Why do teenagers in Naberezhnye Chelny come to each other at midnight?

Naberezhnye Chelny, which grew up on the site of a small village founded by peasants from Yelabuga, is the only competitor to Tolyatti for the right to be called Russian Detroit. Until the last third of the last century, it was an unremarkable polis, which received city status in 1930. Everything changed in the early 70s, when it was decided to build the Kama Automobile Plant here. In just the next twenty years, the population of Naberezhnye Chelny grew almost 15 times, reaching 500 thousand people. Reliable and practical KAMAZ trucks, rolling off the assembly line of the city-forming enterprise with chronometric punctuality, brought worldwide fame to the policy. Today's Naberezhnye Chelny is not only the most important industrial cluster of the Volga region, but also a significant cultural, educational and tourist center. Any traveler will be interested in visiting here.

The main attractions of Naberezhnye Chelny: TOP-5

The colorful Volga city has its own calling cards. This category includes the sights of Naberezhnye Chelny, photos and descriptions of which you will find below.

KAMAZ automobile plant

  • Opening hours: daily, from 9:00 to 17:00.
  • Ticket price: 300 rub. for all categories of visitors in the group.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://kamaz.ru/career/promo
  • Address: Avtozavodskoy Avenue, 2. Transport stop "EXPO-Kama".

The Kama auto giant, which has been the driver of the domestic truck industry for many years, was built in the shortest possible time. The first excavator bucket of soil was removed from the pit of the future plant in mid-December 1969, and 7 years later the first truck rolled off the production line of the enterprise. Since then, KAMAZ has produced more than 2 million vehicles in 40 modifications. The brand's products are exported to many countries around the world. It is valued for its reliability and practicality. Suffice it to say that KAMAZ sports prototypes became winners of the prestigious Dakar rally 14 times. Guests of Naberezhnye Chelny will be able to take a tour of the workshops of the grandiose enterprise. To do this, you just need to contact one of the travel agencies accredited by the plant,


  • Opening hours: daily, from 8:00 to 20:00.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://vk.com/club30021698
  • Address: st. Central, 6. Transport stop "Central Street".

On the occasion of the 1100th anniversary of the Islamization of the Bulgarian Kingdom, the Muslims of Naberezhnye Chelny received a wonderful gift - the magnificent Taubu Cathedral Mosque. The temple complex, which immediately became one of the symbols of the Volga city, is truly impressive. Above the central portal of the structure, covered with a multi-pitched roof, rises a 53-meter minaret tower. The facade of the building is decorated with multicolor stained glass windows covering the light openings, calligraphic inscriptions in Arabic script, and carved marble vignettes. The area around the mosque is surrounded by a fence consisting of an interlacing of openwork elements made of cast steel. The modern brick building of the mosque is faced with light limestone tiles, contrasting with the dark polished marble of the basement decor.

Tower "Skullcap"

  • Address: 2nd complex, 18. Transport stop “Boulevard of Enthusiasts”.

The townspeople consider the only local skyscraper “2.18” to be the most extravagant calling card of Naberezhnye Chelny. The tower received its popular name “Skullcap” for the external similarity of the upper tier to the traditional headdress of Asian peoples. The height of the 24-story building is 81 meters. It has risen above Entuziastov Avenue since 2005. A convenient observation deck is equipped on the roof of the high-rise building, which houses the offices of numerous republican and federal companies. From here you have magnificent panoramic views of the city.

Boulevard of Enthusiasts

  • Address: pedestrian zone between H. Tufan Avenue and st. Academician Rubanenko.

Entuziastov Boulevard is rightfully considered an iconic landmark of Naberezhnye Chelny. The main city promenade is decorated with flower beds and sculptural compositions in the avant-garde style, which are the hallmark of the Volga region city. There are comfortable benches for relaxation along the alleys. There are also many fountains, the most original of which is the futuristic “Evolution”. It is especially pleasant to walk along the boulevard in spring, when numerous flower beds are covered with a carpet of bright inflorescences. The promenade looks especially interesting in the evenings. With the onset of darkness, the illumination and illumination of the sculptures turn on, filling the surroundings with mysterious romance.

Monument to V. Vysotsky

  • Address: V. Vysotsky Square. Transport stop "Bank".

