The city of Strezhevoy in the Tomsk region

The city of Strezhevoy is located in the north-west of the Tomsk region and is part of the Alexandrovsky district. It is located near the right tributary of the majestic Ob River. Strezhevoy is a fairly young city, recently turning only 45 years old. The nearest railway station from this settlement is Nizhnevartovsk (68 km). The local airport is located two kilometers from the town.

General information

Population 44.3 thousand (2006), area 3148 hectares.

The city is located on the bank of the right channel of the Ob River, 70 km from Nizhnevartovsk, 970 km northwest of Tomsk. Marina on the Ob River (6 km from the city). Strezhevoy Airport.

The city traces its history back to the village of Strezhevaya, founded in the 1930s by special settlers. In 1966, the village of Strezhevoy was founded near the village, which received city status in 1978.

The mayor of the city is Valery Kharahorin (elected on March 1, 2009)[1]. Previously, the head of the city was Alexey Vasilyevich Troshin (until November 10, 2008 [2]).


: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4a, 4b, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th.
School town, 3-GG town. Villages
: Vakh, Dorozhnikov.
: Airport, Beregovaya, Burovikov, Vakhskaya, Vikulova[3], Vykhodtseva[4], Dorozhnikov, Ermakova[5], Zelenaya, Kedrovaya, Klyukvennaya, Communal, Komsomolskaya[6], Lesnaya, Mira, Molodezhnaya, Neftyanikov, Novaya, Novosibirskaya, Oktyabrya[7], Autumn, Pervomaiskaya, Pesochnaya, Polevaya, Suburban, Working, River, Ryabinovaya, Sadovaya, Northern, 2nd Northern, Siberian, Snezhnaya, Sovetskaya[8], Solnechnaya, Sosnovaya, Stroiteley, Student, SU -17, Taiga, Transport, Central, Enthusiasts.
: Dachny, Druzhny, Novoselov, Torgovy, Shkolny, Yubileiny, Yuzhny.

Postal codes: 63678x.[9]

Telephone code: +7(38259) xxxxxxx[10].

Two newspapers are published in Strezhevoy: the corporate Tomskaya Neft and the city (formerly regional) newspaper Severnaya Zvezda. Both editorial offices are located in the same building with a local printing house. There are stations "AutoRadio" and "Strezhevskoye Television" ("STV")


Strezhevoy is characterized by harsh natural conditions. The climate of the region is sharply continental and belongs to the 2nd extremely uncomfortable zone of human habitation. And although geographically it cannot be attributed to the Far North, in terms of weather conditions it is equivalent to such areas. This region is also called the zone of northern taiga, ultraviolet deficiency and swamps.


  • Gymnasium No. 1 (Merzhi St., 1)
  • School No. 2 (2nd microdistrict, 242)
  • School No. 3 (3rd microdistrict, 324)
  • School No. 4 with in-depth study of individual subjects (4th microdistrict, 458)
  • School No. 5 (4th microdistrict, 460)
  • School No. 6 (Vikulova St., 1)
  • School No. 7 with in-depth study of individual subjects (Kommunalnaya St., 1)
  • Special correctional school (Vikulova St., 1/2)
  • Open shift school (Kommunalnaya str., 40, building 1)
  • Automotive school (206 Stroiteley St.)
  • Branch of Tomsk Industrial and Humanitarian College (40 Kommunalnaya str., building 1)
  • Branch of the Zhirnovsky Oil College (Kommunalnaya St., 40)
  • Information and Consulting Center of Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Ermakova St., 127A)
  • Center for Additional Education for Children (Stroiteliteli St., 56)
  • Tomskneft training ground (46 Kommunalnaya St.)
  • Training Center for Professional Qualifications (40 Kommunalnaya St.)
  • Driving school "Green Light" (Ermakova St., 4)


