What to see in Sochi: 20 best attractions

Sochi is called not only the city itself, but also the entire region, including neighboring villages, starting almost from Tuapse to Abkhazia. Greater Sochi stretches for 146 km along the coast. Therefore, when they say that this or that attraction is located in Sochi, you need to clarify where exactly.

In my post, we will mostly talk about those places that are located either in the city of Sochi itself or not far from it. Sochi is the largest resort city on the coast, so there really is something to see here. And going somewhere is not a problem, cultural life is also present. It’s not for nothing that some people move to this city for permanent residence, and I myself think about it from time to time.

Arboretum Park

If you don’t know what to see in Sochi, then go to the Arboretum without hesitation!

This park (one of the most beautiful city parks on the Black Sea coast) was founded at the end of the 19th century. In fact, this is a huge museum, on the territory of which unique plants from different parts of the world grow. Here you can watch magnolias bloom, see a mammoth tree, stroll through a eucalyptus grove and bamboo thickets.

The park is divided into 2 parts by Kurort Avenue; they are connected by a cable car. At the highest point of the Arboretum there is an observation deck from which a beautiful panorama of the city opens. In the lower part there is a rose garden, an exotarium, an aquarium, and a lake with exotic river inhabitants.

Working hours

(every day):

  • In summer - from 8 am to 9 pm;
  • In winter – from 9 am to 5 pm;
  • In spring and autumn - from 9 am to 8 pm.

Entrance fees:

  • Adult – 250 rubles;
  • Children (from 7 years old) – 120 rub.


Kurortny Prospekt, 74.

Official site:


How to get there:

  • From Sochi bus station to Rosa Khutor - buses No. 105, 105C, stop "Circus";
  • From Adler - buses No. 105С, 125П, 125С, stop “Sanatorium of Jan Fabricius”;
  • From Loo and Lazarevskoye take bus No. 76 or train to the Sochi station in Sochi, and then to the “Circus” stop.

Sochi embankment and Primorskaya street

From the Marine Station, the Sochi embankment stretches 2 km along the sea. In fact, these are two whole embankments at different levels.

Nizhny, in fact, is the embankment - full of cafes, beach restaurants, with access to the sea itself. The main thing is to get through the sun loungers and umbrellas. This is where we will meet the sunset.

In summer, the sun sets in Sochi at approximately 8 pm. At 20:00 in June and at 20:15 in August. It is better to check the exact hours and minutes on the Internet during the trip.

The lower embankment is noisy, loud and lively. One music overlaps the other, there are a lot of street performances here: people will sing, dance, paint a picture and perform magic tricks. If you want to hang out, then this is the route you need. At the same time, you can have a cocktail in some bar, watching the orange sun dive into the sea.

If you like something more secluded and quiet, then you are welcome to the upper embankment. This is a conventional name among local residents, but officially it is Historical Boulevard. It offers colorful views of the Black Sea, there are no shops or cafes, and there are much fewer people. But there is a park and 35 historical and cultural sites. The very unusual Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, the ethnographic square “Fort”, a plane tree alley from the times of Tsarist Russia, a monument to Pushkin, Vysotsky... It’s interesting there.

Nothing extra - pure romance

So choose where and how to watch the sunset: in a noisy party or under the shade of old plane trees. Or you can try both ways, on different days. Fortunately, the sun is stable and sunsets happen every day.

Seaport of Sochi

The seaport of Sochi, featured in The Diamond Arm, is a mooring area for pleasure yachts and boats.

On the territory of the port there is a Marine Station, built by order of Joseph Stalin himself. This small building, designed in the Stalinist Empire style, is one of the few architectural attractions of Sochi. The upper tier of the building is decorated with sculptures representing the 4 seasons, and inside there are cafes and fashion boutiques. At the entrance there is a monument to the movie heroes Papanov, Mironov and Nikulin.

Sea walks are popular in Sochi and they start from this port. The cost of a sea excursion starts from 700 rubles per person. You can order at the pier or in advance on our website.

Entrance to the Sochi seaport is free.


st. Voikova, 1.

Official site:


How to get there:

  • Walking distance from the railway station is 10–15 minutes;
  • Bus - No. 101, 24, 15, 36;
  • Minibus - No. 114.

What sights to see in Sochi

Marine Station

Address: st. Voikova, 1.

Photo: Serjio74 / Shutterstock

The marine terminal building was built in 1955. In style it is a classic Stalinist Empire style with carved columns and a tower with a spire 71 meters high. Above the tiers of the tower there are sculptures that symbolize the four seasons and four cardinal directions. Adjacent to the station is a marina filled with yachts, and on the other side there is a fountain surrounded by a small park. There are now a dozen different boutiques on the ground floor of the building, and a restaurant on the second floor.

In summer, from here at almost any time of the day or night, you can go on an hour-long water excursion on one of the moored yachts. The average cost is from 1,000 rubles per person.

Navaginskaya street

Photo: Zabotnova Inna / Shutterstock
The main pedestrian street of the city. There are street food outlets, a bunch of trendy coffee shops, a palm alley, local monuments, ubiquitous benches and a not-so-convenient bike path. Navaginskaya is always crowded, especially on summer evenings, when street musicians play on it literally every 10 meters.

Be sure to grab a coffee from Surf Coffee or a smoothie with a vegan bowl from Blender, and later in the night head to the Why Not? with the best selection of craft beer in the city and a St. Petersburg atmosphere.


Address: Kurortny Ave., 74.

Photo: Baturina Yuliya / Shutterstock

This is a large (46 hectares) park with more than a century of history, divided into two parts. At the bottom you can find cascades of ponds with ducks, swans and pelicans, as well as bamboo thickets and a rose garden. The upper, larger one, contains about one and a half thousand plants from all over the world, and also houses enclosures with parrots, ostriches and peacocks. The Villa “Nadezhda”, built in 1899, is also located here. The entrance ticket price is 320 rubles.

Abandoned sanatorium named after Ordzhonikidze

Address: Kurortny Ave., stop “Sanatorium named after Ordzhonikidze”.

Photo: BUTENKOV ALEKSEI / Shutterstock

The sanatorium is closed for restoration (apparently endless), the territory of which can be visited freely and, most importantly, for free by anyone. This is one of the most striking examples of Stalinist neoclassicism with its gigantomania: huge castle-like complexes (alas, it is impossible to get into them), a fountain with statues of bacchantes, Tuscan stairs, an impressive park area. The place was chosen by photographers, so every day a dozen shoots take place here. By the way, in 1956 the famous Soviet film “Old Man Hottabych” was filmed here.

Stalin's dacha

Address: Kurortny Ave., 120/1.

Photo: Deniss Dronin / Shutterstock

One of the 20 country residences of Joseph Stalin, which is located on the territory of the Green Grove sanatorium. For some time it was used as a hotel, but in the 90s a museum was opened here. They tried to keep the appearance of the dacha unchanged, including the unusual green color of the facade - they say that thanks to it the building is difficult to see from the air.

Here you can see Stalin's personal belongings and other attributes of a bygone era: for example, a billiard table from the Yakov Gotz factory, a desk with a rotary telephone and a huge carved chess set. The tour is free, but advance registration is required. You can also attend a tea party here for 500 rubles per person.

