based on the book “Nizhnekamskneftekhim. Story. Events. People. 1967-2017".

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Nizhnekamsk Airport

Nizhnekamsk is home to the Begishevo international airport of federal significance. The distance from the city center is 27 km. Airport type: civil. Capacity is more than 400 people per hour.

The airport serves major Russian and international airlines: S7 Airlines, Aeroflot, Atlasglobal, Izhavia, Pobeda. Popular flight destinations: Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Antalya, Yekaterinburg. Annual passenger traffic is more than 700 thousand people.

Population of Nizhnekamsk for 2021. Number of residents of Nizhnekamsk

Links to official documents and resources on the census are marked with a sign; when you hover your mouse, you will see the name of the document.

Number of residents of NizhnekamskYears
226,618 people2006
226,378 people2007
226,400 people2008
226,900 peopleyear 2009
234,044 people2010
234,088 people2011
234,928 peopleyear 2012
235,407 peopleyear 2013
235,605 peopleyear 2014
235,448 people2015
236,197 people2016
237,250 people2017
237,942 people2018
238,879 people2019
240,020 people2020
240,097 people2021

Graph of population changes in Nizhnekamsk:

As of 2014, the total number of inhabitants is 235,605 people, and the density is 3,710.31 people/km².

The highest birth rate over the past 20 years occurred in 2011 (4,000 people). These are 1831 girls, 1993 boys and 28 pairs of twins. Over seven months of the following year, 2,300 people were born - 1,080 girls, 1,209 boys and 24 pairs of twins.

In 1989, Tatars (46.5%), Russians (46.1%), Chuvash (3%), as well as Bashkirs and Ukrainians (1% each) lived in Nizhnekamsk. Also in the city live Kryashens (Tatars - Christians).

Ethnic names: Nizhnekamsk, Nizhnekamets, Nizhnekamka.

What is Nizhnekamsk famous for?

  • On Korabelnaya Street there is the Korabelnaya Grove. Pines grow here, which are depicted in the painting of the landscape painter I. Shishkin. From the grove, pine trees were delivered to the Kazan shipyard to create a fleet.
  • On the territory of the city there is Khimikov Avenue, the total length of which is 11 km. Khimikov Avenue is the main street in Nizhnekamsk. There are apple orchards, historical and cultural monuments of the country and the city.
  • The most popular place among tourists is the Holy Spring - a natural spring that is considered holy among people of the Orthodox and Islamic faith.
  • Nizhnekamsk Maidan is a square located in the vicinity of the city of Nizhnekamsk. Here the Bashkirs, Tatars and other peoples annually celebrate Sabantuy. During the celebration, folk songs are played and tournaments are held where participants demonstrate their agility, speed and strength.
  • In honor of the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory, a monument to the defenders of the Motherland was erected in the city. The memorial consists of an obelisk with a five-pointed star on top and steles. Recently, a multi-figure composition dedicated to home front workers with three figures was unveiled here: a woman, a child and an old man. The composition itself is cast from bronze.

Historical sites and museums

Complex Museum of Nizhnekamsk

15 interesting sights of Ivanteevka

Opened on the tenth anniversary of the founding of the city of chemists Nizhnekamsk in 1976. Exhibitions in 9 halls of the museum introduce the history and nature of the Perm region since the 17th century: ancient household items, clothing, books and numismatics, stuffed birds and animals, and the exhibition “Inhabitants of Coral Reefs” are presented.

And also with the life of famous patrons of the arts (the retro living room of the Stakheev merchants), the construction of the largest petrochemical plant in Europe, painting and local arts and crafts.

Nizhnekamsk State Tatar Drama Theater named after Tufan Minnullin

It began as a youth city theater in 1989. In five years it received the status of first the Tatar drama theater and then the state theater.

The repertoire is based not only on Tatar, but also on Kazakh and Russian literature. Has a high public rating.