HISTORY In ancient times, dating back to the period of the 12th-13th centuries, settlements of the Khanty of the Middle Ob region were founded in the north of the present Tomsk region. The impetus for the settlement of this territory was given by the Russian colonization of Siberia in the 16th-17th centuries. The related roots of Strezhevoy include the fishing settlement founded by special settlers in 1932. Fishermen call the core the fastest part of the river, where the waters rush in a rapid stream. They know: the core is a difficult place, not for the weak. But the catch here can be rich. “Lucky” was once a word used to describe this small fishing village in the very north of the region, not far from the Ob River. The village was tiny, lost in the vast expanses of the taiga region, and few people knew about it. The founding date of the city of Strezhevoy (coinciding with the date of production of the first ton of Tomsk oil) is considered to be September 1, 1966, although the city was founded on the banks of the Pasol River on July 23, 1966. At the beginning of 1967, Glavtyumenneftegaz approved the first phase of construction of the city of Strezhevoy. The master plan for the future city and detailed planning projects for the residential area were developed for 30 thousand residents. In 1972-1974, builders commissioned the Neftyanik House of Culture, the Skazka cafe, and a children's music school. A clinic, a consumer services plant, and the second stage of the airport runway were commissioned. On April 5, 1978, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the workers' village of Strezhevoy was transformed into a city of regional subordination. In 1976-1977, oil workers from Strezhevoy for the first time introduced a rotational method of field development. Strezhevoy becomes the base city for oil workers. 10 years later, a group of Strezhevsk residents who participated in the creation of the rotational method were awarded the title of laureates of the USSR State Prize. In the first years of the 11th Five-Year Plan (1980-1985), the city received a good prospect for the development of productive forces. GEOGRAPHY The city of Strezhevoy is a city of white nights and Siberian frosts, the northernmost point of the Tomsk region, which is separated from the regional center by 970 kilometers. The coordinates of the city are 60 degrees 44 minutes north latitude and 77 degrees 35 minutes east longitude, 80 kilometers east of the city of Nizhnevartovsk, where the nearest railway station is located. The nearest river port of Koltogorsk is located 12 kilometers from the city on the Ob River. The main traffic pattern: airlines and water transport in the summer, in winter - temporary “winter roads”. In 2005-2014, the management of Strezhevoy carried out a lot of work to ensure transport accessibility of the northern territories of the Tomsk region. The result was an agreement concluded in January 2007 between the authorities of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Tomsk region on shared financing for the development of design estimates and the subsequent construction of a capital bridge across the Vakh River. In 2014, construction of the bridge was completed, and its official opening took place in November 2014. The area of ​​the municipality is 21,297 hectares, including 1,259.2 hectares of municipally owned land transferred for use and ownership. The area of ​​land within the city limits is 3148 hectares. CLIMATE According to natural and climatic conditions and risk factors, the city territory is included in the second, extremely uncomfortable zone of population residence and is equated to the areas of the Far North. The climate in Strezhevoy is sharply continental, with stable snow cover. The prevailing winds are from the southwest, and the average annual temperature is minus 5.5 degrees. The absolute minimum air temperature is minus 54 degrees, the absolute maximum temperature is 36 degrees. The number of days with snow cover is 195, the height of the snow cover is 60-80 cm. The first snow falls at the end of September, sometimes at the beginning of September and finally thaws in the first half of June. The duration of the frost-free period is 83-89 days. The annual amount of precipitation in the territory ranges from 425 mm to 679 mm with a norm of 590 mm, of which 347 mm falls in the warm period of the year, and 243 mm in the cold period. Precipitation occurs in the form of snow, hail and rain. A characteristic feature of the climate of Strezhevoy and its environs is sharp changes in atmospheric air pressure and temperature. The daily pressure drop can reach up to 10 mmHg. Art. The daily temperature difference can be up to 20-25 degrees. The frequency of weather favorable for humans is less than 73 days (20%) per year, the number of days with severe weather during the daytime is from 60 to 100. The territory is located in the zone of ultraviolet deficiency for more than 4 months a year. NATURAL RESOURCES The main feature of the northern territories of the Tomsk region is heavy swampiness, reaching 50-60% of the total area. The soils are mainly soddy-podzolic and peat-bog. The region has significant raw material resources. Oil and gas play a decisive role among them. The Sovetsko-Sosninskoye and Vakhskoye fields are located directly in the area of ​​the city of Strezhevoy. POPULATION The city of Strezhevoy is one of the municipalities with positive natural population growth and negative migration growth. The population of the city as of January 1, 2022 was 41,230 people. The natural increase rate was 126 people. PRODUCTION SECTOR Strezhevoy continues to maintain its specialization in oil and gas production. Indicators characterizing the achievement of the strategic goals of economic development of the Strezhevoy urban district for 2022 are largely maintained at the level of the same period last year. During the period of 2022, goods of own production were shipped and works (services) were performed by large and medium-sized enterprises of the city in the amount of 13.4 billion rubles, which is 3.3% lower than the volumes of 2022 (13.9 billion rubles). MINERAL MINING In 2022, compared to 2022, the actual volumes of shipments of organizations in the type of activity “mining” in the city amounted to 3.4 billion rubles, which is 25% of the total volume of shipped products of own production, work and services performed. The volume of oil production, including gas condensate in physical terms, has remained virtually unchanged: Tomskneft VNK JSC annually produces about 10 million tons of oil and 2 billion cubic meters of gas. In 2019, the company plans to maintain the momentum and continue active production drilling in all regions of its presence. CONSUMER MARKET AND SMALL BUSINESS There are 1,419 small and medium-sized businesses operating in the city. Including 305 legal entities and 1114 individual entrepreneurs. In the structure of individual entrepreneurs, 32% operate in the field of trade, 26% in the field of transport, 42% are redistributed in other areas of activity. The volume of tax revenues from the activities of small businesses under special tax regimes is 24.5 million rubles, which is 54% of the annual plan, the revenue forecast for the year is 42 million rubles. Housing and communal services The city's utility infrastructure operates stably. For several years, not a single emergency situation has been recorded that would have led to the entire city being cut off from heat and water for more than 4 hours at a time. First of all, this is the merit of utility workers and the result of the overall work to modernize utility systems within the framework of the program. In 2018, 50 million rubles were allocated for its implementation, including 25 and a half million from extra-budgetary sources. About one and a half kilometers of heating and water networks were repaired, and large equipment was replaced at the city's municipal facilities. The deterioration of the city's municipal infrastructure continues to increase, and for linear facilities it reaches eighty and even one hundred percent. Almost half a billion rubles are needed to solve the most urgent problems. It is planned to allocate more than 100 million rubles to the program for modernizing the city’s municipal infrastructure, that is, twice as much as last year’s funding. One and a half kilometers of heating mains will be repaired in almost all microdistricts of the city. Construction of the KNS-Ob pressure sewer collector will continue. EDUCATION In 2022, the existing number of places in preschool education institutions 100% satisfied the population's need for this type of service from the number declared. The total coverage of children from 1.5 to 3 years old is 47.2%. The number of students in general education institutions is increasing (+60 compared to the previous year) due to an increase in the number of students in primary schools. Five classes have been opened according to an adapted educational program for children with disabilities. The level of provision of additional education services for children is stable, the total coverage is 60%. In 2022, a system of personalized accounting and financing of additional education was introduced in the city of Strezhevoy as part of the implementation of the regional priority project “Affordable additional education for children in the Tomsk region.” As part of the implementation of the concept of mathematics education, the direction “Educational Robotics” is actively developing. Enrollment of children in general education institutions was 22.6%. 33 graduates of general education institutions were awarded the federal medal “For special achievements in learning”, 5 graduates were awarded the medal of the Tomsk region “For special achievements in learning”. CULTURE AND TOURISM Cultural institutions held more than 1,847 events, the number of visits amounted to 254,266 people. 18,832 city residents are library readers, more than 18 thousand Strezhevo residents and city guests visited the local history museum. The year 2022 was marked by a wide celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol. As part of the city festival of artistic creativity “On the Wave of the City 2018,” 9 city genre competitions were held, in which over 1,600 people (1,681) took part. The number of event visitors amounted to 2,600 people. In March, Strezhevoy joined the All-Russian “Go for a Walk” campaign for the first time; the Sovremennik Palace of Arts held children’s competition and game programs in school grounds and a festive program on Victory Square. The number of visitors was about 4 thousand people. In November, Max Ionata, a world jazz star, one of the largest Italian saxophonists in the modern international jazz arena, performed on the stage of the Sovremennik Palace of Arts. In 2022, students and creative teams of the school took part in 45 competitions, festivals, and exhibitions from city to international levels, in which they won 259 awards. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS The number of Strezhevsk residents systematically involved in physical education and sports at the end of 2022 is 29% (11,442 people) of the total population.