It is in Naberezhnye Chelny that the most massive monument to the wonderful poet, singer, and actor Vladimir Vysotsky was erected. The sculptural composition is very original. This is not a classical statue, not a bust, not a bas-relief. The half-bell, half-guitar-shaped sculpture is poignant. The creation of the sculptor V. Nesterenko surprisingly accurately personifies the rebellious soul of the people's favorite. Its strings, stretched to breaking point, could be soulfully lyrical and turn into a menacing alarm bell. This amazing monument, which has been decorating the city since 2005, is considered the most popular art object in Chelny.

Places of spiritual pilgrimage

In Naberezhnye Chelny, the cultures of two different peoples historically coexist; Orthodox and Muslim religions coexist. All signs and information boards are made in two languages: Russian and Tatar. And in the architecture of the city there are also buildings that are significant for Orthodox Christians and Muslims.

One of the attractions of Naberezhnye Chelny is considered to be one of the oldest buildings in the city - the Temple of Cosmas and Damian. It was originally made of wood; its foundation date dates back to the 18th century. After the fire, the temple was rebuilt on this holy place, this time from stone. Since 1930, the temple building was barbarically used, first as a food warehouse, and later as a storage facility for pesticides. Only in 1990 did the restoration and restoration of the temple begin, as a result of which additional pavilions and a chapel were completed. The parochial school is also located in the church building.

This temple is far from the only Orthodox shrine in Naberezhnye Chelny; in 2006, on the site of the old Church of Elijah the Prophet, the temple complex of St. Seraphim of Sarov was built, the golden domes of which can be seen from afar.

Almost the oldest building in the city, included in the list of historical attractions of Naberezhnye Chelny, is considered the Temple of the Holy Unmercenaries. It was reconstructed in the 90s, during which a new chapel and pavilion were added.

Architectural highlights and monuments of Naberezhnye Chelny

An inquisitive tourist has something to see in Naberezhnye Chelny. The streets of the city are decorated with non-trivial architectural objects, and the parks and squares are decorated with interesting monuments.

Monument "Motherland"

  • Address: intersection of M. Jalil Avenue and st. Batenchuk. Transport stop “Studencheskaya” or “Ulitsa Batenchuk”.

The Chelny Memorial “Motherland”, inaugurated on May 9, 1975, is considered one of the most unique monuments to the heroes of the Second World War in the country. The bold compositional decision of the sculptor I. Khanov, who avoided stereotypes, then caused serious controversy among art critics and even criticism from the party leadership of the republic. The author depicted a non-traditional figure of a grieving woman. He made the many-faced Phoenix bird a symbol of the Mother. Under her wings she brings to rebirth the images of soldiers who died on the war fronts. The torch of the Eternal Flame burns in front of the sculpture, and the composition is completed by a stele with the names of the heroes who gave their lives for their Motherland on the battlefields.

City Hall building

  • Address: H. Tufan Avenue, 23. Transport stop "Center".

Walking along Azaltyk Square, you can admire a wonderful monument of Soviet architecture. The building, which now houses the city administration, is an excellent example of constructivism in architecture. It impresses with its size, scale, proportionality, and looks very solemn. The creation of the architect E. Grishinchuk, commissioned in 1987, is deservedly on the list of the main attractions of Naberezhnye Chelny.

Monument to G. Tukay

  • Address: square named after. G. Tukay. Transport stop "Ulitsa Ershova".

Gabdulla Tukay is one of the most famous Tatar poets and publicists. In the fall of 2011, when the 125th anniversary of the outstanding writer and public figure was celebrated, his memory was immortalized in a monumental manner in Naberezhnye Chelny. The monument is very colorful. The sculptural composition, in addition to the statue of Tukay himself, includes installations of characters from the poet’s works - Su Anasa and Shurale. These fairy-tale heroes are adored by all the children of Tatarstan.

Ice Sports Palace

  • Address: Syuyumbike Avenue, 44. Transport stop “Ice Palace”.

The colorful LDS building is rightfully considered one of the architectural highlights of the city. The building, commissioned in 2005, looks modern, colorful, and futuristic. The Sports Palace is multifunctional. Under its arches there is an ice arena, health centers, rooms for acrobatics and choreography. In addition, LDS is also the main concert venue in Naberezhnye Chelny, capable of accommodating 1,500 spectators at a time. The skating rink is available not only to professional athletes. Anyone can skate here, brought with them or rented, by paying 160 rubles for an adult one-hour ticket, and 80 rubles for a child’s ticket.

Fountain at the KAMAZ cultural center

  • Transport stop "KDK KAMAZ".