Comprehensive Museum

The opening of the Museum of the History of the City was timed to coincide with the first big anniversary of Nizhnekamsk - its tenth anniversary, in September 1976. It includes thematic exhibitions covering various aspects of the life of the city and region - from antiquities and evidence of ancient life to the most modern scientific achievements. These collections are housed in nine halls. The largest exhibition is dedicated to the history of the emergence and development of the city, its pioneer builders, industrial enterprises and local infrastructure.

The special exhibition “Nizhnekamsk Antiquity” tells about the history of these places since the 17th century. These are ethnographic and household items, clothing, jewelry, ancient coins, books, etc. The Hall of Nature displays about 150 stuffed birds and animals of the Kama region. An exotic collection “Inhabitants of Coral Reefs” (shells, crabs, moray eels, starfish) is also on display.

Complex Museum of Nizhnekamsk.

In the “Retro-living room of the Stakheev merchants” you can see how these merchants lived, who became famous not only for their millions in capital, but also for their charitable activities. The art and arts and crafts room, which displays the work of local artists and craftsmen, is constantly updated.

Address: Stroiteley Ave., 14.

Monuments to internationalist soldiers

There are two monuments to internationalist soldiers in Nizhnekamsk. The first of them, a memorial stele, is dedicated to those who fell in Afghanistan and was placed in 1994 on Stroiteley Avenue, in a park near the first city school. The second was opened in February 2013, on the date of the 27th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghan soil. The monument represents the figure of a soldier, in combat gear, with a machine gun and a flask in his hands, who seemed to have sat down to rest. This monument is dedicated to both the “Afghan” soldiers and those killed in Chechnya, as well as other “hot spots” of our time. 14 men from Nizhnekamsk died in Afghanistan, and 20 in Chechnya.

Entertainment for children

There are plenty of leisure options for children in Nizhnekamsk. For example, at the Neftekhimik Ice Palace you can go ice skating or watch a hockey tournament, and at the same time recharge your sports spirit. The complex is located on 30 Let Pobedy Street, 8A.

Open from Monday to Thursday from 8-00 to 17-00, break from 12-00 to 13-00, on Friday from 8-00 to 16-00, break from 12-00 to 13-00.

Skate rental will cost a visitor 150 rubles, entry with your own skates costs 100 rubles.

What child doesn't love the zoo? There are several of them in Nizhnekamsk, there is even an open-air and completely free one - “Noah’s Ark”. In its enclosures there are a variety of animals and birds, some of which you can even feed. The zoo is located on Vokzalnaya street, 2, open from 9-00 to 18-00, every day, seven days a week.

In the Attraction-Service park, children and adults can ride on exciting carousels and look at Nizhnekamsk from above on a Ferris wheel.

You can get to the park on Monday from 12-00 to 21-00, and on other days from 10-00 to 21-00. It is located on Yunosti Street, 13B.

Walking along the 11-kilometer Khimikov Avenue, next to the Cathedral Mosque, you can look into the “Family” park, inaugurated on the half-century anniversary of Nizhnekamsk. There are many entertainment facilities for children, including the largest playground in Tatarstan with swings and slides, water attractions, and rope mazes.

In the park you can ride bicycles and roller skates, and along the way you will come across a tree with a huge number of colorful birdhouses.

Nizhnekamsk is not deprived of cultural values ​​and architectural objects. Arriving here, the tourist will discover unique, truly impressive places.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Nizhnekamsk is presented in the form of a red French shield. In the center of the bas-relief, tanks are depicted on a blue background. Below them are three white seagulls above a running wave. The lower part is made in the form of a car tire. Above it there is a ribbon with inscriptions in Russian and Tatar with the name of the city: “TUBEN KAMA”, “NIZHNEKAMSK” and the republic “TATAR ASSR”. The tops of the branches crowning the emblem converge at the trowel with the date of foundation of the settlement - “1961”.

The artistic composition was adopted by the decision of the city Council of Workers' Deputies on November 13, 1975.

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