  • Mikhail Vikulov is one of the famous founders of the city of oil workers; a city street is named in his honor.
  • Alexey Vykhodtsev is a teacher who has received public recognition; a city street is named in his honor.
  • Vasily Grigoryevich Kalinichuk - veteran of the oil industry (TomskNeft association), drilling foreman of the Strezhevsky Drilling Operations Department; Hero of Socialist Labor
  • Igor Vyacheslavovich Tsybasov - aviator, the first in history commander of the Strezhevsky united air squad and the first in history head of Strezhevsky airport; Hero of Socialist Labor
  • Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky is a successful entrepreneur and head of the company NK YUKOS, which did a lot for the socio-economic development of the city in 1998-2004.
  • Leonid Ivanovich Filimonov - Minister of the Oil Industry of the USSR, later - a famous Russian top manager (TomskNeft, VNK, Yukos), an honorary citizen of the Tomsk region.
  • Alexey Vasilyevich Troshin is a famous Tomsk, Strezhev politician and journalist. Mayor of Strezhevoy from 2001 to 2008.
  • Igor Ivanovich Ivanchenko is a Tomsk, Strezhevsk and Kuzbass poet, humorist, satirist, ironist and essayist.
  • Alexey Ermakov is an order bearer, a well-known foreman of oil exploration workers at the TomskNeft association in the 1970s and 1980s.
  • Sergey Anatolyevich Zhvachkin - began his career in the construction of oil and gas production departments, then became the head of the oil and gas complex of the territory. Since 2012 - Governor of the Tomsk Region
  • Nikolai Merzha is the first head of the city-forming enterprise TomskNeft Association.
  • Avalishvili
  • Kalyuzhny