Embankment and Riviera beach

Address: per. Riviera.

Photo: official portal of the resort city of Sochi

Riviera Beach is the most popular and widespread in the city. By the summer of 2020, the first stage of the global reconstruction of the embankment area was completed: all shopping pavilions were removed, street furniture, lamps, flower beds and palm trees were installed, and the promenade area was extended to the river embankment. And the most important update was the sunset amphitheater, in front of which every evening they play live music, breakdance or perform stand-up comedy. A playground with exercise equipment and a children's play area were built nearby. The next stage of reconstruction is promised to be completed by the summer of 2021: a new park will be laid out here and a pedestrian bridge will be built across the Sochi River.


Address: st. Nesebrskaya, 1B.

Photo: Allcafe

Gastroport is the first and so far only food mall in Sochi. Structurally, it is identical to the Moscow “Depot” and “Around the World”: many corners with food and common rooms. Black Sea and Caucasian cuisine, burgers at Farsha, fashionable bowls, obligatory Vietnamese dishes from Bõ - the gastronomic set is standard, but varied. All this can be brightened up with really excellent coffee from PaPaPower and good craft beer from BeBeer. There is even a bar “Hands Up” with the style of the 90s and songs by Sergei Zhukov.

Seaside Park

When planning your walking route around Sochi, don’t forget to include the Primorsky Park. It is located at the top of the Central Embankment.

This is a good place to take a break from the summer heat and admire the beautiful nature. There is a shady alley with benches along the entire sea line, and several stairs lead to the beaches.

Also in the park you can see a lighthouse and 3 historical buildings - the Pushkin Library, the house of the first city healer Gordon and the Primorskaya Hotel. Near it there is a popular summer cafe “At the Palm” with delicious snacks at affordable prices.

In the part where the park connects with Teatralnaya Square, there is a pump room with artesian water.


Central embankment. Entrance to the park is free.

How to get there:

  • By bus - No. 125С, 2, 105, 12, 105К, 13, 22, 3, 23, 41, 86, 103, 50, 105С, 120, 14, 121, 125П;
  • By minibus - No. 45, 19, 38, 43, 37, 48, 87, 98, 92, 83, 94, 95, 113.

Get off at the Organ Hall stop.

Where to go from Sochi for one day: Plesetskaya Shchel

Walking near the murmuring Plesetsk waterfalls is pure peace.
In the Plesetskaya Gap gorge, the Thab River flows along rocks that look like a multi-tiered layer cake. Overcoming ledges, it breaks into dozens of waterfalls - large and small, wide and narrow, noisy and delicately rustling. On a sunny day, tiny rainbows are born under the turquoise streams.

The first kilometers along the Thaba Valley can be driven by an SUV, then only on foot, along the stone river bed. Walk around waterfalls carefully: stones and stairs laid here and there can be slippery. The classic route ends at the 15-meter White Veil Falls, but you can go further, especially if you bring camping gear. On the way back, don’t miss the apiary, where you can drink tea and buy good honey.

The turn to Plesetskaya Shchel is located in the village of Mikhailovsky Pass on the M-4 Don highway, 222 km from Sochi - not close, but worth it. The first 5 km are on a dirt road, accessible to dashing drivers in all-terrain vehicles. It is better to come at the beginning of summer or after the rains, when the river is fuller.

Stalin's dacha

The Sochi dacha is among the top 20 most famous country residences of the leader of all nations.

Today a museum is opened here, the interior of which preserves its historical appearance as much as possible. And since Stalin did not like luxury, everything here is quite simple and without luxurious frills. The only exception is a few rooms decorated with precious wood.

Interestingly, the facades and roof of the dacha are painted in a special shade of green, making it almost invisible against the background of the surrounding greenery.

Museum opening hours:

every day from 10 am to 6 pm. Tours run every hour.

Cost of excursions:

  • Adults – 350 rubles;
  • Children 7-13 years old – 200 rubles;
  • Preferential – 200 rubles.


Sanatorium "Green Grove", Kurortny Prospekt, 120/1.

How to get there:

  • Bus - No. 125P, 2, 105S, 125, 105;
  • Minibus taxi - No. 122, 124C.

Observation deck Windrose

The site was built in the center of Sochi at an altitude of 146 meters above sea level.

Initially, this simple twenty-meter structure was an ordinary site, but after several large-scale reconstructions, water supply, sewerage, a gallery and the Panorama cafe appeared within its walls. The latter is located right on the roof - through its windows you can see the whole city.


central part of Sochi.

Entrance fee:

100 rubles or free when visiting the Panorama cafe.

Working hours:

24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The vibrant club city of Sochi

It’s easy to get confused when deciding where to go for a walk in Sochi in the evening: with the onset of dusk, many entertainment establishments open here. Nightclubs are the most popular leisure destination for local and visiting youth. They are located both within the city limits and in nearby resort villages.

The question of where to go is not so important - everyone offers approximately the same selection, music and dance programs, and good cuisine. The list of the most interesting, located in the center, includes:

  • "Malibu", decorated in the style of a tropical paradise;
  • “Eighth Heaven”, the oldest in the main resort in the south of the Russian Federation;
  • "Saint-Tropez", offering themed parties;
  • "Crocodile beach", located in the Santa Barbara beach area.

When choosing a specific place for the evening, it is better to consult with local youth, who will tell you where the time is more relaxed and respectable, and where you can have a real blast. Where to go depends on many positions, interests and hobbies, age and financial capabilities.

Abandoned sanatorium named after Ordzhonikidze

Famous monument of the Stalin era. Built back in the 30s to treat members of the working class. In 2010, the health resort was closed for reconstruction, but due to lack of finances, the work was never completed. Despite the fact that the object is under guard, you can walk around it.

The Ordzhonikidze sanatorium is often called the lost world of Sochi. There are sculptures along the grassy paths, and there are 2 huge fountains near the grand staircases. Due to the fact that the sanatorium has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time, its territory has begun to be actively overgrown with subtropical flowers and trees. Now it is a wild area, from the buildings of which there is a beautiful view of the sea.


Resort Avenue, 96/5. Free admission.

How to get there:

  • From the airport - bus No. 105, 105C;
  • From the railway station - bus No. 120, 121;
  • From Imereti Bay - bus No. 125;
  • By car along Transportnaya Street.

See you on the main avenue

Resort Avenue is considered the longest Sochi highway, but that is not why travelers and citizens love it. A walk along it in the evening brings a lot of emotions and memories; there are many beautiful squares, alleys, cozy benches, original monuments made with humor and love. Among those offered to vacationers are:

  • Pedestrian Plantain Alley;
  • “Singing fountains”, leaving vivid emotions and stunning photos;
  • Sculptural composition "Golden Fleece".

The Art Museum with its famous masterpieces by Aivazovsky, Klodt and Petrov-Vodkin, the Arboretum, the circus and the Stereo cinema are also located here.

Olympic Park

The Sochi Olympic Park is a huge sports complex, which includes the Fisht stadium, the Shaiba ice arena, the Formula 1 track and two ice palaces (Bolshoi and Iceberg).

In 2014, the park hosted the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics. The singing fountain, built on the site of the former Olympic torch, reminds visitors of them. Now concerts, performances by Ilya Averbukh’s troupe and various sporting events are organized here. Every evening there is a light and music show with Lezginka, songs by the Queen group and Magomayev, and world pop hits.

