Interesting facts about Arzamas

In the old days, Arzamas was famous for the production of fine leather, the cultivation of onions and the breeding of a local breed of geese. Nowadays, the city is a large industrial center where radio components, special transport for municipal purposes, equipment for various industries and much more are produced.

It is interesting for tourists as a historical settlement with federal status. The city is located on the route of pilgrims traveling in the Sarovo-Diveyevo direction.

General information and history of Arzamas

Panorama of the city, view from the river
The ancient Russian city of Arzamas is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region and is the hub of the main railway and road routes connecting Moscow with the south-eastern regions of the country.

The city was founded in 1578 by order of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Before the expansion of the borders of the Russian state, Arzamas was of utmost strategic importance for the defense of its southeastern borders, which is reflected in the symbolism of the city’s coat of arms: a golden field divided into four parts shows that the fortress stands at the intersection of four main transport routes, and the superiority of the red rafters over green symbolizes the Kazan Khanate defeated by the Moscow state.

The Arzamas lands have long been famous for their fertility, and the forests surrounding the city for their abundance, thanks to which tanning, furriery, lard-making, felting and other crafts actively developed, and successful trade contributed to the prosperity of the city.

From the beginning of the 19th century to the present day, Arzamas has remained one of the religious centers of the country thanks to the famous Diveyevo and Sarov monasteries founded nearby, attracting pilgrims from all over the world; in the city itself there are more than a hundred different architectural monuments that make up the cultural heritage of the country.

Where is Arzamas?

Administratively, Arzamas is part of the Nizhny Novgorod region. It has the status of a settlement of regional significance and is the center of the municipal district of the same name.

The geographical location of the city is the Volga right bank. Arzamas occupies the territory along the right bank of the Oka tributary, the Tyoshi River. According to various estimates, the area of ​​the settlement ranges from 34.32 to 41.74 km2. Urban development stretches for 10.3 km along the river bank.

Distance from:

  • Nizhny Novgorod -112 km;
  • Moscow - 412 km.

Climate and ecology of Arzamas

Due to its location in central Russia, Arzamas is characterized by a temperate continental climate with an annual temperature range of up to 50 degrees.

Summer here is not hot, the air temperature rarely exceeds 25 degrees Celsius, but due to strong evaporation it feels somewhat higher. The winter period lasts from mid-October to April. There are very few sunny days here at this time, but there are practically no severe frosts.

The city receives up to 800 mm of precipitation per year: winters here are rich in deep snowdrifts, and during the warm period there are showers with thunderstorms almost every day. At the same time, the weather tends to throw “surprises”: in a few minutes, the bright sun shining on a clear sky is replaced by flashing lightning and an impenetrable veil of rain, and the air temperature can drop by ten degrees.

The nature of Arzamas is rich in vegetation, lush meadow grasses and coniferous forests reduce the level of air pollution from the exhaust of numerous cars and several industrial enterprises, of which the most active are factories for the production of building mixtures, concrete and ethyl alcohol.

Nature of Arzamas

Considerable damage to the ecology of the region is also caused by numerous tourists, leaving behind piles of garbage in the forests and often starting fires there.

Famous people of Arzamas

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Sergius (in the world - Ivan Nikolaevich Stragorodsky, 1867-1944) was born in Arzamas The name of the legendary warrior Alena Arzamasskaya is associated with the city. The writer Arkady Petrovich Gaidar lived in Arzamas as a child.

Arzamas exile of Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky was in exile in Arzamas . Gorky was sent to Arzamas without trial or investigation from Nizhny Novgorod. The writer arrived in Arzamas on May 5, 1902. Soon his wife Ekaterina Pavlovna arrived with her son Maxim. For living, the family rented the house of the merchant Podsosova. Despite the open police surveillance, Gorky liked Arzamas. From Gorky’s letter to K.P. Pyatnitsky: “It’s quiet here, nice. I like the surroundings, wide and smooth. In general, I must say that if the authorities thought by sending me here they would cause me trouble, they were mistaken.” Writers, artists, and one of the leaders of the Moscow Art Theater, V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, came to visit Gorky. M. Gorky loved to walk with his family in the forest, swim in Tesh, and admire nature. In Arzamas he worked hard and fruitfully and finished work on the play “At the Depths”. It was here that the popular words were born: “Man is magnificent! It sounds proud! M. Gorky depicted sketches of the life of the city in the story “The Town of Okurov”. In 1982, in Arzamas, in the house where the writer lived, the A. M. Gorky Memorial Museum was opened.