PhotoHISTORY. Birth of Strezhevoy

The portal continues to publish materials about significant events in the history of the Tomsk region. Today we will tell you about the life of a young city in the north of the region - Strezhevoy. It began in July 1966 - then the laying of the first buildings of the future northern capital of a regional scale began. This year Strezhevoy turns 50 years old. We have unique photos taken in Strezhevoy over the years by the famous Tomsk journalist and photographer Vladimir Kazantsev.

If we delve deeper into history, the fishing settlement founded by special settlers in 1932 should be attributed to the related roots of Strezhevoy. This territory received an incentive for further development due to the fact that oil reserves were explored in the north of the Tomsk region. On January 13, 1966, by order of Glavtyumenneftegaz, the Tomskneft oil field management was created. In the same year, a city was founded on the banks of the Pasol River, which was to become the base city of Tomsk oil workers.

The founding date of the city of Strezhevoy, coinciding with the date of production of the first ton of Tomsk oil, is considered to be September 1, 1966. At the end of the 1960s, Strezhevoy was declared an All-Union Komsomol shock construction site. Dozens of student construction teams from universities in different cities of our country were sent to its construction. On April 5, 1978, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the workers' village of Strezhevoy was transformed into a city of regional subordination. Since 2004, according to regional law, the official name of this municipality is the Strezhevoy urban district.

In the photo below are student construction teams in Strezhevoy

The name of the city comes from the Russian dialect “guard”, “strezhen” - that is, “steep bank of the river”, “bed, rapids, channel, rapids”. At the time of its founding, there was a proposal to name the city Neftegrad, but due to the existence of a large number of cities whose names began with “Oil...”, it was decided to abandon this.

Strezhevoy is a city of white nights and Siberian frosts, the northernmost point of the Tomsk region, which is separated from the regional center by 970 kilometers. The city is located in the zone of northern taiga and swamps, on the bank of the right channel of the Ob. It borders in the north-west with the Nizhnevartovsky district of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the remaining borders of the urban district are surrounded by the lands of the Aleksandrovsky municipal district of the Tomsk region. The area of ​​the municipality is 21,297 hectares.