It is quite difficult to walk around this vast territory on foot. It is more convenient to rent a scooter (5 rubles per minute), a bicycle (50 rubles per hour) or book an excursion on a golf cart (500 rubles).

You can relax after your walk in one of the many restaurants. There are also shops and souvenir shops in the park.

Working hours:

every day from 8am to midnight. Free admission.

Official site:



Imereti Lowland.

How to get there:

by train from Tuapse to the Olympic Park station.

First day

On the first day, it is best to get a general idea of ​​this “summer capital” of Russia.

Olympic Park

The Olympic Park became a new and, in a sense, the main attraction of entertainment. It is not difficult to get to it, both from Sochi itself and from the coastal villages that belong to it. The most convenient form of transport is the train; the journey takes a little less than an hour.

You can also use buses No. 57, 125, 124 C, and the Matryoshka excursion bus. In addition, excursions to the Olympic Park are offered at every step. Tourists will not only be taken and brought back, but will also be told many interesting facts. The park is open from 8 a.m. to midnight; it is better to buy tickets through the park’s own website, where they are sold at a discount.

The object itself is huge, covering approximately 200 hectares, so it can take a whole day to explore. Everything here is brand new, brand new, since construction was completed just before the opening of the 2014 Winter Olympics. To visit all parts of the park without getting tired, you can rent bicycles at one of the rental points. Magnificent palaces: “Bolshoi”, “Fisht”, “Shayba”, “Ice Cube”, “Iceberg” and others can only be viewed from the outside as part of excursions.

  • How to get to Sochi Park
  • Car rental in Sochi – all the nuances
  • Sights of the Sochi Olympic Park
  • 25 best excursions in Sochi
  • 15 best excursions in Sochi for children

But they constantly host various shows, competitions, and mass ice skating events, for which you can purchase tickets. The Central Square, the same one where the Olympians were awarded medals, is very popular. Here you will see the Wall of Glory and a beautiful musical fountain, as well as the symbols of the main sports festival - the Olympic rings.

The doors of museums are open in the Olympic Park. You can visit the Mechanical Museum of Leonardo da Vinci, the Electrical Museum of Nikola Tesla, experience nostalgic feelings at the Museum of the USSR, and admire cars at the Automuseum. In the evenings, the hour-long Singing Fountain Show is the most popular among tourists.

There are 264 of them in total, they are illuminated, and music sounds, both classical and modern. Few Russians managed to get to the Olympics. But now everyone who comes to relax in Sochi or its environs can see this beautiful corner with their own eyes.

  • Sights of Sochi
  • How to get to Sochi - 5 ways
  • What to bring from Sochi as a gift
  • Churches and temples of Sochi - 10 main shrines
  • 10 best resorts in Greater Sochi

Theme park "Sochi Park"

Not only young tourists, but also their parents will like it here: the attractions that are concentrated here are truly luxurious. The combination of modern technologies with Russian fairy tales and legends not only entertains, but also awakens the imagination and teaches history.

At the very beginning, guests find themselves in the “Alley of Lights”, as if at an ancient fair, then they find themselves in the “Land of Science and Fiction”. And they are also waiting for “Firebird”, “Enchanted Forest”, “ECO-Village”. All along the way you will meet your favorite heroes: goblins, witches, mermaids, good fellows and beautiful maidens.

There are many places in the park where you can have a snack and just sit and relax. The attractions are open even in winter, but only from Friday to Sunday, and starting from the end of March - every day.


This beautiful park was created by S.N. Khudekov dedicated it to his wife Nadezhda. Really, such a gift is better than any jewelry. This happened at the end of the 19th century. Khudekov bought about 50 acres of land on the slope of Bald Mountain. A writer and publisher of one of the newspapers in St. Petersburg, in his soul Khudekov loved nature and unusual exotic plants most of all.

On his new estate, he built a villa named after his wife, and laid out gardens and a park around it. The first green inhabitants were brought from the Crimea and the Caucasus, then plants began to arrive from Germany. Under Khudekov, about 400 types of vegetation were planted here - trees, shrubs, perennial flowers. The park was similar to those that are so popular in France and Italy. In addition to unusual plants, there were sculptures, decorative vases and ponds.

After the revolution, the park was nationalized and in the mid-40s it was transferred to a research station. And in the 70s a cable car appeared here. By the way, today not everyone uses it - you can climb to the very top on foot: the roads are quite flat.

About 1,500 species of plants grow in the park; the greatest impression on tourists is made by various types of palm trees. The park is divided into “upper” and “lower”, in the latter you can see a large aquarium. The fish that live here are found naturally in the Red Sea.

  • Where to go from Sochi by car - 25 most interesting places
  • Where to go with children in Sochi - 20 most interesting places
  • What to see in Sochi in 1 day - 12 most interesting places
  • 20 best museums in Sochi

"Sochi Circuit"

This race track is located in the Adler region. In 2010, it was decided to organize the Formula 1 Grand Prix in our country. The design and construction of the corresponding route has begun. The work was led by the German architect Hermann Tilke.

The first racing festival took place here a year later. And in September 2014, a stage of the Russian circuit racing series took place. In October, the first Formula 1 Grand Prix race started. Today, everyone can see the route, which runs through the territory of the Olympic Park.

National Park

This park, which covers an area of ​​200 hectares, has a river that is good for rafting, various plant species, and exotic animals. Therefore, both adult tourists and children love to visit it.

The park was founded in 1983, with several goals being pursued: to preserve and, in some cases, restore natural sites, to preserve the unique flora and fauna of this region, and, of course, to engage in environmental education.

Mysterious caves, picturesque waterfalls, deep canyons, extraordinary forests - beech, oak, chestnut - you will find all this in the national park. And the beautiful thick moss gives the opening landscapes a fabulous flavor.


The circus is located in the Khostinsky district, not far from the arboretum. It was founded in 1971, and Yuri Nikulin took part in this event. The spacious, well-equipped circus can accommodate 2,000 spectators, but even here it happens that there are not enough seats.

After all, the programs are constantly changing, the most famous circus and pop artists come here, and each performance is very popular. Here you can also take pictures with animals, ride horses and ponies, and buy souvenirs.

Adventure Park Skypark

World-famous extreme sportsman AJ Hackett, inventor of the bungee jump, opened a branch of his amusement park in Sochi. Here you can walk across a 500 m long pedestrian bridge stretching over the Mzymta River at an altitude of more than 200 m.

Jump from a bungee, ride the Freaky Swing, try your hand at the rope park, conquer a rock route, and do freestyle. You will not only feel like a daredevil, but you will also be able to show the recording of your exploits to your friends: here everything is recorded on a video camera.

And, of course, although all these jumps and stunts look scary from the outside, everything here is thought out for the safety of the guests, and experienced instructors will protect you from an accident. The park is located in the Adler district.

Park of Culture and Recreation "Riviera"

This park is loved by both residents and guests of the city. It occupies an area of ​​about 15 hectares, is located on the river bank, in the city center. Almost 250 species of trees and shrubs grow here, and there is also an area where attractions are located.