Population of Arzamas

Arzamas is a native Russian city with a long historical past, which is reflected in the level of self-awareness of its indigenous residents. At the same time, the city is a somewhat unusual combination of a rural lifestyle and a well-developed regional center. Here, among modern restaurants and nightclubs, there are private houses with subsistence farming in the yard, and fashionable expensive foreign cars on the street can get stuck in a traffic jam created by strolling cows.

In accordance with the lifestyle, the temperament of the local population is multifaceted, where higher education, culture and religiosity, inherent in the majority of residents, are intricately mixed with the character of a modern business person and the rustic simplicity of morals.

View of the Resurrection Cathedral, center

In terms of population, Arzamas ranks third among the cities of the Nizhny Novgorod region. According to the recent census, more than 105 thousand people live here, and in recent years there has been a positive demographic trend. Since 2011, the dynamics of population growth in the city has been negative.

Population growth is largely due to numerous guests from the countries of Asia and the North Caucasus, who daily disembark in the hundreds from trains coming from the south, such as the Astrakhan-Gorky. In addition to the birth rate, they provide a high dependency ratio, and they introduce a temperamental oriental flavor, with confrontation between cultures and religions, into the measured flow of life of a Central Russian city. The omnipresent gypsies, who are more numerous in the region than in many other regions of the country, also add spice to the city. Every day they set up a cordon around all crowded places and demand payment for the right to use the sidewalk.

A significant percentage of the area's population also consists of church ministers and pilgrims from all over the country. This significantly increases the general level of morality of the population, but often becomes the cause of conflicts on a religious basis.

Sights of Arzamas

Resurrection Cathedral

The main decoration of the city of Arzamas is the majestic Resurrection Cathedral . It was built in 1814-1842 in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. The cathedral building has the shape of a Greek cross placed on a square. The length and width of the cathedral are equal and amount to 64 m, the height to the middle cross is 47 m. The design of the temple was carried out by a native of Arzamas, the outstanding architect M. P. Korinthsky (Varentsov) (1788-1851).

"Golden Age" of Arzamas

From the middle of the 18th century. until the middle of the 19th century. The so-called “Golden Age” of Arzamas lasted. At this time, the city’s economy was developing successfully, enterprising Arzamas merchants were getting rich and investing a lot of money in the construction of churches. Icon painting and gold embroidery art, wood carving and other artistic crafts are developing in the city. There is a great need for professional artists and architects.

Arzamas school of painting

, the Arzamas School of Painting existed in the city - the first provincial private art school in Russia. Its founder was a native of Arzamas, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, Alexander Vasilyevich Stupin (1776-1861). The school accepted representatives of all classes, including serfs. The activities of the Arzamas School of Painting were highly appreciated by the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, which took the school under its patronage - its best students continued their studies at the Academy of Arts. Many wonderful masters studied at the Arzamas school of painting, including Vasily Grigorievich Perov.

Districts and real estate of Arzamas

The city of Arzamas has a conditional territorial division into the first and second, in accordance with two railway stations, while passenger trains arrive mainly at Arzamas 2.

Arzamas map

Together with the adjacent villages, the city covers an area of ​​about 42 square meters. kilometers, its central part consists mainly of old buildings and architectural monuments, while new buildings are mainly located on the outskirts of Arzamas. The city also includes several areas belonging to the private sector.

A special feature of the city is the abundance of small parks, as well as the unexpected replacement of busy places with vacant lots. At first glance, it is not easy to determine where the city ends and the village begins, since all over Arzamas, next to modern high-rise buildings, you can find plank houses built at the beginning of the last century.

The city is a combination of the historical center of an ancient fortress and several villages that were once remote from each other. Growing, Arzamas filled the space between them with modern areas, leaving, however, fragments of the forest. Some areas of the city received their former rural name, and its main part began to be simply called the center.

A striking example of a combination of new buildings and rural houses in the city

The concept of the central part of the city is very conditional, including the Cathedral Square area with vast surrounding areas. This is the very heart of Arzamas, where its main attractions are concentrated. There are parks, cinemas and clubs here, and the appearance of the city is kept clean. However, this area is most attractive for city guests, but for permanent residence it has many disadvantages.