There are quite a lot of colorful fountains in Chelny embankment, but one of them has won the special love of the townspeople. This is a hydraulic engineering composition, opened simultaneously with the commissioning of the KAMAZ recreation center in the 70s of the last century. The building really looks impressive. Jets of water shoot out from the nozzles of dozens of tubes mounted on a high multi-component stele and forming a sphere. Myriads of tiny splashes create a halo over the fountain’s bowl, lined with granite, bringing coolness in the summer heat.

Memorial to them. Musa Jalil

  • Address: park named after. M. Jalil. Transport stop "Universam".

The opening of a memorial complex in the city, named after the famous Tatar poet, was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the great Victory. Musa Jalil, who volunteered for the front in 1941, even after being captured, continued to fight the enemy with all his might, for which he was executed by the Nazis. For the people of Tatarstan, the poet, who was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, is a symbol of courage, perseverance, and self-denial in the name of the Motherland. The monument to Jalil is solemn and ascetic at the same time. A bas-relief depicting the poet’s face connects two steles lined with marble.

The largest monument to Vysotsky in Russia

One of the most unusual attractions of Naberezhnye Chelny is the nine-meter monument to Vladimir Vysotsky. The history of the appearance of this monument is interesting; Vysotsky visited Naberezhnye Chelny only once, in 1974, speaking to builders and residents of the city on a two-week tour. After this, an impressive monument was erected in honor of the beloved bard. It is also interesting that the square on which the monument is located also bears the name of Vladimir Vysotsky.

The monument to Vladimir Vysotsky in Naberezhnye Chelny is very unusual; its base is made in the form of a theater stage. The sculpture itself is a huge bell with a cracked guitar protruding from it. The strings of the musical instrument are made in the form of six rays reaching into the endless sky.

For families with children

In order to have a fun and educational time with children in Naberezhnye Chelny, you can visit the only permanent dolphinarium in Tatarstan. Every day, viewers are offered bright and interesting shows with the participation of trained dolphins and a sea lion. For kids they offer a boat ride, and there is the opportunity to swim with dolphins. Judging by the reviews, here you can fully relax, recharge your batteries, and take your mind off the hustle and bustle.

A visit to the Puppet Theater, whose repertoire includes more than 80 plays for children and adults, will also be interesting for kids. Many of the dolls are unique; they were made by the theater workers themselves. On the territory there is a small tactile zoo with small, friendly animals.

For lovers of culture and art

Guests of Naberezhnye Chelny who are interested in art can visit the art gallery, which presents both original folk art objects and works of local artists. The museum often hosts international exhibitions, and a fine arts training studio is organized for young residents of Naberezhnye Chelny, and interesting master classes are regularly held.

For theatergoers, the performances of the Naberezhnye Chelny State Tatar Drama Theater are of great interest. The theater's repertoire includes more than 80 performances of various genres and quite often there are excellent premieres. They play in the Tatar language, and sign language translation is provided for Russian-speaking spectators. Performances from the repertoire of the Tatar Drama Theater have repeatedly won various awards at festivals and competitions at various levels, such as the International Festival of Turkic Peoples “Nuruz”.

Classical music lovers should definitely plan a visit to the Organ Hall, whose acoustics are recognized as the best in Europe. Judging by the reviews, famous organists give concerts here, and programs of the best chamber orchestras perform masterpieces of classical music.

Parks, buildings, entertainment

Pribrezhny Park

Address: intersection of Hasan Tufan Ave. and st. Raskolnikova Opening hours: 24 hours a day

“Pribrezhny” is the largest city park in Naberezhnye Chelny. It is conventionally divided into three zones: coastal, forest-park and central (boulevard).

The main part of the park was planted to protect the city from the winds. Today it looks like a real coniferous forest with a lake in the middle. Rope crossings are strung between the trunks of pine trees - this is the Tarzan rope park.

In the summer, many kilometers of bicycle routes operate within the park. In winter there are ski slopes. One of them is stretched across the lake. Bicycle and ski marathons are held. There are bicycle and cross-country ski rentals, and tubing. The park is illuminated for evening entertainment.

There is a central square - Maidan, where concerts and celebrations are held. It can accommodate up to 15 thousand people. There is a hippodrome with an equestrian school. And access to the shore and a developed beach.