Representatives of the fair sex are delighted with the rose garden, young people gather at the Glade of Friendship, and older people enjoy walking along the plane tree alley. Special holidays are organized here for children, in the dolphinarium you can watch the performances of these smartest sea animals, and in the oceanarium you can admire rare fish.

And famous artists constantly perform at the Green Theater. Of course, on the first day you will not have time to visit all these sites. But the main thing is to know what is there. Then you can give priority to one place or another, depending on your preferences.

  • 20 best beaches in Sochi

Imeretinskaya embankment

The Imeretinskaya embankment in Adler was built specifically for the opening of the Olympics.

Now this is the newest, longest and widest of all the promenades in Sochi. The length of the walking area is 7 km - it starts at the port of the same name and ends almost at the border with Abkhazia.

The embankment area is very clean and landscaped. For the convenience of vacationers, it is divided into 2 parts - pedestrian and bicycle.

Along the entire line of the promenade there are portrait painters and souvenir sellers, there are cafes and restaurants, benches and lanterns. There are also a huge number of beaches where people relax even when the Caucasus Mountains are already covered with snow. The contrast is very interesting!


Nizhneimeretinskaya Bay, Adler. Free admission.

How to get there by bus:

  • From Sochi - No. 125С, 88, 135, 57;
  • From Rosa Khutor – No. 135, 135E;
  • From the airport - No. 57.

Almost all transport stops at the stop opposite the “Big” Ice Palace. You can also get off at the “Residential Buildings” stop and go down to Imeretinskaya Embankment through a block with new houses.

From Sochi by car: Lake Ritsa, Abkhazia

Lake Ritsa is a place where you can forget about the bustle and listen to yourself.
From the center of Sochi to Abkhazia is less than 40 km. Having crossed the border, the first thing to do is wander along the half-empty beach in Tsandripsha or the more crowded one in Gagra, where, by the way, you can check out the lovely food market. Stock up on smoked cheeses, nuts and fig jam and head to the mountains. The road to the bright turquoise Lake Ritsa rises steeply into the clouds and on the way from lush coastal vegetation to fir and beech trees passes through the deep Stone Bag canyon - you are literally driving through a giant crack in the rock.

If the weather permits, rent a motorboat or rowing boat on Ritsa and sail away from the tourist bustle. Another way to be alone with nature is to follow the forest path to Malaya Ritsa. The round trip takes about three hours. Even higher in the mountains, among the alpine idyll, lies the small resort of Auadhara. You can get to Auadhara by car from Ritsa - the road, however, is bad.

Going from Sochi on vacation to Abkhazia is a little more difficult than going to the dacha, except that you have to wait a little at the border. The asphalt road to Ritsa branches off from the Sukhumi highway in the village of Bzyb.

Sochi Park

Where to go with your children? Go to Sochi Park! It is similar to Disneyland, only here the traditional attractions are named after Russian fairy tales - “Magic Flight”, “Firebird”, “Snake Gorynych”, etc.

In addition to the carousels, the park has a sovarium, a dolphinarium, a petting zoo, a puzzle center, playgrounds and workshops. Master classes and quests are held for little visitors, and Baba Yaga’s birthday is celebrated on Halloween.

Working hours:

from 11 am to 6 pm.

Ticket price:

1700 – 1850 rub.

Official site:



Imereti Lowland, Olympic Avenue, 21.

How to get there:

  • By buses No. 125С, 54, 88, 135Э, 57 or 135;
  • By free bus from the Olympic Park railway station;
  • On "Swallow".

Where to go in the evening: Cultural holidays in Sochi

But Sochi is not only a tourist capital, but also an entertainment capital of Russia. Many events take place here every year and all year round: concerts of world and Russian performers, sports shows, football matches, fashion shows and theater seasons.

Going to the theater is a great idea for what to do in the evening in Sochi. Guests can enjoy the venues of the Winter and Summer Theaters , as well as numerous open-air stages. In the summer, the legendary Kinotavr festival rolls out its red carpet near the Winter Theater, and many new films can be watched for free - they are broadcast to everyone.

Read more: Sochi Theaters

Winter Theater Photo: © Maria Penina

The resort's concert life offers no less variety. All year round, and especially during the tourist season, not only travelers, but also show business stars come here. Sochi venues - the most famous concert hall "Festival" and "Rosa Hall" - offer a variety of shows and performances. In Sochi you can listen to jazz, classical, modern music, attend a free street concert of emerging performers, or a magnificent show by a world star.

Formula 1 track

The Formula 1 track route runs through the entire Olympic Park, and racing events are held throughout the year on special track days.

You are allowed to drive along the track in your own car or a powerful sports car as a co-pilot. In addition, Formula 1 competitions are held here every year.

You can get to the circuit's territory on a guided tour, during which you will see the central grandstand, garages, paddock, awards podium, control center and car museum.


st. Triumfalnaya, 26.

Official site:


Ticket price

– from 500 rub.

Working hours:

every day from 10 am to 6 pm.

How to get there:

  • From the Sochi or Adler railway station by Lastochka to the Imeretinsky Resort station;
  • From MoreMall to Sochi - bus No. 125C;
  • From Adler - bus number 57.

Where to go with children in Sochi

Park "Riviera

photo: pixabay.com

Park "Riviera

The most popular park in Sochi is located in the Central district of the city, so even during a short trip you can easily stop by here. The park has attractions, a karting track, a cinema, an aquarium, a dolphinarium and a Green Theater where shows and concerts are performed.

Address: st. Egorova, 1.

You can get to Riviera Park by any minibus that goes to the Sochi railway station. Then you need to go to the street. Moskovskaya, which descends to the Sochinka River, then cross the river bridge to the opposite side of the roadway and walk a little up the street. Gagarin to the underground passage of the Sportivnaya stop, which goes to the Northern Gate of the park. You can also get to the park by bus No. 9, 38 or minibus No. 6a, 10, 67, 99, they go immediately to the Sportivnaya stop.

Sochi Arboretum

photo: pixabay.com

Sochi Arboretum

Sochi is subtropical, and all the diversity of the local flora is collected in one place in the open air. The Sochi Arboretum occupies almost 50 hectares and has more than 1.5 thousand plant species.

Address: Kurortny pr., 74.

From the center of Sochi to the park there are buses No. 125, 105, 3 and minibuses No. 124, 122.

Ticket price: entrance to the park - 250 rubles, cable car - 200 rubles, entrance and cable car - 450 rubles. Children from 7 to 14 years old 120 rubles\100 rubles\220 rubles respectively.


photo: pixabay.com


What family trip would be complete without meeting the inhabitants of the sea? The well-equipped Sochi Oceanarium is home to all kinds of fish, lizards, and turtles. Here you can test your strength by walking along a giant pool with sharks. Would you like to feed these predators? There is such a service here!

Address: Sochi, Adler district, Kurortny Gorodok, st. Lenina 219a/4

The closest stop to the aquarium is the gas station. Buses No. 105, 105С, 125, 125П, 125С, minibuses No. 60, 117, 118, 124С, 134, 173 run to it.

Ticket price: 800 rubles, children from 4 to 11 years old - 500 rubles, photos and videos - 100 rubles.


photo: pixabay.com

Sky Park

The only adventure park in Russia at altitude. Built by architects from New Zealand.