Of course, here everything is located “nearby”: you can sometimes get to schools, clinics and social institutions without using public transport. However, firstly, it is too dusty and noisy here. The constant roar of cars and the vociferous crowd flowing down the street will tire anyone over time, and the aborigines sleeping under a bench will complete the picture. And secondly, the cost of real estate here is quite high, and the housing stock for the most part is extremely worn out.

The average cost of a two-room apartment in the city center ranges from 1,800,000 rubles and above, depending on its technical condition. And this very condition in many houses is deplorable: from moisture and old age, the brickwork gives cracks, from which neither cosmetic repairs nor screeds can save. In addition, in-house utility networks can also become a headache for unlucky buyers: old wiring is not designed for modern electrical appliances, and the problem with water supply can only be solved by drastic methods by replacing the entire system.

A smaller percentage of houses in the city center are new buildings, where you can buy luxury apartments from the developer. The level of such apartments meets European quality requirements, but their cost is many times higher than the price of real estate on the secondary market. Most modern houses are reserved for administrative organizations, private companies and hotels, and ordinary residents live in buildings whose history goes back more than one decade.

A newer area of ​​the city is 408 kilometer; a one-room apartment, depending on renovation, can be purchased here from 1,500,000 to 2,500,000 rubles. This area can be classified as a “dormitory” area; the houses here are quite new and do not foretell any special communal problems, but getting from here to work is long and difficult, especially if you do not have a personal car. In addition, this part of the city is located in a forested area along the railway, which makes it not the safest, especially for children.

408 kilometer

One of the newest is microdistrict 11 with modern houses and fairly developed infrastructure. A two-room apartment on the secondary market here can be purchased for around 2,000,000 rubles. Convenient in terms of utilities, this area is the most remote in the city; a daily trip to the center from here will take you at least an hour, this is at best. In addition, located between two parts of the forest, next to the cemetery, this area is characterized by increased criminal activity.

Several districts of the city, such as Ivanovka, Lesnoy and Dubki, are mainly private sector and resemble a cultivated village. Two- and three-story houses here are mixed with a peasant farmstead, and chickens and other animals can freely roam the streets. Municipal houses here have long required, if not demolition, then major repairs, and the level of private households extends from deplorable shacks to elite mansions; Accordingly, real estate prices are scattered over a wide range.

The area of ​​the so-called “Field of Miracles” is distinguished by a high level of well-being, where expensive cottages are mainly located; From a distance it resembles European streets with neat lawns.

Luxurious houses “field of miracles”

The average cost of renting housing in Arzamas is from 6 thousand rubles per month for a one-room apartment, and from 8 thousand for a two-room apartment.

Arzamas - reviews from those who moved

  • + Leave a review

03.12.2021 at 09:37


The town is small, compact and beautiful! There is everything you need for a comfortable life! Quiet, measured, with enough entertainment. Lots of shopping centers, a wonderful park in the city center! There are many temples and incredibly clean air! An hour to Nizhny Novgorod.

05/16/2021 at 17:56


The town is very good for old age. Quiet, measured. But after Moscow and Kazan, it’s strange that there are so few parks and squares. Even in the center. I specifically walked from Cathedral Square to the railway station. In an hour's journey I came across only one public garden near the institute with a couple of benches. Well, the square near the Lenin monument, there also seemed to be places to sit. Where can young people gather in the evenings to socialize, ride and play? And where can adults take a walk and sit before bed, listen to fountains and birds? In the courtyards on benches, like in the village?

01/07/2021 at 17:06


During my 33 years I have been to Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Yu. Sakhalin, Magadan, Anadyr, Korsakov, Moscow, N. Novgorod, Anapa, Kazan, Sochi, Novosibirsk, Rostov, SP, believe me Arzamas and NN are far from rotten cities)))

09.23.2020 at 18:12


The people are very gloomy, rude, tactless, men are rude to women at every turn! It is clear that you cannot live with them. But this is precisely why I want to leave this city. I lived here for 2 years, and every day I become convinced that I want to leave as soon as possible.