Park of Culture and Recreation

Address: per. Parkovy, 9a and Mira Ave., 81 Phone: +7 (8552) 570-746 Website: https://www.park-chelny.ru/about/ Opening hours: Monday - Sunday from 9-00 to 22-00

The Park of Culture and Recreation was founded in 1972 on the territory of a forest belt on the outskirts of the city. Today it consists of two park areas with a total area of ​​11 hectares. It has 3 stage areas and 78 attractions - children's, family, extreme.

Victory Park

Address: Mira Ave., 21 7 Phone: , +7 960-068-58-26 (administrator) Social networks: https://vk.com/park_pobedy_chelny Opening hours: May – September from 10-00 to 22-00, October – April from 10-00 to 20-00. Ferris wheel cost: 200 rub. adult, 150 rub. child under 9 years old.

Victory Park opened in 1975. There are 7 hectares of territory and 50 attractions. The most popular park in Naberezhnye Chelny, awarded at All-Russian exhibitions for landscaping and landscaping. One of the ten best amusement parks in Russia.

There are 3 stage areas on the territory of the park, there is a zone of military equipment (tank, cannon, howitzers), and a new Ferris wheel built in 2016.


Address: Naberezhnye Chelny, hydroelectric power station village, st. Tukay Embankment, 121 Phone: , 8-800-707-45-47 (toll-free) Website: https://delfinariy-chelny.ru/ Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday from 9-00 to 19-00, closed on Sunday . The cost of tickets is determined by the program: the minimum cost is from 800 rubles. adult, from 600 rub. children 7-17 years old, from 500 rub. children 3-7 years old, children under 3 years old free.

The only stationary dolphinarium in the Volga region. Accommodates 350 visitors at a time. There are our own dolphin cubs here, born in the bowl of the pool.

Here they show the performance of sea animals, traditional for aqua zoos - dolphins, sea lions, fur seals.

The dolphinarium hosts educational classes and excursions, wedding photo shoots, birthdays, and shows.

Grenada Park

Address: New City, Moskovsky Ave., 104A Website: https://vk.com/nch.extreme.park

Grenada Park was opened relatively recently, in 2012. Received the status of an extreme park.

There is a parkour area, a climbing wall, and a rope course. There are fields for volleyball, basketball, football, and exercise equipment. For children and teenagers there is a foam pit and a paramilitary strip. There is also a special track - a bump track with holes, bumps and a slope - for cyclists and fans of radio-controlled models.

In Grenada Park they conduct:

  • bike show;
  • street racing;
  • car racing;
  • truck racing.

There is also a karting rental, bars and discos.

Azatlyk Square

Address: Hassan Tufan Ave., sq. Azyltyk

Azatlyk, or Freedom Square, is the largest square in Naberezhnye Chelny, the venue for the main city holidays. The Santa Claus Parade, Maslenitsa celebrations, and morning yoga for city residents are held here. In winter, skate rentals are available. Souvenirs are sold all year round.

City Beach

Address: New City, Pribrezhny Park Phone:

The central city beach is located near Pribrezhny Park. For a quality and relaxing holiday, work has been carried out to clean the bottom, toilets have been installed, there is a first-aid post, and there is a rescue post.

Russian Drama Theater "Masters"

Address: st. Academician Rubanenko, 7 Phone: (sales service) Website: https://russdramteatr.ru/index.php/ru/ Social networks: https://vk.com/rusdramteatr Cost: from 550 rubles. depending on the performance

The name of the theater – “Masterovye” – is connected with its history. In the first production (1975), not professional artists worked, but workers. This was the thesis work of the future director of the theater, Yuri Mikhailovich Kolesnikov, a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Culture.

The current composition of the theater group is graduates of the Kazan and St. Petersburg Academy of Culture and Theater School. Among them are the main director Denis Khusniyarov, artistic director Valentin Yaryukhin. Artists: Evgeny Fedotov, Evgeny Gladkikh, Anna Dunaeva (Academy of Culture in St. Petersburg), Alexandra Olvina, Alexandra Petrova, Alexey Ukhov (Kazan Theater School).

Among the productions are classic and modern. Plays based on the works of Gorky, Schwartz, Kipling, Bulgakov, Nabokov. Among the theater’s most famous productions are: “The Tricks of Scapin” (based on the play by Jean Baptiste Molière), “The Event” (based on the story by Vladimir Nabokov), “Kruglyansky Bridge” (based on the story by Vasily Bykov), “Two Arrows” (based on the play by Alexander Volodin).

The theater also hosts festive performances and performances for the New Year.

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