Here everyone can test their nerves and strength. Among the most “scary” entertainments are a rope jump from a great height, trolls accelerating in the air up to 120 km per hour, and a huge swing over a mountain abyss.

All attractions require considerable courage, because you will have to take a “step into the abyss” on your own.

If you still can’t decide to go extreme, take a walk along Skybridge, the longest suspension bridge in Europe. It passes through the canyon above the Mzymta River at an altitude of 207 meters.


11 km of highway to Krasnaya Polyana.



Ticket price

– from 1200 rub.


every day 10:00 to 17:15.

How to get there:

by car on the E97 / M27 highway.

Unusual excursions in Sochi

For those who value their time and want to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere and history of a place, I would recommend taking advantage of the author’s excursions (group and individual). There are both standard and very unusual. Most with reviews will make it easier to choose.

Look below at the prices for such excursions; something will definitely suit you - Sochi, Abkhazia, Krasnaya Polyana, etc.

Prices for excursions in Sochi →

Southern Cultures Park

The list of must-see sites also includes the Adler Dendrological Park, founded at the beginning of the 20th century.

Thanks to the skillful work of landscape architect Rigel, 11 hectares of land turned into a picturesque landscape garden ensemble.

In the middle of the last century, “Southern Cultures” could boast of the largest collection of exotic plants in the entire USSR. However, two strong tornadoes that swept through this area in the 80s and 90s caused great damage. Work is still underway to restore it to its former splendor.

In addition to its beautiful nature, the park is distinguished by a convenient system of stairs, alleys and paths. On the territory there are benches, gazebos and ponds with bridges for observing turtles and swans.


every day from 9 am to 7 pm.

Ticket price:

  • Adult – 300 rubles;
  • Children (7 - 14 years old) – 120 rubles.

Official site:



Dead end Nagorny, 13.

How to get there:

  • Bus No. 56, 125P, 57, 50, 132, 54, 171, 88, 59, 55, 135;
  • Minibus No. 58, 134, 60, 117, 109.

Rosa Khutor

The famous resort "Rosa Khutor" operates in winter and summer. In the first case, 102 km of trails (training and Olympic) await you, in the second - mountain trails.

Conventionally, it is divided into 3 levels of heights. From the lower one (560 m) the Strela and Olympia cable cars start. There is a bus stop, car parking, an embankment of the Mzymta River, hotels and restaurants - a good place for a quiet holiday. There is no need to pay to enter here.

The second height is located at 1170 m. It is in this part that the Olympic mountain village with developed infrastructure was built.

The third height is Rose Peak - 2320 m. It offers a beautiful view of the sea, forests and mountains. From it you can walk to the neighboring peak “Stone Pillar” (40 minutes one way) or go to the other slope of the ridge and walk through the waterfall park (at least 3 hours).

There is plenty of entertainment at Rosa Khutor at any time. The greatest demand is for a ride on the monorail on a sleigh ride, a walk along a suspension bridge stretched between two mountain ledges, paragliding, tubing, horse riding, swings over an abyss, etc. A nice bonus is a beautiful sunset in the mountains.


Estosadok village, Olimpiyskaya street, house 35.

Official site:


Ticket price

– from 890 rub.


from 09:30 (10:30) to 17:20 (19:15), depending on the lift.

How to get there:

  • By Lastochka or commuter train;
  • By bus number 63 along Krasnaya Polyana to the stop. Achishkhovskaya;
  • From MoreMall to Sochi - bus No. 105, 105C;
  • From the Olympic Park - bus No. 135.

What sights to see in the vicinity of Sochi

Sochi Circuit

Address: st. Triumfalnaya, 26.

Photo: Mikhail Kolesnikov / Shutterstock

The race track hosting the Russian Grand Prix - a stage of Formula 1. Outside the Grand Prix, here you can visit the car museum, take a ride in a racing taxi or golf cart, enroll in a drift school, or take a master class from the racetrack instructors. Track days are also regularly held here, allowing you to drive along the track in your own personal car. All services of the circuit and the schedule of track days can be viewed on the website.

SkyPark AJ Hackett Sochi

Address: st. Krasnoflotskaya, Cossack Ford.

Photo: Ewa Studio / Shutterstock

High-altitude adventure park in the Akhshtyr Gorge. Here you can jump from a bungee from a height of 69 and 207 meters, fly through the gorge on a zipline, and walk along the longest suspended pedestrian bridge in Russia. For mountaineering lovers, SkyPark has a Via Ferrata route along a steep cliff and a 15-meter climbing wall. An entrance ticket will cost 1,350 rubles, and a bungee jump will cost from 7,000 rubles. Here you can see prices for all services.

Olympic Park

Address: Nadezhd Boulevard.

Photo: Elena_Titova / Shutterstock

One of the main legacies of the 2014 Olympics. Now it is a huge urban park with a dozen sports arenas and museums. Due to the flat landscape, the location has become an ideal place for riding longboards, scooters and bicycles (there are many rental points scattered throughout the area), and relatively recently an excellent skate park was built here. Every day, next to the torch stele where the Olympic flame burned, a show of singing fountains takes place. And on the edge of the park is the Fisht stadium, where FC Sochi plays its home matches.

Sochi Park

Address: Olimpiyskiy Ave., 21.

Photo: KVN1777 / Shutterstock

A theme park located next to the Olympic Park. There are 21 attractions here - from extreme ones to family carousels and an autodrome. There is also a sovarium and a dolphinarium. The entrance ticket costs 1,500 rubles. You can stay right in Sochi Park by renting a room in the castle-like Bogatyr Hotel.

Tower on Mount Akhun

Photo: Kirill Neiezhmakov / Shutterstock
Akhun rises 663 meters above sea level, and is the highest point in Central Sochi. At the top of the mountain, which has easy access, there is an observation tower 30 meters high, built back in 1936. Entrance to the observation deck costs 100 rubles, but be prepared for the fact that the tower is periodically closed to the public.

One of the most common myths about the tower is that from its top in clear weather you can see the Turkish coast. Don't be fooled, this is not true.

Rosa Khutor Resort

Address: s. Estosadok, st. Olimpiyskaya, 35.

Photo: Vladimir Kachanov / Shutterstock

One of three ski resorts in Krasnaya Polyana. In winter, these are trails of various levels of difficulty with a total length of more than 102 kilometers and infrastructure of the level of top Alpine resorts. In the summer, Rosa Khutor offers a huge number of trekking routes, the Mendelikha waterfall park, the Shishin Dvor ethnofarm, alpine swings and a suspension bridge at the top of the resort. There is also a B-one cycling and walking track and a rode-table. Steerable mountain sleds that race along a metal track. — Approx. ed.. And soon they plan to open a wake park on Lake Superior.

Krasnaya Polyana Resort

Address: s. Estosadok, st. Gornaya Karusel, 5.

Photo: Lana4ka.SK / Depositphotos

The second ski resort, which after rebranding began to have the same name as the neighboring village (do not get confused!). There are also many trails for skiing and two snow parks. Among the summer activities, it is worth highlighting the bike park at an altitude of about 1,000 meters and walking routes. In addition, the Gorky Fly complex with the highest (over 2,000 meters) and longest (1,027 meters) zipline, steel rope descent, operates all year round. — Approx. ed. in Russia. Tourists can also take a hot air balloon ride. Contemporary art lovers will definitely appreciate the painting by Russian calligrapher Pokras Lampas at an altitude of 960 meters.