At the same time, nature has generously endowed the north of the Tomsk region with raw materials: peat deposits, in particular of medicinal value, reserves of mineral waters, clay raw materials. Oil and gas are of decisive importance among them. Directly in the city area are the Sovetsko-Sosninskoye and Vakhskoye fields, where 75% of the oil and gas in the Tomsk region is produced. In the Strezhevoy area there are six peat deposits with a total area of ​​22.888 hectares, which, in addition to production, also have important medicinal value. Peat can be used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis beyond the acute stage, respiratory and digestive diseases, gynecological, ENT and skin diseases. There are also significant reserves of mineral waters, which are valuable natural medicinal resources.

Forests occupy 47% of the total area of ​​the region, but their industrial use is difficult due to transport inaccessibility. The area of ​​hunting grounds in the region is 28,640 square kilometers. This territory has a large supply of medicinal herbs, mushrooms, berries (cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, currants), as well as pine nuts.

The city's transport scheme is characterized by the absence of federal roads, railways and railway dead ends. This factor greatly influences not only the development of the city, but also the daily life of every Strezhevo resident. The main traffic pattern is airlines, in summer - water transport, in winter - temporary winter roads. The nearest river port of Koltogorsk is located on the Ob River, 12 kilometers from Strezhevoy. The nearest railway station is located 80 kilometers from Strezhevoy, on the territory of Nizhnevartovsk, separated from Strezhevoy by the Vakh River.

In 2005-2014, the authorities of Strezhevoy carried out a lot of work to ensure transport accessibility of the northern territories of the Tomsk region. The result was an agreement concluded in January 2007 between the leadership of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Tomsk region on shared financing for the development of design estimates and the subsequent construction of a capital bridge across the Vakh River. In 2014, construction of the bridge was completed, and its official opening took place in November 2014. It is assumed that the solution to the long-term problem of transport accessibility in the northern regions of the region will be the key to the further development of Strezhevoy.


  • Strezhevoy [collection] / Comp.: Vl. Kolykhalov. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1975. - 207 p.: ill.
  • Strezhevoy: Tomsk oil [photo album] / Text by Yu.A. Shcherbinina. —: “Planet”, 1985.
  • Strezhevoy. Time of the First [the history of Strezhevoy’s first years in memories and photographs] / Editorial Board: V.M. Izotov, V.P. Mangazeev, R.A. Bikbavov, P.M. Batyl, N.P. Kirillov; Editor-compiler N.I. Maskina. - Tomsk: Publishing house "D-Print", 2022. - 396 pp., illustrations, portraits, photographs. — Electronic resource


  1. TOMSKNEWS.COM: Head of Kargasok district and mayor of Strezhevoy elected
  2. TV-2: Today the mayor of the city of Strezhevoy, Alexey Troshin, died suddenly, 11/10/2008 21:47
  3. Vikulova Street
    is named after M.V.
    Vikulov, one of the famous founders of the city
    of oil workers.
  4. Vykhodtseva Street
    is named after Alexey Vykhodtsev, a teacher who received public recognition.
  5. Ermakova Street
    is named after A. Ermakov, the famous oil exploration foreman of the TomskNeft association in the 1970s-1980s.
  6. Komsomolskaya Street
    was named during Soviet times as part of a widespread campaign to consolidate Bolshevik and communist symbolism in toponymy.
  7. October Street
    was named during Soviet times as part of a widespread campaign to consolidate Bolshevik and communist symbolism in toponymy (October as a symbol of the October Revolution).
  8. Sovetskaya Street
    was named during the Soviet era as part of a widespread campaign to consolidate Bolshevik and communist symbolism in toponymy.
  9. indexes → Tomsk region → Strezhevoy city
  10. Local intracity numbers are five-digit.