Leave a review Reset


I will leave this review I am 15 Moved to Nizhny Novgorod at the age of 15 But I come to Arzamas for the holidays Mainly a normal number of new buildings are being built for 2022 Parks are being developed for walking A good number of shopping centers As of October 2022, the roads are normal for such a small city New buses have appeared, excellent for a small town everything is more than ok But there are also disadvantages, but for small towns it’s acceptable


Good afternoon,

An old friend of mine used to say: “Geography doesn’t matter.” I realized this only after many years of moving and migrating. And I can say that such a small city as Arzamas, filled with silence, is a reflection of your inner state. The best way to find out your true face. If your soul is empty, then in the silence of Arzamas you will feel unbearably hard and lonely. But, as you know, it is not the place that makes the person, but the person who makes the place. If, of course, it is sacred...

Random resident of this town

The most miserable city. The roads are destroyed, normal buses appeared quite recently and only after a large number of complaints. The only attractions are churches; an atheist has nothing to do here. There is nowhere to go, neither KFS nor Burger King. Average salary 16k, no prospects. I'll get out of here as soon as I get the chance.


I lived in Arzamas from spring 2012 to January 2014.

The average net salary in the city is no higher than 16-17 thousand, and not 26, as indicated in the header. True, it is very easy to find work, and the city itself is very good - comfortable, quiet and at the same time modern, everything is there, developing, under construction.


And so listen, everyone, if you have negative thoughts about this city, keep them to yourself; you don’t have to disclose your opinion throughout the site, especially if it’s not very good. For example, I am from Arzamas and my friends and I were very affected by this. It seems that some people like to insult other people's cities even without knowing much about them. So please be kinder and smarter.



  • A cozy, small city that has historical significance on a Russian scale


  • No.

115 km from the regional center of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the small town of Arzamas is hidden in the shade of green trees. Many people in the modern world do not like provincial cities, but the quiet, peaceful hero city of Arzamas attracts me with its comfort and simplicity.

As a child, a trip to Arzamas was a whole event for my sister and me, because we lived in a small village not far from Arzamas, so Arzamas seemed like a fairy tale city to us. Therefore, remembering walks through this shady city, my soul becomes warm.

In general, Arzamas is a city with a great historical past. A city that has important historical and cultural significance on a Russian scale. Arzamas is located on the Nizhny Novgorod-Saransk highway, this route passes through Diveevo and Bolshoye Boldino, which makes the city of Arzamas attractive for tourists. I highly recommend everyone to visit Arzamas, breathe in the air rich in history and enjoy the view of this city.


Arzamas is a very rotten city, the advantages are that it is quiet relative to Samara, the disadvantages are that there is no normal architecture, the people and the authorities are not developing it, it’s not worth coming to it forever



  • Cleanliness and tranquility


  • Far from industry

I lived in this city for 15 years and it is very boring. There is nothing to attract the attention of tourists looking for adventure. This is a place for people who revere religion and Russian crafts: the cathedrals and churches of this city are a must-see.

You can really have a good rest, walk around the neighborhood, take a couple of beautiful pictures, enjoy the fresh air, visit the theater, get into the life of ordinary people, their problems and their whole lives, find out what people did under the USSR, buy souvenirs and be satisfied!

It’s a shame that in 478 years this town has not achieved its greatness and has not become industrial, but has remained a town-village, but it also has its advantages



  • Great amount.


  • No one.

I have lived in Arzamas my entire adult life and have seen a lot. Arzamas is not a big city, cozy with beautiful nature, relatively clean air, magnificent parks and arboretums, but the main highlight is the huge number of churches, educational institutions, museums, parks, and public gardens. There are shops at every step, on the one hand it’s a minus, but at the same time it’s a plus, you don’t have to go far. The people are all friendly, helpful and nice. There are places for swimming, of course not all are fully equipped, but at least something. There is a cinema, maybe even 2. In general, for a good time with friends, there are plenty of places, you can always have a lot of fun. And cafes and restaurants for every taste.