Mountain tourism

Address: s. Estosadok, st. Achipsinskaya, 16.

Photo: Zotov Dmitrii / Shutterstock

And another mountain tourist center. There is the Laura ski and biathlon stadium, the Galaktika entertainment complex with a water park and an ice arena, the world's longest 3S cable car (with large cabins that can accommodate many more people than usual) and the highest bathhouse in Russia, and also the Pikhtovy shelter, from which the routes to the Bzerpinsky cornice (this is one of the most popular trails) and the Kholodny camp begin.

Adler market

Address: st. Democratic, 38A.

Photo: DemarK/Shutterstock

If you want to feel the flavor of the old Sochi market with the obligatory notes of the Caucasian bazaar, then Adler is your place. Here you can find one of the cheapest churchkhelas in the city (and there is simply an incredible amount of it), a huge selection of fish and a secret cafe-dining room “Melgos”, which only locals know about, so you have to watch the road on YouTube. There is also a frightening range of assortment: from the usual fruits and vegetables to wicker baskets and palm trees in tubs. Just don’t buy what you like right away - be sure to walk through the aisles and, most likely, you will find the same thing, but cheaper!

House of Jam

Address: Vardane village, st. Lvovskaya, 92.

Photo: Sochi.scapp

A recreational complex, a tasting room and a production workshop - all this was combined into one by the House of Jam project. An old warehouse from the 40s in the village of Vardane was reconstructed and decorated in a mixture of styles: loft, Scandinavian minimalism and natural retro. Nearby they set up a modular workshop in which they make jam from local apricots, cherry plums, feijoas, tangerines and other fruits and berries, and make fermented pickled oranges and dried persimmons. At the House of Jam you can try a tasting set and take a jar or two with you, relax on the terrace and take some cool photos for Instagram.

White Rocks

Address: end of Lesnoy street.

Photo: kritskaya / Shutterstock

One of the many natural attractions of Sochi, but not one of the most mainstream. A beautiful canyon with a 4-kilometer tourist route that runs through an observation deck, fancy stone rubble, small waterfalls, a mountain river with swimming pools, pebble beaches and a plunge pool, the depth of which reaches 12 meters. The route here is more difficult than in more popular locations, so sports shoes are a must.

Eagle Rocks and Agur Waterfalls

Address: end of Matsestinskaya street.

Photo: BUTENKOV ALEKSEI / Shutterstock

A steep cliff along the Agura River, on top of which there is a sculpture of Prometheus. The route starts from the Matsestinskaya Valley with the memorable smell of sulfur. Along the way, by the way, there is another popular place - a huge observation clearing, where picnics are held in the summer. After admiring Prometheus and taking a couple of pictures with mountain landscapes, you can go down another ridge of the Eagle Rocks and take to the path along the cascade of Agur waterfalls.

Krasnaya Polyana

The best places for active recreation also include the Krasnaya Polyana ski resort, which attracts tourists from all over Russia. Life here is in full swing all year round. And the main reasons for this popularity are the beautiful nature and developed infrastructure.

There are also several levels of the cable car here. At the very bottom there is a town of apartments, which in former times was called “Gorki-gorod”. Now it is a long avenue with restaurants, family cafes, hotels and a walking area.

The second level, from which a picturesque panorama opens, begins at an altitude of 960 meters. In the spring, people go hiking to the Polikarya waterfall from here, and in the fall they take a hot air balloon ride. For a fee, anyone can ride an ATV.

The highest point of Krasnaya Polyana is at an altitude of 2200 meters. At this peak there is a circular observation deck and several walking routes from 0.5 to 5 km, running along the mountain ridge. All of them are designed for tourists with unprofessional physical training and those who do not have a lot of time.

Official site:


Cable car ticket price

– from 490 rub. The operating mode depends on the lift.

How to get there:

  • Bus No. 105, 105С – goes from the Sochi bus station via );
  • Bus No. 135 – from Sochi Park, Olympic Park, Adler railway station;
  • "Swallow" to the Rosa Khutor resort.

Where to stay

Sochi's structure is very different from other Russian cities. It stretches along the sea and has a separate mountain cluster. The main tourist locations are the ski resorts in Krasnaya Polyana, the beaches in the Imereti Lowland and the center of Sochi with city entertainment. Each has its own characteristics when choosing housing.

In Krasnaya Polyana there are three ski resorts with their own infrastructure and dozens of hotels. At Rosa Khutor, we recommend staying at the Riders Lodge, the first hotel for riders in Russia. There is a ski in / ski out system: the ski lift is within walking distance, you can start skiing or snowboarding literally when leaving the hotel. Price per night - from 4,450 rubles. At the Krasnaya Polyana resort, one of the most popular hotels is the Rixos Krasnaya Polyana Sochi, with an indoor pool and spa available to all guests. Price per night - from 14,300 rubles. And at the Gazprom resort you can stay at Polyana 1389 with a fitness center and a large climbing wall. Cost - from 7,000 rubles per night.

On Imeretinskaya embankment you can choose a room in the Imeretinsky apart-hotel, which is located as close as possible to the sea. Price per night - from 5,400 rubles.

There are a sufficient number of large chain hotels located in the center of Sochi. A night at the Hyatt Regency Sochi will cost 35,000 rubles, and at the Park Inn by Radisson Sochi Center - from 6,500 rubles. Both hotels are located in the very center of the city. If you look among mini-hotels, a good choice would be “Graphite”, a 10-minute drive from the center. This is a cozy option with stylish rooms and breakfasts so cool that even locals come here for them. Price per night - from 6,930 rubles.

Another option is sanatoriums in the classic Soviet style, with huge park areas. For example, the Metallurg sanatorium, where you can spend three nights (you can’t book for a shorter period in the summer) for 22,350 rubles (three meals a day included).

There are not many good hostels in Sochi, but this summer Plants & Friends is opening in the city center - a project that combines a creative space, a cafe and a stylish hostel.

And, of course, there is always the option of renting accommodation through Airbnb. On average, a one-bedroom apartment in the city center will cost from 3,000 to 4,500 rubles. It is best to choose apartments in the area of ​​Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Morsky Lane and on the streets above the Sberbank stop. Or in certain microdistricts, such as “Svetlana” and “Makarenko”.

Mount Bolshoi Akhun

Mount Bolshoi Akhun, rising near Sochi, is considered the highest on the entire Black Sea coast.

At the beginning of the 20th century, an asphalt road with cozy cafes was laid along it, and at the top a Ferris wheel and an observation tower were built, the height of which is 30 meters. The initiator of the construction was the “leader of the peoples” himself.

From here there is a magnificent view of all directions of the world, and in sunny weather the horizon can be seen for as much as 100 km. If you want to see the city from a bird's eye view, there is no better place!

How to get there:

  • Book an excursion and go to the mountain in comfort, accompanied by a professional guide;
  • Or take bus number 2 to the Maly Akhun Microdistrict stop.