Historical sketch

The city of Strezhevoy (Tomsk region) was built in the 30s of the last century. At that time it was a small village where special settlers settled. This category at that time included repressed citizens, mainly the so-called kulaks. Later, in 1966, the village of Strezhevoy was founded near this village. By 1967 it received the status of an urban-type settlement, and in 1978 it officially received the status of a city. The city of Strezhevoy, Tomsk Region, became a city of oil workers who came here on shift to service drilling rigs located within a radius of 400 km.

The name of the settlement comes from the Russian word “strezhen”, which means steep bank, rapids, channel, channel, rapids. It is worth noting that during the construction of the city it was proposed to name it differently - Neftegrad. However, the authorities decided that Strezhevoy sounded much more interesting, and there were already quite a lot of cities with the prefix “oil”, so they settled on this more original and melodic name. The residents of the town also liked this idea more.



  • Official website of local government bodies of the municipal formation "city of Strezhevoy"
  • People's encyclopedia "My City". Strezhevoy (Tomsk region)
  • Strezhevoy is our city
  • Strezhevoy - information and entertainment site
  • Map of Strezhevoy on Google (traffic)
  • Weather in Strezhevoy - weather forecast for 10 days
  • Impressions from the city (2011)
  • Tomsk news: Oil City Day (2008)
  • Residents of Strezhevoy ask Putin to return direct elections for the mayor of the city
Administrative division of the Tomsk region
Cities of regional subordination: Kedrovy, Seversk, Strezhevoy
, Tomsk
Cities of district subordination: Asino, Kolpashevo
Districts (administrative centers in brackets):
  • Alexandrovsky district (Aleksandrovskoye village)
  • Asinovsky district (Asino city)
  • Bakchar district (Bakchar village)
  • Verkhneketsky district (Bely Yar village)
  • Zyryansky district (Zyryanskoye village)
  • Kargasok district (Kargasok village)
  • Kozhevnikovsky district (Kozhevnikovo village)
  • Kolpashevo district (Kolpashevo)
  • Krivosheinsky district (Krivosheino village)
  • Molchanovsky district (village Molchanovo)
  • Parabel district (Parabel village)
  • Pervomaisky district (Pervomaiskoe village)
  • Teguldet district (Teguldet village)
  • Tomsk district (Tomsk)
  • Chainsky district (Podgornoye village)
  • Shegarsky district (Melnikovo village)

Guard city which region

65-year-old Valery Kharahorin cheerfully gets up from the table and extends his left hand for a handshake - the mayor of Strezhevoy lost his right at the age of 12. Like many, Valery ended up in this city after studying and by chance: he says that at first they wanted to assign him to Krasnoyarsk, but then they outplayed it and sent him to the oil workers. “Having studied in Tomsk for five years, I had no idea that there was such a city in the region,” the mayor recalls with a smile.

An economist by training, in 1979 Valery came to Strezhevoy as a social engineer: he worked on the economic feasibility of city projects, conducted research and gradually received promotions. Valery Kharahorin remembers those years with warmth: Strezhevoy was just over 10 years old, construction was constantly going on, people came inspired to create a new city.

In 1991, Valery Kharahorin was appointed head of the newly created tax inspectorate, which he headed for 15 years. Only in 2005 did the future mayor become chairman of the Strezhevoy Duma, and in 2009 he headed the city administration. He holds this post for the third term.

The mayor notes that Strezhevoy was initially created according to the plan: dense development, ensuring walking distance, kindergartens and schools in each microdistrict. Now there is only one wooden house in the city; another 145 have been dismantled in eight years under the federal program. Their residents were moved from often burning barracks to concrete high-rise buildings. In winter, the water in fire trucks has time to freeze, and if you fill it with boiling water, then due to the steam in the cold, a large icicle can form and fall on the firefighters. Now that there are almost no trees in the city, rescuers don’t have to go out to extinguish fires so often.

Due to extreme living conditions, it is necessary to invest in the development of communal infrastructure: utility networks, boiler houses and wastewater treatment plants. In winter, explains Valery Kharahorin, it is almost impossible to repair them, so they try to minimize the risk of an accident. Strezhevoy produces half of the electricity consumed independently: using an electric turbine for submarines purchased in Kaluga. The mayor says the turbine works without interruption and has already paid for itself.