  • Quiet
  • small


  • It is often difficult to find a job

I was born and raised in this city. Unfortunately, my childhood was not happy, so I have not very pleasant memories associated with Arzamas. However, I have nothing against the city itself. This is a fairly large city, the 3rd largest in the region. Electric trains run to the regional center 3 times a day, although this is only the fault of the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region, which is not distinguished by great intelligence and foresight. Fortunately, buses, minibuses and gazelles fly there every hour, or even more often. Arzamas is a major railway junction, has 2 railway stations and a direct (bypassing Nizhny Novgorod) railway connection with Moscow. It is equidistant, along with Nizhny Novgorod, from Moscow. The population of the city in 2012 is approximately 120 thousand people. It does not have the bustle and madness characteristic of Nizhny Novgorod and other big cities. However, personally, I would still prefer Kirov to Arzamas and Nizhny Novgorod. :)



  • architecture
  • special flavor


  • city ​​buses

the city of childhood, green, cozy, with a huge park. many churches and monasteries, the Tesha River... many ancient buildings, but there are problems with city transport, old liazs still drive

Vladimir Ivanov

A very uninteresting city. Everyone is talking excitedly about the historical past, having neither the present nor the future. You won't find people who love their city. mostly retired women and retirees. All the talk is about food and prices in stores, which by the way are actually higher than everywhere else. Ask who is mayor today, they won’t answer. Average salary 12−17000. Also with a strange clarification, 17,255 rubles, for example. Seven and four frets are flying around the city. Nizhny Novgorod in comparison with Arzamas is a metropolis.

Ivan Alexeevich

Since childhood, I went to this city with my parents. So, what’s good about it: relative to the rest of the region, it’s quite clean, there are a lot of historical churches, temples, a lot of beautiful girls. What’s wrong with the city: there are few places for entertainment, the roads are so-so in some places, and overall it’s a bit boring.



  • Museums


  • No

Hello everyone) I was able to visit the city of Arzamas just recently) My friend invited me to this beautiful city. The city itself is clean, which certainly made me happy. Of course, there are not many attractions, but those that I managed to see amazed me with their beauty. I visited the street on May 9th, where there is a small copy of the Eiffel Tower. This tower was made by students of the Arzamas-Commercial College. I also managed to see an iron totem on the territory of this technical school.

The Arzamas Cathedral is incredibly beautiful; it is located in a square not far from the bus station.

There are also many museums in Arzamas, but unfortunately, I did not have time to visit them all. Although I have plans to return and still visit them.

I advise everyone to visit this wonderful city of Arzamas at least once.

Infrastructure condition

As in all regional cities of Russia, housing and communal services in Arzamas leave much to be desired. The city's mostly deteriorated housing stock cannot help but create problems with electricity, heat and water supply, and new buildings located on the same site also suffer from accidents in old buildings. A lot of troubles for city residents are also caused by the low quality and high degree of hardness of tap water, which leads to the failure of household appliances.

The problem of capital repairs of buildings is acute, but measures are taken mainly in relation to administrative buildings and architectural monuments, bypassing shabby residential buildings.

Old city houses

The only public transport in the city is bus service, which is supported by private car services. Traffic jams are quite rare, but you can wait up to 1.5 hours to leave this small town.

A significant problem will be the need to get to any point in the region in the first half of the day: in order to buy a ticket for the first flights, you need to queue at the bus station almost from five in the morning.

The road surface in the city center is quite new and does not cause any particular complaints, but in its remote areas, such as the 408th kilometer, the roads have not been fully repaired for many years. Many of the city's roads and sidewalks are sloping due to the uneven terrain, making it a nuisance for pedestrians during the frequent summer rains: you'll be greeted by cascading mud.

In terms of culture and education, the city occupies a fairly good position. In addition to regular general education schools, the city has a correctional school for children with disabilities, as well as specialized English art and music schools. There is no shortage of higher educational institutions: there are ten universities, three technical schools and four colleges in the city.

Arzamas Polytechnic Institute

The only problem in this area remains the issue of availability of places in kindergartens: due to the long queue, many parents have to use the services of a nanny.

In the field of healthcare, the city is provided with a sufficient number of both adult and children's clinics, pharmacies and district hospitals. A new maternity complex has recently opened, equipped with modern equipment.