Ideas where to go from Sochi: New Athos, Abkhazia

Returning to the Sukhumi highway, turn left, east - after 45 km you will find yourself in New Athos. At the top of Iverskaya Mountain there are partially restored ruins of a 7th-century fortress (in those days the city was called Anakopia). Inside the same mountain is the New Athos Cave, so large that there is a mini-metro in it for tourists. Dress warmly: among the stalactites and stalagmites it is cold at any time of the year.

The spiritual center of the city and all of Abkhazia - the New Athos Simon-Kananitsky Monastery - was founded at the end of the 19th century by monks from a Russian monastery on the Greek Mount Athos. In the center of the monastery stands Panteleimon Cathedral, famous for its magnificent frescoes. Two more important holy places in New Athos are the ancient temple and grotto of Simon the Zealot. And finally, take a walk to the Psyrtskha railway station: it looks like an elegant gazebo or tea house and, in addition, stands right above the picturesque lake.

Cathedral of the Archangel Michael

An equally interesting landmark of Sochi is the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. This is the first Christian church in the Black Sea district, built in honor of the end of the Caucasian War of 1864.

Starting from the 30s, it was used as a warehouse, but soon after the Second World War the cathedral was returned to believers. Nowadays, it is the main temple not only of the central region, but of the entire city.

The building resembles the shape of a four-pointed cross, the elongated branches of which are covered with vaults, and the center is decorated with a huge dome. Over the long history of its existence, it was rebuilt many times, but after reconstruction in the 1990s, the cathedral managed to regain its historical appearance.


every day.


st. Moskvina, 12.

How to get there:

  • By bus - No. 3, 125С, 105К, 2, 125, 1, 14, 22, 125П, 23, 103, 121, 86, 105С, 105, 120;
  • By minibus - No. 37, 19, 38, 43, 41, 83, 45, 92, 122, 87, 94, 98, 95, 113, 180.

Get off at the Organ Hall stop.

Third day - Agur waterfalls

Sochi is not only a huge resort city and its surroundings, but also unique nature. You can get imbued with its spirit by going to visit Mount Akhun. In fact, it is an entire mountain range, which includes several peaks.

And it is named after the god of cattle breeders, who was revered by the locals. People have lived in this blessed land since time immemorial. Initially, caves served as their habitat. There are about 2 dozen of them here, the largest area occupies about 600 sq.m.

If you are interested in speleology, such caves will seem like a real gift from fate. Later, 2 Christian churches were built in the same places, which have not survived to this day. And in the 20th century. the territory began to be actively inhabited.

In the 30s, the White Tower observation tower appeared on Mount Bolshoy Akhun. Architect S.I. Vorobyov designed it very successfully - after that the tower was filmed more than once in television and feature films, so it turned out to be picturesque.

The height of the tower is just over 30 m. The view from here is such that all eminent guests were always brought here to admire the surroundings. For a short time there was a restaurant in the tower.

Now it has been replaced by a tasting room, where you will be offered infusions that you will not try anywhere else: with honey and fruit according to ancient recipes. Stuffed local animals are also on display here. Relatively recently, the tower was restored, and now you can get here either independently or as part of a tour.

You can buy souvenirs next to the tower, and your little ones will enjoy playing in the playground. In good weather, tourists are offered to climb up on the Ferris Wheel; the whole of Sochi will be visible from here at a glance.

On Maly Akhun there is another highlight - “Vysotsky’s Glade”. They say that the famous bard visited here during his honeymoon with Marina Vladi. Here you can see a sculpture of Vysotsky, and if you’re lucky, you can listen to the bards who often gather here for various events. In the vicinity of Greater Sochi, you can count a little less than 100 waterfalls. These include the Agurskys.

The lower waterfall is located a few hundred meters from the entrance to the reserve. The road to it leads along a wooden bridge and further through the forest. You will breathe in plenty of cool and fresh forest air.

The stream of the waterfall breaks into a blue bowl, which is called the “Devil's Font”. There is also a cave called “Devil’s Hole”. To get to the next one, the Middle Waterfall, you need to travel several kilometers. A walking trail runs along the river.

Then there is one more bridge to overcome, but the beautiful large waterfall that opens to you is worth the effort. Its maximum height is 18 m. A stream of water falls into a mountain lake. If you wish, you can comfortably relax next to the waterfall. There are benches and a table here.

If you have some strength left, go to the third waterfall. It is also very picturesque, and there is a trail leading to it. The height is 23 m. But local residents warn that people with good physical fitness, and possibly special climbing equipment, should decide to take such a road.

There is another attraction in this area - Eagle Rocks. Due to the limestone they contain, they are white in color. The forest growing at a distance is also beautiful - it is made up of trees whose age is estimated to be centuries old. There are also caves here.

But the attention of tourists is more attracted by the sculpture of Prometheus. As you remember, this is the hero of Greek myths who gave people fire. For which he was punished by the gods: he was chained to a rock, and a huge eagle flew every day to peck at his liver.

The sculpture was installed here in 1998. In the Caucasus, the legend was continued. According to her, Prometheus fell in love with the mountain woman Agura, who brought the hero water and food. As punishment, the local god Akhyn turned the beauty into a river.

It is not at all difficult to come to these regions. The easiest way is as part of an excursion. Just remember that some guides will not take you further than the Lower Falls. You can also get here by bus, book an individual excursion, or just take a taxi.

As for the length of the walk, you will have to cover about 8 km. Another tip: take raincoats with you in case of inclement weather: clouds come quickly in the mountains. And also choose suitable clothes and shoes so that you don’t mind getting them dirty.

Shoes should be such that you will not slip in them on mountain paths. Thus, even in a short time you can see a lot. The main thing is to plan your time correctly. And if you come here in the warm season, take the time to swim to your heart’s content in the sea.

Trout farm

Trout lives only in clean water bodies. On the territory of Sochi, these are the waters of artesian wells located near Cossack Brod. It was near them that one of the largest enterprises in Russia for breeding tasty and very healthy fish was created.

Arriving at this place, you can see huge pools with amber trout, feed them with special food and try seafood dishes in a local restaurant. Other entertainment includes excursions, as well as sport and paid fishing. Plus, the nature here is very beautiful.

Excursions are held every day from 9 am to 5 pm; you can book them on our website.

Ticket price:

  • Adult – 250 rubles;
  • Children (7-14 years old) – 150 rub.

Official site:



Kazachiy Brod village, Forelevaya street, 45a.

How to get there:

  • Bus from Adler railway station - No. 105, 105с;
  • Bus from the market - No. 135.

Psaho Canyons

In the vicinity of Sochi there are two Psakho canyons - Mokry and Sukhoi. Both are located on the territory of the Sochi National Park. The places are not the most accessible, but it’s definitely worth going here (preferably as part of an excursion).

The main pride of the canyons is the amazing beauty of nature. In Sukhoi Psakho you will see high limestone cliffs. It is believed that in ancient times this gorge was the ocean floor.

The wet canyon will delight the eye with a crystal clear river, mountain waterfalls, rocky cliffs, evergreen bushes and plants, as well as thickets of boxwood trees. The latter do not grow in any other corner of Russia.

There are also souvenir shops and cafes on the territory of Psakho.

Entry price

— 100 rub.

Official site:



between the villages of Galitsino and Krasnaya Volya, 50 km from Sochi.