At most entrances in Strezhevoy there are bicycle racks. They and other landscaping elements can be installed in courtyards according to the city program. Its essence is, says Valery Kharahorin, that if a management company or a homeowners association invests in the development of the local area, then the administration compensates them for 70 to 90% of the costs. The contribution of the residents of the house is obligatory - people use more carefully what they spent their own money on, the mayor believes.

The city also has problems, the main one of which is healthcare. There is a hospital with an area of ​​24 thousand square meters, but there is not enough staff and equipment, explains Valery Kharahorin. The situation is improved by an agreement with neighboring Ugra: residents of Strezhevsk can receive free medical care there. In previous years, 1,200 people were registered as alcohol dependent, and only those who sought help several times to overcome abstinence were registered, the mayor notes. Now there are many fewer such people. There are officially about 500 drug addicts in the city, while throughout the Tomsk region there are about 1,500. With the growing number of drug addicts in Strezhevoy, they are trying to fight with the help of an “anti-drug” agglomeration with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug: drugs in Strezhevoy come mainly from the “mainland”.

Valery Kharahorin is proud that over the past 10 years the average life expectancy of Strezhevo residents has increased. If earlier men lived up to 48 years, now on average up to 56. For comparison, the average life expectancy in the Tomsk region, according to Rosstat, is 71.2 years. “This may not seem like an indicator, but the average female life expectancy has increased to 78 years. Men live to 56 because the standard of living is changing, they want to live, they are interested in living simply. In my opinion, you can’t think of anything better,” says the mayor with conviction.

Valery Kharakhorin keeps in touch with the residents of Strezhevoy through social networks. He says he has pages everywhere, but he only manages to respond regularly on Odnoklassniki. The public relations department helps the city leader manage other networks.

“Someone asks for help, someone expresses their opinion. It happens that it is not clear where a person’s thought begins and where it ends. But I still try to respectfully answer and ask again. After all, what is important to a person is not what you say, but simply the fact that you noticed did not pass by. I understand this and try to do what depends on me,” says Valery Kharahorin. - Of course, there are moments of satiety, and then our department helps me. They can manage my page themselves, but people feel when someone is responsible for me. I write in the first person, the interlocutor perceives it differently, and it’s easier for me myself.”

Maxim Diaghilev is convinced that the mayor of Strezhevoy is painting a “rosy picture.” Maxim has lived in the city since 2003. When he entered the Department of Political Science at TSU, he had not heard of Strezhevoy. But at the university he met a Strezhevka woman, his future wife, and moved north with her. For the first month, he says, he was unemployed. And in September 2003, Maxim was invited to the mayor’s office to the position of chief public relations specialist.

After seven years in the administration, Maxim quit, worked in business for 2.5 years, but then returned to politics. In 2015, Maxim first entered the Strezhevoy Duma as a self-nominated deputy, although he was a member of United Russia. He says local party bosses didn’t even include him in the primaries.

“The conflict began because I either know too much, or I’m a vowel among consonants,” says Maxim. - In the party, now you need to get into the general formation, follow the line and not think. There is not even a semblance of the discussion that is now going on in the Duma of the city of Tomsk. There are now five people in our Duma with an opinion that differs from the opinion of United Russia. But it coincides with the opinion of voters.”

Diaghilev believes that the governor of the Tomsk region, Sergei Zhvachkin, is also not completing the work; does not justify the trust of the residents of Strezhevoy, who gave him 88% of the votes in the 2022 elections. For example, there is no promised road from the city to the south of the region, because there is no bridge across the Ob. Because of this, the northernmost city of the Tomsk region is losing connections with the regional center and gravitating towards closer neighbors.

“Strezhevoy and Aleksandrovsky districts go to Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Tyumen. All products come to us through the “mainland”, Strezhevsk residents are treated in Vartovsk, they go to Vartovsk to study, it’s even more convenient and cheaper to fly through Vartovsk. Many people work there. Geographically, we may be present in the Tomsk region, but from the point of view of mentality and affection, we are already in the “Khanty”.


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