Arzamas: maps

Arzamas: photo from space (Google Maps) Arzamas: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Outcall2 (3)SW
2In hell28 (33)NE
3Shaky31 (33)SE
4Ardatov48 (52)Z
5Far Konstantinovo48 (53)WITH
6Gremyachevo49 (54)Z
7Transportation51 (55)NE
8Diveevo53 (58)SW
9Lukoyanov58 (63)SE
10Pervomaisk59 (77)YU
11Sosnovskoe60 (183)NW
12Sarov60 (76)SW
13Buturlino70 (70)IN
14Vorsma73 (153)NW
15Bolshoye Murashkino73 (87)NE
16Pavlovo77 (166)NW
17Gagino79 (105)IN
18Vacha79 (195)NW
19Bogorodsk80 (133)WITH
20Kulebaki82 (91)Z
21Tumbotino83 (173)NW
22Kstovo86 (100)WITH
23Elniki (Republic of Mordovia)86 (109)YU
24Voznesenskoye88 (107)SW
25Knyaginino89 (104)NE
26Zhdanovsky91 ()WITH
27Temnikov93 (171)SW
28Gorbatov94 (177)NW
29Dzerzhinsk95 (142)WITH
30Reshetikha96 (152)WITH

a brief description of

Located on the high right bank of the river. Tesha (tributary of the Oka). Railway junction lines and highways.

Territory (sq. km): 42

Information about the city of Arzamas on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

Founded in 1578 as a fortress (probably on the site of the ancient Mordovian-Erzya settlement, destroyed in 1366 by the Bulgar prince Bulat-Temir), on a place called the Mordovian Arzamas settlement. Settlements were built near the fortress: Soldatskaya, Streletskaya, Traveling Cossacks.

[Another version??] After the capture of Kazan by Ivan IV the Terrible, a wooden fortress with towers was built here, and in 1555 the Transfiguration Monastery was built in Arzamas.

The name is from the Mordovian personal name Arzemas (Arzamas, Orzemas), which is repeatedly found in scribe books and other sources of the 17th century. This name is based on the Mordovian Erzya arsems, the Mordovian Moksha arsems “to think, to desire,” i.e. it means “desired” and is not related to the ethnonym Erzya.

Thanks to its favorable geographical location, Arzamas became a significant trading center (sale of bread, onions, poultry, livestock). Leatherworking, furriery, lard making, felting, blacksmithing, saddlery and other crafts developed in the city. From the 17th century The trade and craft part of the city with developed felt production is being formed.

In 1708 he was assigned to the Kazan province, in 1714-17. as part of the Nizhny Novgorod province, since 1717 in the Kazan province. Since 1719, the main city of the province, which was part of the Nizhny Novgorod province. Since 1779, the district city of the Nizhny Novgorod governorship (since 1796 - Nizhny Novgorod province).

In 1856, in the district town of Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod province, there were 35 churches, 1289 houses, 186 shops.

From the middle of the 19th century. Due to the movement of transit routes due to the construction of railways away from the city, the development of Arzamas slowed down.

In 1802-62. in Arzamas there was the first provincial school of painting in Russia (the so-called Arzamas school), founded by the painter A.V. Stupin.

In 1901, M. Gorky served his exile in Arzamas, leaving sketches of the life of the city in the story “The Town of Okurov.”

In 1954-57. was the center of the Arzamas region.