How to get there:

  • Book an excursion and travel accompanied by a guide;
  • By car - to the airport, then along the A-148 highway in the direction of Krasnaya Polyana, turn to Galitsino, after 20 minutes you will see a sign. From there it's a 10-15 minute walk;
  • By bus No. 128 from Khosta to the village. Red Will;
  • By bus No. 131 from Adler to the village. Galitsino (stop “Batiyskaya Street”).

What to bring from Sochi

Shoppers and bags for swimsuits “Subtropics”

A local brand that started with shoppers and shopping bags. Then full-fledged bags, backpacks, sets of bags (for example, for wine), all kinds of cases and even raincoats were added to them. The brand maintains the Zero Waste concept and uses 100% thick cotton (of course, where necessary, a layer of raincoat is added). Prices are reasonable, and almost every product is offered in a variety of colors. By the way, you can choose not only the color, but also the slogan that is printed on each item.

You can buy it in the studio on the street. Severnaya, 12, or look in the stores “More Spices” on Gorkogo, Yogurt Ville on Tuapse and in the mountain residence “Flacon”. Or use the brand's website.

Surfer Raincoats

Sochi receives a very large amount of precipitation each year, so it is not surprising that the Surfer Raincoats brand, which specializes in the production of raincoats, has appeared here. They are sewn from three-layer membrane fabric, which protects even from the heaviest rain and wind. But everyone fell in love with raincoats largely due to their bright colors. The yellow oversized raincoat has long been an Instagram hit, and you can buy it for 11,990 rubles.

The project does not yet have an offline store, so you will have to order either through the manufacturer’s website or through Instagram.

Atauchi Jewelry

These silver accessories are inspired by the mountains and the culture of the Quechua people (atauchi means "what makes you happy" in their language). The Rasu collection (translated as “snow-capped peak”), inspired by the landscapes of the Western Caucasus, is in particular demand.

Locally produced cheese

You can go to any market (the same Adler or the emasculated Central on Moskovskaya Street, 22) and buy a standard set of smoked chechil, Adyghe cheese and suluguni (however, you should not delay the transportation of the latter two - they are perishable). The price will depend on how far from the center rows you go and how much you look like a local.

Another option is to buy cheese from local farms. There are now two of these in Sochi. The Exarcho eco-farm is located in the Matsesta mountains and is open to guests. You can try hard goat cheese for 200 rubles per 100 grams, feta cheese for 130 rubles, or classic cow's milk cheese for 150 rubles per 100 grams. The eco-farm also acts as a recreational complex, so you can go there to buy cheeses or use paid delivery within the city.

There is also the Volino farm, which is located in the village of Krasnaya Volya, Adler district. Craft cheeses are produced here using Italian technologies. Caciotta with tomatoes, pecorino, camembert and gorgonzola - there are a couple of dozen items in total. There is no need to go to Adler to buy Volino cheeses - the farm has its own store on Yunykh Lenintsev Street, 14.

Chestnut honey

Another gastronomic attraction of Sochi is honey. Especially chestnut, because about 80% of Russian chestnut forests are located in the Sochi National Park. You need to look for the delicacy in the apiaries in the Krasnaya Polyana area. For example, “Wild Honey”, where 250 grams of chestnut honey will cost 350 rubles. Delivery within the city is available.

Krasnaya Polyana cosmetics

Soap, hydrosols, hair sprays, makeup removers - at Krasnopolyanskaya Cosmetics they make almost everything and exclusively from natural ingredients collected on the slopes of Achishkho. The production itself is located in the high-mountain village of Medoveevka, which was almost deserted 10 years ago. Krasnopolyanskaya Cosmetics has its own lavender farm, apothecary garden and garden there. You should definitely take hydrosol with feijoa, lavender body scrub or soap with mountain herbs for 300 rubles.

If you don’t want to go to Medoveevka or order cosmetics online, you can find the brand’s products in the company store on Navaginskaya, 11/5, or at the Rosa Khutor resort at 9 Medoveya Street.

Local tea

Sochi tea is considered one of the northernmost in the world (tea experts from Adygea are trying to challenge the title). Here, as with cheeses, you can rely on your intuition and go to the nearest market or buy it directly from the plantations. For example, tea from the village of Izmailovskoye, which is sold under the Matsesta Tea brand. A pack of classic black costs 160 rubles. You can buy it not only in Izmailovka itself, but also in the “Okay” hypermarket on Novaya Zarya, 7.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the mountain tea, which is served in almost every restaurant in Sochi under the name “Krasnopolyansky Collection”. You can also buy it directly, for example, order it from the Instagram account mountain_tea_sochi. The brand's products can also be found in many shops at the Rosa Khutor resort. In the center of Sochi, this tea is sold in the souvenir shop of the Zvezdny Hotel.

Yew-boxwood grove and Devil's Gate canyon

The yew-boxwood grove, planted on the eastern slope of Mount Akhun, is the most beautiful place in Sochi and the surrounding area. It is often called a living museum of ancient nature, because trees have been growing here since prehistoric times.

However, in 2014 this famous natural landmark was under threat. During preparations for the Winter Olympics, the evergreen Italian boxwood was brought to the city. And everything would be fine if the boxwood moth had not arrived in Russia along with the planting material, which in a few years destroyed the bulk of the relict trees. It was not possible to remove the parasite, so if you want to enjoy the gorgeous views, hurry up and sign up for an excursion tour.

The grove also includes the Devil's Gate Canyon, a natural pool with giant stone caves hidden in liana thickets. This place is in great demand among visitors and locals. People often have picnics here and swim in the icy waters of the Khosta River. In addition, not far from the canyon there is a recreation center with a Russian bathhouse, a cafe and barbecue areas. There are also ruins of an ancient fortress here, where people like to arrange photo sessions.

Operating mode:

  • In summer (from 15.03 to 30.09) – from 9 am to 6 pm;
  • In winter (from 01.10 to 14.03) – from 9 am to 5 pm.

Entrance fees:

  • Adult – 300 rubles;
  • Children’s – 150 rub.

Official site:


How to get there:

  • From the center or Khosty railway station on foot;
  • By buses No. 115, 105, 50 to the stop. “Bridge”, then walk 2.5 km;
  • By minibus No. 134;
  • On the "Swallow";
  • By car – about 25 km.

Singing Fountains

You can't leave Sochi without seeing its main attraction. Therefore, if you do not plan to stay here forever, take an evening to explore the fountains.

Initially, the most famous singing and dancing fountains were located on Platanovaya Alley of Kurortny Prospekt. Jets of water moved to classical music, accompanied by glowing lights. The most interesting thing is that the movements were unique and were not repeated throughout the evening. Fountains can be found here and now. However, they have now lost the title of main attraction to the Olympic Park fountain.

Visit the “Singing Fountains” show at the Olympic Stadium, which traditionally attracts many spectators. If you arrive here at 18:00-19:00 you will see fireworks from streams of light and water. The action will unfold in a haze of light fog to the music of Russian composers. The show schedule depends on the time of year (in summer from 20:30, in winter from 18:00, in the off-season from 19:00). Also, the start time is affected by weather conditions, so it is better to check the schedule the day before.

Singing Fountains. Photo: @the_vereschagins

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