Monchegorsk is one of the many cities in Russia. It is located in the Murmansk region, is the center
Data by year The first statistical calculations of the number of inhabitants were carried out at the beginning of the 19th century.
The forerunner of modern Armavir, which received city status in 1914, was a small village. In the village
City Ryazhsk Flag Coat of Arms 53°43′ s. w. 40°04′ E. village HGYAO Country Russia Status District
In the Grand Canyon shopping mall there is a unique educational entertainment park for children and adults, “Magic
12,979 The Black Sea resort of Abrau-Durso is known to everyone and is primarily associated with production
City of Alatyr (Chuvash Republic) Alatyr, a city of republican subordination in Russia, the administrative center of Alatyr
Chronicles Where is Tarko-Sale? In 1933, construction of a populated area began on the banks of the Pur River.
I have been wanting to go to Diveevo, or, as it is often called, Divnoe Diveevo, for a long time. But that's it
Self-guided walking route around Grozny We came to Grozny for 1 day or even several