Municipal indicators

Number of births, per 1000 population7.698.69.2
Number of deaths, per 1000 population11131615
Natural increase (decrease), per 1000 population-3.4-4-7.4-5.8
Standard of living of the population and social sphere
Average monthly nominal accrued wages, rub.10291930.536995419
Average housing area per inhabitant (at the end of the year), sq.m.1618.118.721
Number of preschool institutions, pcs.39363534
Number of children in preschool institutions, thousand people4.
Enrollment of children in preschool educational institutions (at the end of the year), as a percentage of the number of children of the corresponding age, %77.680.3
Number of daytime educational institutions (at the beginning of the school year), pcs.19191817
Number of students in daytime educational institutions, thousand people14.713.71210.1
Number of doctors, people.363398381362
Number of nursing staff, people.1320153013481479
Number of hospital institutions, pcs.7666
Number of hospital beds, thousand units1.
Number of medical outpatient clinics, pcs.571111
Capacity of medical outpatient clinics, visits per shift, thousand units.2.322.32.1
Number of registered crimes, pcs.2244270421783217
Persons who committed crimes were identified, persons.1009970677835
Economy, industry
Number of enterprises and organizations (at the end of the year), pcs.18031513133186799
Number of operating enterprises by type of activity: mining (at the end of the year), pcs.0
Number of operating enterprises by type of activity: manufacturing (at the end of the year), pcs.18
Number of operating enterprises by type of activity production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (at the end of the year), pcs.0
Volume of shipped goods of own production by type of mining (in actual prices), million rubles.0
Volume of shipped goods of own production by type of manufacturing (in actual prices), million rubles.6785.2
Volume of shipped goods of own production by type of production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (in actual current prices), million rubles.0
Volume of work performed by type of activity “Construction” (until 2004 - volume of work performed under construction contracts), million rubles.113.9287.2497.669.8
Commissioning of residential buildings, thousand sq.m. of total area24.526.523.741
Commissioning of residential buildings, apartments392269229477
Commissioning of preschool institutions, places0000
Commissioning of educational institutions, places0000
Commissioning of hospital facilities, beds0000
Commissioning of outpatient clinics, visits per shift0000
Number of bus routes (in intracity traffic), pcs.89912
Number of tram routes, pcs.00
Number of trolleybus routes, pcs.00
Number of passengers transported by buses per year (in intracity traffic), million people.52.350.255.547.2
Number of passengers transported by trams per year, million people.0
Number of passengers transported by trolleybuses per year, million people.0
Number of residential telephone sets of the city public telephone network, thousand units.
Number of payphones of the city telephone network (including universal ones), pcs.136121
Trade and services to the population
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.737.11652.72086.33110.6
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), per capita, rub.696615591.619246.129015
Index of physical volume of retail trade turnover, % compared to the previous year94102
Public catering turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.34.158.981.583.9
Index of physical volume of public catering turnover, % compared to the previous year93.981.5
Number of stores, pavilions (at the end of the year), pcs.4236
Sales area of ​​shops, pavilions (at the end of the year), sq.m.4299.14330
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.121.5179.7346.1659.1
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.1094164431946148
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.11.314.526.627.9
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.101132245260
Investments in fixed assets (in actual prices), million rubles.171.9312.2314.6472
Share of investments in fixed assets financed from budgetary funds in the total volume of investments, %11.15.712.622.8

Data sources:

  1. Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2003.
  2. Regions of Russia. Volume 1. Statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2001. p. 351
  3. Regions of Russia. Basic socio-economic indicators of cities. Statistical collection. Rosstat. - M:, 2005. p. 231
  4. Regions of Russia. Basic socio-economic indicators of cities. 2006. Statistical collection. Rosstat. - M:, 2006. p. 235


Mechanical engineering - production of engines, equipment for public utilities, etc. Light and food industry enterprises.

In the Arzamas region: deposits of gypsum, limestone, sand, clay, building stone, dolomite.

Main enterprises


Arzamas PA VOS "Avtoprovod"
607220, Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, st.
50 let VLKSM, 43 Offers:
Automotive wiring kits, PVC pipes, plastic products


OJSC "Kommash"
607220, Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, st.
3rd Vokzalnaya, 2 Offers:
machines for municipal services, iron castings


JSC "Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant"
607220, Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, st.
50 let VLKSM, 8 Offers:
Navigation systems, gyroscopes, flow meters, control equipment, gas meters, medical equipment, plumbing fixtures


OJSC "Arzamas Machine-Building Plant"
607220, Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, st.
May 9, 2 Offers:
amphibious all-terrain vehicles, cash-in-transit vehicles, spare parts for cars


JSC "Arzamas Arzamas Felt Factory"
607220, Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, st.
Oktyabrskaya, 2 Offers:
Felts, needle-punched fabrics, battings

Culture, science, education

60 km southwest of Arzamas is the Federal Nuclear Center of Russia (Arzamas-16, since 1991 - Sarov).

Pedagogical Institute.


Memorial house-museum of A. Gaidar (lived in Arzamas as a child).

Universities of the city

Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute named after.
A.P. Gaidara 607220, Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, st. Karl Marx, 36 WWW:

Arzamas Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. R.E. Alekseeva

607227, Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, st. Kalinina, 19 WWW:

Arzamas branch of the Russian University of Cooperation

607228, Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, Lenin Ave., 200 WWW:

Arzamas branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy

607228, Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, st. Mira, 13-a

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Arzamas State Literary and Memorial Museum of A.P. Gaidar 607220, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Arzamas, st.
Gorkogo, 18 Phone(s): (83147) 4-1624; 4-3284 Arzamas Historical and Art Museum 607220, Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, st. Kosmonavtov, 39 Phone(s): (83147) 4-1366 Website:

Architecture, sights

The planning structure of Arzamas took shape at the end of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries. (based on the 1781 project, revised after the fire of 1823). From the vast market square, monasteries and churches that took the place of the ancient fortified part of the city, the streets of the upper part of the city fan out. On the other side of the Soroka River there are regular neighborhoods. The streets of the lower part of the city are organized into a strict beam of rays.

On the territory of the Spassky Monastery, founded in 1556, the five-domed Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (1643) has been preserved.

On the slopes of the hill there is the Elias Church (1746, now the Museum of Local Lore), on the central square there is a baroque building of the former magistrate (second half of the 18th century). At the top of the coastal hill, the dominant feature of the five-domed classic Resurrection Cathedral (1814-42, architect M.P. Korinthsky), at the cathedral is the Church of the Life-Giving Spring (1794, transition from Baroque to Classicism), and a Baroque bell tower.

In the style of classicism according to the “model project” of the 19th century. the so-called building was built exchanges (Trading rows, late 18th - early 19th centuries). In the urban development, wooden and stone merchant residential buildings have been preserved: Budylin, Popov, Bessonova, Serebryakov and others.

Monument to 14-year-old Gaidar, adult Gaidar.

Northeast of Arzamas is the village of Bolshoye Boldino, where A.S. Pushkin spent the “Boldino Autumn”, which marked an entire period in his work.

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)


  1. Boguslavsky V.V.
    Slavic encyclopedia. Kievan Rus - Muscovy: in 2 volumes. T. 1. M.: Olma-Press, 2005. p. 24
  2. Pospelov E.M.
    Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary: About 5000 units. M.: Russian dictionaries, Astrel Publishing House LLC, AST Publishing House LLC, 2001. p. 43
  3. Ch.
    ed. Gorkin A.P. Geography of Russia: encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1998. p. 38
  4. Ch.
    ed. Lappo G.M. Cities of Russia: encyclopedia. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1994. pp. 23-24

Enterprises and work in Arzamas

The industrial complex of Arzamas is represented by many enterprises operating in various industries. The largest and most famous among them are:

  • JSC Arzamas Municipal Engineering Plant, which has become one of the leaders in the field of mechanical engineering in Russia and the CIS countries. The enterprise is equipped with the most modern equipment and uses exclusively advanced technologies.
  • JSC Arzamas plant Legmash, engaged in the manufacture of mechanisms to support construction, furniture, clothing and other industries.
  • Arzamas Instrument-Making Plant, which occupies a leading position in the production of radio components in Russia.

In addition to the above, employment at the Peshelan gypsum plant, as well as at Arzamix OJSC, which produces building materials, will also be promising. Recently, good renovation of an apartment has become extremely popular in Russia, which means that the products produced will be in high demand, and career growth and salary increases at the enterprise are possible.

Of course, employment in such organizations requires a certain level of education; if this is not available, an alternative option would be to work at the Arzamas garment factory, as well as in the service sector. Recruitment agencies in the city offer a wide selection of vacancies for managers, nannies, maids and various types of handymen. It is worth noting that the qualified services of a mechanic and electrician are often valued higher than the work of a technologist or engineer. In addition, you can always find a free vacancy as a seller of all types of goods.

The largest markets in the city are Ivanovsky, Central and Slavyansky.

Central market next to the cathedral square

For those who see themselves behind the counter in an elite store, jobs are represented by well-known retail outlets, “Perekrestok”, “Metro”, “Coliseum”, “Equator”.


Due to the geographical location of the city and its importance in the field of transport communications, employment in the field of car maintenance and repair, as well as the provision of private motor transport services, will become relevant.

Criminal situation

Due to the large influx of emigrants from disadvantaged countries, as well as the mixing of representatives of different faiths in the city, the Arzamas district is characterized by high criminal activity.

One of the most famous incidents in recent decades was the explosion at a railway station in June 1988, which wiped out more than 1,500 houses and killed 91 people. The reasons for the tragedy were never made public, but the people remained firmly convinced of a terrorist act.

Currently, the residents of Arzamas are being alarmed by a maniac who has settled in the local park and arboretum; More than a dozen rapes occur every year.

One of the troubled places in the city was abandoned grain elevators, which were chosen by marginalized people and representatives of various subcultures. Among other things, suicides are committed here with alarming regularity.

One of the latest criminal acts that caused a lot of noise was the brutal murder of a taxi driver by minor drug addicts. In order to steal a car, the driver's throat was cut with a broken bottle.

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